حزب الله يخوض هجوم جنوب سوريا بـ"300 من عناصر النخبة" والعاصفة تبطئ تقدمه
Read this story in Englishعرقلت العاصفة الثلجية الخميس الهجوم الذي يقوده حزب الله مع الجيش السوري وقوات إيرانية على قرى خاضعة لسيطرة المعارضة قرب مواقع للجيش الاسرائيلي جنوب البلاد.
وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان "قصفت قوات النظام مناطق في بلدة الجيزة، ولم ترد معلومات عن خسائر بشرية" في محافظة درعا.
بدوره أشار مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن ان "الهجوم الذي يشنه حزب الله ابطىء بسبب تساقط الثلوج بشكل كبير".
والهجوم الذي اطلق الاحد وينفذه الجيش السوري مع عناصر من حزب الله ومقاتلين ايرانيين يهدف الى استعادة السيطرة على محافظات درعا والقنيطرة وجنوب ريف دمشق.
وهذه المنطقة مهمة جدا لانها تحد الاردن وهضبة الجولان التي تحتلها اسرائيل وتقع بالقرب من العاصمة دمشق.
وكانت القوات السورية مدعومة خصوصا بعناصر من حزب الله احكمت الثلاثاء سيطرتها على بلدة دير العدس والتلال المحيطة بها في ريف درعا الشمالي الغربي والتي كانت تخضع لسيطرة جبهة النصرة الفرع السوري لتنظيم القاعدة وفصائل اسلامية مقاتلة اخرى منذ اكثر من عام، بحسب ما افاد مصدر ميداني سوري.
ونقل التلفزيون السوري عن قائد ميداني قوله ان "العملية العسكرية التي بدا فيها الجيش السوري مستمرة بقيادة الرئيس السوري وبالتعاون مع محور المقاومة حزب الله وايران".
وهذه المرة الاولى التي تعلن فيها دمشق عن خوض قواتها معارك الى جانب عناصر من حزب الله وقوات اخرى ايرانية.
ويقول عبد الرحمن الذي يقدر عدد عناصر حزب الله في سوريا بخمسة الاف، ان الحزب اوفد الى الجنوب 300 من عناصر النخبة لديه.
وفي 18 كانون الثاني، قتل ستة عناصر من حزب الله والجنرال الإيراني محمد علي الله دادي في غارة اسرائيلية استهدفتهم في منطقة القنيطرة. وذكر حزب الله حينها ان عناصره الذين قتلوا مع الجنرال الايراني كانوا في مهمة "تفقد ميداني".
ورد حزب الله بعد عشرة أيام بعملية داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة ادت الى مقتل جنديين اسرائيليين وجرح سبعة في بيان "رقم 1".
bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.
The Observatory's Abdel Rahman told Agence France-Presse on Thursday that 300 elite Hizbullah fighters are deployed on Syria's southern front.
There is nothing elite about these uneducated sectarian terrorists. It looks like there are many shia villages and holy sites in Daraa and near the Jordanian and Israeli borders that need defending!
Naharnet put this headline, as if it were a blessing. No wonder Naharnets sympathy towards Isis & Nusra is so obvious.
you are really a sick boy... why telling facts is now being pro isis? why don't you say that God is pro isis as he slows down hezbi advance because of the snow? or is it forbidden to talk about what is bad for your divine propaganda?
this article is neutral in case you do not know how to read iliterate boy...no blessings in the headline other than in your twisted idiocy...
pityful boy....
It's a fact you are a takfiri peace, your love for Al Nusra/Isis is unlimited, you would happily cut the throats of LAF soldiers if you had the chance.
miss tic is even stupider than i thought... he reached the bottom and is still digging...
pityful boy...
i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.
free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free West Beirut
free Daraa
free Golan Heights
God bless our moderate M14 Lebanese citizens who love life, wwant peace and look forward to happy and prosper fellow citizens ... A president for all. NO lunatics please ;)
The Islamic Republic of Iran is sponsoring this magnificent advance of Iran's best aided by Lebanon's best to deliver a knockout punch to the enemies of freedom, democracy, and free speech. Iran will do what it takes to destroy the Zionist enemy and its surrogates. Total victory is near thanks to the vision of our Supreme Leaders Sayid Ali Khamanei and Sayid Hassan Nassrallah.
It is the wish of every true Lebanese these criminals never come back alive. Back in Lebanon, the dialogue between HA and Mustaqbal resulted in the removal of a few photos so far. What a country and what a nation.
Despite the snow storm, I have been receiving them by the truck loads. I opened up the West wing in anticipation and all my crew are working double shifts on double pay. The 58 I received so far are quite warm down here.
The offensive is by more than 4,000 iranian revolutionary guards, hezbollah terrorists, and Shia Afghanis. Qassem Suleimani of the Qods Brigade is directing the offensive. I guess they are all defending Lebanon !!!
This is what is called "Divine" terrorism that will no doubt result in counter "Divine" terrorism inside Lebanon.
Ebola and Quds are trying to link Kuneitra to the Governorate of Nabatiyeh....
Guess why????
This week, for the first time in Syria's war, state television acknowledged that President Bashar Assad's army is fighting alongside Hizbullah and Iranian officers in its bid to crush a nearly four-year rebellion.
It took them years to admit that Iran and HA are fighting alongside the Assad army. Will they ever admit that they have Lebanese prisoners in Assad's jails. Iran/HA/Assad have perfected the art of lying.
Lol, this is the funniest piece of propaganda ever. I'm sure the "rebels" are immune to cold...
If only Nasrallah's bunch of backward islamists could stop being poodles to Israel (the same goes for the senile criminal Khamenei)!