داعش يتحضر لشنّ "معركة الربيع"

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كشفت المعلومات الصحافية ان مقاتلي تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية "داعش" يعدّون لنقل الاشتباكات من جرود عرسال الى جرود القاع في الربيع القادم.

فقد افادت صحيفة "الاخبار"، الثلاثاء، ان " الحركة الميدانية لداعش على الحدود الشرقية تدلّ على أن التنظيم يعمل على نقل مقاتلين له من القلمون الشرقي (القريبة من الحدود السورية) إلى القلمون الغربي (القريب من الحدود اللبنانية)".

واشارت الى ان التنظيم "يعدّ العدّة لنقل المعركة إلى منطقة مشاريع القاع التي يستطيع أن يؤمّن فيها خطوط إمداده، بدل حصر وجوده بين جرود عرسال ورأس بعلبك".

وعلى الرغم من "وجود 5000 آلاف جندي لبناني مزوّدين بمرابض مدفعية وراجمات صواريخ، ومدعومين بأنظمة مراقبة ودعم جوّي ومروحي" في الجرود، غير أن الجيش "لم يتمكن من قطع طريق المرور على المسلحين من جرود عرسال ورأس بعلبك إلى جرود القاع".

ووفقاً للأخبار، فان هذ الامتداد من القلمون الشرقي الى القلمون الغربي، ستتم "مع حلول الربيع، وبدء ذوبان الثلج فوق قمم سلسلة الجبال الشرقية للبنان وسفوحها"، ومن هنا تسميتها "معركة الربيع".

اما سبب اختيار جرود القاع، فهو لأن هذه المنطقة تمتاز "بمدىً مفتوح على الداخل السوري عبر القلمون الشرقي وجبال الحسياء"، وفقاً للصحيفة عينها.

الى ذلك، نقلت صحيفة "الاخبار" عن اكثر من مصدر لبناني وسوري قولهم إن "هجوماً شنّه إرهابيو داعش قبل أسبوعين على أحد مواقع الجيش السوري في منطقة دير عطية (القلمون الشرقي)، كان بمثابة تمويه لتمرير داعش 1000 من مقاتليه في اتجاه القلمون الغربي".

ولفتت المصادر الى ان "رصد حركة مقاتلي داعش وردود فعلهم في الآونة الأخيرة خلال الاشتباك مع الجيش اللبناني، يدلان على أن الإرهابيين يوفّرون في استخدام الذخيرة والقذائف".

وفي السياق عينه، توقعت مصادر معنية عبر "الاخبار" أن تخوض جرود بلدة بريتال المصير نفسه ولكن مع إرهابيي جبهة النصرة"، مرجحةً "وقوع معارك طاحنة بين النصرة ومقاتلي حزب الله في جرود البلدة ".

وعلى مدى الأشهر الماضية ومنذ اندلاع الازمة السورية في آذار 2011، يخوض الجيشان اللبناني والسوري الى جانب "حزب الله" معارك دامية بوجه "داعش" و"جبهة النصرة" في المناطق الحدودية.

يُشار الى ان الجيش اللبناني خاض مطلع شهر آب الفائت في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا معارك دامية مع مسلحي "النصرة" و"داعش" الذين انسحبوا بعد ايام معدودة. ومذ ذاك الحين تواجه القوى العسكرية محاولات التسلل من قبل مسلحين على حدود لبنان البقاعية والشمالية.

وكانت آخر المعارك، في وجه مسلحين حاولوا التسلل الى عرسال وجرود رأس بعلبك، امس الاثنين، حيث احبط الجيش تحركاتهم موقعاً في صفوفهم عدداً من القتلى.



التعليقات 37
Thumb EagleDawn 08:31 ,2015 آذار 17

Another credible report by mowaten, Al Akbar, and Al Safil.

Thumb _mowaten_ 09:01 ,2015 آذار 17

are you denying there are isis/nusra fighters on the border? what next? are you going to tell us our soldiers were abducted by teletubies and the daily attacks on ras baalbek are from martians? please eagleyawn, since you're the gatekeeper of credibility, enlighten us!

Missing imagine_1979 09:10 ,2015 آذار 17

In fact there are conflicting repport, da3ech leaving positions in qualamoun take back by nosra, da3ech going to moussil for decisive battle.. Honestly i donno which is right and which is wrong but al akhbar usualy play on polemic (and usualy polemic at the benefice of our local chiite millicia currently bateling und the banner of ya hussein in syria irak yemen...)
Anyway i like ur teletubies suggestion; u can be funny from now and then mowaten :)

Thumb justin 09:34 ,2015 آذار 17

and your terrorist hizb brought them to the border after your glorious victory in qusair over women and children.

Thumb _mowaten_ 09:40 ,2015 آذار 17

imagine if you want funny read this
where did you see a report that says they're going to mossul?

as for al akhbar the only polemic about it is that they don't align with m14 papers, and this causes hysterical denial reactions by people like eagleyawn.

justin: and who brought them to ma3loula? who brought them to mossul? who brought them to kobbane? who brought them to nineveh? think if we just bowed down they would have nicely abstained from coming to lebanon? how endearingly naive.

Default-user-icon mahdi firuz berhouz (ضيف) 11:31 ,2015 آذار 17

hahahahaha! My boss just came into my office with a screen shot of your comment. He said " Mahdi, this is how you debate: you produce evidence to convince others". My boss is very fond of you flamesrower; he wants us to emulate you at work. Somesing Anazar!

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:12 ,2015 آذار 17

gee terrorist, you and your normita online bromance are amazingly lame and pathetic.

Thumb Mystic 15:18 ,2015 آذار 17

Relax terrorist, you are Naharnets cutie remember?

