الفيصل "يرفض أي فرصة رئاسية لعون"

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جدد وزير الخارجية سعود الفيصل رفضه "إعطاء أي فرصة رئاسية" لرئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، الذي بدوره أعلن انه "لن يتعب في الانتظار".

فقد نقلت صحيفة "السفير"، الثلاثاء، عن مصادر لبنانية قولها ان الملك السعودي سلمان بن عبد العزيز التقى رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري في الرياض بحضور الفيصل.

ولفتت المصادر الى ان الحريري حذر خلال اللقاء من الآثار السلبية للإستمرار الفراغ الرئاسي وأثره على الاستقرار اللبناني، الامر الذي تفهّمته القيادة السعودية.

الى ذلك، كشفت المصادر عن ان الحريري أشار الى عون، خلال اللقاء، "بصفته زعيماً مارونياً يمثل حيثية في الشارع المسيحي، وأنه الممر الالزامي للاستحقاق الرئاسي".

الا انها لفتت الى ان الفيصل "بقي على موقفه الحاد برفض اعطاء أية فرصة رئاسية لعون، آخذاً عليه أنه بمواقفه يغطي جرائم حزب الله وايران ضد الشعب السوري".

من هنا، أفادت مصادر "السفير"، الى ان عون تبلّغ من أصدقاء مقربين له "الأجواء التي أحاطت باللقاء، وهو فاجأهم بالقول انه لن يتعب من الانتظار".

وأضاف عون قائلاً ان "سعود الفيصل يراهن على تمرير مرشحين معينين لن يكتب لهم النجاح هذه المرة".

يُشار الى ان السعودية تدعم فريق 14 آذار، في حين ان عون الذي يتنمي الى فريق 8 آذار يميل الى النظام السوري وايران.

يُذكر ان عون كان قد التقى الحريري في بيت الوسط في منتصف شباط الفائت، في أول لقاء "علني" بين الرجلين منذ خمسة أعوام على الأقل، حيث جرى عرض لمجمل الأوضاع السياسية في البلاد وآخر المستجدات الإقليمية.

الا ان التواصل غير المعلن عاد بين الزعيمين منذ عام حين التقى الحريري بعون في روما بعيدا عن الأضواء في إطار حوار بينهما لبحث إمكانية وصول الأخير إلى سدة الرئاسة، لكن هذه المساعي فشلت.

وفي حين ان عون هو مرشح 8 آذار في المعركة الرئاسية، يخوض رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع هذا الاستحقاق عن فريق 14 آذار ويدعم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، مرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو.



التعليقات 50
Thumb EagleDawn 08:15 ,2015 آذار 24

Another credible report by Al Safil and mowaten of Iran. The meeting allegedly was between Hariri, Al Faisal and the Saudi King. So, it had to be one of those 3 that revealed to Al Safil and corroborated by mowaten of Iran.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:43 ,2015 آذار 24

rofl:) I place my bets on the Saudi King:)!

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:34 ,2015 آذار 24

Yea, place your bets on him and his grand mufti:

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has said it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region,” following Kuwait’s moves to ban their construction.

And you want to let them tell us who should be president in Lebanon?

Thumb amatoury114 16:51 ,2015 آذار 24

didn't king salman tweeted this on his blog ??!! LMAO

Thumb sophia_angle 11:58 ,2015 آذار 24

It is all about the golden gaz under our shores evbody wants to own it not even sharing, i wish one day we earn truly our freedom, no body admires 'freedom' if had never experienced it.

General Aoun is our last hope of freedom !

Default-user-icon Vick (ضيف) 12:43 ,2015 آذار 24

Freedom to have milishias too???

Thumb canadianpaul 13:07 ,2015 آذار 24

Correct. He'll be our last hope of freedom when he croaks in a year or two.

Thumb Mystic 12:17 ,2015 آذار 24

They have no choice. It's our turn now. Gen. Aoun will be President.

Missing helicopter 18:34 ,2015 آذار 24

Weapons talk ......... right Mystic.

Missing humble 08:44 ,2015 آذار 24

As a Shiite you must be very pleased that the Caporal is a dog to Ebola.
As a Christian, this is unacceptable to me.
I do not think that you can understand this very simple statement.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:39 ,2015 آذار 24

you're a dog to the oily king and you dare speak?

