ارجاء جلسة انتخاب رئيس للمرة الثالثة والعشرين وجعجع يحمل المسؤولية لحزب الله
Read this story in Englishارجأ مجلس النواب للمرة الثالثة والعشرين جلسة انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية بسبب عدم اكتمال النصاب ولقد تم تعيين موعد الجلسة الجديدة في 3 حزيران المقبل.
وظهر الاربعاء، اعلن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري تأجيل جلسة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية الى 3 حزيران القادم .
ولم يتمكن النواب من انتخاب رئيس للبلاد خلفا للرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان الذي انتهت ولايته منذ عام في ايار الفائت. ويتطلب انتخاب رئيس حضور ثلثي اعضاء مجلس النواب (86 من اصل 128)، وهو ما لم يتحقق اليوم اذ حضر الجلسة 55 نائبا. ومنذ انتهاء ولاية سليمان، تتولى الحكومة المؤلفة من ممثلين عن غالبية القوى السياسية ويرأسها تمام سلام، مجتمعة، بموجب الدستور، صلاحيات الرئيس لحين انتخاب رئيس جديد.
ويتغيب عن جلسات البرلمان المخصصة لانتخاب رئيس، نواب حزب الله وحلفائه باستثناء كتلة التنمية والتحرير. وتشترط هذه القوى "التوافق مسبقا" على رئيس قبل عقد الجلسة.
يشار الى ان بعض افراد جمعيات المجتمع المدني كانت قد نفذت اعتصاماً قبل ظهر الاربعاء، وذلك رفضا لاستمرار الفراغ الرئاسي.
وتعقيباً على هذا قرار الارجاء، حمل رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع مسؤولية الاستمرار في التعطيل لحزب الله.
وقال في مؤتمرٍ صحافي عقده من معراب، "ان عدم توافق المسيحيين على اسم ليس سبب لحزب الله لاستمرار تعطيل الجلسات الانتخابية".
واكد جعحع ان " الاولوية المطلقة لدى حزب الله هي اللعبة الاقليمية" مشيراً الى ان "الحزب يضحي بشبابه من اجل الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد".
اما على صعيد الحوار المرتقب عقده مع رئيس التيار الوطني الحر النائب ميشال عون، اكد جعجع انه "لن يفشل".
واذ امل ان يتم الاتفاق مع عون على الرئاسة، اعلن انه "اتفقنا على جدول اعمال على اي جلسة تشريعية قد تعقد".
يُشار الى ان رئيس جهاز الإعلام والتواصل في القوات اللبنانية ملحم رياشي يعقد لقاءات مع نائب "التيار الوطني الحر" ابراهيم كنعان، من أجل تحضير الملفات الواجب بحثها على طاولة الحوار التي ستجمع عون بجعجع.
Blame yourself Geagea, the fact that you are a candidate, you a mass murder brings shame to Baabda.
You must forgive Mystic. He is challenged when it come to rational thinking. Geagea is not holding up the election of a president. It is the Hizb and the clown general who are doing this.
if you and your Hizb were as half as patriotic as Geagea you would be called Lebanese.
it is interesting when killers and traitors accuse others of been mass killers and traitors...how many innocent syrians has you hizb killed lately.
Who cares about your false patriotism? There is a difference between fascism and real patriotism, Geagea belongs to the fascist kind.
Which is why he will never be President, it will not be allowed ever. Gen. Aoun have a better chance.
Don't forget Geagea was ditched by the Saudis in favor of Qahwaji.
becouse you said so mystic...you and your Hizb are Syrians ally's.That makes you a traitor...Syria doesn't even consider lebonon as a county.
Traitors are Born traitors like yourself
Geagea was the one that cooperated with the Israeli invaders, so he is the traitor here of all. You can add yourself to that list marounalshishani.
I couldn't care less about your garbage, find a realistic candidate instead.
Blaming Ebola is like giving them a compliment. They just don't care and will continue until they attain their final goal.
Some Christians supported Arafat, they were traitors.
Some Christians supported Hafez Assad, they were traitors.
Some Christians support the Butcher, they are traitors.
Some Christians support Ebola, they are traitors.
Some Christians support the Caporal, they are traitors.
They are destroying our country, our institutions, our future.
Iran wants to have the Persian Crescent which includes Lebanon.
