نصرالله يتحدث عن "الصراع مع اسرائيل والازمة السورية" في 16 شباط

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من المرتقب ان يطل الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله بخطاب متلفز في 16 الجاري لاحياء ذكرى "الشهداء القادة المقاومين"، ليسلط الضوء على "الصراع مع اسرائيل وتطورات الازمة السورية".

وكشفت صحيفة "السفير"، صباح الاثنين، ان نصرالله "سيطلّ في 16 شباط الجاري في ذكرى الشهداء القادة المقاومين".

واشارت الى انه سيتحدث عن "مجريات الأزمة السورية"، التي بدأت منذ آذار 2011، والتي يشارك فيها الحزب الى جانب النظام بوجه التنظيمات الارهابية.

كما لفتت الى ان الخطاب الذي سيلقيه "يغلب عليه البعد الإقليمي، وخصوصا قضية الصراع مع إسرائيل".

يذكر ان نصرالله اعلن في 30 كانون الثاني الفائت أن الحزب لم يعد معنيا "بأية قواعد اشتباك" مع إسرائيل ولا حتى "بأي زمان ومكان" للرد بعد الإعتداء عليه في القنيطرة السورية، كاشفا أنه جهّز مقاتليه "منذ البداية" للرد "حتى النهايات"، لكنه قال في الوقت عينه أن "المقاومة لا تريد الحرب" ولو أنها "لا تخشاها وجاهزة" للمواجهة.

واتى ذلك، بعد ان ردّ الحزب في 28 كانون الثاني، بعملية كبيرة ومدروسة داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة باستهدافه قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية سقط نتيجتها قتيلان وسبعة جرحى من الإسرائيليين، وذلك بعد ان كانت قد استهدفت الاخيرة موكبا لقيادات من الحزب في القنيطرة السورية في 18 كانون الثاني الفائت وقتل ستة من الحزب بينهم القيادي محمد عيسى وجهاد مغنية نجل القائد العسكري عماد مغنية، إلى جانب الجنرال الإيراني محمد علي الله دادي.



التعليقات 59
Missing greatpierro 07:46 ,2015 شباط 09

Again we will assist to display of men shooting in the air terrorizing the civilians. We would not expect less from terrorist hizbollah and and from their leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 08:28 ,2015 شباط 09

“رشّوا رصاص” السيد طلّ !

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:01 ,2015 شباط 09

Hardly anyone care anymore. It used to be that his few speeches had impact and most people awaited them. Now, only the few care.

Thumb marcus 19:10 ,2015 شباط 09

نواف الموسوي: من انتمى لـ”المقاومة” هو “المواطن الأول” الذي يعطي شرف المواطنة لأي أحد آخر

إعتبر عضو كتلة “الوفاء للمقاومة” النائب نواف الموسوي انه “لولا المقاومة ومجتمعها وشعبها ما كان للإنتماء إلى لبنان الوطن القيمة التي عليها الآن” كما قال.
ورأى انه في “وقت من الأوقات كان الإنتماء إليه يعني انتماء إلى بلد سياحي يقدم الخدمات، ولكننا نحن غيرنا هذا المفهوم من كونه انتماء إلى خدمات تقدم في المجال السياحي والمصرفي إلى انتماء لوطن يعلم المستضعفين كيف يبني عزته وكرامته بإرادته بعد أن حرر أرضه وشعبه بمقاومته” كما قال.
وأضاف الموسوي في حفل تأبين: “لذلك من يبحث عن المصادر التي تحدد من ينتمي إلى هذا الوطن ومن لا ينتمي إليه، فإن مرجعه عند المقاومة، لأن من انتمى إليها وواكبها وحضنها وسار في نهجها، هو المواطن الأول الذي من موقعه يعطي شرف المواطنة لأي أحد آخر”، حسب تعبيره.

Thumb nickjames 08:03 ,2015 شباط 09

Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is expected to make a televised speech on February 16 to commemorate the “Martyr Leaders Day”, As Safir newspaper reported on Monday.

- Martyr Leaders Day? Is this a play on Martyrs' Day when the Ottomans executed Syrians and Lebanese on 6 May 1916? Before we know it, the terrorist-in-chief will be declaring Resistance Leaders Day, and in a couple years will declare independence from Lebanon.

Thumb rssalman 14:24 ,2015 شباط 09

it's just another made up occasion to try to sell a message that is rotting. Do you think it's a coincidence that it so happens to be the same week as the anniversary of the assassination of PM Hariri?

Thumb ex-fpm 08:12 ,2015 شباط 09

He had to make up an occasion to appear on TV in anticipation of Hariri's scheduled speech on February 14th. It seems when celebrating martyrs there is a pecking order: ordinary martyr day, special martyr day, and now we have Leaders Martyr Day.

