فيديو لعسكريي عرسال لدى النصرة: سندفع الثمن اذا اندلعت معركة القلمون

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حذّر عسكريو عرسال الذين تحتجزهم "جبهة النصرة" من انهم سيدفعون الثمن في حال اندلاع معركة القلمون، معلنين ان المدير العام للامن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم "يكذب على الاهالي".

وفي فيديو بثته "جبهة النصرة"، الثلاثاء، على صفحتها على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، تحت عنوان "رسالة من الأسرى الشيعة إلى بني قومهم"، ظهر العسكريون، قائلين انه "اذا جرّ الجيش اللبناني وحزب الله الى معركة في القلمون فاننا سندفع الثمن".

ولفتوا الى ان الجيش وحزب الله "يزجون انفسهم في ما ليس لهم" ودعوا اللبنانيين الى الوقوف في وجه الحزب.

وأعلنوا ان ابراهيم "يكذب على الاهالي"، متسائلين: "اين الاثباتات بأنه سيفرج عنّا خلال 10 ايام؟"، وطالبوا اهاليهم بانتخاب مفاوض "صادق" لمتابعة قضيتهم.

وتطرق العسكريون الى ما يعاني منهم "السنة في السجون اللبنانية، وخصوصاً رومية"، حيث اعلن احدهم انه يرفض ان يرحل عن النصرة ما لم يتم الافراج عن النسوة والموقوفين السنة في رومية.

وظهر الثلاثاء، أعلن اهالي عسكريي عرسال، عن اتجاههم لـ"تصعيد موجع" اذا لم يعد ابنائهم. وتوجهوا الى "جبهة النصرة" بالقول ان "لا علاقة لابنائنا بحزب الله ولو كانوا كذلك لما كانوا انضموا الى المؤسسة العسكرية".

وأضافوا: "نحن لا نتحمل مسؤولية ما يقوم به حزب الله في سوريا".

يُذكر ان بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا كانت قد شهدت في الثاني من آب 2014، معركة استمرت اياما بين الجيش ومسلحي النصرة وداعش، وتسببت بمقتل عشرين جنديا و16 مدنيا وعشرات المسلحين.

وانتهت بانسحاب المسلحين من عرسال واختطاف أكثر من 25 عسكريا في الجيش وقوى الأمن. وقام داعش بقطع رأس اثنين من العسكريين المختطفين من قبله، في حين أعدمت النصرة اثنين آخرين رمياً بالرصاص.

ولقد قدمت "النصرة" ثلاث اقتراحات للدولة اللبنانية بغية الافراج عن العسكريين لديها، من ضمنها مبادلة المحتجزين لديها بموقوفين لدى السلطات اللبنانية. في حين طالبت "داعش" بالافراج عن 5 سجناء مقابل كل عسكري محتجز لديها، وفق ما أفادته المعلومات الصحافية.

يُذكر ان صحيفة "النهار"، كانت قد افادت في عددها الثلاثاء عن ان "جبهة النصرة" هددت بتصفية عسكريي عرسال الذين تحتجزهم، في حال استمرار الجيش اللبناني بقصف جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا.

ولفتت الى ان هذه الرسالة نقلها وسيط في الجيش اللبناني.

يُشار الى ان الجيش اللبناني يقوم بالتصدي للارهابيين في الجرود، ويعمل على قصف مواقعهم والتقدم في الجرود، متمركزاً فيها.


التعليقات 36
Thumb Mystic 10:34 ,2015 أيار 05

These are the people March 14 alliance holds their hands over in protection. I feel bad for the LAF, being a punching bag, while theie own hands are being tied by M14 traitors.

Thumb Mystic 10:44 ,2015 أيار 05

You support and breed them. With all your energy.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:40 ,2015 أيار 05

buzz off you hasbara shill, i'm not in the mood for your childishness.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:41 ,2015 أيار 05

i noticed lately you have been very edgy and seething with anger and hatred! Does it have to do with the losses your huthis in Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen have been incurring.?

Thumb ex-fpm 10:44 ,2015 أيار 05

In a country that respects itself, a sectarian militia is not allowed to mass troops, tanks, and men and go fight in another country. I guess respect is also relative....

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:06 ,2015 أيار 05

Really? So France didnt respect itself when the Maquis resisted nazis? You have no idea what respect is you troll, you think it means bending over to whoever shakes a stick over your head, be it a takfiri or their israeli fathers, so please step aside while the real patriots, be it in the army or the resistance, whoop some dirty apes behinds.

Thumb ashtah 11:14 ,2015 أيار 05

was the french resistance made up of only shias? Again France was occupied and your knowledge of history leaves a lot to be desired. Your militia is the one occupying another country and again your comparisons are weak and baseless. By the way, tone it down as it is not good for your ailing health.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:23 ,2015 أيار 05

lol, mowaten you sound like an immature kid completely disconnected from reality, just trying to build some silly rationale based on bits & pieces of propaganda and lies.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:24 ,2015 أيار 05

The lebanese resistance isnt only made of shias. Please try again.

Thumb marcus 11:29 ,2015 أيار 05

_mowaten_ 3 minutes ago 20
The lebanese resistance isnt only made of shias. Please try again.

are you serious?!!! so how come only shia members of hezbollah die in Syria and Iraq. Perhaps you are referring to the resistance brigades that are hired thugs who intimidate people in inner cities and you consider them "resistance".:)

Thumb Mystic 11:49 ,2015 أيار 05

marcus, sects doesn't matter in the resistance. Everyone willing to fight against zionism and wahabi takfiris are welcome.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:47 ,2015 أيار 05

flamethrower .. nezlit dam3te man.... oussa mou2ssira jiddan from the mouthpiece who hails assad's massacres and eggs him on to kill more civilians.

