عون يؤكد ان "لا تنازلات" في ملف الرئاسة: انا مع محور المقاومة ضد داعش واسرائيل

Read this story in English W460

شدد رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشل عون على انه سيحارب الفساد اذا تم انتخابه رئيساً للجمهورية، معلناً من جهو اخرى انه في محور "المقاومة ذد داعش واسرائيل".

وفي حوارٍ مع صحيفة "الخبار"، الثلاثاء، قال عون: " إذا انتخبت رئيساً فسأحرّك نظام المحاسبة وأفعّل التفتيش القضائي وعندها النظام هو من يتابع هذه الأمور أوتوماتيكياً".

ومن الجدير بالذكر، ان لبنان يعيش فراغاً في سدة الرئاسة الاولى منذ ايار الفائت، لرفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على رئيس جديد، وسط خوض رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" جعجع المعركة الرئاسية عن فريق قوى 14 آذار، وتمسك "حزب الله"، عن 8 آذار بعون مرشح للرئاسة.

الى ذلك، اكد عون عبر "الاخبار" انه لن يقوم بتنازلات من أجل التقارب السياسي مع رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري وجعجع قائلاً: "ناولت مرة واحدة للرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان ورأينا ما كانت النتيجة".

ورأى ان " الوصول الى السلطة ليس غاية، انما وسيلة لنحقق ما نطمح اليه" ، معتبراً ان الحاجة لتصحيح الامور باتت ضرورية "لأن في النظام علل كثيرة، ولكن عند المطالبة تقوم القيامة".

الى ذلك شدد رئيس التيار على ان الخروج من الطائفية يكمن عبر تطبيق مبدأ الكفاءة، قائلاً: "عندما يُطبق مبدأ الكفاءة، نصل الى اطمئنان إلى أن الكفاءة هي المعيار، وعندها يصبح الخروج من الطائفة سهلاً".

وفي سياقٍ منفصل، اعلن عون عبر "الاخبار" انه ينتمي الى "محور المقاومة ضد داعش واسرائيل"، مسلطاً الضوء على "هواجسه" من ان "خطر داعش سائر في اتجاهنا".

واردف انه لا يخشى مما يسمّى فائض القوة لدى الشيعة وذلك لأسباب عدة، "منها نشأتي ومعرفتي بالناس ومعاشرتهم و الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله مع التوازن".

يشار الى ان حزب الله يحارب في سوريا منذ اندلاع الازمة في اذار 2011، ضد الجماعات الارهابية وابرزها "داعش" و"النصرة".

وتعرض لبنان لعدوان إسرائيلي عام 2006 استمر منذ 12 تموز حتى 14 من آب وذهب ضحيته 1200 شخصا من الجانب اللبناني و160 من الجانب الإسرائيلي.

وكانت اخر الاشتباكات بين الحزب واسرائيل في 28 كانون الاول الفائت، حيث تبنى حزب الله عملية قامت بها "مجموعة شهداء القنيطرة"الذين سقطوا الأحد في 18 اكانون الاول الفائت بغارة إسرائيلية، باستهداف قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية داخل مزارع شبعا، أدت إلى سقوط قتيلين في صفوف الإسرائيليين إضافة إلى سبعة جرحى. إلا أن الجيش الإسرائيلي رد بقصف بلدات جنوبية.


التعليقات 68
Thumb liberty 08:53 ,2015 آذار 10

“We propose things to awaken the people and make them a source of discussion. In a democratic system, you cannot clap your hands on your own. I never back down,” he added.

He has the audacity to talk about a "democratic" system when he violates the constitution on a daily basis and does not practice the fundamentals of democracy by going to parliament and elect a new president.

Thumb sophia_angle 10:29 ,2015 آذار 10

General Michel Aoun historical name that will never fade away!
Commander of Lebanese army - Prime Minister - Head of Eastern Christian dialogue - Head of Free patriotic mvt - Head of biggest Christian block - having 10 ministers - President Coming Soon!!! stay tuned grab your popcorn M14rs :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:02 ,2015 آذار 10

"Aoun has promised to hold accountable corrupt officials if he were elected a president" = reason why m14 are shaking in their boots and will do anything to block him, even try to pass a war criminal, church bomber, priest killer and mass murderer.

Thumb ashtah 11:14 ,2015 آذار 10

why does he not do it now and not wait until he becomes President. A president does not have magic powers and Aoun can easily do what he is promising right now. It is just talk for popular consumption. The corruption is rampant among hezbollah and its followers.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:27 ,2015 آذار 10

lol mowaten, you "imagine" a lot. what a load of bollocks mate, do you believe it yourself, or just hoping to fool some ignorants?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:31 ,2015 آذار 10

Yes thanks for your shrewd observation ashta! Indeed the President does not have "magic powers", but he has other, more "earthly" powers.

