القضاء يصدر القرار الظني بجريمة بتدعي ويتهم 8 من آل جعفر بارتكابها

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اصدر القضاء المختص القرار الظني في جريمة بتدعي كما احال 8 اشخاص من آل جعفر للمحاكمة بعد اتهامهم بارتكاب الجريمة في تشرين الثاني.

فقد افادت "الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام"، الجمعة، ان "قاضي التحقيق الاول في البقاع عماد الزين، أصدر قراره الظني في جريمة بتدعي".

واشارت الى ان الزين "اتهم 8 اشخاص من آل جعفر صدرت في حقهم مذكرات توقيف غيابية بجناية القتل عمدا سندا الى المادة 546 عقوبات".

كما لفتت الى انه تمت احالة "المتهمين امام محكمة الجنايات في البقاع للمحاكمة".

وأدى كمين نصبه الجيش في بلدة اليمونة البقاعية في 26 شباط الفائت، الى مقتل احمد محمد جعفر، احد المطلوبين في جريمة بتدعي التي قضى ضحيتها المواطن صبحي فخري وزوجته نديمة.

وكان عدد من المسلحين من آل جعفر، وخلال فرارهم من الجيش، الذي كان يقوم بداهمة دار الواسعة بعلبك-بتدعي في 15 تشرين الثاني الفائت قد لجأوا إلى منزل آل فخري. وأطلقوا النار على الضحايا بعد رفضهم تسليمهم سيارتهم بغية سرقتها والهروب فيها، فيما نجا نجلهم من الحادثة.


التعليقات 17
Thumb EagleDawn 11:37 ,2015 آذار 13

They are untouchable.... Saints of the resistance.

Thumb justin 12:04 ,2015 آذار 13

Where are these Jafars?

Thumb marcus 13:09 ,2015 آذار 13

where is nassrallah ya flamethrower?

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:02 ,2015 آذار 13

You will not find one person in m8, hezbollah, be it supporters, members or officials, who would condemn the arrests of these criminals, yet m14ers desperately insist on trying to make a link, because they have nothing else to say.

Missing peace 15:16 ,2015 آذار 13

"better leave those little kids to their post-reporting vendettas and baseless hateful rantings"

yeah! that is why you are still here to ease your frustrations and insult left and right...

why don't you leave this site if you pretend to "leave those little kids"? LOL

your mental illness tells you to always come back here and play the tough guy which you cannot achieve in real life, little chicken....

Thumb -phoenix1 12:05 ,2015 آذار 13

O how times do change, O how badly the once-thought-untouchable react so badly, O how badly the mighty fall. Poetry apart, sure thing, them times are changing and the once mighty Hezbollah could not believe its eyes. So Mystic, what say ye?

Thumb cityboy 13:55 ,2015 آذار 13

O phoenix, riding in his high horse once again. What does this have to do with Hezbollah. Furthermore, arent you one of those that says HA controlls the government so if that is the case, why should HA be the least bit worried.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:21 ,2015 آذار 13

City, I am truly afraid that more and more people on this forum seem to loose a most critical aspect of freedom of speech which is in fact that uncanny habit of turning a thread topic from the topical to the personal. How far would that project your thoughts but no further than the stretch of your nose. There was a legend called Pinocchio, and you know what a lengthening of his nose meant in the story. O beloved brother of mine City, show me where I wrote that HA controls the government. A bon entendeur khaye.

Thumb cityboy 17:32 ,2015 آذار 13

No Phownix, my jab at you was not personal, you should know me by now not to think that. Your opinions are as equal to mine and any other on here. As for providing you proof that you said HA controlls the qovernment, no i can't say you explicity said it but you have implied it in many of your posts in one form or another.

Missing helicopter 03:47 ,2015 آذار 14

When HA controlled the Government 100% for over 4 years non of the Shia thugs (Jaafars, Zoaiters, Meqdads wa haluma jaran) were ever caught.
Now that power is shared, and the interior Minister is an M14er, then HA thugs are being apprehended and indicted. Even though a lot more is needed to have acceptable level of law and order, I am happy for every step of progress made in that regard.

Missing coolmec 13:24 ,2015 آذار 13

I have a question for you guys
Every day I read that several people (criminals etc..) have been arrested.
in light of the Lebanese prisons being notoriously over crowded, where are they incarcerating all these arrested criminals? Are they being freed after their arrests??

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:05 ,2015 آذار 13

coolmec: everyday some older prisoners are released, when their terms end, this creates new spaces everyday for newcomers. Also there are some who are arrested and released after being interrogated (if there isn't enough evidence to charge them with) and others are held until judgement and released if found innocent.
Having said this, the prisons are still highly overcrowded I think.

Missing coolmec 13:56 ,2015 آذار 13

I read before that he came to Orange County in Southern California. Well I live in Org Cnty and I certainly hope I wont run in to him in a mall .
Please keep him in Syria

Missing coolmec 13:56 ,2015 آذار 13

oh I was referring to Ali Eid

Missing coolmec 14:07 ,2015 آذار 13

why was Flamethrower's comment deleted?? He replied to my comment and it should not have been deleted

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:12 ,2015 آذار 13

true. the mods behavior is inexplicable.

Missing coolmec 14:31 ,2015 آذار 13

hum this is unfortunate as I thought that was the purpose of this forum,