عميد حمود ينفي فراه الى خارج لبنان: ان استدعيت فأنا تحت سقف القانون

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نفى المسؤول بتيار "المستقبل" عميد حمود الجمعة التقارير التي تحدثت عن مغادرته الى تركيا بعد اتهامات وجهت له حول تزويده السلاح لقادة المحاور في طرابلس الذين يتم التحقيق معهم.

واكد حمود في اتصال مع قناة الـ "LBCI" أنه موجود في تركيا منذ 10 أيام وهو شبه مقيم هناك، رافضًا الرد على أي اتهامات.

وصباح الجمعة كشفت صحيفة "السفير"، ان ضغوطات سياسية مورست على قائد محور سوق الخضار في التبانة سعد المصري وقائد محور الحارة البرانية زياد علوكي، لضمان عدم اتهامها الضابط المتقاعد والقيادي في "تيار المستقبل" عميد حمود "بأنه كان يزودهما بالسلاح والذخائر، لكنهما لم يتجاوبا".

وفي هذا السياق، توجّه حمود في حديثه مع القناة إلى كل علوكي المصري بالقول: "ألله يسامحكم".

وعلوكي والمصري كانا قد سلما نفسيهما الى مخابرات الجيش في آذار 2014، بعد الخطة الامنية التي نفذها الجيش في طرابلس والتي ساهمت في انهاء القتال الشبه اليومي الذي كان يدور بين باب التبانة وجبل محسن على خلفية الازمة السورية.

كما صرح حمود للـ LBCI أنه لم يُبلَّغ بأي بلاغ حتّى الساعة وهو إن استُدعيَ فسيحضر وهو تحت سقف القانون، مشددًا على أنه ليس هاربًا.

وكانت "السفير" أفادت أن حمود تلقى اتصالا "من قيادي بارز في تيار المستقبل أبلغه فيه أن المحكمة العسكرية قد تحيل ملفه في الجلسة المقبلة (التي عقدت الاربعاء) الى النيابة العامة، ناصحا إياه بمغادرة لبنان سريعا "لأننا لم نعد قادرين على تغطيتك وحمايتك"".

وأضافت تبعا لمعلومات، ان حمود "حجز على أول طائرة متجهة الى تركيا، مستفيدا من واقعة عدم صدور أية مذكرة توقيف بحقه"، الأمر الذي نفاه الاخير في اتصاله.

وكشفت الصحيفة عينها ان النيابة العامة التي تسلمت الخميس، إفادتي المصري وعلوكي، أصدرت بلاغ بحث وتحرّ بحق عميد حمود.

وأوضحت مصادر حقوقية عبر "السفير" الى أن "المدة القانونية لهذا البلاغ هي شهر كامل، وبعده إما أن تدعي النيابة العامة على حمود وتصدر مذكرة توقيف غيابية بحقه، أو أن تهمل هذا الملف، وعندها يستطيع حمود العودة الى لبنان بشكل طبيعي".


التعليقات 25
Thumb geha 08:28 ,2015 نيسان 17

once more assafir ..... :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:07 ,2015 نيسان 17

Why? Did you except m14-owned medias to report it? It's very easy to verify anyway, where is Hammoud? Probably sharing milk and blanket stories with oqab sakr in Istanbul lol

Missing peace 11:30 ,2015 نيسان 17

naharnet reported it ya mooowaten. you keep claiming it s saudi zionist owned ...

but strange because usually you mock naharnet articles when it s written "sources say" LOL but here? no, you do not point this out and give credit straight away! LOL

finally as hezbis arm the other side then why wouldn't others do the same? That is the logic hezbollah has set. if you accept an armed militia then you must accept all of them!
therfore don't be so upset and scandalized and if this man is guilty then let him be trialed like your samaha is!
don't play the offensed "patriot" as M8 do exactly the same thing...

if you are a true patriot then ask for the demilitarizing of ALL militias starting with hezbollah.....

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:45 ,2015 نيسان 17

Why don't you tell geha that naharnet reported it? He saw "As Safir" and his brain immediately short-circuited.

As for "giving credit", you should learn to read before you too get a short-circuit in your brain. I said it is "easy to verify", which implies it still requires some verification and confirmation. Also, google the word "probably" and get back to me.

And finally regarding mustaqbal arming the terrorists, we always knew it but the problem is how you guys keep pretending they dont. Now at least you're admitting that mustaqbal and takfiris are like horse and carriage.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:52 ,2015 نيسان 17

You're not atheist secular mowaten, everybody here knows you're a Shia sectarian Iranian with an agenda , so cut the BS.

Missing peace 11:53 ,2015 نيسان 17

the day you will ask for the disarmement of ALL militias then you may come to play the patriot...
but as long as you support one side to have an armed militia then you have no credibility in criticizing one side while allowing the other...
that is the logic YOUR milita has set in Lebanon, it is mathematical !
i have warned here many years ago that by letting hezbollah armed then it will only lead to a counter reaction.... we had assir then all the others ...

but you hezbis do not care about Lebanon otherwise you would denounce this and ask for ALL the party to give up their weapons...