Missing humble 09:17 ,2015 آذار 24

He is more than a failed statesman. He is the dog of Ebola.

Missing humble 09:23 ,2015 آذار 24

No one can deny that the Caporal is the dog of Ebola. Ba3ed Na2is...

Missing humble 11:02 ,2015 آذار 24

Coming from a supporter of Ebola, I can imagine why you say what you say.
Ask yourself why Ebola is so bad for Lebanon.

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 11:47 ,2015 آذار 24

anyway, it is very clear now that the saudis want to drop hariri in favour of saniora no doubt about that. Reason why they are humiliating hariri in the press. Thanks God the saudis won't have time to succeed. Moreover saniora is baseless everybody in Lebanon knows it (:

Missing Je_suis@libonase 11:55 ,2015 آذار 24

Excuse me Prince Faisal all due respect to you but who are you to tell anybody in lebanon who their president can be thank you for your financial support but please stay out of lebanese affairs

Thumb the_roar 11:59 ,2015 آذار 24

This article is not news, its merely confirming what everyone already knew.

I said it years ago that Aoun will never be Pres because he simply wouldn't agree to any conditions put forward from abroad..KSA wanted a guarantee that the "taef" will remain as is.

The General said I don't do deals with outsiders.

The General could become Pres with a snap of his fingers & M14 knows that
God bless men who refuse to be bought & sold by outsiders.

God bless the General of Generals.

May m14 remain slaves of the foreign dollar!

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 12:36 ,2015 آذار 24

is that beloved zeinib in your avatar?

Missing Je_suis@libonase 12:01 ,2015 آذار 24

By the way I don't think Michel Aoun would make a good president I think he is too divisive we need a president that brings all the lebanese together regardless of sect .

Thumb the_roar 12:11 ,2015 آذار 24

You're entitled to your opinion, so how about you allow Lebanese to have an opinion & vote directly?

It would solve many things.

1. Pres elected on time every time.
2. No outside influence.
3. Your opinion as well as others will actually count.

what say you?

Missing Je_suis@libonase 12:23 ,2015 آذار 24

That would be ideal but these days the president has to walk the fine line what would you think about an outsider ( lebanese ) of course being a president.

Thumb the_roar 12:31 ,2015 آذار 24

If a Pres is chosen by his people, then & only then will that nation move forward.

Look at Venezuela when the people chose their leader, that country went boom...The poor enjoyed privileges never seen in that nation.
All those before him were puppet leaders.
Lebanon must allow people voting directly & then you will see Lebanon move as one.
This waiting for KSA - Iran - Syria - U.S -France etc is the biggest slap in the face for all Lebanese & the Pres will forever be nothing but a puppet.
A leader chosen by the people won;t have to walk any lines but his & his nations line.

stop making excuse M14ers....people vote or buzz off.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:40 ,2015 آذار 24

you sound sectarian pajama.boy

Thumb ice-man 15:43 ,2015 آذار 24

are you referring to mowaten, flamethrower, southern, the_roar or all of them? please, clarify. Oh and one more thing samy: is that all you want to describe them as? I encourage you to be more detailed and explicit.

Thumb ice-man 16:06 ,2015 آذار 24

yep samy:) I have been busy posting on yemeni forums;))

Thumb ice-man 16:31 ,2015 آذار 24

@flamethrower: you are my hero, always was always will be. Nice to see you online which is a rarity these days. I bet you you have been busy and all that. I will relay your regards to @popeye. I know he adores you;)

Thumb Mystic 17:17 ,2015 آذار 24

ice-man been too busy posting as norma.jean

Thumb liberty 03:51 ,2015 آذار 25

this is one of the_roar fake accounts. He is impersonating norma.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 12:46 ,2015 آذار 24

Really FT Aoun is the best candidate? Why ? please explain you think he is . As I understand he left lebanon during turmoil and only returned when it was peaceful and please explain how did he contribute to lebanon returning to peaceful times I can not understand your undying support for him is it only because he supports the resistance ( I having nothing against the resistance as long as it is only against Israel ) I am sure there are better qualified people available to be president .