Don't know why the admins would delete this comment.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:59 ,2015 آذار 17

I dont care about your sexual orientation terrorist, do as you please. I dont even care about you spamming this forum with your unrelated slimy, cheesy, boring bromance with that other goof. What is really disgusting is that all this is nothing more than a very transparent way to relentlessly post sectarian hatred, I don't understand how naharnet can tolerate this, especially knowing that sectarian incitement is a serious crime in Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 19:28 ,2015 آذار 17

If there are ISIS/Nusra fighters on the border, then why is HA is fighting them in far away places like Aleppo and even Iraq before eliminating them from the border areas first? I will be waiting for your response Mowaten.
Here is my take on this. ISIS/Nusra are on the borders because HA and Assad want them there to implicate the LAF into their battle. Remember Assad is presenting the world with either him or ISIS (he worked hard on eliminating the moderate rebels). Again I am eager to hear your analysis and response to my question.

Thumb thepatriot 15:11 ,2015 آذار 17

fake or not... thank you for importing all this crap to us hezboz!
You had to go teach them a lesson in Syria huh... you HAD to go defend the wonderful Bashar... thank you.
Now it is our soldiers who pay the price of your adventures...

Thumb Mystic 15:28 ,2015 آذار 17

Had to defend Lebanon from being overrun with takfiris, zionistpatriot. We do not all want to live in Abu Baghdadis state as you do.

Thumb Mystic 09:23 ,2015 آذار 17

ISIS/Nusra trying to get ready for the storm. What they don't know is it will be a resistance-made hurricane blowing everything up there away.

Thumb westernlebanese 09:42 ,2015 آذار 17

@Mystic, I thought your Iranian resistance took over al Qalamoun last year?? what happened? how are the mobolizing if your "resistance is in full or somewhat full control?? Your stories contradict each other and from this i know you're an Iranian Kizbollah.

Thumb _mowaten_ 09:44 ,2015 آذار 17

HA and the SAA freed the towns, but they said at the time and it was clear to all who wanted to hear, that there were still fighters hidden in the hills and countrysides, as well as thousands in arsal which could not be reached because of m14 protection.

Thumb Mystic 10:34 ,2015 آذار 17

Mcdonalds consumer, your takfiri cia agents still have an enclave in the upper mountains and countryside around 3000 of them. Soon they will be gone aswell God willing, time will tell.

Thumb the_roar 14:18 ,2015 آذار 17

The only people making false names are the "guest" BS.

Tell us who is doing the distorting?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 09:57 ,2015 آذار 17

god bless our army

Thumb _mowaten_ 09:58 ,2015 آذار 17

that's a different topic (are you dodging the previous one?) but it has mainly to do with the targets that da3eshits/nusrats select. HA is present along all the border except arsal and ras baalbek, and present inside syria. if they want to fight HA they know where to find it. question is: why are they avoiding it? (dodging like you?)

Thumb westernlebanese 10:15 ,2015 آذار 17

@flamekizbollah, Fyi they took them off the list of a terror threat. the sanctions are still there buddy...

@mowaten you said "if they want HA they know where to find"? where?? Hiding behind the Lebanese Army?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:41 ,2015 آذار 17

you may be out of the loop western boy, but don't worry, they know very well where to find HA fighters.

Default-user-icon azziz (ضيف) 10:34 ,2015 آذار 17

More scaremongering from alakhbar, joseph samaha must be rolling in his grave! Very convenient was that suddent heart attack of his, don't you think mr alamine?

Thumb westernlebanese 10:36 ,2015 آذار 17

@flamekizbollah, there is no denial that Obama is the worst president the us has had....there is no denial that he is looking to make peace with a terrorist and oppressive state. (iran)

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:42 ,2015 آذار 17

you sound like bibi

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:42 ,2015 آذار 17

which side of "western" exactly are you? lol

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 11:28 ,2015 آذار 17

You scare me sometimes _mowaten_...! I laughed exactly the same when I read his comments. We are so similar in how we lie, how we pretend, how we paint ourselves with a moderate brush. Yet we both are shia extremists and are paid to post. I just hope people don't get the idea we are the same narcissist poster.

Default-user-icon abbis (ضيف) 11:38 ,2015 آذار 17

you sound like khomeini

Thumb the_roar 14:21 ,2015 آذار 17

You sound like you're about to burst into tears.

go make another fake "guest" name.

Thumb westernlebanese 10:50 ,2015 آذار 17

Lebanese living in Usa, Los Angeles.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 11:29 ,2015 آذار 17

is that a shia rambo in your avatar?

Default-user-icon speakteezy (ضيف) 12:32 ,2015 آذار 17

I agree with you @speakfreely

Thumb the_roar 14:15 ,2015 آذار 17

someone disagrees with you SF...seems anti ISIS/Nusra/qaida will not be tolerated on this site & the trolls will be unleashed as guest to distort

Thumb the_roar 15:12 ,2015 آذار 17

Leach is not the problem, SF...Naharnet deleting comments that don;t insult another poster for no reason but allowing these trolls to remain unhindered.

Can you see how Naharnet & its agenda is at work?

Thumb the_roar 14:14 ,2015 آذار 17

If al akhbar is so unreliable or distorted as you post daily, then why does a reliable news outlet like Naharnet, report their stories which in turn you feed off on a daily basis?

Thumb the_roar 14:14 ,2015 آذار 17

well said.....NORM/ita-terrorist.

Thumb the_roar 14:22 ,2015 آذار 17

Tex,stop calling terrorist-NORM/ita a tranny...at least he/it came out of the closet.

Thumb Mystic 16:00 ,2015 آذار 17

texas, fact is. We won, and you lost. You just can't accept it, which proves your hysteria and paranoia.