And no, Aoun cannot today prosecute corrupt officials, especially when these have control over the prime minister and the minister of justice, as well as most of the other key state positions.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:32 ,2015 آذار 10

once more eaglyawn (you're slow aren't you?) if you copy paste my comments out of context it makes you sound like an idiot.

Thumb freedomarch 11:45 ,2015 آذار 10

Looking at article s picture and analyzing:
Aoun, in deep thoughts looking into the ... looking to no were seems like wanted a nap...
Big head full of ...full of ...mm Actually can't even hold his head any more need a rest or he will sleep in the middle of the interview!
Eyes are very...are very not so focused, bring the dam pillow and let me sleep, Can basil take over, he knows the answers better and Time for my pill.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:00 ,2015 آذار 10


and you call that "analyzing"? appalling, but certainly goes a long way in explaining things...

Thumb rssalman 12:49 ,2015 آذار 10

also the only Lebanese general who abandoned his dying troops and his family to flee to safety. He is a coward and a disgrace to Lebanon and to its armed forces

Missing cedars 13:18 ,2015 آذار 10

he is the slave of hizbollah too, hence weakened and divided the Christians too.

As an army officer he should know better that making peace is the only solution with the neighboring countries including Israel, such as Jordan and Egypt. No one wins in the wars when lives are lost day in and day out.

Missing sergio 23:37 ,2015 آذار 11

To all of Aoun the clown worshipers you keep on talking about Geagea some of might have been little kids back when Aoun & forces vandalized Bkirki before he ran away to France with his pyjamas. Do a search on you tube & you will find out that he is not & was not any better then Geagea.

Thumb justin 08:55 ,2015 آذار 10

Aoun and his followers live in a self contained bubble; a bubble they created in which their delusions become reality.

Thumb saturn 10:02 ,2015 آذار 10

What bubble were you in when IS was "a lie"? Delusions became reality, huh.

Missing greatpierro 08:59 ,2015 آذار 10

The new ibrahim koleilat

Missing greatpierro 08:59 ,2015 آذار 10

He should be oresident so he can make accountable Gebran bassil.

Thumb nickjames 09:13 ,2015 آذار 10

“I hold everyone accountable on what they say"

- Looooooool everyone but yourself, and you're the self-contradictory senile lunatic who spews out the most nonsense of all the politicians you want to hold accountable. You are a traitor to your family, your loyalist soldiers, your supporters who made a human shield around your palace, and your country that you fled after you said you would die an honourable death on the battlefield against the occupiers. And above all that, you are a traitor to yourself, a man who once said Hezbollah are terrorists only to join their axis of terrorism...

Lebanon's Christians will remain divided as long as you are alive. Your death will be a step towards the unification of Lebanon's Christians.

Thumb freedomarch 11:22 ,2015 آذار 10

The shame itself ... excellent and clear points ... If those who follow blindly ..someone read it for them and open your eyes.

Missing helicopter 02:28 ,2015 آذار 11

He will be exonerated on the basis of "insanity" defense.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:34 ,2015 آذار 10

Aoun, Claims to be Part of Resistance Axis against IS and Israel.

Great, now go live in Syria and do your axis a favor.

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (ضيف) 09:38 ,2015 آذار 10

FT = the most informative poster this site has ever seen by a country mile
No wonder his posts are removed within minutes of them being posted.

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (ضيف) 09:40 ,2015 آذار 10

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.

Thumb Mystic 09:54 ,2015 آذار 10

Yes he is part of it. What are you people going to do about it?

Missing maroun 10:48 ,2015 آذار 10

we are going to have popcorn and watch it getting destroyed...or should i say it will self implode..

Thumb Mystic 11:55 ,2015 آذار 10

Don't get strangled in your popcorn, be cautious. You might get shocked when Aoun gets President.

Missing maroun 12:04 ,2015 آذار 10

Mystic ..the Traitor and deserter will never become president.

Thumb Mystic 12:34 ,2015 آذار 10

You never know, we will see.

Thumb saturn 09:59 ,2015 آذار 10

Accountability for corruption, that scares the shait out of a big bunch of politicians, doesn't it!

Default-user-icon saturnbemoss (ضيف) 10:40 ,2015 آذار 10

That's what you have to comment?

Thumb thepatriot 10:42 ,2015 آذار 10

He is amazing...
Where are the Millions in donation he received during the war?
What about the Syrian Accountability Act?
Why are all his sons in (out)law at key posts? (otv/army/government) I thought he was against "feudalism"!
Who killed Hariri according to him?
Who destroyed Lebanon?
Who is the ally of an organisation largely recognized as "terrorist"?
Who's right arm was caught spying for Israel?
Who photoshoped Pictures of the LF?
Who said: "Hezbollah's weapon is a danger to Lebanon and Lebanese society, only the state can protect Lebanon"?
Who said "I would be the last person to leave Lebanon, but I wont leave, I'm the captain and I will die here"?
Who brutally attacked bkirki?
Who lost all his wars?
Who is blocking our institutions?
Who is blackmailing an entire population "Me, or nothing!"?

