حزب الله يدعو الدولة الى "انهاء الانفلاش المسلح" في الضاحية

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أفادت المعلومات الصحافية عن ان "حزب الله" أبلغ المعنيين بأنه لم يعد بمقدوره تحمّل "تداعيات الانفلاش المسلح" في برج البراجنة في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، في وقت باشرت فيه وزارة الداخلية بالتحضيرات اللوجستية لتنفيذ الخطة الامنية في المحلة.

فقد كشف مصدر مطلع عبر صحيفة "اللواء"، الخميس أن وزارة الداخلية بدأت التحضيرات اللوجستية لوضع الخطة الامنية للضاحية الجنوبية موضع التنفيذ.

وأكد مصدر "اللواء" ان حزب الله "أبلغ من يعنيه الأمر أنه لم يعد في وسعه تحمّل تداعيات الانفلاش المسلح بعد الاشتباكات التي جرت بين عشيرتي آل جعفر وزعيتر في برج البراجنة،".

ولفت الى ان الحزب أشار الى "الأسلحة التي استخدمت في الاشتباك حول أحد المساجد في المنطقة، فضلاً عن انتشار الجرائم والموبقات والمحرمات والتي لا يمكن لغير الدولة أن تتحمل معالجتها".

ولفتت المعلومات الى ان وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق "لم يشأ الدخول في التفاصيل التقنية لخطة بيروت والضاحية، والتي يتم الأعداد لها من قبل قيادتي الجيش وقوى الأمن الداخلي".



التعليقات 25
Thumb nickjames 09:01 ,2015 آذار 05

Lol because all their fighters are in Syria, they have no one to watch their neighbourhoods...

Thumb marcus 09:02 ,2015 آذار 05

absolutely! Didn't they say dahieh was already under a security plan...lol

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:16 ,2015 آذار 05

lol indeed, gotta love those "sources"

Default-user-icon mowaten.zaboura (ضيف) 14:21 ,2015 آذار 05

what are you laughing at mowaten, you always have that nervous lol?

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:56 ,2015 آذار 05

I never commented on whether or not oil data was being sold, please take your hallucinations and neurosis elsewhere.

As for the allegations here they are hilarious and incoherent, there is nothing to "deny", only you guys to laugh at. You are funny, jumping around like little clowns at the slightest allegation reported by unknown "sources" without even stopping for a second to wonder about it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:58 ,2015 آذار 05

If you want to believe that "Hezbollah are stretched so thin", please be my guest and inform your friends in tsahal and da3esh that they have a golden opportunity now :)

Thumb EagleDawn 17:18 ,2015 آذار 05

The third Reich had its Joseph Goebbels and Hizbollah has its mowaten:

“اكذب ثم اكذب ثم اكذب فلا بد من أن يصدق الناس في النهاية”
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:27 ,2015 آذار 05

of course eagleyawn, as a hasbara agent you must be familiar with this concept

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:28 ,2015 آذار 05

and lol anonyme, your analysis is so childish i'm not going to bother answering.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:48 ,2015 آذار 05

And i'm pleased if you're pleased anonyme, at least this way you'll stop ranting and exposing your hate here every day, right?

Thumb joebustani 09:26 ,2015 آذار 05

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Missing greatpierro 10:13 ,2015 آذار 05

maybe they should start by handing the suspects of the murder of Hariri, the attempted murder of Butros Harb and the identified murderer of hashem el Salman. They should also unveil the whereabout of Joseph Sader.

Thumb Mystic 10:49 ,2015 آذار 05

Didn't some of you people, complain about the LAF not being allowed to enter Southern Surburbs? Here you go, the army will increase their presence particulary around the airport aswell. Has nothing to do with Syria this matter, the LAF will simply be grown in numbers at certain areas.

Missing greatpierro 16:05 ,2015 آذار 05

and do you think that the police can arrest the murderer of Hachem el Salman?

Thumb justin 11:00 ,2015 آذار 05

This has to be the 100th security plan for Dahyeh. Nothing will change.. hezbollah will remain the only force on the ground: their thugs can never be stopped; their offices will stay open; their businesses remain open; their tinted 4x4's will continue to roam the streets without ever being stopped, their criminals will stay free.... etc.

Default-user-icon Hezb el jadab (ضيف) 11:11 ,2015 آذار 05

This is the joke of the century!

Hezbollah is the sole party responsible for the security situation in dahye and proliferation of arms.

The Lebanese state should not even step foot there without Hezbollah surrendering their weapons they use to shoot bullets all over Beirut.

Bring back the Lebanese flags to dahye and u will get one soldier per flag, for each hezb flag, you will lose a soldier!

Hezbollah does everything to undermine the state of Lebanon. We the Lebanese people and state owe nothing to Hezbollah!

Thumb Machia 12:03 ,2015 آذار 05

This is a positive step and it is good for Lebanon.

Thumb ex-fpm 15:44 ,2015 آذار 05

I tend to agree with @terrorist on this one. Hezbollah will vet all the officers before they get assigned, and the LAF will never be equal to Hezbollah in dahieh. The LAF will always feel hindered and have to co-ordinate every little matter with Hezbollah and get its approval. Naive to think Hezbollah will allow the LAF a free hand in its heartland. In my opinion it is a show as a result of the Mustaqbal-Hezbollah dialogue.

Thumb barrymore 17:37 ,2015 آذار 05

I agree this is merely a show. One has to remember the people of this swamp are more loyal to hizballah than they are to the LAF or the Lebanese State. I cannot imagine the LAF/ISF being able to arrest someone of any importance without referring to and getting hizballah's approval.

Thumb EagleDawn 12:14 ,2015 آذار 05

They should remove the pictures of their terrorists first from the airport road to make people feel like they are not landing at Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport.

Thumb ParvizAmir 15:08 ,2015 آذار 05

The Islamic Republic of Iran and its Supreme Leader welcome the deployment of Lebanese Security Forces into the Capital of Resistance, Dahyeh where they will join their brothers in the Islamic Resistance hand in hand in maintaining law and order and chasing the dark forces of terror. The Islamic Republic strongly supports this deployment under the command of the Islamic Resistance and stands ready to offer any support necessary such as logistics, explosives, and anti terror training.

Missing peace 18:20 ,2015 آذار 05

oh!!! poor hezbollah... cannot ensure its own security now? pity isn't it? for years they refused any governmental forces to enter dahiye, had their own security now they beg the state?
seems they are in desperate need of personnel as they cannot ensure the security anymore! wonder why? LOL

Missing peace 18:22 ,2015 آذار 05

sure! hezbo lovers always claimed the the army was in dahiye and police were ther too to ensure the security... seems this contradict their lies once more!

Thumb beiruti 18:54 ,2015 آذار 05

a necessary first step to the LAF and ISF resuming full authority for the security of the State from the last militia that is usurping that authority.

Thumb shab 22:37 ,2015 آذار 05

Filthy murdering militia