"عون يهدّد بالاستقالة من الحكومة" في حال التمادي في ملف القادة الامنيين

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تثير مسألة ولاية القادة الامنيين واحتمال تمديد ولايتهم امتعاض تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح"، الذي هدّد بالاستقالة من الحكومة في حال الاستمرار بـ"تجاهل" وجهات نظره وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.

وكان التكتل واثر اجتماعه الدوري الاسبوعي في الرابية الثلاثاء، قد صعّد موقفه من ملف التعيينات الامنية، معتبراً ان "تمديداتهم إنتقائية وخطيرة، ومخالفة لقانون الدفاع الوطني وقانون تنظيم قوى الأمن الداخلي، في حال أقدموا على سحب المخالفة على السلك الأمني".

وأضاف على لسان الوزير السابق سليم جريصاتي "لقد إنتهى عندنا الأمر عند هذا المعطى الذي يعزلنا بالمطلق ويسّير مصالح سوانا.. فليسمحوا لنا".

وفي ذلك، إشارة الى قرارات وزير الدفاع سمير مقبل بـ"تأجيل تسريح" كل من الأمين العام للمجلس الأعلى للدفاع اللواء محمد خير، ومؤخرا التمديد لمدير المخابرات العميد إدمون فاضل.

ويخشى التكتل من أن يطال التمديد قائد الجيش العماد قهوجي الأمر الذي يرفضه رفضاً قاطعاً، خصوصا على ضوء عدم انتخاب رئيس للبلاد منذ 25 أيار الفائت، وسط معلومات عن رغبة رئيس التكتل النائب ميشال عون في تولي صهره قائد فوج المغاوير في الجيش العميد شامل روكز قيادة الجيش.

من هنا، أفادت مصادر مقرّبة من التكتل عبر صحيفة "الاخبار"، الاربعاء، انه "إذا تواصل هذا المسار بتجاهل تام للشراكة وبالتطويق المتمادي للتكتل في الدوائر المعنية، فالمؤكد أننا ذاهبون الى مشكل حقيقي".

ولفتت المصادر الى امتعاض عون "من تمادي شركائنا في الحكومة وخارجها في التضييق عليه واعتبار أنه يمكن أن يغض النظر باسم التوافق".

الى ذلك، اعتبرت مصادر "الاخبار"، انه وعلى الرغم من الاتفاق على أن تتخذ القرارات في الحكومة بالتوافق، الا ان "أي طرح يتقدم به التكتل يقابل فوراً بالرفض".

وأشارت الى ان التكتل يفكّر "في قرار الاعتكاف أو الاستقالة جدي، وإذا أرادوا أن يحكموا من دون التكتل فليحكموا".

وتابعت المصادر القول ان التكتل "ينظر الى التعيينات الامنية كرأس حربة في سعيه الى قلب الطاولة على من يريد منه أخذ موافقته على مطالب شركائه في الحكومة من دون استثناء".

وأردفت مشيرة الى انه "لا يأخذ في المقابل موافقة على مطالب قانونية بحجة الشراكة الوطنية، أو بحجة الاوضاع الاقليمية".


التعليقات 48
Default-user-icon R (ضيف) 08:49 ,2015 نيسان 15

He would Boycott Cabinet if a mosquito bites him....

Thumb EagleDawn 08:57 ,2015 نيسان 15

It is a family business for the Free Democratic and Iranian Patriotic movement.

Thumb lebanon_first 09:00 ,2015 نيسان 15

chamel is good and deserves to be army chief.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:15 ,2015 نيسان 15

No one dispute that. Unfortunately, Aoun kind of did in his candidacy by being a stuborn fool. His appointment is tied to presidential election. But why would Aoun insist on such as appointment considering that Chamel will be retiring in October. I guess extending his term will be then Kosher and all of the claims how FPM is opposed to extensions will go out of the window.

