الراعي: نعيش موتاً سياسياً ولا مبرر دستورياً لمقاطعة جلسات انتخاب رئيس
Read this story in Englishاعتبر البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي ان "لا مبرر دستورياً لمقاطعة جلسات انتخاب الرئيس"، لافتاً الى ان لبنان يعيش نوعاً من "الموت السياسي".
وفي رسالة الفصح التي وجهها الراعي الى اللبنانيين، صباح السبت، من الصرح البطريركي في بكركي، رأى البطريرك ان لبنان يختبر "نوعاً من الموت السياسي الذي يتحكم بمصيرنا كشعب وبمصير الدولة".
وأشار الى انه "لا يوجد أي مبرر دستوري لا لمقاطعة الجلسات الانتخابية ولا للتلكوء عن اتخاذ اي مبادرة عملية للخروج من حال الفراغ، وكأن الجميع باتوا ينتظرون من الخارج كلمة السر".
من هنا توجه الراعي الى ضمائر السياسييين، داعياً اياهم الى "الحضور الى المجلس النيابي والقيام بواجهم الدستوري بانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية".
ولم يتمكن النواب بعد، من انتخاب رئيس للبلاد خلفا للرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان الذي انتهت ولايته في ايار الفائت. ويتطلب انتخاب رئيس حضور ثلثي اعضاء مجلس النواب (86 من اصل 128).
ويتغيب عن جلسات البرلمان المخصصة لانتخاب رئيس، نواب حزب الله وحلفائه باستثناء كتلة التنمية والتحرير. وتشترط هذه القوى "التوافق مسبقا" على رئيس قبل عقد الجلسة.
من جهة أخرى، ناشد الراعي الاسرة الدولية الى ايجاد السبل السلمية، السياسية والدبلوماسية، لـ"إنهاء الحروب وتوفير عودة النازحين الى بيوتهم وممتلكاتهم".
“There are no constitutional justifications for the boycott of the elections.”
Aoun and hezbollah care not about the Lebanese constitution. They only respect the Syrian and Iranian "constitutions".
“It is as if all sides are unfortunately waiting for the order by foreign powers to stage the polls,” he lamented.
Wrong your eminence! All blocks are participating in the presidential elections sessions except for aoun and his allies.
Our Batrak has clearly said that it is unconstitutional to boycott the elections of a president.
Our Batrak has lamented those who obey to orders from outside.
It is time for Christians to designate the traitors who are destroying 95 years of construction of Lebanon.
it is time for Christians to designate those who are destroying the future of the Christians.
Caporal is a traitor to the Christians. He hopes by being a servant to Ebola and Iran he will be president. But he is a loser and will never achieve anything. His mental illness will explode and he will end up in an asylum for mad people.
PS: the photo here does't correspond to the photo of the Batrak while delivering today's Easter message.
Your Eminence, it is time that you designate some names for the candidacy of the presidency. Aoun was being pig-tailed by Hezbollah, Hezbollah or better known as (Hezbelmashekel) was being pig-tailed by Iran and Iran was being pig-tailed by the US. Today the US has cut the tail, Iran has cut the tail and Hezbollah has cut the tail leaving the Pig on his own, FINALLY and what a predicament for the claoun!!! Now let's have our new Lebanese president Your Eminence, you name a few and let parliament vote wou bass!!
It's a real pity and a serious tragedy to see a human being end up lowering himself to such levels as you're now doing, once again, different acronym but same old hatred. I focus on the thread, you focus on your hatred of posters. But if for anything, we all take comfort in the fact that you got yourself a serious whipping in the butt, to the point where you dare no longer appear as a so-called feline. So long.
Shame on you to use the name of Assyrians who are brave, proud and patriots. Unlike what you are, there are no Assyrians who are part of Ebola or Iran.
Perfect suggestion. May I add one? The Batrak should excommunicate someone who is working on harming the existence of the Christians and destroying them for the next one hundred years.
absolute despicable person. You people always attack the person because you have no arguments and you are overtaken by hatred. You only insult yourself.
Agree and we actually don't want Aoun left with no consequences of his actions to poison electing anyone except him.