Default-user-icon Phil (ضيف) 10:25 ,2015 شباط 09

Spot on, ex-fpm. This is how low these people have stooped. By the way, I wish we had an actual president who would make a televised speech every other week like Hassan Nasrallah. I wonder who's obstructing the presidential elections!?!

Thumb EagleDawn 11:43 ,2015 شباط 10

phil, we miss you. Sign up a new account and don't use the alias phil. I know mowaten got you banned. He is evil

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 08:16 ,2015 شباط 09

I often wonder how you and your 50 aliases are managing to post as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting place dear flamethrower..... RIP Shia Hero

Thumb joebustani 08:20 ,2015 شباط 09

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Thumb marcus 08:38 ,2015 شباط 09

يا رب احمنا من الذي ينتحل اسمك وجعل لك حزبا

Default-user-icon hassan al nass nass (ضيف) 08:40 ,2015 شباط 09

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.

free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free West Beirut

Thumb EagleDawn 08:53 ,2015 شباط 09

The day this terrorist is brutally martyred is the day we celebrate our independence.

Thumb Mystic 15:21 ,2015 شباط 09

He got to get through me first, I will give him a warm welcome.

Thumb EagleDawn 17:46 ,2015 شباط 09

I guess those who obliterated the two terrorists in your avatar had to go through you first as well;)

Thumb nickjames 08:58 ,2015 شباط 09

The M8ers are gonna call us sectarian traitors in 3...2...1...

Thumb nickjames 09:10 ,2015 شباط 09

Nasrallah is the biggest Israeli agent in Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 10:15 ,2015 شباط 09

Great something to look forward too, get ready for the M14 screaming.

Missing peace 11:23 ,2015 شباط 09

poor kid...

Thumb Mystic 11:51 ,2015 شباط 09

I guess you will scream loudest.

Missing peace 14:41 ,2015 شباط 09

even more childish ... poor kid....

Default-user-icon amigo (ضيف) 11:54 ,2015 شباط 09

Great something to look forward to, get ready for the full time propagandists of M8 buying a new fresh to death set of his lies. I wonder what are they gonna be about this time, we have to go to Venezuela so the terrorists don't come here or perhaps we are defending the holy sites in Caracas..

Thumb rssalman 14:26 ,2015 شباط 09

we will be screaming from the stray bullets hitting our heads

Default-user-icon lee ho fooks (ضيف) 11:37 ,2015 شباط 09

Why, is hassan's hiding place so far down he's celebrating chinese new year now? Xin Nian Kuai Le everybody!

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 12:10 ,2015 شباط 09

Is he still on Season 3 of LBC's Harim Al Sultan?

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (ضيف) 12:59 ,2015 شباط 09

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:47 ,2015 شباط 09

Thanks goodness we have Discovery Channel and Natgeo. Sayed Hassan, I know you read a lot, but one book you must read, it's called "the art of talking" by Barnes and Noble. You will discover that the best way to get your message across is not to talk too much. Now I don't know if it's translated into Arabic or not, but then we have my brother Mystic who should be able to help.

Thumb Mystic 14:23 ,2015 شباط 09

3anjad phoenix, Sayed Hassan is renowned for his speeches through out the world, everyone in Lebanon listens to his speeches, because they know when he says something it happens and it is all true ya zalame. Unlike your hakim whom talk and talk and never walks the walk.

Thumb Mystic 16:35 ,2015 شباط 09

Are you writing about Al Nusra & ISIS? I know they are very humane to you checheni.

Thumb Mystic 19:23 ,2015 شباط 09

First you called him Iranian, now he is an Israeli? You morons better make up your mind, your stories are getting more and more pathetic.

By the way, if nobody listens to him, then how come we have 200 comments on every article related to his speeches?

Thumb Mystic 19:25 ,2015 شباط 09

Here on Naharnet most commented articles are related to Sayed Hassan, if he was just some nobody, then people would ignore it completely, but just like they pay attention to him here, they do it all around the world aswell.

Sayed Hassans words = Hurting truth.
Especially to western zio lovers such as yourself.

Thumb nickjames 20:02 ,2015 شباط 09

First of all, I, nickjames, never called him Iranian. Just because he expresses allegiance to Iran doesn't mean he can't be an Israeli agent. Iran and Israel sell weapons to each other, despite being enemies. Politics is too outside the box for you, Mystic.

Why are there 200 comments about him on Naharnet if nobody listens to him? Because we don't listen to him, we read about what he says, which has now become like stand-up comedy. Of course we comment on it, his quotes are funny. I'll give him credit for sticking to the propaganda and not being a self-contradictory retard like Généwal, but Sayyed Hassan has lost all credibility and his words are just bulletin board material for us to crack jokes (read the jokes about him on the article).