Thumb marcus 09:16 ,2015 نيسان 15

he maybe but there are many other deserving christians too.

Thumb geha 09:31 ,2015 نيسان 15

what is the meaning of appointing someone now while his term will end in a few months?

Thumb kesrweneh 15:31 ,2015 نيسان 15

because the army Leader has 4 more years than regular generals

Thumb ex-fpm 09:33 ,2015 نيسان 15

Aoun is opposed to extensions yet he has extended the current term of his FPM leadership 5 times:)

Roukoz's tenure ends in October 2015 while the term of army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji expires at the end of September. So if Roukuz becomes Army Chief, it will be for one month only:)

Aoun wants his son-in-law Roukuz for one month ONLY as Army Chief and he will vehemently oppose Roukuz's extension beyond October 2015.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:33 ,2015 نيسان 15

Ex fpm, ur name serves you right. But you have never been an FPM that's for sure. The Internal law of the FPM has been voted a few months ago an already the elections have been scheduled to elect the new FPM leader, the local leaders... so how can you extend your leadership if there wasn't any law to rule the elections? Ah yes MTV said so

Thumb ex-fpm 17:16 ,2015 نيسان 15

في 23 مارس الماضي, تأجلت الانتخابات الداخلية لـ”التيار الوطني الحر” للمرة الخامسة على التوالي, لأن رئيس التيار العماد ميشال عون, لم يوقع على اللائحة التطبيقية للنظام الداخلي في الموعد المحدد, أي قبل شهرين من المؤتمر العام للتيار, حيث كان من المتوقع إجراء انتخابات القيادة الجديدة في 23 مايو المقبل. وقال مصدر متابع إن أسباب التأجيل تتجاوز الأسباب التقنية أو اللوجيستية التي روجت لها وسائل إعلام التيار, وهي تعود إلى الخلاف المزمن بين الأجنحة الداخلية التي تتصارع على خلافة عون. فمن جهة, يتصرف الوزير جبران باسيل على أنه “الخليفة الشرعي الوحيد” لعمه والد زوجته, ومن جهة ثانية, يتحضر كل من النائبين ابراهيم كنعان وآلان عون وآخرين لخوض معركة الخلافة, وسط غياب تام للرموز التاريخية المؤسسة للتيار من أمثال بيار رفول ونديم لطيف وشارل جزرا وأدونيس عكرة وغيرهم.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:53 ,2015 نيسان 15


في مطلع آذار الفائت أعلن رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب العماد ميشال عون أن موعد الانتخابات الداخليّة في "التيار الوطني الحرّ" حدّد في 24 أيار المقبل. استبشر المنتسبون خيراً، وتأملوا بأن يكون هذا التصريح العلنيّ مقدّمة لإطلاق "حياة ديموقراطيّة" داخل الحزب، تنتج تداولاً في السلطة، وتنشّط القاعدة الشعبيّة وتعيد إحياءها بعدما تآكلها الخمول. إعلان دبّ الحماسة في قلوبهم فشهدت المناطق حركة غابت عنها منذ سنين، اجتماعات ولقاءات ودورات خاصّة استعداداً للانتخابات.

مضى 24 آذار، شهران قبل موعد الإنتخابات المنتظرة، انتظر الحزبيون قراراً من الرابية لينطلقوا في معركتهم، لكن لم تُدع الهيئات الناخبة ولم يُفتح باب الترشّح أمام الطامحين بالفوز وتحمل المسؤوليات وفق ما ينصّ عليه النظام الداخلي في "التيّار" الصادر حديثاً والمسجّل في وزارة الداخليّة والبلديات.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:54 ,2015 نيسان 15

you are too obvious flamethrower, you used the same words in another post under your flamethrower alias.

Default-user-icon puppet (ضيف) 09:51 ,2015 نيسان 15

I respect General Aoun, Sayyid Hassan, and Mr. Flamethrower equally.

