جعجع يرى ان وجود حزب الله يعرقل قيام الدولة: نعارض سياسته
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اعتبر رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان ما يعوّق القيام الفعلي للدولة اللبنانية هو وجود "حزب الله كدويلة داخل الدولة"، موضحاً من جهة اخرى ان العلاقة مع الحزب هي "كناية عن معارضة للموقف السياسي".
وفي مقابلة أجراها على الـYouTube الاحد، لفت جعجع الى ان الوصول الى الدولة في لبنان أمر "قريب المنال"، قائلاً ان "الدولة أصبحت في فكر وعقل اكثرية المواطنين".
الا انه رأى ان "ما يعوق قيامها الفعلي في الوقت الحاضر هو عامل واحد لا يمكن أن يستمر الى ما لا نهاية ألا وهو وجود حزب الله كدويلة داخل الدولة".
اما عن موقفه ازاء "حزب الله"، فأوضح جعجع ان "علاقتنا مع حزب الله ليست عداء بل هي كناية عن معارضة الموقف السياسي لحزب الله الذي له ارتباطات خارجية تقع تماماً على نقيض نظرتنا للبنان ولعلاقاته الخارجية".
وتابع قائلاً: "ليس عداء بقدر ما هي خصام سياسي بين مشروعين سياسيين مختلفين تماماً".
من الجدير بالذكر ان جعجع كان قد رأى في وقت سابق ان "حزب الله هو عدو داعش إذ إنهما يتقاتلان في الاحداث الراهنة، الا انهما على المستوى المبدئي وجهان لعملة سياسية واحدة هي الإسلام السياسي". واشار الى ان "وجود الواحد منهما يُغذي الآخر حتماً" موضحاً ان "مجرد وجود حزب الله بالشكل الذي هو عليه دفع بالكثيرين إلى تبني الإرهاب".
في السياق السياسي، سُئل جعجع، في مقابلته على الـYouTube عما اذا كان "سبب الفراغ الرئاسي هو الانقسام المسيحي أم ضعف قوى 14 آذار"، فرد بالقول: "لا هذا ولا ذاك".
وأوضح ان "سبب الفراغ هو قرار ايراني واضح جداً، إما انتخاب رئيس مؤيد لها تماماً أو عدم إجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية. وهذا ما هو حاصل".
من هنا، رأى انه على اللبنانيين ان "يثوروا من جديد". ولفت الى ان "تركيبة لبنان معقدة جداً وكنتُ أتمنى أن نكون قوة سياسية مختلفة تماماً، وأتمنى ان يصبح لبنان قوة سياسية توازي قوته وقيمته الحضارية والثقافية".
يُذكر ان فريق 14 آذار يخوض المعركة الرئاسية بمرشحه جعجع، ويدعم فريق 8 آذار، رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، وسط دعم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، لمرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو.
ودخل لبنان في الشغور الرئاسي بعد فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد ورفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته والقى خطاب الوداع في 24 أيار.
في هذا الاطار، تطرق جعجع الى وضع المسيحيين في لبنان والتحديات التي يواجهونها، فقال: "صراحةً لا أعتقد ان هناك الآن تهديداً وجودياً للمسيحيين في لبنان".
ورأى انهم "أمام تهديد من نوع آخر أي البقاء كما هو الحال الآن أي في منزلة بين منزلتين: الدولة واللادولة. يجب الانتقال الى حال الدولة الفعلية الموجودة التي تؤمّن استقراراً فعلياً، فالمسيحي لا يستطيع الاستمرار بدون حرية وبدون استقرار".
اما عن مسألة الغاء الطائفية السياسية، وعما اذا كان سيسعى الى تطبيقها لو وصل الى رئاسة الجمهورية، فاعتبر جعجع انه "يجب الوصول أولاً الى مجتمع مدني لكي نصل الى دولة مدنية. لا تستطيع ان تبني دولة مدنية بينما المجتمع غير مدني".
وأردف "اذا أردنا الغاء الطائفية السياسية علينا الغاء الطائفية قبلها، اذ لا نستطيع الغاء تقاسم المناصب على مستوى السلطة السياسية باعتبار أنه أكبر صمام أمان لنا في الوقت الحاضر في الشرق الأوسط".
*المقابلة كاملة على الرابط التالي:

well spoken Mr Geagea but if you give me 1 president since independence that was elected by the Lebanese only ?!!!! without outside interferences
what impedes the rise of our so called state Mr (HAKIM )wise is our politicians all of them who were and are always marionettes and their respective strings are attached to their respective bosses
god bless democracy and secularism

Satisfying to see, that Geagea is finally beginning to loose hope, which is why he made this comforting speech for his followers. His dreams for Train railroads between Beirut and Tel Aviv he can kiss those goodbye, Assad didn't fall as you cowards had hoped. You failed gentlemen.

Assad didn't fall? Maybe. However he barely controls 50% of his territory when years ago he was controlling Syria and Lebanon. Big step backwards, don't you think so Miss Teeq|?

Too bad for your hero Geagea, he failed to succeed with his goals. The backward steps are him the U.S and all M14, you are not doing very well lately. Even the U.S are beginning to loose hope on Assad, they know they lost the war.

By the way, the Syrian army controls all major cities in Syria, except Raqqa (ISIS city) and parts of Aleppo.
That is the majority of all people in Syria, living in their government. I would say that is much better than living in ISIS or Nusra areas. Ofcourse a salafi like you, would prefer the second option.