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:36 ,2015 نيسان 17

Hezbollah is resisting israel with those weapons, what are your terrorists doing?
And no, I don't support disarming Hezbollah as long as we don't have a real defense strategy and a functioning government (they can't even decide on an electoral law or elect a president, what would they do in a situation of war??).
If you want to use this as a pretext to support arming terrorists who have no other objective than killing Lebanese civilians and soldiers and creating chaos in the country, than go ahead but at least:
1- don't lie and pretend you have nothing to do with the terrorists you arm
2- don't think you're in any position to speak of patriotism, you're just a sectarian tool who's ready to destroy the country just because of your jealousy

Missing peace 16:18 ,2015 نيسان 17

"Hezbollah is resisting israel with those weapons" sure, they are... we don't need them to "resist" = WE HAVE A NATIONAL ARMY FOR THAT ...
especially when resisting now means taking the streets against the state, engaging war in syria (sure they are resisting israel there LOL!)....

"1- don't lie and pretend you have nothing to do with the terrorists you arm" that is deffamation.... i am a normal citizen nothing to do with all this. PLUS i am affiliated to no party unlike you i have no idol or leader: i am totally free! that is why i ask for ALL militias to disarm....hezbollah included! as a patriot believing n only ONE military institution UNLIKE YOU ...

Missing peace 16:19 ,2015 نيسان 17

"don't think you're in any position to speak of patriotism" certainly much much more than a traitor like you who does not want the army to be strong and by encouraging a militia to obey a foreign country and disobey its own... your party pledged allegiance to IRAN never to Lebanon.... so stick your fake patriotism in your ar....

you have no lessons to give me as you DO NOT believe in the state of Lebanon but in your iranian militia ...

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:57 ,2015 نيسان 17

lol keep living in your delusions if you want, but don't expect those living in the south and on the syrian border to place their lives in a corrupt government's hands.
It doesnt only have to do with the army strength, which is what it is, no matter how much I wish it was stronger, politicians affiliated to saudi and the US have consistently prevented it from getting anything that can deter israel. As long as our government is crippled and incapable of taking real patriotic decisions, the real patriots will defend their land by any means necessary, while you traitors, cowards and wishful thinkers bark.

Thumb geha 18:52 ,2015 نيسان 17

see mowaten?
if you waited you would have had a confirmation: the guy is still here and all this did not happen, but in the lying mind of assafir.

Missing peace 19:20 ,2015 نيسان 17

"those living in the south and on the syrian border to place their lives in a corrupt government's hands."

thank you for proving that you do not believe in the lebanese institutions... whoever will be in the gvt there will always be an opposition = so your logic is that when you disagree with the gvt then you do not obey it... tfeh. proof you do not believe in the state of Lebanon: traitor....

"As long as our government is crippled and incapable of taking real patriotic décisions" = it is hezbollah which cripples it = you said it: when you do not agree with the gvt you disobey it!

as i ve keep repeating here = you and your likes just spit on the lebanese state and its institutions when it does not suit you...

you are just a pityful hezbi secessionist and traitor, nothing lebanese but all hezbollahi....

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:47 ,2015 نيسان 18

lol geha can't you read?

"In a phone interview with LBCI television, Hammoud revealed that he has been in Turkey since ten days and that he resides there on a “near-permanent basis,” "

sometimes you'd better just shove a shoe in that mouth instead of saying such stupidities :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:50 ,2015 نيسان 18

and peace your rant is pathetic and off topic, look up the definition of traitor (or look in the mirror). in any case, believing the government is corrupt and incapable of acting has nothing to do with treason (not to mention it's plain truth)

Thumb EagleDawn 08:30 ,2015 نيسان 17

Another credible report by mowaten and Al Safil.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:42 ,2015 نيسان 17

“We advise you to leave the country soon because we can no longer protect you,” sources quoted the prominent leader as telling Hammoud."

It appears the prominent Mustaqbal leader called As Safir and invited them to witness his speech with Hammoud and to later publish it.:)

Thumb lebanon_first 09:14 ,2015 نيسان 17

possible, but at least mustakbal thugs are prosecuted. HA thugs are not.

We want the killers of Hashem el Salman.

Thumb the_roar 11:23 ,2015 نيسان 17

"possible, but at least mustakbal thugs are prosecuted"

like Assir or shaker? or the people responsible for the famous "milk & blanket" project?

you are trying ever so hard to turn a blind eye to reality.

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (ضيف) 11:41 ,2015 نيسان 17

roro, when will @wolf post again>
Please, activate him coz we miss his contributions

Thumb galaxy 09:43 ,2015 نيسان 17

even if it is true, I don't see where the problem is.
Hezbollah armed Jabal Mohsen to the teeth. The people of Tripoli were and are entitled to defend themselves.

Thumb marcus 09:51 ,2015 نيسان 17

I thought flamethrower said naharnet is hariri-saudi owned news outlet. Why is naharnet publishing articles that incriminate its owners?

Missing humble 10:58 ,2015 نيسان 17

Ebola is a disease which will spread in other places.

Thumb -phoenix1 11:28 ,2015 نيسان 17

This is how it should be, the law is above everyone else and anyone breaking it or usurpating it shall receive the dispensation of the law whoever it may be. I personally welcome this news, but would also expect of the law to turn the other side of the coin and cover all the usurpations of the law by members of the Hezbollah led M8 side. The law must remain color-blind and only seek justice, half baked justice provides half baked solutions in which case the nation shall remain in limping state for as long as this dynamic is maintained.

Missing peace 11:58 ,2015 نيسان 17

in Lebanon everyone is equal but some more than the others.....

Thumb -phoenix1 12:04 ,2015 نيسان 17

You're right @peace and this imbalance cannot be entertained for much too long, otherwise it will bite into the very integrity of the army.