Missing humble 12:11 ,2015 نيسان 15

Miss Tic and Al,
I do understand you as being good Shiites, that your interests and loyalty goes to Ebola, To Iran and to Wali Al Fakih.
But, myself as a Christian, this is totally against my interests and do not wish at all to have a "Teheran-on-sea"; nor a Mutelateh, nor an Islamic Republic, nor a backaged culture.
Is it possible to reconcile both interests?
I can see one possibility : go back to the patriotism your parents and grand parents had for Lebanon and place the No 1 principle above all other interests : wanting to live in a beautiful and peaceful Lebanon with the other Lebanese brothers.

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 12:14 ,2015 نيسان 15

the only solution is democracy , not to go to appoint leaders and other public figures like non democratic gulf countries
the solution is that gulf countries becomes democratic

Default-user-icon msharafieh not ashrafieh (ضيف) 13:51 ,2015 نيسان 15

well said

Thumb -phoenix1 13:31 ,2015 نيسان 15

Not this ugliest of faces again, however rest assured that this is an old picture Aoun the claoun lately has not been that well and there are no newer pictures of him lately. Whatever, this man will do everything to please Hezbollah, even if at the cost of ruining Lebanon and depriving the Christians of their rightful post of presidency. May God end his days soon and relieve us Lebanese of his nonsense and hypocrisy.

Thumb the_roar 14:04 ,2015 نيسان 15

May you receive ten fold what you wish onto others, old man phoenix.

Don;t forget your false teeth. in case your wish comes true.

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (ضيف) 14:21 ,2015 نيسان 15

roro, when will you reactivate @wolf and @lebpatriot? we miss their contribution a lot.

Thumb the_roar 16:01 ,2015 نيسان 15

You're here everyday tex...you tell us!

Thumb -phoenix1 19:02 ,2015 نيسان 15

(1). The Roar, I will respond to you today: You said, and I quote: Phoenix claims his a Christian who didn't post on Good Friday. You tell me where I said that I do not post on Good Fridays, where? Where does it say anywhere that we shouldn't post on this day, then who are you to say so? Then you barged in a couple of days ago, saying that you were on HOLIDAY which was why apparently you didn't post, but for the best of my understanding you were actively stalking on this forum, so you tell me, is this not another lie from you? Then why all this bitterness from you? You called me by all sorts of names, Old Man, you used dentures, walking sticks, you even called me a fart, you made me into a cripple, seemingly I made your imagination go well past its limits right? I mean look at what you wrote, look at the insults you threw on me, and all this without any provocation from me? You insulted other posters as well, calling them by truly shameful names.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:02 ,2015 نيسان 15

2). The Roar. You look at the way I debate with folks like Mystic, Mowaten, Cityboy, FT, Southern and other people who hail from the M8 side, true, these days we are at odds over many issues, I am upfront and frank with my views, and so they are as well, yet for all this, none of us went anywhere near to your levels. Roar, yesterday I abstained from responding to you, because I wasn't prepared to waste my time with you, but today, after this Good Friday nonsense you wrote of me, it's clear that you hit bottom lows like never before. I told you, your mind, your imagination has gone bust, saying things of me that simply don't exist. People here have tried to bring you back to reason, but you keep insisting, why? Is it because I exposed you a few weeks about your lies?

Thumb -phoenix1 19:02 ,2015 نيسان 15

(6). The Roar. You have this inherent cheapness about you, so much so that anything you touch, even diamonds, you will render cheap. It's so evident in your ways, in your attitude, in the way you parrot people when they criticize you, dunno my good friend, but this cheapness about you is not working in your best interest sorry. Now, you can say whatever you wish about me, you can try to dig whatever you wish on me, apparently your old friend Aoun did the same with Geagea and the LF a few years ago, about corpses buried under a certain highway, what did they find but more evidence of lies and fabrications by your old alter example Aoun? As I am trying best as IO could to help you elevate yourself above your cheap stances, above your cheap personality, above your cheap self-centered self, I just wanted to remind you, that is if you have it in you, to understand and accept, that this is a forum, one of the many forums you will find in the internet.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:03 ,2015 نيسان 15

