بري يؤكد استمرار الحوار بين المستقبل وحزب الله على الرغم من التصعيد السياسي

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اكد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ان جلسة الحوار القادمة بين" تيار المستقبل"و"حزب الله" ستنعقد في 14 من الجاري معرباً في الوقت عينه عن استيائه من التصعيد السياسي والكلامي بين الطرفين مستشهداً بالمثل القائل: "كثرة الضرب تفكّ اللحام.

والجمعة، قال بري في بيانٍ اصدره مكتبه الاعلامي ان "الحوار قائم ومستمر بتحقيق كل ما هو في مصلحة لبنان" معلناً ان "الجلسة المقبلة ستبقى بعد العطلة مباشرة أي في 14 نيسان".

وكان زوار بري قد نقلوا عنه قوله للصحف المحلية "انني بدأت أتوجّس من هذا التصعيد السياسي في الإعلام".

من هذا المنطلق، دعا بري الطرفان الى مناقشة هذا الخلاف في الجلسة المقبلة المقرّرة في 14 من الجاري لأنه "كما يقول المثل فإنّ كثرة الضرب تفكّ اللحام".

واوضح رئيس مجلس النواب لزواره ان "مواقف كل طرف حيال مواضيع الخلاف من اليمن وسواها اصبحت معروفة وجرى اظهارها وترجمتها بنبرات عالية ولا احد سيغير موقفه" معتبراً ان "الحوار هو الحلّ للخلاف بين الدوَل، فكيف بالأحرى بين أفرقاء الدولة الواحدة ؟".

وكان قد اكد رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري الأربعاء ان ايران تعمل "منذ سنين على استنتساخ حزب الله في اليمن" معتبراً ان عاصفة الحزم وجدت لـ"منع هذا الخطأ"، ما دفع برعد الى الرد عليه، معتبراً أن المقارنة بين تجربتي اليمن ولبنان وعلاقة إيران بهما "خطأ فادح"، جازماً أن الصمت عن "العدوان" السعودي على اليمن لن يقبل به "إلا الجبناء". من جهته، اعتبر وزير العدل أشرف ريفي (المنتمي الى تيار المستقبل) ان تصريح رعد، يدين الحزب نفسه "الغارق حتى اذنيه في سوريا"، مشدداً على ان الحزب " يتراجع الى الماضي من دون قراءة دروس التاريخ"، وهو بالتبعية لإيران "اضاف الى سجله الاسود ميزة جديدة".

وصباحا، كانت قد افادت صحيفة "الأخبار" أن تيار المستقبل "يعمل لتأجيل الجلسة المقبلة مدة أسبوع على الأقل"، مستنداً الى "التذرع بوجود مدير مكتب الرئيس سعد الحريري، نادر الحريري، خارج البلاد".

ونقلت الصحيفة عينها عن مصادر بارزة في "تيار المستقبل"، قولها ان "التوتّر المتصاعد والبيانات المتبادلة لا تسمح بعقد جلسة حوارية، ولقاءنا في ظل هذه الأجواء غير منطقي، ولا أحد يضمن ضبط إيقاع الجلسة وعدم تفلت المداخلات عن الإطار المقبول".

كذلك، لفتت مصادر المستقبل المصادر إن "اقتراح التأجيل يُنسّق مع رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري، لكنه لم يُطرح بعد على برّي".

وبدأ اللقاء الأول بين الفريقين برعاية بري، في 23 كانون الاول في عين التينة، في محاولة لوضع "خارطة طريق" و"آلية" للجلسات المقبلة التي ستبحث كيفية "تنظيم الخلاف" بين الطرفين وتخفيف "الاحتقان السني – الشيعي".


التعليقات 29
Thumb geha 09:11 ,2015 نيسان 10

hizbushaitan has better stop their verbal attacks or they will find themselves increasingly as parias in the middle east.

they are doing a great job so that everyone hates them more and the shia community.

Thumb Mystic 09:35 ,2015 نيسان 10

The Resistance will continue to be a thorn in your sides geha.

Missing humble 09:58 ,2015 نيسان 10

Resistance? which resistance? Do you mean Ebola the disease?

Default-user-icon elias abu saab (ضيف) 10:05 ,2015 نيسان 10

resistance now in Yemen? any Israelis in Yemen?

Thumb justin 11:49 ,2015 نيسان 10

did KSA burn Al Jadeed TV?
did KSA burn Future TV?
Did KSA through its son Jawad Nasrallah threatened Al Jadeed station 4 days ago because it criticized Nasrallah's speech?

Thumb Mystic 12:30 ,2015 نيسان 10

Didn't KSA finance Isis, Al Nusra and all the other various takfiri groups in Lebanon? Mostaqbals takfiris included, the ones that chopped people to pieces at Halba in 2008.

Thumb ansarullah 15:22 ,2015 نيسان 10

ansarullah and hezbullah are men of god, but ansarullah have nuclear weapons.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:20 ,2015 نيسان 10

"KSA vetoed a presidential candidate. "
A candidate that vetoes himself by not going down to parliament to elect himself because KSA vetoed him................:))))))))

Thumb EagleDawn 18:33 ,2015 نيسان 10

flamethrower, can you update us on the status of KSA freezing money transfers to Lebanon according to your Saudi clients:))) I wait....

