مطلوبون "خطرون" يهربون الى سوريا قبل بدء خطة البقاع الشمالي
Read this story in Englishيغادر مطلوبون "خطرون" للقضاء البقاع متوجهين الى سوريا والقرى المجاورة قبل بدء تنفيذ الخطة الامنية في البقاع الشمالي، في حين قد يتم التحضير لخطة جديدة في بيروت، بحسب قول مصادر.
وكشفت مصادر امنية في حديث الى صحيفة "الانباء"، الاحد، ان "المطلوبين الخطرين غادروا الجرود اللبنانية ولجأوا الى بلدة القصير السورية والقرى المجاورة".
وفي السياق، نقلت صحيفة "المستقبل" عن مصادر وزارية، قولها انه يتم التحضير لخطة امنية جديدة في بيروت وضواحيها وأن "عددا من الوزراء بدأ يتفاهم مع رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام حول هذه المسألة".
ويأتي ذلك بعد ان كان وزير الداخلية والبلديات نهاد المشنوق قد اعلن الاربعاء في 21 كانون الثاني الفائت، "انه تم الاتفاق مع كل القوى السياسية على اطلاق خطة امنية في البقاع الشمالي التي قد يبدأ تنفيذها في وقت قريب"، فيما افادت مصادر ان التعزيزات اللوجستية قد بدأت.
عليه، اوضحت مصادر امنية لصحيفة "النهار"، ان "الجيش لا يبدو في حالة انتظار للخطة الامنية في البقاع الشمالي"، مشيرةً الى انه يقوم "باجراءات ميدانية كثيفة في كل محاور انتشاره على الحدود الشرقية مع سوريا".
يشار الى ان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، قد اكد في الشهر الفائت ان الخطة الامنية التي ستنفذ في البقاع الشمالي "حاصلة ولن تكون كسابقاتها"، معلناً ان القوى العسكرية ستبقى متمركزة فيه، لأن "لا تساهل" في تنفيذها.
Looooooool why do these outlaws know about the security plans?? Who is feeding them this information?? Why are they being warned ahead of time, ya Mashnouq?
They are being warned by the party of terror and its agents in the security agencies. Qusayr has become the heartland of all wanted criminals supported by HA.
Not necessarily***
Hezbollah and Mustaqbal both cover for gangs, drug dealers and clans. They're both warning they're respective associates.
read the article again!
"dangerous fugitives left their homes in the eastern Bekaa and headed to the Syrian town of Qusayr and other neighboring towns."
"The plan seeks to clamp down on criminals in the Bekaa where certain areas, such as the town of Brital, are known to be a safe haven for car-theft gangs and drug dealers, as well as networks that kidnap people in return for ransom."
I doubt sunni fugitives would escape to qusayr which is controlled by hezbollah. I am not defending anyone here but the article talks about the Bekaa.
Maroun, you're right - if we're talking strictly about Beqaa. But if we're talking about the entire north, including Akkar and Tripoli (where security forces should also be deployed), then yes Mustaqbal does provide political cover for outlaws
Nasrallah: We highly value the stances of the prime minister, the Mufti and the ex-PMs, but the main role was played by al-Mustaqbal movement and its leaders. We might have very different viewpoints on the regional affairs and things might reach the extent of rivalry and animosity, but our morals oblige us to take the right and patriotic stance and to thank them and appreciate them despite our differences.
will this answer your question?
Speaker Nabih Berri has warned recently offenders in the Bekaa Valley that they will eventually have no choice but to hand themselves over to security forces, flee the country or face death ahead of the implementation of a security plan in the area.
“The Bekaa will not remain a safe haven for fugitives,” Berri was quoted as saying.
bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.
“The Bekaa will not remain a safe haven for fugitives,” Berri was quoted as saying.
All these criminals and fugitives are members of Amal and Hezbollah. So who are you fooling;)!
The terrorist party just franchised dahieh and opened a branch in qusyr. Same recipe, same ingredients, same participants.