باسيل "ألغى زيارة الى السعودية بعد سعيها لإدانة حزب الله في الامم المتحدة"

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ألغى وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل زيارة كان ينوي القيام بها الى السعودية، اثر سعي الرياض الى التنديد بدور "حزب الله" في سوريا في بيان لمجلس حقوق الانسان التابع للامم المتحدة.

فقد أفاد مصدر متابع، الثلاثاء، صحيفة "السفير"، ان طائرة خاصة كانت تنتظر باسيل في مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي ليتوجه الى السعودية، موفداً من رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون للقاء مسؤولين سعوديين ورئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري"، الا ان الرحلة ألغيت بشكل مفاجئ.

وفي حين نفى وزير الخارجية الانباء التي تداولت عن زيارته، نقلت "السفير"، عن مصدر مقرّب من عون، قوله ان باسيل "كان ينوي السفر الى السعودية وأن الزيارة ألغيت على خلفية الاندفاعة السعودية المفاجئة في مجلس حقوق الانسان التابع للأمم المتحدة في جنيف لادانة "حزب الله" بسبب تدخله العسكري في الصراع السوري".

ولفت المصدر الى ان هذا السعي الى الادانة "استوجب اطلاق حملة ديبلوماسية استباقية لمنع صدور القرار، برغم استنفار السعوديين والقطريين لاستجلاب أكبر عدد من الأصوات لمصلحة قرار الادانة".

يُذكر ان المعلومات الصحافية قد أفادت الاثنين، عن ان وزارة الخارجية تسعى الى منع مجلس حقوق الانسان التابع للأمم المتحدة في جنيف من إدانة "حزب الله" بسبب التدخل عسكرياً في القتال الدائر في سوريا، بعد سعي سعودي وقطري الى الادانة.

يُشار الى ان "حزب الله" يشارك في القتال الدائر في سوريا منذ آذار 2011، الى جانب قوات الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، وقد أعلن عن سقوط عدد من مقاتليه "خلال قيامهم في واجبهم الجهادي"، على حد اعلان الحزب.

من الجدير بالذكر ان لبنان كان قد نجح العام الماضي في منع إدانة حزب الله، بعد تجاوب من قبل الرياض والدوحة مع المساعي التي بُذلت آنذاك في هذا الاتجاه، بدعم من بعض الدول الكبرى. الا انه في العام 2013، دان مجلس الامم المتحدة لحقوق الانسان تدخل جميع المقاتلين الاجانب في سوريا ولاسيما مقاتلو حزب الله.



التعليقات 42
Thumb Mystic 08:22 ,2015 آذار 24

Beautiful work Bassil.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 08:46 ,2015 آذار 24

is that a martyred jihadi terrorist iranian familia in your avatar?

Thumb canadianpaul 13:16 ,2015 آذار 24

They're not "martyred". They've been blown to bits and vaporized.

Thumb freedomarch 19:44 ,2015 آذار 24

I was wondering the same, is thar an ora around their heads? Why they not with us any more? How come they left Lebanon and never came back alive as we all should ... .Loosing one's dear life is not easy
.. but at least hope the Gennah and good luck with the rest of to be like them .. wish them the best and home for their return fast.

Missing helicopter 18:29 ,2015 آذار 24

Beauty is inn the eye of the beholder. As long as FPM is doing the bidding for HA in curbing Christian power in Lebanon you will always find FPM members and their stances beautiful.

Thumb freedomarch 19:44 ,2015 آذار 24

And very successful $$$$

Thumb freedomarch 19:38 ,2015 آذار 24

To our beloved Arabic brothers in GCC and KSA especially, thanks for taking Lebanese as your partners in making our coubtries prosper and thanks for you open hearts to all Lebanese.As for Aoun's em Bassil, he is well into Iran not because he love them but just because he is the main spoke person the No1reciever of Iran Of Hiz zbullah's aid to Aounis and for that he is not expected to be able to get the job done as lebanese like or as friends and brother's of Lebanon do.

Missing humble 08:28 ,2015 آذار 24

Our Talleyrand...a little gangster who bought last week a house in London for 16 million pounds....

Default-user-icon Phil (ضيف) 10:19 ,2015 آذار 24

What?? Where did he get that money from?

Thumb marcus 10:36 ,2015 آذار 24

Telecom Ministry and Energy Ministry and being a minister for 8 years stealing our resources.

Missing coolmec 11:02 ,2015 آذار 24

That is in addition to a villa he is building in Batroun

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:28 ,2015 آذار 24

yea yea sure... add this to the 22 private jets he has and the falkland islands he bought.. just don't forget to take your pills today.

Thumb freedomarch 19:47 ,2015 آذار 24

Money in Lebanon? Bassil? How ... from where? What is the business

Thumb the_roar 12:09 ,2015 آذار 24

Any evidence about this 16m pound house?

Or do you just lie as you breathe?

Thumb freedomarch 19:46 ,2015 آذار 24

Noooo way ..Did he sell his Plane?

Missing humble 08:31 ,2015 آذار 24

As a Christian how can I accept that my president can be a dog to Ebola?

Thumb EagleDawn 08:40 ,2015 آذار 24

A Miracle foreign minister at work. Waynah Caroline?

Thumb ex-fpm 08:44 ,2015 آذار 24

The FPM and the terrorist party of islamic resistance are "one body" and have been for some time according to officials from both parties.