Thumb Bandoul 09:15 ,2015 نيسان 10

Mr. Berri, you are all criminals and thugs who destroyed this beautiful country, ripped off her wealth and heritage, corrupted and then brain washed her honorable people who now cannot even have a constructive debate without name calling and insults. Shame on you, all of you but I no you have no morals and you don't care!

Thumb Bandoul 09:15 ,2015 نيسان 10

*I know you have no morals...

Missing helicopter 04:10 ,2015 نيسان 11

The ones that gave you thumbs down were offended because you called them by name. The moral ones agree with your comment.

Thumb Bandoul 13:43 ,2015 نيسان 11

Thanks helicopter :)

Default-user-icon Saadat (ضيف) 09:44 ,2015 نيسان 10

This is all becoming to real, decisions by these leaders have been forestalled and stagnant on words when the reality is people are becoming aware of the real agenda only really materialized in decision making.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 10:01 ,2015 نيسان 10

god bless the colombian president and sayyed hassan
god bless democracy

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (ضيف) 10:02 ,2015 نيسان 10

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lords, Sayyid Hassan Nassrallah and Sheikh Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:37 ,2015 نيسان 10

Dialogue with the terrorist iranian party is like dialogue with mowaten. Lies, propaganda, deceit, fabrications. You dialogue with someone who is Lebanese and cares about Lebanon's past, present and future and not with a foreign sectarian entity that pledges allegiance to the farsi empire. The terror party is using this useless dialogue as a sign of approval and silence by mustaqbal for its sectarian wars outside Lebanon. The mowatens of this world are now claiming the party of terror interfered in Yemen because of the massacres committed at the Lebanese-Yemeni border by Saudi-Takfiri groups against shia villages. These groups were massing at the Lebanese-Yemeni borders in their thousands ready to attack Jounieh and Beirut.

Missing humble 10:42 ,2015 نيسان 10

Ebola has destroyed coexistence in Lebanon.
Ebola has destroyed most institutions in Lebanon.
Ebola has destroyed the economy.
Ebola has destroyed the stability.
Ebola is pursuing an Iranian agenda.
Ebola falsely claims it is a resistance.
Ebola pretends to liberate Jerusalem and beyond Jerusalem to keep its weapons and dominate the country.
Ebola has become a state in the place of the real state.
Ebola has a culture of war and violence.
Ebola wants to make of Lebanon a spearhead of combat and war.
Ebola wants to decide for peace or war as it wants.
Ebola is a disease.
The cure? Is within Ebola when they realize the extent of damages they are inflicting to the people and the whole country.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:00 ,2015 نيسان 10

god bless president putin and the prime minister of sweden
god bless democracy

Thumb -phoenix1 13:23 ,2015 نيسان 10

This so-called dialog between Hezbollah and Mustaqbal was a farce anyway, it never amounted to much but to buy time for Hezbollah and its M8 related aims one of them to thin out the will of M14 over the presidency. Things do change once in a while and by the looks they are ominously worrying Hezbollah. If this dialog is going to continue as one of the deaf, then better call it off, because every time Saad Hariri shakes the hands of either Hezbollah or the FPM, one of his fingers goes missing. best to play the waiting game, can't get much worse anyway.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 17:45 ,2015 نيسان 10

Phoenix1 bro who decided that mustaqbal or m8 represented the lebanese anyway , as I see it there really isn't much difference between the two if you look at them m8 represents Iran and Syria and mustaqbal represent Saudi Arabia and none represent lebanon . We need new blood that represent the lebanese and only the lebanese and the rest can go to hell !!!

Thumb saturn 17:50 ,2015 نيسان 10

... and either side claims to be the patriotic one.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:30 ,2015 نيسان 10

as you see it there is not much difference between terrorism, sectarianism, hatred, backwardness and everything that is to the contrary. I bet you see 50 shades of grey.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:38 ,2015 نيسان 11

JSL, true, very true, I agree with you, neither M8 nor M14 should represent us anyway, years down the line, they've both proven that their interests are principally anchored in non-Lebanese waters. Good point you made and thank you too. Cheers.

Default-user-icon illiterate and very illegitimate southern (ضيف) 15:19 ,2015 نيسان 10

bestest comment of the day
fact supported

Missing humble 17:16 ,2015 نيسان 10

Dialog between 4 walls and insults in public.

Missing peace 19:22 ,2015 نيسان 10

sure they say one thing and act the opposite.... it is hezbollah's trademark. liar and hypocrite iranian militia

Thumb -phoenix1 11:58 ,2015 نيسان 11

Southern, any proofs to such a claim?

Thumb ex-fpm 12:11 ,2015 نيسان 11

What southern is saying that hariri who is owned by saudi arabia is standing up to the saudis who do not want dialogue and telling them "I want to dialogue with Hezbollah and rou7o balto el ba7er.