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:32 ,2015 آذار 24

But after this he worked for years to obtain a US condemnation of the Syrian occupation (he is the one behind the Syria accountability act) while his supporters here in Lebanon protested, and got arrested and beaten for it. He represents the true Lebanese sovereignty, not the one that worked for Syria, helped them take control of Lebanon, helped them plunder Lebanon for decades and then turned again when Syria was out...

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:33 ,2015 آذار 24

@libonase: Aoun left when other Lebanese parties (including Geagea) turned on him and joined forces with Syria to oust him. Syria got the okay from France who decided to withdraw their support to Aoun. When he saw the attack coming, supported by Lebanese forces artillery he went to the French embassy to demand that they oppose the Syrian invasion. They refused and instead evacuated him. Seeing all hope was lost, pinned between the Syrian army and local enemies he asked his men to stand down, some did, but some refused and fought to the end. Maybe this was a wrong move, and maybe he didnt have any other choice, but who knows what would have happened if he hadn't left. At least the war finally ended after this.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:33 ,2015 آذار 24

somehow my two comments above appeared in the wrong order, read the second one first.

Thumb amatoury114 16:57 ,2015 آذار 24

icey welcome back long time!!!!!as for flamey ..really m14 not lebanese...haha good one

Thumb Mystic 17:21 ,2015 آذار 24

M14 are a bunch of Saudi Oil dollar lovers. Which does not make them Lebanese, just sellouts.

Yet you try and take pride from phoenician culture, while eating off oily gulf hands. Nothing honorable about M14, they are the shame of Lebanon.

Missing un520 12:29 ,2015 آذار 24

Whats next? Is he gonna ban female drivers in Lebanon?

Missing un520 12:35 ,2015 آذار 24

My prediction now is that there will not be any president in Lebanon until Michel Aouns death.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 13:30 ,2015 آذار 24

You never know he might become president and die from the excitement.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 13:53 ,2015 آذار 24

god bless democracy

Thumb shab 14:47 ,2015 آذار 24

Whales in the Red Sea? Must be an Iranian submarine, loool

Thumb shab 14:48 ,2015 آذار 24

Don't care who becomes president, as long he doesn't have Lebanese blood on his hands.

Thumb ice-man 15:49 ,2015 آذار 24

if so, you are left with one choice only: nassrallah

Thumb shab 20:26 ,2015 آذار 24

Really ? Is he not the leader of the filthy murdering militia?

Thumb lebanon_first 15:13 ,2015 آذار 24

I dont think GMA would be a good president. GMA is a good opposition leader.

However why is it Faisal's business anyway?

Thumb ice-man 15:47 ,2015 آذار 24

does that include mowaten and flamethrower samy? Please, confirm.

Thumb liberty 03:53 ,2015 آذار 25

yes ice-man, it includes them for sure:)

Thumb beiruti 18:15 ,2015 آذار 24

And Tehran rebuffs Geagea's Candidacy.

And the Lebanese people? Who are they? Dare they elect their president through their last duly elected members of Parliament as is their right in their constitution? No, of course not. Not when the political class have sold themselves to the regional powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia who are in the middle of a regional conflict. Neither can cede ground to the other and so the holders of Lebanese sovereignty, Iran and Saudi Arabia, theirs because they bought it and theirs because the Lebanese political class sold it to them, they have the last word.

Thumb ex-fpm 19:03 ,2015 آذار 24

well done the_roar

Thumb beiruti 19:18 ,2015 آذار 24

Yes, FT, Geagea got 48 votes, and would have gotten more but for Tehran and it's orders. Aoun, by the way, got none. The rebuff was not from the public but from Parliament. The public does not vote for the Lebanese President. Why not have a popular vote? The Lebanese constitution does not so provide. The President must be elected by the Constitution. So amend it? That requires a law and Parliament cannot legislate in the absence of a President. It was done before? Yes, under the viceroy ship of Rushtom Gazeli, but thase days are gone, aren't they? Why no president, Iranian ordered boycotts by FPM and HA. End of story

Thumb kanaandian 00:34 ,2015 آذار 25

the dirty desert rat makes me want to become an aounist, obviously aoun must be good if the head cutting, heroin addicted, polygamist saudis are against him.

Thumb liberty 02:24 ,2015 آذار 25

lol seriously