الحريري: حزب الله شريك بقتل الشعب السوري ويتعامل مع "عاصفة الحزم" باعتبارها هزيمة شخصية له
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري ان "حزب الله" شريك في "جريمة قتل الشعب السوري"، من خلال الحشد والتحضير لمعركة القلمون، لافتاً الى انه يسعى الى استحضار الحريق السوري الى داخل لبنان.
وفي بيان، صادر المكتب الاعلامي للحريري، الثلاثاء، لفت الحريري الى ان حزب الله ومن خلال ما يُحكى عن حشده السلاح والمسلحين لبدء معركة القلمون، فإنه "يستخدم الحدود اللبنانية دون حسيب او رقيب في جولة جديدة من التورط في الحرب السورية".
واعتبر ان الحرب السورية "لا وظيفة لها سوى حماية الظهير الغربي لبشار الاسد في ظل الانهيارات العسكرية لجيش النظام في غير منطقة من سوريا".
وتابع الحريري في بيانه قائلاً ان حزب الله و"كالعادة لن يسمع نصيحة الشركاء في الوطن، وهو سيضرب بعرض الحائط مرة اخرى التحذيرات اللبنانية من استدعاء الحرائق السورية الى الداخل اللبناني".
وشدد على انه "لن نتوقف عن إطلاق التنبيه تلو التنبيه".
يُذكر انه تدور في الآونة الاخيرة احاديث عن تحضر حزب الله والنظام السوري من جهة والجماعات الارهابية من جهة اخرى، لمعركة القلمون. وللقلمون موقع استراتيجي، حاول حزب الله بحسب تقارير سابقة اوائل السنة بـ"قطع إمداد المقاتلين بالوقود والمحروقات الضرورية للتدفئة لينهكهم حتى بداية الربيع، ما يُسهّل طردهم من المنطقة والسيطرة عليها عسكرياً".
وطرح الحريري في بيانه، سلسلة تساؤلات، عما اذا كانت معركة القلمون ستحصل داخل الاراضي السورية او اللبنانية، مردفاً إذا كانت داخل الاراضي السورية فما الداعي للإمعان في تورط جهات لبنانية فيها، اما اذا كانت ستجري في أراضٍ لبنانية فهل هناك قرار لبناني بتسليم أمر الحدود للجهات المسلحة غي الشرعية؟".
وأضاف، متسائلاً عمن سيضمن سلامة عسكريي عرسال المحتجزين لدى داعش او النصرة، في حال مشاركة جهة لبنانية في المعركة، وما هي ارتداداتها على لبنان، وكيف ستتصرف الدولة اللبنانية حينها؟
يُشار الى ان "جبهة النصرة"، بثت الثلاثاء شريط فيديو للعسكريين المحتجزين لديها الذين اعلنوا انه في حال اندلاع معركة القلمون، فإنهم انفسهم سيدفعون الثمن.
وتابع الحريري، قائلاً "اذا كانت جهة لبنانية حزبية ومسلحة تبرر لنفسها التدخل العسكري داخل سوريا والقيام بأعمال حربية توقع القتلى والدمار في صفوف السوريين ، الا يعطي ذلك الطرف الاخر (اي التنظيمات السورية) حجة القتال داخل لبنان والقيام بأعمال حربية توقع القتلى والدمار في صفوف اللبنانيين".
وختم الحريري، بيانه لافتاً الى انه "ما من قوة في العالم، لا حزب الله ولا الحرس الثوري الإيراني سيكون في مقدورها ان تحمي بشار الاسد من السقوط".
واتهم حزب الله بأنه شريك مباشر في قتل السوريين من خلال الحشد في القلمون لاستقدام الازمة السورية الى لبنان و"العمل على زج القرى البقاعية الحدودية بها، الامر الذي نحذر منه وندعو كل الجهات المؤتمنة على سلامة اللبنانيين والعسكريين الى المجاهرة برفضها وعدم تغطيتها".
ومساء الثلاثاء، رد الحريري على كلمة نصرالله المتلفزة التي تنال فيها الاوضاع في المنطقة بينها اليمن وقال " نصر الله يتناول الموضوع اليمني كما لو كان يتحدث عن الضاحية او النبطية ويتصرف كما لو انه القائد الفعلي للحركة الحوثية".
وأضاف "السيد حسن نصرالله يتعامل مع عاصفة الحزم باعتبارها هزيمة شخصية له وللمشروع الإيراني في اليمن".
وطالب نصرالل في كلمته السعودية بتقديم "دليل واحد عن انتصارها وتحقيق اهدافها في اليمن"، مضيفا "ان كل ما تقدمون عليه على المستوى الانساني لن يغير في المعادلة وسيزيد وجهكم قبحا".