HA is ISIS f.t., only a Shiite version of ISIS that truimphed in 1979.

people like you are lost hope...brainwashed beyond help...Assad may still be in power but just..he has lost over half of his country ..killed 300000 people and 10 million people dispalced .,how is he winning the war ..even with Iran And your Evil Hizb helping him and still going backward,...

Yes with you spewing out the same words as the U.S is a victory for me. You know aswell that the battle is lost, you can thank your takfiris for the death toll though, they are to blame for all the loses.
Syria was fine before this war.

what is the purpose of power? What good has Assad achieved by occupying lebanon, killing lebanese leaders and now holding onto a tyrannic power while the syrian people are in misery and poverty. 10M displaced, 3M refugees and hundreds of thousands killed and so many villages and cities distroyed. Would you rather have a different story, a democratic syria, a peaceful leader respecting the authority of the people? Or may be not as you seem do not know what is democracy not what is the right of freedom.

Would rather have Assad in power, than the takfiris you people seem so fond of. Do you hypocrites really think ISIS & Nusra will embrace your so called "democracy & freedom"?
They already made the "free state" they want to dominate with.

Ebola is a disease eating our beautiful country to return it to middle ages.

My comment and that of humble was removed.
I said: i wished Batrak would announce that Maronite MPs that do not attend the next session to elect a president will be automatically excommunicated.
That would be a bold position that will have the MPs running to parliament, not for fear of loosing their christian identity as much as loosing the ability to get elected again and also becoming president for others like Aoun.

funny is that when someone speaks for the sovereignty of lebanon away from the interference of syria and iran then you accuse him of being israeli or saudi. Either you hate the idea of Lebanon as a strong independent country or you love being controlled by the tyrannic and criminal regimes of iran and syria.

funny is that when someone speaks for the sovereignty of lebanon away from the interference of saudi arabia, usa and israel, then you accuse him of being iranian or syrian. Either you hate the idea of Lebanon as a strong independent country or you love being controlled by the tyrannic and criminal regimes of the usa and israel.

Waw flame so u are telling us between retareded fanatics undercover (moustakball; which i don't agree) and reatarded fanatics who expose theirself proudely (al manar; which i agree) and say openely that islamic republic of iran is the model and the ayatollah their suprem leader u chose the proud retarded fanatics?...
U keep amazing me... Man get real, look what shows they put for kids on al manar?? Is that how u preder childreen to grow is that how u build a healthy society, i'm not found of teletubies but i prefer my kid to whach that than manar fanatic islamic propaganda...
flame u can be with march 8/aoun as much as u want but at least don't try to hide the obvious...

And frankly if i have to go to hell i would prefer to find the moustakbal tv speakreen than the manar bearded guy :)

I do not have to be original here, just taking what you wrote and changing few key words to make suit who HA supporters are:
funny is that when someone speaks for the sovereignty of lebanon away from the interference of Syria and Iran, then you accuse him of being Takfiri. Either you hate the idea of Lebanon as a strong independent country or you love being controlled by the tyrannic and criminal regimes of the Assad and Khameini.

@FT, under Alawi rule minorities were protected. 100% agree, however, the Assad regime was not a democracy by tyrannic. Syria for 40 years was under state of emergency. The Assad regime occupied lebanon for 30 years. Of course Assad regime is far better than IS and Nusra but this does not make the Assad regime less criminal.At the beginning of the civil uprising in Syria, remember the Assad regime shot and killed civilians demonstrating peacefully. Had the Assad regime bowed for democratic reforms, not liberated the 2000 islamist extremists in its prisons the story would have been different.

The difference though is Saudi Arabia is not arming a militia in Lebanon. It is only financing and backing the Lebanese army and police so that the State recovers its sovereignty.

So he is not ready to reject Article 24 of the Constitution, but his reasoning is circular. "Asked if he will seek to terminate the political sectarianism if he reaches the Baabda Palace, the LF leader said that 'it's still too early for that as the Lebanese should first reach a civil society which should become one of the main pillars of building a civil state.'...'The division of power is now considered our security valve' amid the situation in the Middle East, Geagea added." Circular reasoning means accepting the status quo, so which is it? Why not challenge Hezbullah to accept repeal of Article 24 in exchange for demilitarization?

Any removal of such must be preceded by making foreign loyalties a capital crime resulting in executing the heads and dissolving the entity with foreign loyalties. This means the demise of HA, SSNP, few Palestinian organizations, and the like.
Once Lebanon is above all then we can remove all sectarian allocations. We can not afford to let Bachar and Khameini loyalists take over Lebanon.

Caporal is now kissing the hand of KSA and Hariri.
Followers of Caporal, shut your mouth and follow the liar who is cheating you.

Biggest mistake was making the Christians marginal and injecting the deadly religious ideology of the region in the Lebanese Culture.

Look at this simple observation: The Trolls or the troll here who have multi names : Flame thrower, Full Disclosure, Tic Portugal and Lebanon07 all of the same idiotic low life barined loose person.
Look at the time line 1-2 hours and voting themselves with 8 votes wow when there were no other person here. What a shame, just like their terrorits militias using lies and not better that Da3esh or nusra all to hell.

Da3esh da3esh da3esh 7ajetkon kezeb wa nifaq antom da3esh wa da3esh antoom wajhan li 3omla wa7ida.
Ahlan bikom wabi dawa3ishakom mahma talla zamanokom li mazabilihi 7atman zahibon .ya mokawimon waya momani3un

I did not understand a word you said can you repeat your comment in English please?