(4). The Roar. Now please, do not pretend you don't know him, right? I am keeping up with the ethical protocols of the trade by not divulging further, by how can you be on holiday and keep track of so many Lebanese forums and affairs at once? Last time you were on this forum posting as the Roar, you said you were leaving, that you had to go to work, now what, holidays? Roar, there was once upon a time when you were full of praise for me, but now that I have somehow shifted positions, you seem not to run out of poison over me, well? But I know that your aim is to get me out of this forum, by repeatedly provoking me all the while hoping that I will lose my cool and say things that will ban me from this forum, right?

Thumb -phoenix1 19:03 ,2015 نيسان 15

(3). Roar. I exposed your lies about your living in Australia, for someone who claims to live there, the manifestations of your presence on this forum and in the Orange Room prove that you actually live right in the heart of Lebanon's capital, Beirut. You live and work by Beirut time, now come on, no one can do that in Australia, then for an Aussie who'se been there for so many years, your interest in our affairs is not typical either for an Aussie. Then my dear Roar, you seem to have forgotten that I own a telecoms company, there are intricate things we do notice from time to time, hence your eternal presence on Lebanese soil, lest I say more, thence your posts in the FPM's Orange Room. Now tell me, who is that chap who seems to carry a similar alias to mine albeit with a color added?

Thumb -phoenix1 19:03 ,2015 نيسان 15

(5). But you see, unlike you, I am a happy man, life is being good to me, so why get angry over a person that is such a chronic liar like you? Since you seem to have the resources to stalk people, me being one of them, why don't you also check my posts of hitherto in the LF forum, then to Sawte.com? You made me into all sorts of things, the best one my being a Palestinian whose mom is from a Christian sect, my bad, I seem to have quite a wild effect on your poor brains lately. But ya Roar, in the recent past, you threw jabs at me, I even then told you that I regarded you as a junior brother at the time, accepting in good grace your punches below the waist, interestingly enough, something your good old friend Aoun does a lot, right? But Ya Roar, I told you some weeks ago, and I will repeat it again to you, there is this thing about you and the very best word really I can find for it is the word CHEAP, very cheap.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:03 ,2015 نيسان 15

(8). So finally for now that is, the arena is all yours, dig deep into your vocab of cheap words, describe me in your wildest ways, call me whatever you wish, sadly if not tragically for you, this man called The Phoenix is here to remain. you will open this forum every day should you wish, and you will see me criticizing your old man Aoun in my usual ways, and look, here is to fire you up, Aoun, Al Capaoun the Claoun, the boss of the Change and deform bloc. So ya Roar, now that you're fired up, go for it, invent, fabricate, create, jump as high as you can, do whatever you wish, the word CHEAP is stuck on your skin, nothing you will try can change that. Now I am going to see what new threads are up for today, feel free to follow me wherever you want. But I see that when I attack your old friend Claoun, you go mad, well, better you go mad as it's the only thing you can show up for.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:04 ,2015 نيسان 15

(7). The Roar. That in forums, one should expect all sorts of different opinions, and yes, you will find chronic liars like yourself too, but then, forums are forums. You cannot expect everyone to voice the same opinions and neither can you expect to go anywhere past the tip of your hooked nose should you wish to be so obnoxious with people. people will just look at you with a sense of laughter and just carry on. Several people have been fooling here, adding layer upon layer to that cheapness about you, in Arabic it's called, Rkhiss, Bala Imeh. Please, continue to attack me, or attack other people in this forum, your role is absolutely past any doubt now, you are a paid troll who is here to derail and remove us from our criticism of Aoun, of Hezbollah or of any side you deem you're part of. As you can see for yourself, this forum is doing well and is getting better too, so no matter what you will try, life goes on here.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:35 ,2015 نيسان 15

don't u think phoenix that FL did the biggest harm to Christians by committing the highest treason possible toward the Orthodox law, depriving thus most of the Christians from choosing their representatives? Don't you think that FL extension of the parliament is the biggest treason of democracy, thus leading to parliament and consequently no president! so yes the problem is with LF not anyone else