Missing humble 09:11 ,2015 آذار 24

Perfect, intelligent and bright comments. Thank you.

Default-user-icon mahdi firuz berhouz (ضيف) 13:01 ,2015 آذار 24

hahahaha! nobody does it better than you flamesrower, nobody! You humiliated your political opponents while on the surface you appear to flatter them. That's an art, a talent, a gift that cannot be taught. You were born a genius and that is why you are who you are: a master of debate. My boss loves you. Somesing anazar flamesrower.

Thumb justin 09:22 ,2015 آذار 24

hehehehehehe! I literally fell on the floor laughing watching this video. @1:23 into the video the huthi kills his friends????? lol lol lol
was that your Mark? OMG so funny!

Thumb ex-fpm 09:29 ,2015 آذار 24

that was extremely funny:)!!

Missing humble 09:37 ,2015 آذار 24

Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh on Hizbullah and Iran: Lebanese banks do not have the right to acquit individuals placed on black lists and we stress that the bank secrecy law will not be revised.

Thumb the_roar 12:05 ,2015 آذار 24

Excellent work from Lebanon's future President.

Take a look at how to deal with interfering outsiders.

Jebran the future President of Lebanon. Well done young man..A shining light in a dark country.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 12:16 ,2015 آذار 24

May I ask you when did lebanon start being a dark country please enlighten us.

Thumb the_roar 12:22 ,2015 آذار 24

When you can tell me the last time the Pres was chosen from within & when the people had 24 hours of electricity & when the people were paid minimum wages according to world standards & when the religious men stopped being more important than the law & when girls as old as 12 are forced into marriage & when when when.

You Lebanese need to get off your high horses...

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (ضيف) 12:29 ,2015 آذار 24

roar, when will you resurrect @wolf, @lebpatriot, and your other screen names or you just use them to vote. We really miss them and their contribution.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 12:27 ,2015 آذار 24

we lebanese ? And you are what may I ask ?

Thumb the_roar 12:33 ,2015 آذار 24

You already know the answer...but if you want to pretend your a newbie & repeat yourself... Then I suggest you buzz off.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 13:09 ,2015 آذار 24

So your a christian Australian born lebanese who may have or may not have ever been to Lebanon giving us Advice on who should be president and how things should be in Lebanon also telling us that priests should have more say than elected people and you hate muslims am I right . GO TO HELL !!!

Thumb the_roar 13:16 ,2015 آذار 24

Priests should have more say than elected leaders? really? what a tool.

May you go to heaven & never see hell....Why do wish bad for others?
is it because they don;t agree with you?

wow..may you see the light.

Thumb canadianpaul 13:18 ,2015 آذار 24

Imbassil. Ah, I love this name.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 13:26 ,2015 آذار 24

the_roar I was trying to have a debate with you then you decided to tell me to ( buzz off ) why do you assume everyone has a hidden agenda i don't ask loaded questions . Now if you want to return to a civilised debate by all means let me know otherwise take your own advise. Cheers

Missing Je_suis@libonase 13:43 ,2015 آذار 24

The only reason I knew you were Australian was because of your terminology after you said newbie and buzz off 2nd because of your undying support of Mr Bassil I knew you were christian now in regards to you religious men being more important than the law that can only be construed as they should dictate how laws should be and not elected people and then you decided to discriminate against Muslims in regards to 12 year old girls being forced into marriage now on that point you could probably count on one hand how often this occurs and I ask you to question the intelligence of the people who have done this as it is not in the majority of islamic population .

Thumb the_roar 14:13 ,2015 آذار 24

It seems you have misunderstood my previous post.

I'm totally against religious leaders interfering in politics.
Nations that allow it are behind the rest...

If you believe young girls aren't being sold off or forced marriage then I suggest you look harder...as for what religion is doing bad?
who cares? stop it !

I will repeat myself one more time for you..if you wish for Lebanon to move forward, start with people voting their own leaders.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 14:35 ,2015 آذار 24

Lebanon is a lot different to Australia Sadly because it is a thiefdom don't get me wrong not all are thieves there are some good leaders but unfortunately their say does not count as they don't have the financial advantages of the thieves to expose them . The only way lebanese will ever truly have a proper electoral system is when all mp's financial circumstances are held to account and prosecuted for abnormalities that way we can weed out the bad ones from the good.

Thumb shab 14:50 ,2015 آذار 24

Who cares ?

Missing Je_suis@libonase 14:54 ,2015 آذار 24

Unfortunately it's people like you that have destroyed what was a beautiful country with that attitude Mr Shab loser

Default-user-icon General ISlamic revolution (ضيف) 16:58 ,2015 آذار 24

نعيم قاسم "تحت إمرة الولي الفقيه."..أن حزب الله التزم قناعته في ولاية الفقيه".

Default-user-icon Traitor in Law (ضيف) 19:30 ,2015 آذار 24

Gebran Bassil is the foreign minister of Iran it seems !!!!

Why in the world would he be concerned about Saudi's condemnation of Hebzollah ??? It's not his job as the foreign Minister of Lebanon.

Hezbollah is not the state of Lebanon, does not represent it nor is in anyway related to it.

Gebran Bassil has shown the world once again that he is a rotten traitor at the disposal of Iran !

Thumb freedomarch 21:23 ,2015 آذار 24

What do you say to the Croline's of the ministry of foreign affairs that we have nirma?

Thumb kanaandian 00:32 ,2015 آذار 25

Good company with Sweden.

NO to the head cutting savages!!