عون:لا اتفاق بين لبنان ومجلس الأمن عن المحكمة و"مستعد لمقاضاة من يخالف"
Read this story in Englishجدد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون رفضه "تمويل المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان" رافضا الكلام عن ان "هذا الرفض هو تهرب لبنان من الالتزامات الدولية" وأكد أنه "مستعد لمقاضاة من يخالف" ويعمد إلى تمويلها.
وقال في حديث لإذاعة "مونت كارلو" الأربعاء إنه "ليس هناك أي إتفاق بين لبنان ومجلس الأمن الدولي حول المحكمة وتم إتخاذ القرار من طرف واحد وفرض على لبنان بموجب البند السابع".
وقد صرح الأربعاء رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن "هناك بروتوكول تعاون بين لبنان والمحكمة الدولية كما أن الحكومات الماضية التي كان العماد عون مشاركا بها قد مولت المحكمة منذ العام 2009".
وشدد عون على أن هذا الملف "لم يتبع المسار الدستوري لإقراره وجاء من طرف واحد" مضيفا "إننا لا نريد أن ندفع لأن القضية هي مبدئية إذ لا يجوز أن ندفع أموالا لا تترتب علينا مسؤولية دفعها".
وقال عن تأكيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي "إلتزام لبنان بتعهداته الدولية ومنها تسديد حصته من تمويل المحكمة" إنه "لا يوجد هناك أي إتفاق وتعهده كان خاطئا" مؤكدا أن "هناك مسؤولية تترتب عليه إذا دفع الأموال من داخل الخزينة".
وتوجه إلى ميقاتي قائلا إنه "يستطيع أن يعتذر" مشيرا إلى أن "لا يمكن أن يكون كلامه ملزما للدولة اللبنانية كلامه يلزمه شخصيا".
وأكد عون أنه لا يبحث "عن التضامن مع أي فريق آخر وأنا أعارض هذا المشروع (المحكمة) لأنه غير قانوني وأنا مستعد لمقاضاة من يخالف".
وأشار إلى أنه "لا حق علينا لنقوم بدفع الأموال" واصفا المحكمة بـ"ـخوة دولية مفروضة علينا ولا يجوز هذا الأمر".
وقال عون عن الوضع السوري إن "المقاومة إنتقلت من الإعتراض السلمي إلى الإعتراض المسلح" مشيرا إلى أنه "إذا كانت الغاية إسقاط النظام بالقوة وبمساعدة من الخارج نحن نرفضها لأننا نريد أن يكون هناك إستقرار وأن نعيش مع السوريين بطمأنينة وسلام".
There is an agreement, BUT IT IS ILLEGAL. What does this mean? It means that there is no agreement. What does this mean? It means tha we, THE PEOPLE, will not pay. Those who want to throw money away are welcome to do so from their own pockets. We are BROKE and we cannot even afford to pay rent, tuition, food, medicine.... NOTHING. SO LEAVE US ALONE. AGAIN, LEAVE US ALONE. End of story.
Aoun has sold out to the dark side while in France. He must now protects the dark forces that killed Harriri. M8 does not want uncovered in the court with proof, that the court of public opinion alread knows.
Look at his eyes...at his face...at his behaviour...
HE IS MENTALLY ILL....! Pity, some doctor must see him and take him to Deir El Saliib....
If Bassil was assisinated, would not you have funded it? The. Country you once protected lost 5 to 10 big figures, are you protecting the killers? Or you have a magical fatwa to discover killers now? The UN appointed team will find those killers so stop making noise and worry about the electricity fund you were given and make ALL citizens benefit from this project and not just your entourage and non paying citizens who deserve no electricity at all.
This guy is the hitler of the middleast. Anyone who follows him or works for him is either money hungry of plain stupid.
It's impossible to get from you any type of constructive criticism. Is it because you have nothing useful to say or you're just filled with hatred?
In all case, whether you realize it or not, the funding from the STL comes from your pocket, and people have the right to have diverging opinions of the usefulness of funding this "court" which time after time have shown major signs of corruption.
