جعفري: صراع حزب الله مع إسرائيل هو إحدى "معجزات الثورة" التي فتحت "فصلا جديدا"
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أشاد مسؤول عسكري ايراني كبير الاربعاء بـ"التأثير" المتزايد للثورة الاسلامية في العالم الاسلامي، مشيرا إلى أن صراع حزب الله مع إسرائيل هو إحدى "معجزات" هذه الثورة.
ونقلت وكالة الانباء الطلابية عن قائد الحرس الثوري الذي يشكل جيش النخبة الجنرال محمد علي جعفري قوله ان "مرحلة تصدير الثورة فتحت فصلا جديدا اليوم".
وكان الجنرال جعفري يتحدث امام اعضاء مجلس الخبراء المؤلف من مسؤولين دينيين ويشرف على انشطة المرشد الاعلى للثورة.
وقال جعفري ان صراع حزب الله مع اسرائيل "هو احدى معجزات الثورة الاسلامية ويؤكد التأثير القوي للنظام الاسلامي" في المنطقة.
واضاف "لا تعترف فلسطين ولبنان فقط بالدور المؤثر لايران، بل شعبا سوريا والعراق ايضا".
كما شدد على أن "دعم غزة ولبنان من الاهداف البنيوية للجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية".
وتؤكد طهران انها تدعم الحكومتين العراقية والسورية في مواجهة تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية، من خلال تقديم اسلحة ومعدات ومستشارين عسكريين.
كذلك تبارك إيران قتال حزب الله إلى جانب القوات النظامية السورية منذ أكثر من عام ونصف.
وانشأ الامام الخميني الحرس الثوري في 1979 ووضعه تحت الامرة المباشرة للمرشد الاعلى. وتقضي مهمته بالدفاع عن النظام الاسلامي ضد "اعدائه" الخارجيين والداخليين ايضا.
ويقول خبراء غربيون ان عدد عناصر هذا الحرس المزود بمعدات اكثر تطورا من معدات الجيش الجيش النظامي، يبلغ 125 الفا.

DOES vatican, or Arabia or Egypt send weapons to Lebanese forces kaftan or Future mvmt?

Hezbollah is the biggest threat to our existence and continuity as an independent civilized state. Iran just confirmed that we are dealing with a group of mercenaries driven by sectarian hatred and implementing Iran's agenda in the region. The ISIS will soon be dealt with but Hezbollah remains the cancer from within.

The Iranian Revolution from 1979 has been reborn in 2015 no doubt, their influence has been strengthened due to the conflicts around the region, they managed to support sovereign governments and nations into resisting the American/Zionist backed takfiris.
No wonder the U.S is pushing for nuclear talks, they are trembling in fear amid Israeli pressure to engage military in Iran. Assad is still in power, something that shocks the West rapidly.
Resistance advisors managed to teach the Iraqi Forces how to fight for themselves, they did so without U.S assistance. Iran was the first country to backup the Iraqi government when Mosul was taken by ISIS.
Now they are steadily pushing forward, against the foreign backed takfiris. The West simply doesn't know what to do next.

The West is entirely focused on Russia at the moment, they are slowly loosing interest in the Middle East.
Also the Western approach at Russias border in Ukraine, has made the Russians significantly Anti Western, they used to be a good partner with the Americans, now they hate each other again, just like the cold war times.
We are entering a new era genltemen, this is not the time of the U.S.A & Western Europe any longer.
Now it is time for the East to rise.

Just a note on your ridiculous comments "Now they are steadily pushing forward, against the foreign backed takfiris."
There are more than 50,000 foreign shiaa terrorists fighting in Syria alone including Yemenis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, and Indians. The rest of your argument is as usual the typical propaganda we are accustomed to.

@anony, please watch this video that was leaked from the mobile of one of Hezbollah's terrorists after he perished in Syria. Watch and tell me if they ever mention Lebanon one time, just one time. Listen to the sectarian chants they sing. Nassrallah wants to convince us his terrorists are in Syria fighting to preserve Lebanon.

