حزب الله ينفي تقرير "الوطن" عن مخطط لاغتيال سماحة: انه اتهام باطل

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نفى "حزب الله" التقرير الصحفي الذي أفاد عن مخطط سوري لإغتيال النائب والوزير السابق ميشال سماحة، معتبراً اياه انه "مجرد اتهام ظالم وباطل".

وفي بيان صادر عن العلاقات الإعلامية في "حزب الله"، ظهر الجمعة، نفى الحزب ما ورد يوم الثلاثاء الفائت في صحيفة "الوطن" السعودية، تحت عنوان "إحباط مخطط سوري لاغتيال ميشال سماحة".

وأكد البيان ان ما ورد في هذا التقرير "لا يمت إلى الصحة بأي صلة، وهو مجرد اتهام ظالم وباطل لا يستند إلى أي حقائق واقعية".

كما شدد على احتفاظ الحزب "بحقنا في اتخاذ كل الإجراءات التي يقرها القانون".

يُذكر ان صحيفة "الوطن" وفي تقريرها، نقلت عن مصادر حكومية لبنانية قولها انه تم احباط مخطط "يهدف إلى تصفية الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة، واغتياله أثناء نقله إلى المستشفى".

وكشفت المصادر حينها ان دمشق طلبت من الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله "ضرورة التخلص من سماحة".

يُشار الى ان سماحة اعترف بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات خلال شهر رمضان في الشمال بطلب سوري، وذلك بعد توقيفه في التاسع من آب 2012 بمداهمة منزله في الخنشارة عبر قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي. واظهرت التحقيقات تورط كل من اللواء السوري علي مملوك ومعاونه عدنان (مجهول باقي الهوية) ومستشارة الرئيس السوري بثينة شعبان.

وكان وزير العدل اشرف ريفي قد كشف في احاديث صحافية ان جهازاً امنياً غير لبناني "لديه مصداقية عالية وسبق ان تعاون مع الاجهزة الامنية اللبنانية"، أبلغ الجهات اللبنانية عن معلومات عن امكان تعرض سماحة لمحاولة تصفية خلال نقله إلى المستشفى "بفعل ما يملكه من معلومات خطيرة جداً ومهمة جداً عن النظام السوري، كونه كان أحد الاشخاص المطلعين على معطيات مرتبطة بالنظام السوري".



التعليقات 56
Thumb _mowaten_ 13:00 ,2015 شباط 20

a bit of facts the media dont talk about regarding the samaha case:

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:19 ,2015 شباط 20

all they have is the secret testimony of a shady agent they are keeping in the shadows...

Thumb EagleDawn 13:32 ,2015 شباط 20

interesting monologue above: 2/3/4/5/6 screennames, 1 very sad person.

Missing imagine_1979 13:32 ,2015 شباط 20

Some recorded audio conversations, some bombs found with smaha... But who care he is for sure a saint and this is all a conspiracy by those imperialist/zionist/takfiris....
Mowaten, relax don't get pissed, have some chupachups man...

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:18 ,2015 شباط 20

if they have all that imagine, then what are they waiting for? why dont they judge and sentence him?
or maybe there is more to this story than they want to reveal?

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:19 ,2015 شباط 20

and dude grow up, your "chupachups" line is really retarded, it literally "sucks"

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:48 ,2015 شباط 20

What a logic ya imagine! He's important that they cannot put him on trial, but they can keep him in jail indefinitely on basis of a secret agent's testimony? This reminds me of the 4 generals, kept in jail for 4 years without charges and on basis of false testimonies, then suddenly released and told to just take it without complaining or asking for answers.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:50 ,2015 شباط 20

anonyme you're fascinating, you justify one baseless accusation with another baseless accusation! Because Assad killed El-Hajj? Please prove it or buzz off.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:34 ,2015 شباط 20

I never said samaha was innocent, but I never saw those tapes you mentionned either.
Since you often mention things as facts that you heard someone say exists without having seen it yourself, please, tell me if here you actually heard/saw these recordings yourself, and if yes please give me a link or something where I can see them too

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:02 ,2015 شباط 20

anonyme as usual, you divert the topic and tell me to go find your sources fr you. if you can't back anything you say, why say it at all?

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:04 ,2015 شباط 20

Your answer may impress someone with limited mental abilities, but i see clearly through it, you're doing nothing but evading. The only "ba3sa" that terrorist fantasizes about would be for you to provide me with a link of these recordings. Be my guest.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:51 ,2015 شباط 20

A lot of words, a lot of fidgeting around, but still nothing to back your claims. At this rate I'm going to start thinking your claims are, once more, just the fruit of your imagination and hateful bias.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:57 ,2015 شباط 20

pajama, pajama... you come here and look for trouble then start crying when people answer you... how many time must i tell you? stay in your room boy, if you can't handle the truth

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:10 ,2015 شباط 20

looks like what your friends have been doing for years, but you never complained.