Missing humble 10:53 ,2015 أيار 05

Ebola, Al Nusra, ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Butcher, Iran, Israel, Hamas... and all armed entities which promote hatred, violence and wars have evil minds and souls

Missing humble 10:53 ,2015 أيار 05

Their followers too!!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:02 ,2015 أيار 05

One only needs to read your comments to be filled with hatred and start wishing you get your liver eaten by the animals you support.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:02 ,2015 أيار 05

One only needs to read your comments to be filled with hatred and start wishing you get your liver eaten by the animals you support.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:57 ,2015 أيار 05

Thanks for proving once again you're not Lebanese, because any Lebanese would be angry reading the above news. Yet you come and troll around and gloat like the dirty israeli you are, not giving a damn about the Lebanese soldiers being held hostage.

Thumb Mystic 10:57 ,2015 أيار 05

What are you babbling about? Wahabis only managed to murder unarmed civilians mostly. Now look at this, news you wahabis don't know about.


Thumb justin 10:58 ,2015 أيار 05

Hizbullah went to Syria without any regard to Lebanon's constitution, parliament, or people. It massacred Syrian people based on age old sectarian hate and guided by a not so supreme leader in Iran. It dragged the LAF into this mess. Its yet to begin "battle of all battles" soon to be announced by sayyed al mokawameh will drag us even further into this swamp.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:02 ,2015 أيار 05

Yea? And who do you blame for Maaloula, Kobbane, Mossoul, Sinjar...? The "blame hezbollah for the weather" card doesnt work there, does it?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:08 ,2015 أيار 05

Too dimwitted to get the point I see... Not surprising.

Thumb ashtah 11:11 ,2015 أيار 05

your comparison is irrelevant and typical of your ilk. The war in Iraq has been sectarian for many years and ever since your Malki came to power. That does not give your militia the right to go fight a religious sectarian war in another country. Did your militia go to Syria/Iraq to protect the Yazidis or Kobane, etc.? Your boss who calls himself the resistance said he went to war to protect shias in Syria and finally to protect the regime. He could care less about minorities. So your usual CD is an old one that has no audience. Good luck next time...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:26 ,2015 أيار 05

Another dimwit... it's like they inbreed and multiply! The point was that these animals you support do not care what you are or what you did or did not do, they only want to slaughter everybody they can get their hands on (except israelis). If given the chance they would have taken over part of Lebanon one after the other. All lebanese know this and are glad we have both the army and hezbollah fighting the apes and keeping them out.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:35 ,2015 أيار 05

lol mowaten, you have some serious inferiority complex issues, always barking pointlessly and trying to convince yourself that everybody is stupid and you're the smart one, yet you were never able to make an articulate argument or point. The best you ever do is call names, yell a few read-made lines you heard daddy say, and add "HAHAHAHA" before or after it as if this makes them facts. Habibi, if you want to make a point be a big boy and provide supporting sources yourself, or ask your daddy where it came from

Thumb EagleDawn 11:39 ,2015 أيار 05

Mystic, do you still believe your terror party is lying when it admits the death of 6 of its iranian terrorists in Latikia and Qalamoun?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:42 ,2015 أيار 05

Are you trying to offend me by saying I'm a woman pajama.boy? So on top of being a hateful sectarian yokel you're also misogynistic?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:44 ,2015 أيار 05

You're really the dregs of humanity...

Thumb Mystic 11:46 ,2015 أيار 05

Are you still denying your wahabi masters countless losses in Yemen? I deny your question, because I never heard of it in any other media than here.

keep up with the stupid questions parrotdown, just like your jafaar_abliss guest character supported by Naharnet.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:52 ,2015 أيار 05

Mystic take a look at these terrorists life size posters and tell me if they are photoshop'ed and whether their funerals were fake and paid for by the tariffs:)
ميليشيا حزب الله تشيّع 3 قتلى سقطوا في ريف اللاذقية

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:59 ,2015 أيار 05

What point are you trying to make eagleyawn? Confirming what we've been telling you for years?
Yes, Hezbollah is proud of its martyrs and honors them.

Thumb Mystic 12:05 ,2015 أيار 05

Orient news ya zalame, even worse than Naharnet. I might aswell be watching Tom & Jerry that is how amusing it is.
There is people dying everyday in Syria, those people might be in newly formed syrian resistance brigades, not from Lebanon. Even so all those martyrs fighting the takfiris deserves great respect, be they the Syrian army, LAF, Iraqi, yemeni or Iranians.

Hezbollah are Nusras greatest enemy by the way.

Thumb barrymore 12:23 ,2015 أيار 05

both of you go spread your propaganda on manar and spare us the insults and distortions. Lebanon's problems are a result of your unilateral iranian schemes that dragged Lebanon and the LAF into regional conflicts. You come here crying and talking about honor and when you people need education volumes in honor and patriotism.

Missing humble 12:45 ,2015 أيار 05

You always accuse others of what you are. This doesn't work.
You are carrying the arms.
You are calling for violence and wars.
You are dividing the country and spreading hatred.

We are being submitted to your wrongdoing and you want us to shut our mouth and accept your totalitarianism.

Thumb Mystic 13:01 ,2015 أيار 05

Only one I see crying are you guys barry, whining about the Resistance going to Syria. Tell all that LF, Mostaqbal crap to the unarmed Yazidis of Iraq. You expect those takfiris to leave Lebanon alone? Maybe Hariri can throw them a few bucks to hold them back. The Resistance will not stand and look on the country being invaded.

Missing peace 19:26 ,2015 أيار 05

may God help them ...

Thumb the_roar 19:58 ,2015 أيار 05

why don't you ask those who gave your Is friends cover to begin with to go save them.

You can't have it both ways.