Thumb -phoenix1 19:22 ,2015 نيسان 15

Keswerweneh, on the orthodox law, yes I concur, I did not like Geagea's position, but the parliament's extension is not the work of the LF alone, please check your facts again.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:40 ,2015 نيسان 15

and regarding the ending of his days just ask geagea to kill him just like he did with Toni frangieh, Dany chamoun his wife and infants, Rachid Karame, General Kanaan, Mr.Zayek, Joseph Akiki....

Thumb -phoenix1 19:25 ,2015 نيسان 15

On Toni Frangieh, I cannot prove or disprove, but on Dany Chamoun I can. Those who killed him were the Syrians who killed Dany Chamoun, the area they controlled was literally sealed by them in exactly the same way that they did with Kamal Jumblatt's assassination, a fact that took over 30 years to be admitted by his son Walid, and after what, after so many Christians got killed for it? On Karame, Geagea was not alone, but also Amin Gemayel and the army intelligence chief Johnny Abdo, at the very last moment they had changes of plans and did not tell Geagea about it, so they too should have been jailed for it. Again Kesserweneh, get your facts right.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:02 ,2015 نيسان 16

kesserweneh, regarding Aoun the claoun's last days, I will be the happiest man if I can help to see him go asap. leave geagea in peace, your sick old caporal is now in pieces, and will soon rest in more pieces.

Thumb Mystic 15:45 ,2015 نيسان 15

God bless General Aoun and Sulaiman Frangieh, the true Christian leaders of Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:29 ,2015 نيسان 15

Mystic, you mean Syrian stooges Aoun the claoun and Zghorta's double jointed gnome Frangieh? Sure, they need blessings and a lot of it since they live by the breadcrumbs that fall off the table of Hezbollah ma heyk? They are Christian alright, but they are leaders of stooges only and not more. Aoun the claoun is an anti-Christ, he is a Freemason that is dedicated to the eradication of Christianity. To get past the 17th degree, a mason must walk on the crucified, then ask Aoun the claoun why do they meet every Tuesday at 7 PM? Isn't that Scottish rite? Yeah, your little slaves need blessings, a lot of it too.

Thumb Mystic 00:49 ,2015 نيسان 16

Your lust for power is duly noted, phoenix.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:03 ,2015 نيسان 16

Mystic, compared to your hezbollah? Power for mean simply goes as far as keep my mobile charged, whereas with you guys is to take over the entire Middle East, but sadly for you, it is not happening, not now, not ever.

Thumb the_roar 16:00 ,2015 نيسان 15

The only true Lebanese party (FPM) is hated by all non-working so called Lebanese parties.

LF-Kataeb-PSP-Mustahaba-Amal etc etc.

why? because Lebanon is a corrupt nation led by corrupt leaders working for outside interest for the right price.

Heaven forbid a true Lebanese party was allowed to make decisions on behalf of Lebanese.

God bless the only true Lebanese party....FPM!

Thumb -phoenix1 19:12 ,2015 نيسان 15

Look who is talking but the liar from down under. The liar that attacks to derail this forum, the liar that boast of it in the Orange Room, then barges in to insult anyone he doesn't like here. The Liar Roar lives right here in Beirut, you ya Roar have lost it all, going as far now as questioning my faith and if I should or not post on Goof Friday. maskin ya habileh, you have nothing more to debate or to hope to derail or to force a ban on anyone, so anything should do for you, just like your very sick old lunatic Aoun, accuse, and if it doesn't work, insult. Well, ya KEZZEB Enta ya liar Roar, we are now enjoying your rants, as empty as your head.

