كنعان يعلن عن "انجاز اعلان النيات" في لقاء عون - جعجع
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أعلن امين سر "تكتل التغيير والإصلاح" النائب إبراهيم كنعان عن "انجاز" مرحلة اعلان النوايا في الحوار المرتقب عقده بين "التيار الوطني الحر" وحزب "القوات اللبنانية".
وفي حديثٍ اذاعي مع "صوت لبنان 100,5"، الجمعة، اكد كنعان ان "اعلان النيات بين التيار الوطني الحر والقوات انجز "، مشيراً الى ان الحوار "دخل حيز التنفيذ فعليا".
واشار الى "أن التنسيق حاصل بين الكتلتين على المستوى التشريعي، الى جانب مواضيع أخرى تتصل بالمسألة الرئاسية "، فضلاً عن "الامور اليومية والتي تبحث بعيدا من الاعلام".
اما عن موعد الحوار، فقال كنعان انه "مرتبط بالظروف السياسية والأمنية"، موضحاً "أن المنتظر هو الإعلان الرسمي وذلك لن يكون ذلك بعيداً".
وبدأ كنعان مع مسؤول جهاز الاعلام في القوات اللبنانية ملحم رياشي منذ أكثر من اربعة أشهر جلسات حوارية من اجل تحضير الحوار المرتقب بين رئيسي التيار الوطني الحر النائب ميشال عون والقوات سمير جعجع.
ويصر التغيير والاصلاح والقوات على إدراج مشروعي قانون استعادة الجنسية اللبنانية والإنتخابات النيابية في جدول أعمال الجلسة النيابية، وسط الفراغ الفراغ الرئاسي الذي يسود لبنان العام الفائت في ايار 2014، بعد فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية ورفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته.


i did not say he was corrupted... I did not say no one in M14 was corrupted... you're in your own little delirium ft... as always :)

they were not proven wrong either... maybe Nabil Mohammed al-Fala finally got his check after all huh ft?? ;)
ps: i-d-i-o-t ! ;)
At long last, and very long last Geagea and Aoun have finally come to their senses. Nothing could make me happier than to see these two old foes come to terms with reality. Dividing the Christians of Lebanon carries a very heavy tag, uniting them carries huge rewards. Today, we ought to forget our quarrels and put them aside and work for the greater good of the Christians of Lebanon. Parties there must be, partisans there'll always be, let each follow their respective manifestos, but also, let both work closely as of now to avoid the mistakes of past and recent. As Christians, we can indeed lead the way, we can indeed bring back the energy to democracy and this beloved country of ours. We've had enough of divisions, enough of hatred, enough of mutual suspicions, as we're divided, almost everyone has worked to sideline us. I am one who hopes and prays from the depth of my heart that the news soon will indeed be good. My tap on the back to both LF and FPM.

declaration of intent on how to share the stealing of the lebanese economy.....

Excerpt from General Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement Party Parliamentary 2005 electoral platform,
"N Resolution 1559 and the 'Taef Accord' both stipulate that all militias (in Lebanon) must be disarmed. This matter raises the paradox of Hezbollah's military existence. Regardless of different opinions on Hezbollah's ideological choices and its relations with Syria, that is suspicious in its intentions towards Lebanon, Hezbollah's military activities were seen in the UN Resolutions frame as resistance acts against occupation until the day Israel withdraw from Lebanon's southern region (May 2000).

After the Israeli withdrawal, legitimacy for Hezbollah' military operations dissipated. Meanwhile, since then, it created a crisis on national and international levels. This status put Lebanon in a confrontation with the international law, while at the same time exerted a threat to the national unity as it indicates that one group Monopolizes Lebanon's national decision making process."
same article

Quotation from Aoun's (via the phone) meeting with the Free Patriotic Movement's school students third annual conference on April 5/2003. Journalist Katia Srour moderated the dialogue.
*Question by one of the students: The US considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Hezbollah is the son of our country. What will be our position?
"Aoun's answer: "I had previously invited Hezbollah to a solution. I am not willing to assume the results for the policies it follows and for its external ties. I
advised them to abandon the military work and return a political party, for then we congratulated them on liberating Lebanese land. But when Hezbollah wants to stand outside the Lebanese framework for other objectives, we cannot bear the results of its policies. Then I cannot engage in a dialogue with Hezbollah while it is carrying the rifle.
and brainwashed FPMers still claim that aoun never changed his stances... how idiots they are...