Hariri, you are a direct partner in crime with Saudi Wahabi Arabia. Hailing the Wahabis efforts to kill innocent people in Yemen, aswell as in Syria. Syrians were well fed and happy before your Wahabis came in from all over the World, yes those same wahabis you funded that beheaded Lebanese Army troops.
You Hariri, have alot of blood and corruption on your hands. For being the voice of "Moderation" with the Wahabi Shadow breathing down on your spine. That is Mostaqbalis, the official Wahabis of Lebanon.
Now you try to smear the Resistance, for being the only Lebanese power able to counter the takfiris in Lebanon, why is that? Because you want them to conquer Lebanon, so they can be your muscle for rent. Just like you did to the people of Jabal Mohsen in Tripoli, you hired takfiris to attack them all the time.
you are beyond reason! tell me who are the huthis killing in Sanaa, Aden, Taiz, and other Yemeni cities..... Saudis or their fellow Yemenis?! the rest of your comments are hilarious to say the least.
Cluster bombs on Sanaa everyday, yet they still fight back against the wahabis with everything they got.
Mystic - You keep repeating nonsense. The majority of civilian death are in Aden and Taez and these are cause by Houthi and Saleh shelling of civilian areas resisting their hordes.
The Mustaqbal leader wondered if the Qalamoun battle will be on Lebanese or Syrian territories and if the Lebanese authorities handed over the border to “illegal armed groups.”
the authorities including yourself have handed over not only the borders to the illegal sectarian militia but every institution, port, airport, and revenue source. Your dialogue with them is giving them a huge cover and is seen as acceptance of their crimes despite your repeated words to the contrary.
Bachir Gemayel is the only true leader this country has ever known, the rest of you are useless. Bachir refused to succumb to the dictates of the Syrians and Palestinians and took up arms after exhausting all means despite all the odds stacked against him. ISIS will be finished sooner than later but hezbollah is entrenched in Lebanon. Their revolving objectives from liberating Jerusalem, to protecting shia, to protecting assad, to defending Islam are but excuses to keep Lebanon under their thumb.
ISIS just made an attack for the first time, in the State of Texas U.S soil. ISIS is far from over, they can hit USA the so called most powerful country in the World.
What should keep them from taking Lebanon? I can answer you that, it's the Resistance holding those takfiris back. Hariri wouldn't even be able to contain the takfiris if they conquered Lebanon. They would probaly massacre his "Christian" Allies, even if he told them not to.
stick to one story people!!!! You have been saying all along the USA created ISIL, the USA arms and funds ISIL and now you acknowledge ISIL is attacking the USA.... lol. Mystic the Christians of Lebanon don't need your militia to defend them. We either have a state and an army or we all carry weapons.
Abu Bakr Baghdadi got freed from U.S jails in Iraq. ISIS contributed to the U.S plans by creating Chaos in Syria and Iraq, to create a secterian war, but their ISIS mercenaries turned on their masters.
Too bad for the U.S & Europe, the Resistance warned the West about these matters.
Then what is wrong with my fact ziopatriot? He was freed by the U.S alright, the CIA must've had a reason to do it aswell. Now that is my point, if you don't get it, then you've earned your name ziopatriot.
lot theparrot, maybe you should get your facts straight before insulting people.
"In all, nine members of the Islamic State’s top command did time at Bucca, according to the terrorist analyst organization Soufan Group. Apart from Baghdadi himself, who spent five years there, the leader’s number two, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, as well as senior military leader Haji Bakr, (now deceased), and leader of foreign fighters Abu Qasim were incarcerated there"
5 years, that means a "little more" than a "few months", in case you're stuck with the maths patatriot
lol momo...
"Bakr al-Baghdadi had been arrested by US Forces-Iraq in early 2004 near Fallujah and been detained at Camp Bucca detention center under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry as a "civilian internee", from February until December 2004. That December 2004 he was released, as ‘low level prisoner’.
"US-led coalition forces detained him from February to December 2004, but released him since he was not viewed as a high-level threat."
Mr. Baghdadi, after being arrested in Falluja in early 2004, was released that December with a large group of other prisoners deemed low level.
But the best is this one:
Go Play Momo!
lol patatriot, selective quoting, and obscuring half the story... trying to hide something? your hypocrisy maybe?
