اسرائيل قلقة من "ما بعد عملية شبعا" وتوقع "حرب مباغتة" على جبهاتٍ عدة
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تخشى اسرائيل من الخطر الذي يخلف عملية شبعا ما يرجح تصعيد تحركاتها العسكرية حتى قيامها بـ "حرب مباغتة على جبهاتٍ عدة"، وفقاً لما اشارت اليه المعلومات الصحافية.
والاحد، نقلت صحيفة "المستقبل" عن وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي موشيه يعلون قوله خلال مقابلة اجراها مع القناة العاشرة الإسرائيلية، ان "عملية شبعا جرت وراء ظهورنا لكن الأخطر يكمن في ما هو قادم".
واذ اعرب عن خشيته من "تدهور الأوضاع عند الحدود الشمالية مع لبنان وسوريا"، لفت الى امكانية " قيام اسرائيل بتصعيد جديد في القريب العاجل".
وفي 28 كانون الثاني الفائت، تبنى حزب الله عملية قامت بها "مجموعة شهداء القنيطرة"الذين سقطوا الأحد في 18 الجاري بغارة إسرائيلية، باستهداف قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية داخل مزارع شبعا، أدت إلى سقوط قتيلين في صفوف الإسرائيليين إضافة إلى سبعة جرحى. إلا أن الجيش الإسرائيلي رد بقصف بلدات جنوبية.
واوضحت الصحيفة عينها ان المسؤول الاسرائيلي يعتقد ان "حزب الله سيحاول مواصلة استعداداته لإقامة جبهة في هضبة الجولان، ما يشكل تهديداً على المدى الطويل".
وعلى الرغم من ان يعلون، وفقاً للصحيفة، أكد أنّ "الأوضاع عادت إلى الهدوء، والأمر منوط بالطرف الأخر" غير انه لفت إلى أنّ حزب الله والنظام السوري وإيران "يحاولون خلق معادلة جديدة عند الحدود".
وتابع: "أرى بأم العين حالة التوتر المتصاعد التي ستؤدي إلى خطوات عدائية في القريب العاجل مع حزب الله، حيث تتجه الأمور إلى تصعيد عسكري تدريجي".
وفي السياق نفسه، اشارت "المستقبل" الى ان رئيس هيئة أركان الجيش الإسرائيلي بيني غانتس اعرب عن قلقه من "اندلاع حرب على جبهات عدة، بدءاً من قطاع غزة، مروراً بالحدود الشمالية مع لبنان".
ختاماً، لفتت الى قوله أن "إسرائيل كادت أن تنزلق إلى تصعيد خطير ضد حزب الله لو تمكّن الاخير من قتل عشرة جنود في عملية مزارع شبعا"، لافتاً إلى أنّ "الجنود المستهدفين تفرّقوا في اللحظة الأخيرة ما حال دون سفك دماء أكثر".
وفي 29 كانون الثاني الفائت، تلقى رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام اتصالاتٍ "تطمينية" من وجهاتٍ "عربية ودولية"، توافقت على ان رد حزب الله على غارة القنيطرة، باستهداف عسكرية اسرائيلية في مزارع شبعا المحتلة الاربعاء، لن يؤدي الى اندلاع حرب جديدة في المنطقة.

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Geha, spare us the bold prediction. No one wants war with Israel, not even Hezbollah. This was one of those isolated incidents, and it will calm down (of course Mystic is begging for war and will say Hezbollah is about to liberate the Galilee). In all seriousness, Hezbollah is too involved with the Syrian conflict to get into chess games with Israel, plus the rest of the Lebanese are against war (although Flamey might object to this).

Ebola is always lying and hiding. Never forget the Christian traitor supporting them.

Spare us your garbage dickjames, we all saw you write the same day of the Quneitra attack, that Hezbollah would not have the guts to retaliate, you along with Phoenix claimed that, and what happend kid?

"would not have the guts to retaliate,"
shoot down a car from far away... yes a big retaliation they did! then right away make a declaration that they do not want to go any further...
just a play for the sheep like you to believe hezbollah are abaday! LOL

Haha Mystic, I'm not even gonna argue, Peace basically said it for me.

a few kilometres is not a close distance ya idiot FT.... you d better shut your big mouth instead of posting stupidities just to ease your frustrations... get a shrink.

Hezbollah had to retaliate or it would have lost face. In a longer conflict Israel would wipe it and Lebanon off the face of this earth-- we all know that. Unfortunately Lebanon will be the victim because those Iranian backed terrorists hide behind the skirts of men women and children in West Beirut and their leader is in a bunker somewhere cowering for his life. What a way to live! How awful.

Israel and Hezbollah are partners, associates, and friends. Two ugly faces of the same coin.