Thumb beiruti 16:40 ,2015 نيسان 15

Unfortunately for Roukoz, who is a good man, his father in law is Michel Aoun. The nomination, though it could be based on merit, is tainted with the Aoun stain of nepotism. Aoun seems to be in the government business as a means to promote his family's personal and private fortunes at the expense of burning all of Lebanon in the process.
Aoun - loyal to his private interests, traitor to his country.

Missing humble 17:04 ,2015 نيسان 15

The Caporal will never ever become president. He is a loser. He has failed in Everything he tried. He will soon explode (he already had a neurasthenic crisis) and will end up in an asylum where his fans will visit him (room called NapoleAoun).

Missing peace 17:07 ,2015 نيسان 15

in the years 2000 Lebanon was moving up, economy was developing then they murdered hariri, blocked the parliament and since then the country is in crisis.... all thanks to hezbollah and aoun...
with a rich and developed country they would not survive that is why they need chaos to live...

Thumb -phoenix1 19:08 ,2015 نيسان 15

The ugly Caporal my dear Humble is the worst thing that ever came to our history, even worse than the Syrians. This man will sell his own mom yet will not budge an inch. Lebanon is almost dead because of him and his masters Hezbollah, yet he wants to boycott, let the old man boycott and do what he wants, this is all he can do these days. They plugged a module up his butt and he will only do what he is programmed to do. Nothing is dirtier than Michel Al Capaoun Claoun, nothing. He has lost almost all his support base except for the leftovers that still take a pay from his Change and Deform bloc, or the ones too brainwashed to think anymore.

Missing peace 17:05 ,2015 نيسان 15

"threatening to boycott its political activity or resign from the cabinet."

good riddance... all they do is take this country backwards....

Thumb -phoenix1 20:19 ,2015 نيسان 15

Gabby, his day will come when he will no longer boycott, he will be gone and forgotten, very quickly.

Default-user-icon Can_am (ضيف) 21:39 ,2015 نيسان 15

But? 2:
I want all on here to read and understand please:
I have followed this site after 9/11 so I could get an idea of why it happened and who would want it. After months of reading different online papers from many countries, I fell in love with your country. Honestly, because of your proximity of Israel. I read all the posts to most that matters to me. I can see why you are in the situation you are.
If there is a Lebanese out there that feels that a similar treaty with Israel like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey had back 20-30 years ago would be a good thing right now, raise your hands. Democracy works Baby.

Default-user-icon Can-Am (ضيف) 21:53 ,2015 نيسان 15

Bad? 3:
I want all on here to read and understand please:
I have followed this site after 9/11 so I could get an idea of why it happened and who would want it. After months of reading different online papers from many countries, I fell in love with your country. Honestly, because of your proximity of Israel. I read all the posts to most that matters to me. I can see why you are in the situation you are.
Free Trade agreements, Border protection guaranteed, and a true feeling of a country of your own. What's stopping it? Religion and skin color hate. Yeah, we've been there. We imported 430,000 slaves, drove thousands off their lands. I just looked up that we have 313 religions and denominations in the U.S. and you have 18 recognized sects. I just pointed out our skin problem issue. We still have some way to go on that...but we are doing it.

Default-user-icon Maya (ضيف) 10:07 ,2015 نيسان 19


If you knew the history of the Middle-East, you would know that muslims have started slavery centuries before America and other western countries.
Slavery is not prohibited in islam: the prophet Muhammad had many slaves at his service, and was a slave trader as well.
The Africans were also slave traders: certain powerful tribes used to enslave less powerful African tribes.
Slavery has been practiced by all the people who could enslave. So stop feeling guilty.
Regarding the different religions, Lebanon is today the "laboratory" of the world: what happens in Lebanon will happen everywhere, as soon as muslims will become a majority.
So take care of America, instead of telling us what is wrong with our country.