"استحالة التوافق" بملف القادة الامنيين والوطني الحر "قد يذهب الى ابعد من الاستقالة"

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في حين تشير الدلائل والمشاورات كلها الى وجود "استحالة تأمين توافق سياسي" حول ملف ولاية القادة الامنيين، يهدد نواب "التيار الوطني الحر" الى الذهاب " إلى أبعد من الاستقالة من الحكومة"، إذا تم التمديد للضباط العسكريين، بحسب ما اشارت اليه مصادر.

ونقلت صحيفة "النهار" عن مصادر سياسية مطلعة قولها " أن كل المشاورات داخل دوائر القرار اظهرت استحالة تأمين توافق سياسي او اكثرية الثلثين في مجلس الوزراء لتعيين قائد جديد للجيش".

واشارت الى انه " في غضون أسبوعين على ابعد تقدير سينطلق قطار التمديد للقيادات الأمنية مع اول قرار بالتمديد للمدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء ابرهيم بصبوص".

ولفت الى انه "وبما أن أي قرار لا يتأمّن عليه توافق مسبق، فمن المستبعد ان يطرح موضوع التعيين او ترشيح اسماء للمناصب الأمنية في مجلس الوزراء".

يُذكر ان رئيس" تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" عون كان قد هدّد بالاستقالة من الحكومة في حال الاستمرار بـ"تجاهل" وجهات نظره في ملف التمديد للقادة الامنيين. ويخشى تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" من أن يطال التمديد قائد الجيش العماد قهوجي الذي تنتهي ولايته في 23 أيلول 2015، وسط معلومات عن رغبة عون في تولي صهره قائد فوج المغاوير في الجيش العميد شامل روكز قيادة الجيش.

كما يرفض التمديد ايضاً لولاية بصبوص التي تنتهي في حزيران المقبل، بعد ان كان قد عيّن في آذار 2014.

وفي هذا الصدد، نقلت "الاخبار" عن مصادر بارزة في" التيار الوطني الحر" أن "قرار التيار واضح بأنه إن لم يتم تعيين قيادات أمنية جديدة، فإن الحكومة ستواجه خطراً جديّاً، والأرجح أنه لا حكومة".

واضافت: "التيار قد يذهب إلى أبعد من الاستقالة من الحكومة، إذا أقدموا على ارتكاب الخطأ (التمديد)".

ختاماً، اشارت مصادر "الاخبار" الى ان "الحلفاء (حزب الله وحركة امل) كلّهم أكّدوا تضامنهم معنا ومع أي خطوة نقدم عليها".

ومن الجدير بالذكر ان السلك العسكري، تأثر بالفراغ الرئاسي المستمر منذ ايار الفائت، لرفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على رئيس جديد.


التعليقات 12
Missing humble 10:21 ,2015 أيار 09

Destroying the institutions. Destroying the Christians for 100 years.

Missing humble 10:46 ,2015 أيار 09

Einstein said: "there are two things wich are infinite: the universe and stupidity. I am not sure about the universe."

Thumb geha 11:17 ,2015 أيار 09

the stupidity shown by the so called ft is increasing each day :) it is proven with facts :)
I pity him and his family :)

Missing humble 12:48 ,2015 أيار 09

I really and truly have the same feeling : I do pity him.

Missing peace 11:51 ,2015 أيار 09

all those effing politicians all pretend to be "patriotic" but when a party is not satisfied with the gvt choices, whatever the majority, rather than voicing their opposition and waiting for the next elections like in any civilized country, now they just block the country...

it only proves that now Lebanon is a banana republic run by monkeys just into politics out of business and to fill their pockets and feel powerful but the lebanese citizens they just spit on them...

pityful country and pityful sheep that support such people....

Thumb canadianpaul 13:47 ,2015 أيار 09

There are still people who believe in the madman. Brainless people, some in my own family, unfortunately, but what can you do? Lebanon should be emptied from its stone-aged population, because they can't see the truth, even if it hits them in the...

Thumb -phoenix1 14:54 ,2015 أيار 09

(1). I very much disagree with the FPM's position on this issue. True, maybe on paper things look as they should, but on the ground this is certainly not the case. All these officers must be kept in their place because never in time so few were needed so crucially by the nation. Their mandate must now be looked without any limits till their finish their job which so far isn't done as yet.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:54 ,2015 أيار 09

(2). The nation is still under big threat from the Islamist terrorists, Hezbollah because of its inherent forays into Syria still causes one headache after the other, thus internal security must continue in its quest to cleanse the nation from criminality, and lest we forget, the FPM is now more than ever engaged in very high level dialog with the LF over life and death decisions concerning the very survival of the Christians of Lebanon. The FPM must at all costs take stock of being responsible in its decisions and actions, I am in no doubt that if everyone practices patience, soon enough the nation will find itself in a much better position to tackle the issue of senior officers, hence and so forth. One of our top priorities right now is to elect a new president as is being discussed now between the LF and the FPM. First things first.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:38 ,2015 أيار 09

Tric, you must have been told that it was Christopher Columbus who discovered the new continent, right?

Missing humble 17:12 ,2015 أيار 09

This time You are telling the truth : the Caporal is destroying the Cristhians.

Missing humble 18:59 ,2015 أيار 09

Their only argument they have is that anyone who is against Ebola is a zionist.
But, in which country do exist TWO ARMIES at the same time?
In which country is there an "army" going and fighting in other countries?
In which country is there an "army" pretending it is a "resistance" to keep its weapons and behaves like a "state within the state"?
Then they accuse good and honest people of being takfiris and wahhabis while refusing to see their dear caporal licking the boots of the saudis.

Missing Ghazanfar 21:17 ,2015 أيار 09

The usual untenable high ceilings of the FPM, with their two ministers this is a just a bombastic threat with no teeth. If they were serious they would have done it within the last government when they and their allies had the absolute majority and their block had ten ministers including the defense minister who submitted the extensions of the terms. Besides they keep talking from both sides of their mouth, people did not forgot that this


came just a few days after this