I know that, I've been saying that for a while. I'm just talking to M14ers with naivety so the M8ers don't think I'm insane with my conspiracy theories lol

One thing is clear the alliance between Israel and the Butcher, between Jews and Alawites.

Yeah sure humble, that is why Israel shoots down Syrian Airforce Jets, and provides medical treatment and weapons to Al Nusra in the Golan Heights.

but... but... there are no hezbollah along the border! iranman said that they were committed to the 1701 and that they obey it!
or is it just like the Baabda declaration? LOL

the only things these terrorists are committed to are: undermining the state, preventing the election of an independent Christian President; hating their fellow moslems; committing massacres in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Bahrain; growing hashish and selling drugs; and exporting terrorism worldwide.

Israel, Ebola, Iran, Syria = same spirit of hatred and violence.

"Israel almost slipped into a dangerous escalation with Hizbullah, Gantz noted, pointing out that the Israeli retaliation would have been far more enormous if ten soldiers were killed in the Shebaa attack."
Nice bluff commander Gantz, just like you retaliated with a full invasion in 2006 after your soldiers got captured? It is the IDF that got smacked in the head, when they realized the Resistance are able to fight on several fronts at once, and they are ten times stronger than they were 2006.

The reason Israel attacked the HA convoy in the Golan was because it wanted to prevent HA from overrunning that area which is controlled by anti-regime rebels. According to the Economist, Israel and the rebels who control that strip of the Golan are on friendly terms. Israel is even providing medical assistance to wounded fighters there. The economist is one of the few publications that is in nobody’s pocket, so I trust what it writes. Beyond that, neither Israel nor HA are interested in an escalation. HA has a lot of resources committed in Syria, and considers the Sunni Islamists to be a direct existential threat to the Shia. HA has to prioritize its fight with IS over the one with Israel. IS wants the Shia, and everyone else who is not a Wahhabi, exterminated. Israel has no such aim.

jabal10452, Israel defends the Al Nusra front/da3esh in Golan whom you call "anti regime rebels" the Resistance are ready to combat both the takfiris and their zionist masters on two fronts if they have to, let Israel invade and you will see.
Here is a video proving the Israelis support for takfiri militants in Golan.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G785kB8OKcU
If you watch the videos, you will hear the patients mention Al Nusra as "freedom fighters" and "good guys" de facto Israel and the takfiris works hand in hand, to destroy the Resistance.

poor miss tic... how come israel support takfiris as their ally is bashar... the assad family has been protecting the golan for them over decades...
only you fall for the hezbi propaganda making you believe syrians are "resistants" LOL!
if israel was really protecting takfiris, bashar would have fallen a longggggg time ago.....
your resistance are working for the interests of israel by protecting bashar!!!!!!

Peace, leave Mystic alone. When he finally figures out this big game he'll cry. But for now he says what he was taught: Israel is the enemy and the resistance fights it; and because Bashar is Israel's enemy (looool) Israel wants Bashar to lose. Israel hates Bashar so much they want takfiri to take over so they can form another Somalia and invade Golan lol

excellent analysis by jabal ibn bint jbeil. So according to your analysis HA is no longer a resistance movement but a pure sectarian movement driven to exterminate its opposite. I recall it was HA who went into Syria to exterminate its opponents and not vice versa. IS was born as a result of HA massacres, the USA atrocities against the Arab world, and dictator regimes such as Assad. Nice analysis though

" So according to your analysis HA is no longer a resistance movement but a pure sectarian movement driven to exterminate its opposite."
Well... What I'm saying is that HA feels that IS/Al Nusra are more dangerous to the Shia than Israel. Thus it is keeping its fight with Israel to a bare minimum in order to be able to divert its resources to Syria. Contrary to what Mystic thinks, I believe that HA is stretched thin.
Allah yirda3 3aleyk ya Yalon, enta wou 2asdi2akak Hezbollah, go and do your war with Hezbollah inside Syria, not in Lebanon but in Syria, wlak Iran, wherever you guys want to fight it out, wou fekko 3an dahrnah.

The Lebanese Council General in Detroit, called a meeting recently to a mainly M8 group of community/business leaders and told them to prepare for war, and went over a needs assessment of the areas likely to be hit by Israel. This was right before the Shebaa attack.

Also, if Israel is concerned about its border, they should not go into Syria to assassinate Lebanese and Syrians. Of course HA will retaliate. However, to be fair and balanced. HA should stay out of Syria in the first place, and defend Lebanese soil like they were supposed to in the first place, and do it from Lebanon, not Syria.

time is ripe for another war in Lebanon... embrace yourselves.... get all school, mosques, and churches ready to receive refugees from southern Lebanon only this time around they will not be able to go back for a very long time... long live the SAYID...