توقيف احد مناصري الاسير وبحوزته صور لداعش
Read this story in Englishتمكنت القوى الامنية في الجنوب قبل ظهر الجمعة من توقيف احد مناصري الشيخ السلفي الفار من وجه العدالة احمد الاسير، وفق ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام".
ولفتت الوكالة الى ان الموقوف لبناني يُدعى مصطفى ك. وانه تم ضبط شعارات وصور للتنظيم الارهابي داعش على هاتفه الخلوي.
وبعد ظهر الجمعة أفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 100.5" أن القوى الأمنية أطلقت سراح الموقوف.
يُشار الى أن المعارك بين الجيش اللبناني وعناصر الاسير، اندلعت يومي 23 و24 حزيران 2013 في عبرا في صيدا، أدت الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.
ومنذ ذلك الحين، لم يظهر الاسير وسط معلومات متضاربة عن مكان وجودهما أو مصيرهما. الا ان معلومات صحافية افادت اواخر شهر كانون الثاني الفائت، انه سيعود مجدداً الى الساحة اللبنانية بمنصب "أمير لإمارة الدولة الاسلامية في لبنان".
ومن الجدير بالذكر ان "داعش" يتنشر في اماكن عدة من سوريا والعراق، وهو حاول الدخول الى لبنان عبر بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا، مطلع آب الفائت، حيث خاض معارك عنيفة مع الجيش اللبناني، وانسحب بعد ايام آسراً معه عدد من العسكريين، تجهد الحكومة في اطلاق سراحهم.
sorry flamethrower I didn't know you and mowaten are one and the same. Next time I will address you accordingly.
however if you have videos of HA massacres in Syria on your phone you are considered a patriot.
Its about time the LAF enter Ain el-Hilweh and cleanse Lebanon of these criminals! for too long this camp is the hideout and refuge for criminals and enemies of Lebanon. Get agreement from fatah and hamas and the blessing from the Grand Mufti Derian and enter these camps!
I agree with you - however you cannot solve the Palestinians arms within Refugee camps "militarily".
Peace...Hitler would have just rounded them up and gassed them! This would be much more humane then burning them alive or decapitating them with a small knife, or crucifying them! Everyone has been taught about how evil imperial japan and nazi germany were but these isis are of an evil level not seen since the dark ages! yet some are struggling to officially declare they are this barbaric! Now Jordan has the guts to do what lebanon should have done when they executed the 1st Lebanese security captive! History will tell the story of these barbaric freaks born from Sunni Islam... just as japan and germany were forced to realise this shame, so will the islamic world community! There is no justification to this cult of violence!
ado: what the idiot said has nothing to do with isis: it is just eradicating the palestinian camp... killing everyone is sure a good measure for nazi like M8ers... the assad way : kill everyone even if there are innocent people... no better than ISIS... it shows that these people are the two sides of the same coin of fanatism... so it is very laughable when either one lectures the others on barbarism! they both practice it... both sides are the ones to be eradicated, that is for sure!
i really feel sorry for muslims! they are caught up in this horrible sectarian, barbaric civil war between themselves! Sunni v Shiites, "secular sunni", allawites, druzes and even the sunni kurds! This is an historic tragedy! You guys are all muslims hating each other while the rest of the world (especially Israelis) are laughing or crying at your hatred...and the minorities are being ethnically cleansed from the Middle east! Where will this end? Maybe the kurds will have a deserved nation but the rest is not so easy!
Maybe Dick Cheney was right with is vision !! http://www.globalresearch.ca/plans-for-redrawing-the-middle-east-the-project-for-a-new-middle-east/3882
flamethrower, you deliberatly change what i was saying and ignored the entire point. someone mentions christian crimes and one becomes anti-christian? Pathetic responce. Nobody said it's ok for isis to do anything, rather the point is, stop acting like they are the only ones who do it or have done it. As for christian crimes, it still happens on a huge scale and ou know this, don't even try to deny it. I'm a liar too? You might wanna read up up on the role of the monks in the buddhist violence. Anyway, i don't expect anything other than empty rants from you who want to starve people on one hand and dissolve others in acid. you contradict yourself and your morals all the tme. Waste of time to even respond to you.
Ado, nobody has justified anything. My God. I'm just reminding you of how silly it is to act like isis is doing something others havent done or are doing. I don't forget others crimes just to focus on someone elses. And no, you can't hide behind your condemnation of the lords army as most muslims have condemned isis as well yet you still try to accuse others for justifying isis at the slightest reminder of reality. It's like me saying that you are justifying the lords army and other christian terrorists for focusing only on isis and Muslims. Don't be silly.
hanin... another unfortunate reality is that these peoples are from africa! no one really cares that much what happens in africa! look at Boko Haram, Al Shabab etc! they act as bad as ISIS and the west care half as much! Its not just the Lords resistance army but that they are black africans!
And flamethrower, thank you for showing your true colours justifying the terror on Muslims in Burma by the buddhists by denying facts and changing the entire situation to turn muslims into the culprists who got what they deserve - a narrative that completly is the opposite of what the world saw. How you can deny the burning of children is beyond me. People like you are what is wrong with humanity, only see evil when it suits them and deny it when it doesn't or come up with some stupid justification for it.
But Hanin, You are excusing ISIS acts by comparing them to other christian and non muslim acts that are similar in their barbarity! What happened 1000 years ago or even 70 years ago is irrelevant. Do you condemn/reject ISIS or do you sympathise with them? Modern day western society does not behave this way... are we delusional with these "geneva" rules and are ISIS justified in these acts against modern civilisation or should we all return to the era that ISIS wants? Tick for tac... Christian western civilisation behaving like ISIS and their Caliphate?
Ado, nope, i don't justify isis by reminding you of others crime. I'm not talking about what happened 1000 years ago. The US invasion of iraq which destroyed the country, killed, tortured, burned, raped a large amount of iraqi civilians was not better than isis. And that was a modern day crusade invasion made in the name of God and christianity (bush literally called it crusade) and tony blair had his religious reasons as well. There are so many such examples of brutality by christians, hindus, secularists, nationalists, atheists, buddhists, jews. Isis is not the only evil as some conveniently try to make it seem. That is the point here. I say the same thing when someone only focuses on the crimes of the US or any other country/state/organisation.
And come on ado, you excused flamethrower who wants to starve an entire refuge camp. And you quickly mentioned sunni islam but when have you ever mentioned from which religion other criminals were born from? The hypocrisy here is crystal clear and accusing me of justifying one thing or another only prooves the weakness in your arguement. Mentioning africa is irrelevent snce such crimes have taken place all over the world -including by lebanese maronite militias, I won't even debate this with you anymore, it's a waste of time when someone already has decided that evil is selective.
Anyone who supports Assir should be forced to eat soup cooked on from his disgusting beard.