"الوطني الحر" يرى أن تعطيل انتخابات الرئاسة يأتي ممن يرفض عون رئيسا

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أعلن التيار "الوطني الحر" أن لقاء رئيس التكتل النائب ميشال عون ورئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع مرتبط بالحوار حول الرئاسة، مشيرا إلى أن من يعطل انتخاب رئيس هو من يرفض وصول عون إلى المنصب الأول في البلاد.

وقال عضو تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ألان عون في حديث إلى صحيفة "اللواء" ينشر الإثنين "الحوار مع 'القوات اللبنانية' أنجز الاتفاق السياسي بورقة النوايا، وأي جلسة مقبلة بين الطرفين ستكون محصورة بشأن رئاسة الجمهورية".

وكان قد بدأ رئيس جهاز الإعلام والتواصل في "القوات" ملحم رياشي وعضو التكتل النائب ابراهيم كنعان منذ مدة غير معلنة لقاءات رسمية بتوصية من عون وجعجع، في ظل أزمة شغور في سدة الرئاسة الأولى منذ 25 أيار الفائت.

وفي المرحلة الأولى سيعلن الفريقان عن الورقة المذكورة، من دون أن يذكرا توقيت هذا الإعلان.

أما اللقاء بين الزعيمين المسيحيين فهو "مرتبط بالمرحلة الثانية من الحوار وما يجري فيه من اتفاق حول رئاسة الجمهورية"، بحسب ما شرح عون.

وأضاف "هذا متوقف على موقف القوات اللبنانية، وبما يقدمه التيار الوطني الحر من ضمانات لتبديد الهواجس وهذه هي خريطة الطريق للمرحلة الثانية من الحوار".

لكنه أشار في الوقت عينه إلى أن "عون ليس مسؤولا عن تعطيل انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية والمسؤولية يتحملها الذين يرفضون انتخابه رئيسا".

من جهة رأى عون أن "لا توجه لتعطيل الحكومة، والآلية يجب ان تراعي موافقة الكتل الوزارية وليس الوزراء الأفراد والمادة 65 من الدستور للظروف العادية وليس للظروف الاستثنائية".

ولا تجتمع الحكومة منذ أسبوعين ونيف بسبب خلاف الوزراء على آلية عملها وتوقيع المراسيم، خصوصا أن الصلاحيات موزعة على 24 وزيرا من مختلف الأفرقاء السياسيين.

وأردف ألان عون في هذا السياق "الحكومة يجب ان تعمل بين حدين، الاول ان تكون منتجة والثاني ان تراعي الظرف الاستثنائي الناتج من غياب رئيس الجمهورية".


التعليقات 28
Thumb lebanon_first 16:56 ,2015 آذار 01

This rivalry between Aoun and Geagea is sclerosing the country. Maronites from the mountain should no longer be eligible to run for president because they are peasants in the soul and run the country like they would run a farm.

Christians from other sects should be chosen for president, or alternatively civilized maronites from big cities.

Thumb Lebfrcan 19:12 ,2015 آذار 01

Very disapointed by your comment lebanon–first.
Until the whole system is changed in lebanon, differentating between sects and where they come from geographically is not fair.
Not because you come from a city means you are more educated and smart from someone from the mountain.
Not because you have bad apples means all the apples are rotten.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:09 ,2015 آذار 01

I hear you lebfrcan

But we are fed up with this rivalry. It has shaped lebanese politics for the past 25 years, and is based on an endless mafia feud like those of Ehden vs Zgharta.

I am not saying anyone is smarter, And I personally appreciate peasants and farmers. But only to deliver me farm products. not to run my country. There are exceptional lebanese people. Look at Riad Salameh. What if we had someone like him? Pourquoi on est obligés de se farcir Aoun et Geagea a toutes les sauces?

Thumb Lebfrcan 20:44 ,2015 آذار 01

Riad Salameh is a Maronite from a village called Kfardebian not a city.
He is a great man and will get my support.
Villages don't produce only milk and cheese, but also great men with caracter.
Khalil Gebran is from Bcharreh... and there are many more...

Missing helicopter 23:12 ,2015 آذار 01

Instead of excluding villagers, I would exclude all those who refuse to attend the Parlaimentary session to elect a President.

Missing thatisit 20:25 ,2015 آذار 01

Why limit the choice of presidency to the Christians?
If we are truly keen on national unity and moving Lebanon into a modern day country, then every lebanese should be allowed to be president, not just christians. Same goes to the PM and the Speaker of the house.
Realizing that this will never ever happen, without genetic mutation of this nation- The best solution moving on out forward is to divide up the country with decentralization power and little power to the central government.

Missing helicopter 23:10 ,2015 آذار 01

Precondition that with disarming HA and all other militants and making any outside loyalty a crime against the State ..... then we might agree.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:47 ,2015 آذار 01

FPM: Those Rejecting Aoun's Election are to Blame for Vacuum

The statement says it all. It is either Aoun or vacuum. What happened to the constitution, to democracy, to accepting others point of view, accepting the fact that you may not be popular with everybody.....

Missing peace 18:35 ,2015 آذار 01

so true... this is how FPM consider elections: it is us or chaos...

Missing imagine_1979 18:03 ,2015 آذار 01

He is the best choice for u southern, alreaddy acting as in democratic islamic irannian republic; u know the wonderfull kind of democracy where revolutionary guards and a senile old guy chose who can present for elections...
Now let him chant some lobaika ya nosrollah....