I'd rather have 50 million dollars spent on extracting oil, enriching our country!
I think this clown should abandon the comb-over, it's not really working anymore. Those last few threads of hair look very lonely. He should just embrace the baldness.
There's something dishonest about a comb-over anyways, it's like pretending to be something that you're not. Sort of like Mowaten, Bigidiot, MrNoBrain, and Jabalamel pretending to be regular "Lebanese" citizens, who happen to post anti-M14 comments on a pro-M14 website 24/7. Weird huh?
En verité, la majorité des parlementaires etait bien prete a voter l'accord avec le tribunal, et moi ça me suffit pour le considerer legal.
he may be crazy, he may be senile and old (actually he surely is) and he is bald and those hair looks ridicilous, but he's not traitor.
This TRAITOR and his Sheep support HIZBUSTAN more than hizbustanis themselves. Look at him he is gonna blow a Gasket. What a joke you and your "Moutons de Panurge" are. You are selling whatever is left of Lebanon's Dignity to the "Basij" and "Shabbiha" Murderers. Tell your Friends to pay their Electric Bills. Your days are numbered. Can't wait.
The victims were not militia members, they did not live by terror, they did not have blood on their hands...don't you forget that!
Roddani do you think he is worried about you or your family. the money that will be paid is going out of the money he was planning on embezzling. tell, is you pension going to be reduced, is your state sponsored tuition going to be cut? oh i forgot. they dont exist. the money we pay in taxes are going to their pockets. so its ok, im willing to give the STL a shot.
the least this moron can do is have the decency to shut up when he's taking the government for a 1.2 billion dollar joyride dont you think?
So this is the kind of country you want to live in? A country where you can assasinate for political reasons and get out of it? A country where terror and assasination attempts are not punished? A country where bombs go off and terrorists are not troubled?
You talk about money when you should think about innocent lives lost...
You talk about funding oil extraction while women, children, families and friends are still grieving... Just think about the tens of innocent pedestrians that were killed or injured during this period of terror!
I fully agree with "iNcooruptible" that first we must move to higher standards in our criticism, away from just insults that doesn't lead anywhere, and second that all of us will be paying for this tribunal (whether we are with or against), while I believe the same money, if used properly, would "clean-up" the judiciary system in Lebanon, and we would no longer have to beg for international justice, and end up paying for it! This is scandal.
the filthy zionist information war department saw my message so they felt obliged to put 3 more of theirs.
like it means something
He IS corrupted (of course....how can you doubt??? All around him are highly corrupted people from imbassil, to Simon, to Nabil, to Alain, to raffuul, to own daughters, ...etc. etc. all have made millions ..of course he is ENTIRELY aware !!! He keeps shouting he is against corruption for the idiots who are still following him !!!!).
ABOVE all: he IS a traitor, 3amiil, and agent ....who has sold his SOUL for becoming the underdog of the divine party and the syrians...
May God forgive him...if HE CAN still forgive him !!!!
Yesterday, M.P. Marwan Hamadeh accused him for STEALING (exact word) the money and taking it to Paris !!!!
Soon, all the corruption about "Little Hitler" will become crystal clear...
@ Mr. Aoun please shut the fudge up. Please go treat your cancerous brain tumor before it is too late, preferably get the treatment in France.
Take all the millions you stole and run like the wind is my advice to you.
@ jabal habal, I guess someone had a bad lunch and vomited this disgusting puddle of je ne sais quoi that is YOU….stay right there dear, I am coming over with a bucket 90 % Dettol and 10 % water to mop you up. What a sorry F’up you are. A real sorry excuse for a human being that belongs in the sewer.
Of course it's illegal. sanioura should be sued for treason and executed for that. He and the stupid, aloof, disgrace to lebanon saad,had nO right to write the UN without parliament approval. The excuse that parliament wasn't in session is no justification for such an action. Hariri is one of hundreds killed and to spend 300-400 million dollars to investigate his death is outrageous!! We pay 4 billion dollars year, 50% of budget, to service hariris debt. It's unfortunate that he was killed but it was good riddance to bad rubbish for Lebanon.