Hezbollah is composed of Lebanese citizens and voted into parliament by Lebanese citizens.
It has the very public and strong support of its constituency.
Hezbollah is allied with the Islamic Republic of Iran, receiving money and other kind of support. Its military wing receives weapons, training and other logistical support from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Why is there such a large portion of the Lebanese population that supports Hezbollah? Why was there such a large portion of the Lebanese population supporting the PLO and Syria during the Lebanese civil war? And why is there such a large portion of Syrians and Iraqis supporting ISIS today?
These are the questions we should be answering and addressing instead of attacking and insulting Hezbollah and its supporters who after all are Lebanese citizens like us.

How did Lebanon, Iraq and Syria became failed states and why? What can each of us do to correct this?
Hezbollah's weapons and its alliance with Iran is just one of the problems we face in Lebanon. Endemic corruption, a disastrous bureaucracy that hinders growth, tax evasion from a large portion of the population, extreme poverty, racism, sectarianism, fundamentalism, etc.
I wish our politicians concentrated on these problems before taking the easy way out and attacking Saudi, Iran, Israel and one another.
Each one of us is responsible because we are voting (or not) for sectarian or personal reasons, we sell our votes, we are more interested in regional politics than in our neighbours economic and social situation and evading our taxes.
We are each responsible because we are ready to bribe Lebanese bureaucrats to get our affairs through.
Let's talk about those issues and forget Iran, Syria, Israel and Saudi for a moment.

Machia. Lebanon is not a failed state. It has structural problems. But is not a failed state.
You are probably living abroad and see lebanon from the perspective of expats whose sole view of lebanon is through the news.

Lebanon_first, I wish from all my heart that I am wrong!
This brings me back to anonymetexasusa point, the SLA disappeared the moment the Israelis occupation troops left. The Lebanese Forces on the other hand who at one point were allied to Israel remained and are a potent political party.
Hezbollah is a very powerful military machine and have a political agenda in alliance with Iran. Moreover they have incredible popular support in Lebanon.
Calling them traitors and insulting them will not solve the problem but make it worse. Civil war is not an option.
This is why we must ask ourselves why does Lebanon have a militia that is stronger than the state's army and security forces combined and my answer is that it has so many deep structural problems, as Lebanon-first said, (I call it a failed state), that each of us bears responsibility for and need to address.

saudis have ISIS, iran has hezbollah....two islamist extremist groups, only the sect differs....

""The Islamic revolution is advancing with good speed, its example being the ever-increasing export of the revolution,"
in other words "export" means that iran is imposing their hegemony with the help of their proxies...without asking the opinion of the people
again NO difference with isis or nusra....

Nothing new it's the same old rhetoric rehashed by yet another Iranian. Nasrallah plainly confirmed it multiple times, like here for example

"The phase of the export of the revolution has entered a new chapter," he added, referring to an aim of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution."
southern: this clearly means that iran is exporting its revolution abroad... are you able to understand? or you just bury your head in the sand....

Amnesty decries Iran draft law to boost population
Amnesty International, the London-based human rights group, has denounced Iran for proposing draft laws aimed at boosting the country's population, saying the legislation would "reduce Iranian women to baby-making machines".

What this have to do with Israel or KSA, putting them together? TOPIC IS Iran and it's proxies.

Looool what a load of cack from Mystic. And just watch what happens if a Republican is elected in 2016...

Exporting revolution is reminiscent of the CCCP days with the exportation of communism bullshait, but then we all know how that circus turned out.
"America is rolling into a ravine! We will catch up with America and overpass it!"
Into the ravine, LOL.

Flamethrower, you are a pathetic human being. Your a hypocrite with all your fake accounts and your Iranian style manipulation. You aren't Lebanese, never were, never will be.

PS: ask Roar about Mystic's comments about Lord Jesus. Shameful Iranian Revolutionary Guards act like they're better....