Missing peace 10:46 ,2015 آذار 10

good reminder to those FPMers with selective memories! LOL

Thumb freedomarch 11:30 ,2015 آذار 10

It seems that a unis brains are fried and damaged beyond repair if they "can" read this and still follow this history of disgrace and absolute shame.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 15:28 ,2015 آذار 10

is that beloved zainib in your avatar?

Thumb thepatriot 13:09 ,2015 آذار 11

Chou ya FT? Did you enjoy my little youtube links?
Do you feel stupid? Again. :)

Thumb thepatriot 16:08 ,2015 آذار 10

here is for FT :)


Thumb thepatriot 16:49 ,2015 آذار 10

For FT : Here is a pic of Michel Aoun presenting the Photoshop Picture...
Enjoy :)


Who Photoshoped it? Most certainly Geagea ya FT... Most certaily Geagea :)

Default-user-icon democratic (ضيف) 12:06 ,2015 آذار 10

If general aoun is serious about supporting the resistance he should also support joumhour al moukawama, the lebanese shiite majority, get the just democratic rights usurped by the christian minority in taef.
God bless democracy.

Thumb ParvizAmir 12:40 ,2015 آذار 10

The Islamic Republic of Iran considers General Aoun not only an ally but a citizen of the Islamic Republic. His heart and mind are with the revolution and he is welcome to be part of the axis in our Iranian Empire that includes the whole Middle East and Baghdad as its Capital.

Thumb freedomarch 14:02 ,2015 آذار 10

Looking after your wellbeing and taking you by hand for treatment feels bad I Know, but it is for your good after all. IF WE don't care of each other who will. ALSO, imagine if I took you to the path of street armed fights or militias etc.. I would not be doing you any favors. AS LONG AS, you don't snap, or feel extra bad for my words I will have to wish you well and hope someone around you can give you the helping hand you need. Take care ... sorry for that. Let me know if things get better.

Default-user-icon Guest (ضيف) 14:03 ,2015 آذار 10

The pot calling the kettle black..

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:53 ,2015 آذار 10

Finally anonyme you admit you're a sick crazy hysterical junkie, which was Obvious from the beginning.

Thumb Machia 15:05 ,2015 آذار 10

Time to move on and elect Aoun as president. Whether we like it or not, he got the largest amount of votes amongst Christian voters and if elections happen today, he will get an even larger majority, given IS threat.
Given his electoral weight, Aoun will give the presidency some meaning. He will certainly not be a figurhead president that can be bought and sold by Syria or Saudi.
Moreover, he took a risky strategic view on his alliances that proved to be correct. After all the US and Iran are closer than at any moment since 1979.
Being against IS and Israel is in line with all political parties in Lebanon. Time for President Aoun...that would be interesting as it will break the cycle of Saudi-Syrian presidents that came after 1990.

Thumb the_roar 15:14 ,2015 آذار 10

Excellent post, machia....finally someone able to post some truths !

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (ضيف) 15:26 ,2015 آذار 10

are you done with down voting? When are you going to bring @wolf out of retirement or do you feel more comfortable with your hourly aliases? Please bring him back

Thumb the_roar 15:25 ,2015 آذار 10

since when do you care about the constitution? When suleiman was elected Pres? or when m14 insist on extensions? do you need more?

No they break the constitution whenvever they feel like it, yet you never complained, but when Aoun asked to allow the people to vote directly...you cried blue murder....what about the CONSTITUTION?

move along liar.

Thumb the_roar 15:27 ,2015 آذار 10

Then allow the people to vote directly & vote for someone else

your so sure he'll lose right? & you will prove machia wrong.

Thumb the_roar 15:32 ,2015 آذار 10

No tex..stop your lies....M8 clearly wanted Aoun...but M14 threatened to boycott & suleiman was agreed upon to limit the damge m14 was hell bent on causing.....regardless it was against the CONSTITUTION>

never seen you complain nor about extension after extension.

move along tex your debate is lame & loaded with lies.

Thumb Machia 15:32 ,2015 آذار 10

Moreover, to be fair to Aoun, he was very transparent in his alliance with Hezbollah, a Lebanese political party with representatives in the parliament and the government. He actually published his accord. He is also very clear about his negotiations with Mustaqbal.
Aoun built alliances and was not an order taker this is why he has popular support and is respected by his previous enemies, unlike all previous serving presidents since Fouad Chehab.