Missing imagine_1979 20:28 ,2015 آذار 01

Indeed bc i donnot agree with ur choice i am at the order of uncle sam, or takfiri, or maybe ksa is sending me free oil coupons and of course zionist...
Well that's ur deduction and eventhough a retared simplistic one it stays a deduction.
But u supporting a fanatic millicia engaged in irak syria yemen under the command of a senile old guy in islamic republic of iran in a retarded battle betwwen hussein and omar, u, hezbollah, ansar allah, faylak badder... Only a shiite version of da3ech and co....that's a fact....

Thumb Maxx 10:18 ,2015 آذار 02

Pajama Boy: Though I agree with your assessment overall, please don't lop all the Shiites together with Hizb. Remember that Hizb has never had a problem killing Shiites who disagree with their politics, but were ever-ready to embrace Sunnis and Christians who pledged their loyalty to Iran and Syria.
Hizb are a sub-sect of Shia all by themselves, like the Alawites; but they are not Shia per se.

Thumb geha 18:21 ,2015 آذار 01

aoun and fpm are the destructors of Christian presence in Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 23:16 ,2015 آذار 01

WHat alain Aoun is saying is simply RETARDED.
He blames those that do not want Aoun and not those who refuse to attend the parliamentary session to vote for President. The General has surrounded himself with clones of him.

Default-user-icon houna (ضيف) 18:26 ,2015 آذار 01

Nothing new. All the talk with the LF is just a charade to get Aoun the presidency. His selfishness destroyed and will continue to destroy the Christians till the end of his days.

Thumb Elemental 19:16 ,2015 آذار 01

Christians are used way too much.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 19:38 ,2015 آذار 01

"Those Rejecting Aoun's Election are to Blame for Vacuum"

These guys are jokers!!
No one is rejecting Aoun's election because he wasn't elected on the first place!
He actually never officially presented his candidacy!

Now let us suppose Aoun announces his candidacy and gives us a clear vision and program
Then, it is up to MP either to vote for him or not!
That is democracy!
FPM arguments are caractaristic of dictatorships
We do not want lebanon to be ruled by a leader that only empowers the members of his family in his party
That lebanon is over

Default-user-icon A Templar (ضيف) 21:23 ,2015 آذار 01

Geagea and Aoun do NOT represent Lebanon's electorates, including the silent majority.
For presidential elections to be fair, the process should be handed directly to the people, bypassing a dysfunctional outdated Parliament. That would be considered a first step for true democratic election.

Thumb Maxx 22:23 ,2015 آذار 01

Ya Aoun, who is boycotting the elections so that there is a presidential vacuum, remind me?

Default-user-icon Amir (ضيف) 22:36 ,2015 آذار 01

That is absurd.
You do not want a vacuum.....go to the parlement and elect a president.....
Who wins even by one vote will be the president.
Is this simple or hard for the lebanese brain to digest?

Default-user-icon money (ضيف) 03:36 ,2015 آذار 02

it is the time to choose someone new, anoun and geagea are too old to be in government nd should be in elderly home. or on trips especially for old people who are in their golden years making peace before they meet their maker. pray for the Christians who are kidnapped to be free, we need peace in middle east not isis hates against humanity.

Thumb nickjames 07:58 ,2015 آذار 02

He noted, however, that the FPM's leader “is not to blame for the obstruction of the presidential vote and the blame falls on those who are rejecting his election as president.”

- How could someone say such a thing with no shame?

Thumb Maxx 10:20 ,2015 آذار 02

It takes a moral conscience to feel shame. So...

Missing humble 11:04 ,2015 آذار 02

A band of idiots following a madman.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:52 ,2015 آذار 02

These people from the FPM who do suffer from dementia and other psychotic ailments can say whatever they want. Since their lunatic leader got into existence, he lived in a state of self-denial, in a self-contradictory state where what he says now he will deny within the next 10 seconds. So if the leader is a lunatic, should we expect his followers to be any better? Since day one, they've been blaming everyone but themselves about all the problems of mother earth let alone little Lebanon. Do as they please, say as they please, their old claoun of a leader will never be president, never. He wishes to make us wait? We shall wait, till he kicks the bucket, we shall wait but we shall not have a sick jester like him running the nation's highest authority.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:58 ,2015 آذار 02

let the people vote for their president the only way to pull the rug for outside interferences and lackies for any country will not stand a chance in front of people will
god bless democracy

Default-user-icon Me or Nobody (LOL) (ضيف) 13:08 ,2015 آذار 02

To all who do not want as a president. Can you please tell us what is your criteria for Lebanese president and who does fit it better than Aoun? Like him or not. He will pass any criteria better than any one else.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:46 ,2015 آذار 02

In other countries candidates simply file their names for election and whoever wins will win. Now here we have the stark choice between two ex-warlords, either Geagea or his arch-foe the lunatic remote-controlled rubber-stamper Aoun the claoun. Neither of these two men could exert any command of Lebanon, since both have a chequered past. If Geagea wins, part of Lebanon will be hostile to him and if the lunatic old man wins, even more will be against him. So why not have some new faces, for God's sake, faces that are different, not linked to war, to destruction, faces that belong to the new generation. Personally I am sick and tired of having to gape at these two old figures who cannot offer us anything new, or anything to do with HOPE. We Lebanese need a break from the old from the painful reminders of a past too dark too painful, thus Geagea and Aoun simply don't have it in them, the new generations does have it.