Missing peace 16:24 ,2015 شباط 20

samaha was sent to carry out the same strategy syria and hezbollah always used: put oil on the fire.
he was sent to place bombs in akkar villages and make sunnis responsible of it... then hezbis and M8ers would say as usual that akkar is a haven for sunni extremists! LOL

Missing peace 16:28 ,2015 شباط 20

LOL at you website... no wonder mooowaten chooses this extremist site to illustrate his propaganda...

so objective they are.... pityful mooowaten in his desperate attempt to defend an M8er who wanted to carry out bombings against lebanese....

Thumb EagleDawn 17:17 ,2015 شباط 20

looks like the mowaten read his own post 15 consecutive times;)

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:27 ,2015 شباط 20

Hezbullah has no motive to assassinate these incompetent officials and politicians. Their activity is the best argument for the need to remove sectarianism from the law and replace it with civil rights and majority rule.

Thumb amatoury114 18:45 ,2015 شباط 20

LMFAO....mowaten i had to give it to you ...the best joke of the millenium..hallak according to your article ( that talks about FACTS that the main stream media does not address) is that FRANCE framed samaha and planted the explosives in his car because of his opposition to the french policies in regards of the syrian regime and conflicts...HAHAHAHAH jaydeih jiddan wa isteiz!!!!

Thumb amatoury114 18:52 ,2015 شباط 20

mowaten i think the issue at hand is over 2 years ago and it was well televized , so yes you can easily google it or try and get these tapes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSHgFWKNGk just a very simple example ...you might not watch MTV because they are bias but you can get more info if you have time to dig

Default-user-icon full.disclosure. (ضيف) 06:01 ,2015 شباط 21

17 up votes for mowaten? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke

Thumb -phoenix1 13:04 ,2015 شباط 20

This case eerily reminds us of the assassination of Muamar Al Ghadaffi. With him died all the information he had on many world leaders. Could Samaha know too much and on people who hold the highest offices in the land and its neighbors? Let's hope that more light is shed on the matter.

Missing humble 14:10 ,2015 شباط 20

Ebola can be trusted 100%....they always tell the truth...

Missing Je_suis@libonase 14:23 ,2015 شباط 20

Brother phoenix Samaha will die of old age before his trial gets heard at the rate of prosecutions that have occuring.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:12 ,2015 شباط 20

Libonase, that's a bad predicament for the man, imagine dying of boredom?

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:16 ,2015 شباط 20

You seem really obsessed about "houthis", thinking about them day and night, always talking about them, fantasizing about their romantic lives... It's pretty clear isnt it?
I think you're only bitter because you're in love with one of them and he turned you down for being a 120kg greasy boy who spends his days eating cheatos and posting stale propaganda for 2$/h

Thumb geha 13:35 ,2015 شباط 20

samaha was caught red handed, i.e. the explosives were in his car.

so please stop your BS m8 guys.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:03 ,2015 شباط 20

if he transported explosives let him be judged for it, and let us know who the agent who manipulated him into doing it really is.

Missing imagine_1979 15:46 ,2015 شباط 20

So that the zionist enemy assassinates him (like they assassinated hariri kassir hawi...
And the recorded conversations???
Man please get a life, anyway he wont be judged, no one will, and even if he or any of them get assassinated their heir will take over, so relax mowaten we'll still be living in our the old lebanon, lebanese style

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:54 ,2015 شباط 20

Awesome! With that we can all use "secret witnesses" and "invisible proof" to put whoever we want behind bars! Genius!

Missing imagine_1979 18:25 ,2015 شباط 20

With conversation plotting for bombing? With bombs found in his possetion? Yes maybe it would be enough to put him for trial... Now, again knowing that the official reason why he didnot went to trial is that liban post could not reach mamlouk, maybe next time general ibrahim held official public mediatised meetting with mamlouk maybe he can inform him so trial can beggin....

Default-user-icon Hezbelmoujrimin (ضيف) 13:36 ,2015 شباط 20

Of course they refuse the claim ! They are the ones who were to conduct the assassination !

Missing humble 14:11 ,2015 شباط 20

Ebola can be trusted 100%....they always tell the truth...

Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (ضيف) 13:48 ,2015 شباط 20

"Iran is the only democratic country in the Gulf"

Missing imagine_1979 16:53 ,2015 شباط 20

Southern stop ur BS: khomaiini and the the bearded gang chose who can present for presidency
Please sothern get ur head out of ur arse, look a litle arround they are all retarded regime (islamic police/bassij, crimes of aldutary, heritism...)

Thumb justin 13:52 ,2015 شباط 20

Didn't nassrallah deny involvement in Syria first of all? in Iraq? in Yemen? why would this be any different?!

Missing theobserver 13:55 ,2015 شباط 20

And how can Hizbullah be sure that there wasnt a plot to assassinate Samaha ?

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:03 ,2015 شباط 20

You seem really obsessed about "houthis", thinking about them day and night, always talking about them, fantasizing about their romantic lives... It's pretty clear isnt it?
I think you're only bitter because you're in love with one of them and he turned you down for being a 120kg greasy boy who spends his days eating cheatos and posting stale propaganda for 2$/h

Thumb Mystic 14:06 ,2015 شباط 20

These accusations are the same as the ones from various people on Naharnet. Baseless and without facts.

Default-user-icon Basis (ضيف) 14:16 ,2015 شباط 20

Baseless and without fact is how Hezbollah promotes its wars and defends murderers !

It's how Hezbollah lies to its own people to indoctrinate them.

Missing peace 16:20 ,2015 شباط 20

miss tic : no need to repeat the BS hezbollah already said... or does it give you a hard on to repeat?

hezbollah= “Such claims are baseless accusations that do not rely on facts.”

miss tic = " Baseless and without facts." LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Thumb Mystic 21:36 ,2015 شباط 20

You are among those people that enjoys false accusations peace, which is why i made that comment. M14'ers likes to accuse with no evidence we've seen that for years now.

Missing peace 23:08 ,2015 شباط 20

spot on texas!

Missing humble 14:10 ,2015 شباط 20

Ebola can be trusted 100%....they always tell the truth...

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:23 ,2015 شباط 20

If he did transport explosives he should be judged and sentenced for it, agreed. But before you speak of executions or whatever he needs to be found guilty, this is not ISISstan where people are executed on the first allegation yelled by a goat-herder.
Also, if we're going to execute someone for transporting explosives, then what should the sentence be for those who throw grenades and fire RPGs on our soldiers? What about those found with explosives in their mosques (remember assir? and now deqmaq?)

Missing helicopter 17:50 ,2015 شباط 20

I think the explosive were placed in his car by an Israeli agent for the purpose of implicating HA and Bashar. Wake up people, M14 folks lack the gift of critical thinking.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 14:24 ,2015 شباط 20

If they have proof prosecute if not set him free

Thumb ex-fpm 14:43 ,2015 شباط 20

I think naharnet should take a quick action regarding these multiple accounts most probably by the same person. Hope flamethrower posts soon to dispel the rumors;)

Thumb saturn 15:34 ,2015 شباط 20

Pop quiz, hotshots: If Syria were to instruct HZBLH to kill Samaha, they would:

1: politely decline
2: Assad's Syria would never do such a thing!
3: LOL!

Missing peace 16:10 ,2015 شباط 20

how nice to see hezbollah now being the voice of syria... we see where their interests are... real dog of syria...

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:06 ,2015 شباط 20

"normita bombon" ROFLMAO
you two are really something, a match made in hell

Thumb EagleDawn 17:19 ,2015 شباط 20

Oh there you are! finished writing biographies?;)

Missing imagine_1979 17:38 ,2015 شباط 20

No hezbos never assassinated anyone, they never turned their weapons agains lebanese before 7may incident, sayed hassan said so, do u implement he was lying?....
And anyway if they found bombs with smaha it must be israel who has put them there, after assassinating bashar al assad oponents in lebanon israel is trying to confuse us don't u see, it is pure logic...
By the way if general ibrahim tells mamlouk to pass by so we can start smaha trial next time he decides to see him and take pics maybe it will fasten the things a little, no?...

Missing imagine_1979 18:30 ,2015 شباط 20

Israel nearly killed them all... Afte that hezbos would get borred and throw their weapons...Indeed very smart strategy and more credible than syrian regime and co assassinated them all after 1559 after a large lebanese political front asks for syrian army withdrawall, yess indeed the isarel killed them all is more credible....

Missing imagine_1979 18:31 ,2015 شباط 20

Indeed min canada... Semantic...
So they refused the accusation that syrian regime wants to eliminate smaha.... So?...

Default-user-icon Baroud (ضيف) 03:40 ,2015 شباط 21

Of course they are the ones in charge of misinformation and manufacturing facts, so how does anyone dare to question "facts" before checking with their department.