رعد: هناك محاولات من قوى العالم للالتفاف على الربيع العربي

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رأى رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة النائب محمد رعد "هناك محاولات من قوى النفوذ في العالم للالتفاف على هذا الربيع العربي وتوجيهه بالطريقة التي تخدم مصالح الغرب على حساب مصالحنا الوطنية والقومية".

وجاء كلام رعد خلال رعايته حفل تخريج دورات في الأشغال اليدوية والحرفية الذي أقيم بدعوة من اتحاد بلديات إقليم التفاح وجمعية مؤسسة جهاد البناء الإنمائية، وبالتعاون مع الجمعية التعاونية الثقافية والحرفية وبلدية حومين الفوقا، في مجمع سيد الشهداء في بلدة عربصاليم.

وعبر رعد عن أسفه "لأن بعض القوى المحلية أو الإقليمية باتت مستعجلة على هذا الالتفاف أكثر من قوى النفوذ نفسها، لأنها ربطت مصيرها بمصير الرهان على قوى الخارج لتوفر لها سلطة أو موقعاً في هذا العالم". مؤكداً أن "زمن الاعتماد على هذا الخارج لإدارة شأن شعوبنا قد ولى، وروح المقاومة تنمو وتكبر، ولا يستطيع احد أن يلوي ذراع هذه الروح".

واشار رعد الى "أن الإسرائيليين باتوا يهابون مواجهة المقاومة، والمتآمرون الدوليون باتوا يعرفون أننا نعرف نقاط ضعفهم".

وشدد أن "الذين يريدون إسقاط هذا النظام أو الالتفاف على هذا النظام أو تلك الدولة فليعالجوا ما يواجهونه من تظاهرات، احتجاجاً على ما يحصل في "ول ستريت" أو من مأزق اقتصادي أو مالي في اليونان، أو من خوف على منطقة اليورو التي لم تستطع أن تستنقذ اليونان من أزمتها المالية والاقتصادية. واليونان ستكون أول دولة من الدومينو التي ستتدحرج بعده الأحجار الأوروبية. نحن نفهم أن لا قوة مطلقة في هذا العالم بين هذه القوى المادية، فالله هو المطلق ونحن نستمد قدرتنا من تواصلنا مع الله".

وختم رعد كلمته بأن "الدعاية والترويج والتضليل الإعلامي لم يعد ينطلي على أبناء خيار المقاومة، لأن أبناء هذا الخيار أصبحوا، من الوعي والذكاء والفهم، كيف يميزون بين نقاط القوة ونقاط الضعف وبين الحقيقة والزيف".

التعليقات 12
Default-user-icon mehdi (ضيف) 16:22 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

as opposed to the fundamentalist islamic middle east your Iranian masters were hoping for, right thunder.

Default-user-icon Independence (ضيف) 16:24 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

.... and what does a thug like you understand about "Global" powers?! Do you realize how insignificant you are on the world stage to even comment on World affairs?

Missing youssefhaddad 17:02 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

So when people want freedom it is a western powers conspiracy and when they are subjected to repression without complaining they deserve to live in your wonderful "islamic republic" world.

Missing peace 17:21 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

waw! he found that alone? too strong that man! it s been like that for ages and he is rediscovering that?
so intelligent people from hezbollah....
oh, by the way that applies to your master iran too which seeks to employ you for its own goals...!!!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

the spirit of resistance is growing????
in my dictionary there is no"islamic resistance" or even like a flat tire "mazhabi resistance", there is a global humaniterian normal resistance to the opressor.

Missing peace 17:43 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

"They know that their uprising is really not against their despots, but really against the Western powers who created and supported them for decades"

that is the syro iranian propaganda...

one little example to prove the contrary: libya...

khaddafi was anti usa... and the people of libya overthrew him no?

oh, and thus you admit that bashar is pro usa as syrian people are demonstrating against him? or another double standard here?

tha arabs are not demonstrating against the west but against injustice and terror... have you seen anyone with anti west banners demonstrating in arab countries during the arab spring?

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 18:09 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

This Iranian stooge is just saying what the Iranian Regime has been trying to do in Egypt, Libya, and Bahrain, Yemen,... His words confirm that this is what the Iranian regime has been doing all along, inciting hatred, intolerance, terrorism, crime, and hoping that the Arab world would revolt against the West, and pick another fight with the free world, this way Iran could move in pick up the Peaces and take over after both sides have exhausted themselves and their resources, that has been the plan of Iran in Iraq, that is its plan for the greater ME through inciting the Shiites into clashing with the other communities and hence starting the mayham. The only way out of this situation and the true path to Peace starts by sending the criminal Mullah regime in Tehran and Qom back to hell where it came from. The gloves are off now with this serpant of a regime...

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:39 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

Not like the Hezz who are over in Syria killing the innocent civilians. The Hezz is killing for their own interests ......survival. Talk about using the Arab Spring for your own interests. That is the definition.

Missing peace 20:23 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

so what about syria bigdig? people raising against a despot placed by the west (which is actually the case too!!!!)

Missing peace 20:36 ,2011 تشرين الأول 08

concerning the despots placed by the west (moubarak, ben ali etc...) it is true but the people are not raising against the west as hezbollah and iran tend to say!
they are just raising because they are fed up ith a corrupted system where only some members of the official party got all the wealth...

stop dreaming bigdig, it is absolutely not an uprising against the west....

if it was the case why is iran and hezbollah so eagerly trying to protect the syrian system? why don t you apply your theory of an uprising against the west to syria too? because let me remind you assad has been protected by israel and the usa since hafez...
i haven t seen the usa doing a lot to overthrow bachar! because they want him in place, he ll be overthrown only whan another credible gvt can take place and approved by the west :)
don t fool yourself, people are fed up with poverty and injustice that s all, may it be a country supported by the west or not!

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 04:39 ,2011 تشرين الأول 09

You have suppressed all the Leb Shiites for the past 30 yrs in the name of resistance, you kidnapped the voice of the true Lebanese shiites and followed the Iranian master who supplied you with foreign money and arms so that you remain "TOOLS" for them, (i.e. Jul 2006).
You survive and your forces are linked to the fate of foreign ones - Iran, You will not be allowed to ruin the global Leb image no matter how strong your powers - Iran will become.

Thumb Bandoul 11:37 ,2011 تشرين الأول 09

@ Mr. Raad, I wish I can meet you in an alley somewhere, sans your weapons and thugs of course so I can beat some Lebanese nationalism into your rotted, decaying, moraly bankcrupt brain.

You are a vile, sour and corrupt coward forced upon us with the power of a gun. I pray for the day you are sentenced to life in prison and I never have to see your ugly face and never hear that filthy mouth of yours.