التيار الوطني الحر "سيعلّق مشاركته" في الحكومة

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أكدت المعلومات الصحافية ان "التيار الوطني الحر" سيعلّق مشاركة وزرائه في جلسات مجلس الوزراء، على خلفية ملف التعيينات الامنية.

ونقلت صحيفة "الانباء" الاحد، عن مصادر معنية، قولها ان التيار "قرر تعليق مشاركته في مجلس الوزراء، بعد وصوله الى الحائط المسدود في موضوع التعيينات العسكرية والأمنية، مع رفض كتلة المستقبل الطروحات القائمة".

ولفتت الى ان "حزب الله قد يتضامن مع رئيس التيار النائب ميشال عون"، وأوضحت ان هذا ما تبلغه عون من الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله في لقائهما الأخير.

يُذكر ان رئيس" تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" عون كان قد هدّد بالاستقالة من الحكومة في حال الاستمرار بـ"تجاهل" وجهات نظره في ملف التمديد للقادة الامنيين. ويخشى التكتل من أن يطال التمديد قائد الجيش العماد قهوجي الذي تنتهي ولايته في 23 أيلول 2015، وسط معلومات عن رغبة عون في تولي صهره قائد فوج المغاوير في الجيش العميد شامل روكز قيادة الجيش.

كما يرفض التمديد ايضاً لولاية بصبوص التي تنتهي في حزيران المقبل، بعد ان كان قد عيّن في آذار 2014.

ومن الجدير بالذكر ان السلك العسكري، تأثر بالفراغ الرئاسي المستمر منذ ايار الفائت، لرفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على رئيس جديد.


التعليقات 7
Missing humble 11:46 ,2015 أيار 10

Caporal pursuing the destruction of the institutions.

Missing birdy 17:26 ,2015 أيار 10

well said IceGay

Missing humble 12:02 ,2015 أيار 10

Damn with any Christian who is a dog to Ebola and works against the Christians.
Damn with this Caporal who is a liar, corrupt, agent, traitor and mentally ill.
Damn with any Christian who accepts a Mutelateh.
Damn with any Christian who supports a traitor, because he becomes a traitor himself.
Damn with any Christian who forgets what the murderers Assad and his son the Butcher did to Lebanon.
Damn with any Christian who seeks orders from the outside.
Damn with any Christian whose heart and soul are filled with violence and war.
Damn with any Christian who doesn't place Lebanon first and foremost and values its independence, freedom and total sovereignty.

Thumb beiruti 14:33 ,2015 أيار 10

This is the standard FPM "decision" - boycott and obstruction; holding ones breath until one gets ones way, as a spoiled child would do when trying to get what it wants from an adult. In most cases, now that the FPM boycotts the electoral sessions of Parliament because the MPs will not give Aoun the Presidency, Aoun brays that no action can be taken without a President in office to formalize decrees. On this he is correct, but his stance is not principled.
Now that he wants to get a position for his son in law, he demands the appointment, though there is no President in office to issue the decree of appointment. So when it's family, he demands action.
He is an unprincipled charlatan, Aoun. A wrecking ball that has paralyzed the State worse than the Syrians ever did. At least, eventually they did I something, Aounjust says "no", awaiting his demands to be met.

Thumb beiruti 20:32 ,2015 أيار 10

Well that's just it FT, Jumby and Nerri have not used principles as their calling cards. They are former warlords who change with the wind. Aoun came not to ape these two, but to Change and Reform. When you claim to be the virgin among prostitutes, you shouldn't make press conferences complaining that your John is not splitting the money for your services well.
Not only your Arse, but your hypocracy is showing

Thumb beiruti 14:38 ,2015 أيار 10

He waits his demands to be met like he used to wait by his phone in Paris for the Americans to call him and plead with him to please go back to Lebanon and save it. Of course, that phone call never came either. He is Walter Mitty living in AounWorld, where he is the Savior, but a frustrated Savior since he is surrounded by people who cannot see his greatness.
In the RealWorld, of course, he is a demented old man, who seeks to control affairs by obstruction without purpose other than to obstruct. In this way, he is destructive and needs to be moved out of the way so that the state can move forward.

Missing imagine_1979 16:24 ,2015 أيار 10

Again tric, go play with ur skinheads friends, enjoy so porto, but don't stay too long in the sun it's not good for ur brain...