Thumb nickjames 20:23 ,2015 شباط 09

I know that Texas, I'm just giving him credit for not contradicting himself. He's very consistent in what he says and for that I respect him more than Aoun. Actually I can't respect him more than Aoun because I have no respect for Aoun at all, but you get what I mean. The point is Nasrallah is able to convince his supporters through propaganda, like Hitler for example. He's not like Aoun who contradicts himself in the same sentence (although Flamey will dispute this) lol.

Thumb nickjames 20:31 ,2015 شباط 09

You're right Mystic, I do curse everyday because I am butthurt by your mercenary resistance controlling Lebanon. And there's nothing wrong with Western influence in Lebanon. The Arab countries with the most Western influence are the most stable, (the GCC countries, Jordan). You can complain all you want about the Zionist kings not representing their people's views, I'm not getting into that argument. All I want is for Lebanon to be stable. All I want is to be able to live in peace and go anywhere I want in Lebanon without worrying about the security situation. I'm sick and tired of all these fiefdoms. I wanna go to Chouf without worrying about a Durze cutting my stick off. I wanna go to Baalbek without worrying about being abducted by Hezbos. I want you to go to Faraya without people blocking off the road and stopping your convoy. I'm sick of the way things are.

Thumb Mystic 21:57 ,2015 شباط 09

Who says you can't go to Baalbeck or Janoub? You can go anywhere you like, aslong as you keep your provocative behavior to yourself, aslong as you don't bring your Naharnet attitude with you. I also told Phoenix many times, he could go to Dahiyeh and watch the LAF soldiers checkpoints there, because many M14'ers denied any LAF presence in that area.

You want peace with Israel, just like the rest of the guys here that is where we differ, there will not be peace with Israel they are officially our enemy. When you people recognize that, then I am sure Lebanon would prosper for real, no zionist entities would bring fortunes to all.

Thumb nickjames 01:15 ,2015 شباط 10

Al Manar is banned in the US, France, Spain, and Germany. Not quite "around the world" but it is banned in countries in different parts of the world.

Mystic, what I meant is that I'm tired of certain regions belonging to specific groups. What I was referring to was the Druze who cut off the Sunni's stick when they found out he wasn't a Durze; a Hezbollah convoy was stopped on its way up to Faraya one time when the residents blocked off the road; and I've been to Dahye. I went to a friend's house, which is right next to the Amal headquarters. They had a security guy and he looked at me strange and asked me where I'm from.

So no, you can't quite go anywhere you want without someone giving you problems.

Thumb Mystic 08:49 ,2015 شباط 10

There are many more countries in this world, than just those four western countries, really you went to Dahiyeh and someone asks where you are from, is that the worst case scenario for you james?

Thumb rssalman 14:27 ,2015 شباط 09

overselling is a sign of weakness and eventual failure, let him speak. The message is still born

Thumb justin 15:25 ,2015 شباط 09

and we have you that talks 3000 times a day!

Thumb nickjames 19:10 ,2015 شباط 09

Flamey since when does Geagea talk three times a week. How many Geagea articles have there been in the past month? Or are you watching LBCI and going to lebanese-forces.com all week?

The people talking most lately are Berri, Jumblatt, and Nasrallah.

Missing humble 16:16 ,2015 شباط 09

Ebola wants to become "the state in place of the state" and they are using a traitor to reach their goal.

Brainwashed followers are equally responsible

Default-user-icon Jared (ضيف) 17:24 ,2015 شباط 09

Why is no one asking how can Nasrallah, a shiite cleric, lead an armed group and start wars?

Would anybody ask that same question if Al-Rahi or Daryan started their own armed groups and waged wars?

Thumb shab 17:57 ,2015 شباط 09

More blah blah from the Filthy murdering militia

Thumb EagleDawn 18:18 ,2015 شباط 09

the incredible credible flamethrower once said:

i dont claim to know what's in the heart of people, *****texasusa. this is a gift that unlike you, i do not have."

But in every instance he knows what is in people's hearts. Credibility is never an issue with him.

Thumb nickjames 19:00 ,2015 شباط 09

Texas, Khaled Daher is a rogue MP. He's the one providing political cover for Islamists and gangs in Tripoli.

Thumb nickjames 19:15 ,2015 شباط 09

It's not that simple. You think Mustaqbal can just denounce him? He's got all the Islamists' support, and they're the people who are running things on the street. Mustqbal needs Tripoli, and they're not gonna alienate their people by denouncing Khaled. It'd be like asking Hezbollah to denounce Muhammad Ra'ad or Hassan Fadlallah lol.

