فرنجيه: سوريا اليوم أقوى مما كانت بالأمس والنظام باق
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس تيار المرده النائب سليمان فرنجيه أن "ما تعرضت له سوريا مؤخرا هو جراء مؤامرة كبيرة حيكت عليها من الخارج "، مشددا على أن " قوة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد ومحبة شعبه له، وتماسك الجيش، أدى الى تفويت الفرصة على أعداء سوريا المتربصين بها شرا "، مؤكدا في الوقت عينه أن سوريا ستخرج من محنتها أقوى من ما كلنت عليه.
وأشار فرنجيه، خلال استقباله وفد "شباب الوحدة الوطنية السورية" الذي يزور لبنان حاليا لشكر القادة اللبنانيين الذين وقفوا الى جانب سوريا في محنتها الأخيرة، الى أن عندما لم يتمكن المتآمرون من تحقيق ما يريدون عبر القتال، استعملوا الوتر الطائفي، ولكن وعي الرئيس الأسد والقيادة والشعب في سوريا أحبط المؤامرة.
وقال: "وها هي سوريا تخرج من محنتها أقوى مما كانت عليه وشعبها يحب رئيسه، وجيشها متماسك، والنظام باق ولن تهزه رياح او عواصف مهما كانت شدتها ".
وإذ أكد أن "العلاقة بين لبنان وسوريا ستبقى قوية ومتينة وهي علاقة أخوة وصداقة ومواقف مشتركة، ولن يغير فيها شيء لا مؤامراتة ولا تهديدات"، نوه فرنجية " بمحبة الشعب السوري لرئيسه وبتماسكه ووعيه".
وأضاف: "إن الرئيس الأسد تحمل غالب الأمور، فحفظ سوريا أرضا وشعبا وأبعد عنها ما كان مخططا لها من الخارج ".
بدورهم ، أشاد أعضاء الوفد السوري بـ"مواقف فرنجيه الواضحة والمعروفة جيدا من قبل الشعب السوري الذي يقدرها ويحترم صاحبها وله في قلوب السوريين كل تقدير واحترام".
Yes Mr Frangieh , democracy and freedom are foreign in Syria because your friend Bashar is using Foreign troops from Iran to supress and murder the unarmed Syrian people . Pity your boundless ignorance Mr frangieh and pity your ignorant followers and that of Aoun .
Either this poor guy has been living on another planet for the past 7 months (well, Zghorta may be considered another planet) or he is reading from the talking points faxed to him by the Syrian dictatorship. Either way, he comes off like an idiot, just like that old fart Aoun.
How anyone as dumb as this man gets into politics is a disgrace and a symbol of 3rd world nepotism at its best!
What a delusional article piece this article represents to even the most ardent March 8 supporter.
Only foreign plot here is Iraninans troops and Hizbollah propping up a brutal dictator and a ruthless butcher Bashar .
Wake up Mr Frangieh !
always the same words...
let us remind this syrian agent that all dictators say the same thing when faced with a rebellion!!! just because they believe or want to believe that their people adore and venere them!
just see how history repeats itself!
poor old traitor....
This is the only person who understood that when the glorious Syrian army liberated the Christian Zionist areas and ruled Lebanon for fifteen years it was for our own good . For his understanding the magnificent Mr Frangieh was rewarded with a portfolio in every government from 1990 to 2005 when the imperialist plots forced the brave Syrian army to leave Lebanon .
When you call a Government REGIME....then democracy and institutions are not available.
The Gadaffi Regime
The Mobarak Regime
The government ....the president of Lebanon....not the Suleiman Regime
This is the difference in Lebanon democracy and other countries in the Arab World.
Big Difference....and this is what the Arab world have been using and used to.....REGIME instead of Government
The Army protects the country not the REGIME
the status of bashar after march 2011:
1)receiving karami and hoss and the mourabitoun
2)sending delegations of "shabiha" to meet frangieh aoun mrad ,soukkarieh...
he already lost all the other cards.
even his ambassador in beirut is a terrorist outlaw.
""when the glorious Syrian army liberated the Christian Zionist areas and ruled Lebanon for fifteen years it was for our own good ""
your puppet general said hundreds of time the contrary while in exile remember le phenikalb?
you are insulting the memories of all the aounists who believed the general and stood up against syrians and were tortured or worse killed in syrian prisons...was it for their own good?
remember when your puppet genral said that the syrians are a terrorist state ruling lebanon? he said that they were responsible for hundreds of assassinations destruction of entire villages in the north...
short memory syndrom poor lillte master s dog...
go back to your barbie dolls...
World War 3 is fought with all kinds of weapons but world war 4 is sticks and stones hahahaha :)
This Phoenicien guy is redefining IQ. Thanks are due to him as nobody can score lower...
the filthy zionist information war department just realized that aoun isn't the only maronite politician that is against them.
now they got the order to spit on franijeh also. you recognize them by halucinations of assad falling "soon". and that goes for more than half a year
How could the supposedly highly educated and highly sophisticated Lebanese accept this quasi ignorant , street guy, who inherited the leadership of his clan, as a leader?
Hush up and go lick Assad's butt, and maybe you can get your GED while you're at it. Look at this Christian TRAITOR he is as dumb as the other Christian TRAITOR, Mr. Orange and sheep. He is getting "Fatter than a tick on a Vampire".