In your wikipedia quote:
Bakr al-Baghdadi had been arrested by US Forces-Iraq in early 2004 near Fallujah and been detained at Camp Bucca detention center under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry,[19] as a "civilian internee", from February until December 2004, when he was recommended for release by a Combined Review and Release Board.[21][26] That December 2004 he was released, as ‘low level prisoner’.[19]
A number of newspapers and cable news channels have instead stated that al-Baghdadi was interned from 2005 to 2009. These reports originate from an interview with the former commander of Camp Bucca, Colonel Kenneth King, and are not substantiated by Department of Defense records.[27][28][29] Al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Camp Bucca along with other future leaders of ISIL.[30]
in your NYTimes quote
The Pentagon says that Mr. Baghdadi, after being arrested in Falluja in early 2004, was released that December with a large group of other prisoners deemed low level. But Hisham al-Hashimi, an Iraqi scholar who has researched Mr. Baghdadi’s life, sometimes on behalf of Iraqi intelligence, said that Mr. Baghdadi had spent five years in an American detention facility where, like many ISIS fighters now on the battlefield, he became more radicalized.
and a last one for good measure:
"But the narrative solidifies in 2005, when he was captured by American forces and spent the next four years a prisoner in the Bucca Camp in southern Iraq. It was from his time there that the first known picture of Baghdadi emerged. And it’s also there, reports Al-Monitor, that he possibly met and trained with key al-Qaeda fighters."
NOW i'm done playing, bye.
Lebanon will always be a country of conflicts. Read again W. Thomson's quote from 1870:
And the same remarks apply to the minor divisions of this land. There is no common bond of union. Society has no continuous strata underlying it, which can be opened and worked for the general benefit of all, but an endless number of dislocated fragments, faults, and dikes, by which the masses are tilted up in hopeless confusion, and lie at every conceivable angle of antagonism to each other... Thus it has been, is now, and must long continue to be a people divided, meted out, and trodden down.
In close to 150 years, nothing has changed. We still call allegiance to Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, France, because we want to protect our sects, and not our country.
... not only our sects paul, also our lifestyles, our education, our vision of life, our dress codes, our freedom of speech, etc, etc...
Honestly. I have never seen so many insanities, stupidities, idiocies ...
What do you want? You want to say that a curve is a straight line and that 2+2 = 22?
You want to say that others are criminals when you are commiting the crimes by killing and doing wars.
You want to say that we are Zionists because we do not approve your evilness.
You want to say that we are ISIS only because we do not like your intervention in Syria.
You want to say that we are Wahhabis because we are against you interfering in the affairs of Yemen.
You want to say that we spread hatred, because you have stolen our State decision and because we want peace and not war.
Well. You are absolutely right. I am fed up with you and agree that we must separate. I cannot live with idiots and satanic people.
Nasrallah should have listen to..
Hassan Nasrallah: "Does it concern us that we start a conflict with al Qaeda in Lebanon and consequently attract members and fighters of al Qaeda from all over the world to Lebanon to conduct their battle with the Lebanese Army and the rest of the Lebanese? We will not accept or provide cover or be partners in this." - 26 05 2007
Tric hawi kassir tueini gemayel el hajj... Were christians i guess....
Hariri... sunit
Hachem salman shiite...
So hezbos are not sparing anyone who is with the soverainty of lebanon...
Now really go play with skin heads friends man.. And please leave the christian of the levant alone, we'll do far better if there was less of ur like here... Really....
Absolute traitor you mean? Hariri is covering for da3eshit and nusrats while keeping total silence on his masters crimes in Yemen.. A Saudi stooge is all he is, now it is clearer than ever.
mowaten, Hariri has the right to speak up against hezbollah and iranian crimes, we don't all share your passion for being under their boot and licking it.
tfeh 3aleik mowaten for pretending to be an arab, while all you do is lick the boots of these brutal sectarian corrupt iranian mullahs. You are anything but Arab.
تزف المقاومة الإسلاميةالمقاوم الشهيد المجاهد القائد حسين قاسم العنقوني (ابو ساجد) - من بلدة مشغرة/ البقاع الغربي
Hariri wouldn't be crying over spilled milk would he?
lol @ milk & blankets project leader crying over his spilled milk.
Yeh & don't forget to go pay your respects to your relatives that have been killed on the border of Lebanon.
We know you wanted them to enter Lebanon, but HA killed them.
Bad luck Bani....oh & don't forget the milk & blankets you have to deliver to them.
Lets hope not only teens but women also...Lebanon is at a point of no return....It requires all out commitment to stop your friends IS nusra qaida etc from entering Lebanon.
For then no woman or child will live with any rights as a human.
better dead than live under your friends.
Move along bani..go fetch some milk & blankets for your relatives Isis etc