Thumb nickjames 20:36 ,2015 شباط 09

Which betrays his view that Hezbollah before Christians are his enemies* you mean.

Texas, the fact that Mustaqbal and Hezbollah argued on this, no matter how small of an agreement, is a good thing. All the posters need to be removed, I'm sick of seeing them. You have to except the fact that Tripoli is not a place for Christians. My family is scared to go up there to tell you the truth. It's a pretty nasty place. Christians have no say in there because there aren't any Christians there.

Thumb nickjames 20:44 ,2015 شباط 09

agreed* on this

Thumb nickjames 21:04 ,2015 شباط 09

I can't answer that question academically. All I can say is Daher is a Salafi and can accuse anyone of anything at any time.

Default-user-icon lou williams (ضيف) 23:15 ,2015 شباط 09

another day, another dawn, another religious holiday as flamethrower embarks on yet another doomed adventure to earn a gold medal in posting nonstop propaganda, hate, and incitement.

Thumb nickjames 00:32 ,2015 شباط 10

And if Mustaqbal are terrorists, what exactly do you call Hezbollah? Lol Mustaqbal doesn't have a standing army of 30,000 men, they don't have 50,000 rockets, they never dragged us into war games with Israel, and they didn't assassinate politicians left right and centre

Default-user-icon tadrous (ضيف) 21:34 ,2015 شباط 09

Khaled El-Daher is not a member of Mustakbal, he's only part of the lounan awalan block.

Default-user-icon Fresh Resistance (ضيف) 00:20 ,2015 شباط 10

First of all, some of you are almost illiterate! Please communicate clearly. If English is not your first language please try French or Arabic. Worse comes to worst, just draw a picture or something and send it Naharnet.

Second, despite your political and social views not single one of you knows how to write respectfully to one another. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. There is no need for constant exchange of insults. I'm not sure what your ages are, but you sound like 12-year-old boys to me. Are we not compatriots? Is Lebanon not for all of us to share, love and improve together? Respect each other ladies & gents.

Default-user-icon Fresh Resistance (ضيف) 00:20 ,2015 شباط 10

Third, why are all of you so extreme? It seems me everything is black and white with no shades of grey. No room for debate... You either agree on everything or disagree on everything.
You seem to follow your leaders blindly. Do tou have to agree with Dr.Samir Geagea on everything? No. Do you have to agree with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's stance? No. But to say so and so is an "Israeli traitor" is just nonsense if you don't have anything to back your claim. Your opinion becomes irrelevant without evidence or at least an artefact, video or article to refer to...

Finally, I would like to share my opinion. I'm happy to debate my views with anyone on the grounds that we don't throw unnecessary slurs at each other....

Default-user-icon Fresh Resistance (ضيف) 00:22 ,2015 شباط 10

I oppose the stance of the March 14 camp. I am not pro-Hizbollah. I most definitely don not share their ideologies. Unfortunately, there isn't a single party in Lebanon that represents me.

We have two major threats in Lebanon. Number one, Israel and the illegal occupation of the Shebaa Farms in the south. Two, ISIS and Wahabi extremists, not only in Lebanon, but in the entire region. I support and praise any force that stands against these two despicable enemies. I stand firmly with both the Lebanese army and the resistance.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:46 ,2015 شباط 10

enough enough you said enough. Khalsa enough we get you.

Default-user-icon Fresh Resistance (ضيف) 00:23 ,2015 شباط 10

At the moment, the only defiant resistance is Hizbollah, who happen to be a Shiite party. However, if the resistance against Israeli and Wahabi aggression on our country came from anywhere else, I would still support it. I don't care if the Lebanese resistance is Maronite, Jewish, Druze or Sunni as long as it is defending Lebanese sovereignty. Once this force turns on its own people, it will lose all its credibility. However, we know that this is not the case.

Default-user-icon Fresh Resistance (ضيف) 00:23 ,2015 شباط 10

Some might argue that Hizbollah turned on its people in 2008. On the contrary, it protected the country from rash security decisions that the March 14 camp wanted to take. One, was to oust the head of Security at the Rafik Hariri. The other decision was to remove the landline communication that the resistance used during the 2006 war against Israel. The landline communication is one of the major factors which contributed to Israel's undisputed defeat. These kind of irrational decisions would not only paralyse the resistance, but also the Army and the security of our country.

However, I am very opposed to the manner in which some of the Amal Movement members acted during that period. Some of these members were straight-up street thugs and this only escalated the problem further. Thugs showed up on the side of the spectrum too. This could have been avoided, had the March 8 and March 14 camps sat and discussed these issues.