التيار يبحث مع المستقبل "في تعيين شامل روكز قائداً للجيش"

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يعقد تيار المستقبل لقاءات بعيدة عن الاضواء مع التيار الوطني الحر، حيث يتم البحث في تعيين قائد فوج المغاوير العميد شامل روكز، قائداً للجيش اللبناني، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.

فقد كشفت صحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، ان وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل عقد مساء الخميس لقاء بعيداً عن الاضواء مع مدير مكتب رئيس تيار المستقبل نادر الحريري.

ونقلت عن مصادر متابعة قولها ان اللقاء "كان ايجابياً"، مضيفة انه "يأتي استكمالاً للتواصل الذي يتولاه مستشار رئيس تيار المستقبل غطاس خوري مع رئيس التيار الوطني الحر النائب ميشال عون.

ولفتت الى ان "العنوان البارز في هذه اللقاءات هو محاولة عون، الحصول على اجماع جميع القوى السياسية المشاركة في الحكومة على تعيين شامل روكز (صهره) قائدا للجيش".

وأضافت ان تعيين روكز سيكون من ضمن سلة تعيينات تشمل تعيين العميد عماد عثمان مديراً عاما لقوى الأمن الداخلي خلفاً للمدير العام الحالي اللواء ابراهيم بصبوص الذي يُحال الى التقاعد في الخامس من حزيران المقبل.

وفي حين اعتبرت مصادر "السفير" انه "من المبكر الحسم في هذا الأمر"، لفتت الى ان "معادلة الاستقرار ستحكم قرارات السلطة السياسية في التعامل مع المواقع القيادية العسكرية والأمنية، وليس مزاجية أو مواقف هذه الجهة أو تلك".

ومن المرجح أن يتم التمديد لقهوجي الذي تنتهي ولايته في ايلول المقبل، بعد ان كانت قد مُدّدت في ايلول 2013، لسنتين بدل ان يُحال الى التقاعد، غير ان عون يعتبر ان التمديد لاعضاء المجلس العسكري "غير قانوني".

ويهدّد الفراغ الرئاسي الذي يعيشه لبنان منذ ايار الفائت، السلك العسكري، الذي ينتظر انتهاء ولاية عدد من قادته الامنيين، اذ يتوجّب ان يتم تعيين بدلاء عنهم، او تمديد ولايتهم الامر الذي قد يشكّل اشكالاً نظراً لرفض بعض الوزراء الامر، خصوصاً وزراء "التيار الوطني الحر".


التعليقات 16
Missing humble 07:50 ,2015 آذار 20

When the Caporal begs, he begs. When was the last time the Caporal said NO TO FEODALISM AND NEPOTISM?

Thumb lebanon_first 08:55 ,2015 آذار 20

Chamel Roukoz is one of the best officers around. If anyone deserves to be army chief, it is him.

Just please keep the army chief in the army and dont bring him to baabda. We need private sector leaders in Baabda who understand economics. Military types should stay in the army.

Missing humble 09:03 ,2015 آذار 20

I agree that Roukoz is a top officer. But the caporal is the worst. He failed his entry exam at 7arbiyeh Military School and run away on October 13th 1990...
At minimum, a coward, and a corrupt agent.

Thumb barrymore 09:17 ,2015 آذار 20

There are others who are equally qualified and perhaps better. Rukuz has baggage and his relationship with Aoun should not give him any advantage over others.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:28 ,2015 آذار 20

As things are right now, we must not tamper with an army that is indeed making headway in Lebanon's combat against terrorism, in other words you don't change a wining team. general Qahwaji has proven to everyone that he is indeed our general of generals and a damn good one too, and Roukos has also proven what a tough and solid leader he too is. Right now I am of the opinion that the extension of their terms will be best given our current situation, i.e, our fight against extremism, the army's ongoing clean up operations against criminality, gangs and bandits, to name a few. Aoun and in fact anyone else must at all cost refrain from plunging the nation into another state of chaos, Aoun the claoun is certainly known for his qualifications to screw up a country, if medals were to be awarded, then he will need a six-wheel truck to carry his medals of lies, deception, fabrications and screw-ups.

Thumb marcus 12:33 ,2015 آذار 20

seems the voting bots are on duty

Thumb -phoenix1 13:01 ,2015 آذار 20

Marcus, I am very happy with the thumbs down, it clearly shows that the M8 trolls cannot contain their anger, or their frustration, so what better than thumb down? It is THE ominous sign that things no longer work their ways, and that things are changing. I mean look at the silliness of it all, say one comment they don't like and you'd get yourself 15 to 20 downs, in one word, it's stupid thus a trolls life is never an easy one, it's full of fumes, lol.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:33 ,2015 آذار 20

Saad, make sure you count your fingers after shaking hands with this despicable person known as Aoun the claoun. The penguin standing behind him as learned fast from his old man in law about the art of lying, deception, fabrication, theft, massive thefts, then having to re-fabricate even more sordid stories to cover up. Saad, one look at the eyes of Gerban the penguin and you will see the glee of greed and anticipation, if his father-in-law becomes president, the humongous opportunities him and Claoun's cohorts and mentors will have in the palm of their hands, hands that are stained with blood and dirty money. Beware ya Saad, you just don't shake the hand of Baabda's Speedy Gonzales just like that.

Default-user-icon ditto (ضيف) 13:37 ,2015 آذار 20

Look at FT, hiding behind a new ID to say what he really thinks of Bachir Gemayel. I guess he's modeling himself after the cowardly army deserter.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:31 ,2015 آذار 20

Samleb, new guy to the block? I am critical of your Caporal Aoun the claoun, but you ya dear newest of FPM Trolls, in fact one of the AWTA shi bi hal slileh have that same problem as many of your partisans, intolerance to our criticism of him or anyone you deem as a God. Well, rest assured, I will not follow you in dirty insults, we're LF and we do not use your kind of language, tell me just once when did Geagea or Bachir insult? But your Aoun the claoun always does, and when you confront him, he foes mad, mou? This clown of yours called Aoun has NO honor, NO dignity, NO courage, NO patriotism, nothing, he is just another "limpie" who thrives on lies, theft and fabrications. You want to know what kind of doormat I have in my home? On the doormat I have the picture of Aoun the claoun, the kezzeb, the jaben, the awta sho mitlak, every time I enter, I clean my shoes on his face.

Missing coolmec 15:46 ,2015 آذار 20

Did you notice the all big smile Bassil? hum I wonder why? did he close escrow on hi mansion in London??

Missing coolmec 17:39 ,2015 آذار 20

He does not look old HE IS old and senile

Missing helicopter 18:00 ,2015 آذار 20

Trading horses at a bazaar, this is what Lebanon has been reduced to.

Missing coolmec 18:28 ,2015 آذار 20

indeed Helicopter
That is why it saddens me to see Lebanese o polarized blaming M8 or M4 while both are equally corrupt and looking out for their own interests

Missing coolmec 18:29 ,2015 آذار 20

indeed Helicopter
That is why it saddens me to see Lebanese o polarized blaming M8 or M4 while both are equally corrupt and looking out for their own interests

Default-user-icon Aoun (ضيف) 22:01 ,2015 آذار 20

Trading the people!
La guillotine est la solution