Thumb Machia 15:38 ,2015 آذار 10

The Lebanese president has been imposed by foreign powers since 1990. The constitution has been mistreated to say the least. The extension of parliament is also not very constitutional.
Again, Aoun is the most popular Maronite candidate and if parliamentary elections happen today, he will get many more seats in parliament.
It is time to have a president who has an actual political weight with a strategic vision. We don't want another oder taker.

Thumb Machia 15:42 ,2015 آذار 10

And if we want to be democratic, Aoun should be president. After all Christians are partners in Lebanon. Our president should not be chosen by Saudi, Syria or Iran.

Thumb the_roar 15:45 ,2015 آذار 10

Your post has confirmed your hatred & not an ounce of factual debate.

Machia is giving you facts & your replying with hatred wishful thoughts

Move along tex..or better still, stick to predictions.

lol@ recent opinion polls...lmfaoooooooooooooo

easily solved, allow the people to vote!

Thumb Machia 15:48 ,2015 آذار 10

My point here is that Aoun is today more representative of Christian public opinion than all other Christian candidates.
A president with strong popular support is very powerful. He will rely more on the support of his voters than on foreign powers.

Thumb Machia 15:53 ,2015 آذار 10

Finally the Middle East is changing. Iran is becoming a rational player that is gaining the respect of the world community.
Therefore, Aoun's alliance with Hezbollah will not impact the Lebanese interest and could be an (economic and political) boon.

Missing coolmec 16:33 ,2015 آذار 10

Are you drinking arack and smoking something??
Do you really think Aoun will be a good president? On what basis do you claim he represents the majority of the Christians??

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:48 ,2015 آذار 10

is there a problem with drinking arak? take you fascist views elsewhere please, this is not your takfiri forum.

and on basis of what? on votes maybe? heard of this before?

Thumb cash.puppet 16:53 ,2015 آذار 10

Also on the basis of him proposing a direct vote for president, which the other side of course rejected based on the knowledge that theyll get their butts whooped. Oh yea, and the whole PM number thing, you know, the votes!

Thumb EagleDawn 15:07 ,2015 آذار 10

I know third-graders who can make better arguments than that "mowaten". Try to read properly before answering and stay on topic

Thumb the_roar 15:56 ,2015 آذار 10

Thanks for another predictions...I rather listen to facts though.

I suggest you listen to machia, he might school you in facts.

Default-user-icon le.phenicien (ضيف) 16:16 ,2015 آذار 10

Ladies and gents please join me in a special fund raising drive on behalf our friend flamethrower who is destitute and down to only nine different account. We need all the help to get him at least back to his usual average of 28. Thank you for your support.

Thumb ex-fpm 10:29 ,2015 آذار 11


Thumb cash.puppet 16:28 ,2015 آذار 10

texy's definition of pariah: A nation that refuses to bow down to economic enslavement.

Tell me texas, do these so called powers accept Lebanon for what it is? No they dont, they want war with us if we are different and dont accept their crazy demands, so to hell with them anyway. GOOD, let all the Lebanese expats be expelled from the GCC. The GCC countries are nothing but slaves to the banks that rule them, and the GCC countries already support the destabilization of our country, in order to gain our educated youth to build their country while they sit on their a**** getting the paychecks from our hard work.

To hell with them all. This is what you dont get. We KNOW the Western allies will not like the direction we want to take, that's the whole point. We are our own country and we choose our rules. You should stay in Texas and pay back the man like a good slave.

Thumb cash.puppet 16:50 ,2015 آذار 10

M8 are the ones who proposed direct vote for president, so that's the WE. Go weasel your way out of some other argument because all I hear is nonsense. Tax day is coming up in a month, prepare your slave payments

Thumb cash.puppet 17:04 ,2015 آذار 10


The biggest farce is none other than the pre-approved Zionist Federal Reserve Bank candidates in the USA, idiot. Iran makes no secret of its positions and doesnt lie about it. The US on the other hand is in complete denial about its enslavement to the Zionist warmonger imperialists.

Seriously dude, you're in the right country.. full of weasels.

Default-user-icon and also (ضيف) 17:28 ,2015 آذار 10

full.disclosure aka bigjohn, ado.austalia..

Missing Ghazanfar 16:45 ,2015 آذار 10

"The smartest are those who fight outside their land"

you mean Jihadi tourism like this?

Thumb Mystic 17:14 ,2015 آذار 10

Axis of Evil? Very nice of you to take the qoute from George W. Bush a killer of millions.

Americans and their hypocrisy.

Thumb Elemental 18:29 ,2015 آذار 10

Sad how Christians are manipulated in Lebanon, shameful.

Missing coolmec 23:56 ,2015 آذار 10

I agree with you 100%