I do not want to live under a backaged civilization with a barbarian culture.
Irrelevant...nothing to debate here folks, move along.
Geagea, dory chamoun, michel maouwad, Harb, helou ..should combine & try to have enough followers to be worthy of relevant.
Folks when you leave, you may as well go to Iran where you will find the beautiful bearded civilization.
I don;t like people who yap. I prefer people who lead with action.
There was an easy way to solve all of Lebanons problems & stop outsiders from interfering & have a Pres chosen on time every time by the lebanese people....Guess who rushed to block it?
Yep the people who cry day & night about democracy rushed to stop from allowing the most basic democratic process from happening.
wonder why they did that? I'll give you a clue PL(yapper).
They knew they would lose in a landslide.
When you have some facts, comeback & have another shot at it.
until then keep yapping with your own beliefs that contain no substance.
You change the Constitution all the time...You elected a Pres against the Constitution, you make extensions against the constitution yet the most sensible idea to remove all outside influence you suddenly become constitution bound?
lol M14ers , what can one say?
Either you are ignorant or a liar. choose!
If its untouched ..please explain how Suleiman became Pres when it was directly against the constitution..
I won;t ask for other examples...just that is enough for now.
Thank you..you clearly defined M14 for us with your answer.
Unable to answer the question thus making your claims all lies & fabrications..so then as all M14ers do..run off huffing & puffing how dumb others are that you can;t be bothered debating them.
just so you may learn something today.
Go check how long an army General must be retired before he is eligible to become Pres...According to the constitution you hold so dearly...then you may answer is civilized manner.
The blame is on Berri. As Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, it is his duty to assemble the MP's. If they do not come, it is his duty to dispatch the Sergeant at Arms to bring them to the Chamber, lock the doors and not let any one leave until a President is elected. The Constitution mandates a continuous session until a President is elected. Not the circus run by the ring master Berri and the Claoun, le petite generale.
Bani, how do you do it?
You have been posting from 3pm AU time & still here?
seriously dude, are you handcuffed to a desk with a computer that only allows you to open Naharnet forum?
Is your shift over after 9 hours or you still going?
Good grief...what a waste of a life..
Folks when you leave, you may as well go to Iran where you will find the beautiful bearded civilization.
I don;t want to know who you are..
I asked a simple question...how do you manage to stay on a forum for over 9 hours straight & still going?
Are you done after 9 hours or will you go for another 9 hours?
maybe you could get the record 18 hours straight.
anyway what a waste of life.
So because you go on diff sites, its ok to be on forums 18 hours a day every day?
lol once again..what a waste of life.
My time is a few hours , a day or 2 a week.
But seriously, how do you spend 9-18 a hours a day on forums 7 days a week...no weekends off , no holidays etc.
Are you deformed & ashamed of the outside world? or just a loser?
I am concerned for you..I will sacrifice some time for your exceptional circumstance.
So tell me, is it because your deformed & ashamed of the outside world or just a born loser that you spend 9-18 hours a day ,seven day of the week on forums
18/04/1989 بري: لن نقبل برئيس ماروني بعد الآن
30/06/1989 حزب الله يعلن الولاء المطلق لآية الله السيد علي خامنئي
01/09/1989 حزب الله يعلن حرب مفتوحة مع الموارنة معتبرا حملة عون على سوريا هي حملة لابادة المسلمين
21/09/1989 حزب الله : نرفض رئيسا مارونيا ونرفض الذل تحت اسم التعايش مع النصارى
13/10/1989 حزب الله : سنمزق اتفاق الطائف
20/10/1989 بري: غير معنيين بالطائف والقبول به خيانة
12/11/1989 حزب الله: الطائف استسلام للمارونية السياسية واسرائيل
18/04/1989 Berri: We will no longer accept a Maronite president
30/06/1989 Hezbollah declares absolute loyalty to the Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei
01/09/1989 Hezbollah declares open war on the Maronites calling Aoun's attacks on Syria a campaign to exterminate the Muslims
21/09/1989 Hezbollah: We reject the Maronite president and reject the humiliation in the name of coexistence with the Christians
13/10/1989 Hezbollah: We will tear up the Taif Agreement
20/10/1989 Berri: We are not interested in Taif and accepting it is a betrayal
12/11/1989 Hezbollah: The Taif Agreement is a surrender to the Maronite political system and Israel