"الآلاف من حزب الله" يشاركون في معركة القلمون السورية

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كشفت مصادر مطلعة ان "الآلاف من عناصر حزب الله" يشاركون في معركة القلمون السورية بحيث تسعى قيادة الحزب الى تقييم اشتباكاتها بشكلٍ يومي لتعزيز قدراتها وتحسين ادائها.

ونقلت صحيفة "الراي" الكويتية، صباح الخميس، عن مصادر قيادية في حزب الله قولها انه "يشارك في حرب القلمون آلاف من المقاتلين من المناطق اللبنانية المختلفة بالتعاون مع جيش النظام السوري ".

كما أوضحت ان قيادة حزب الله "تنظر لكل الاجراءات المتبعة في معركة القلمون وكيفية انتشار القوى وادائها لاستخلاص العبر وتحسين الاداء وتطوير احتياجات القوى المشاركة ونوعيتها".

يشار الى ان الاربعاء، تمكن حزب الله بالتعاون مع جيش النظام السوري من السيطرة على تلة موسى الاستراتيجية في القلمون، وذلك اثر اشتباكات دامية بينه وبين التنظيمات الارهابية اسفرت عن مقتل 5 من عناصره، وفقاً للمعلومات الصحافية.

وفي السياق عينه، لفتت مصادر "الراي"الى انه "تجري تقييمات يومية لمسرح العمليات لتعديل الخطط المناسبة بما يحاكي ارض المعركة والواقع".

كذلك، اكدت ان هذه المعركة " مفتوحة ومكشوفة"، لافتةً الى انه تحصل " ضد قوات تمتلك ليس فقط الخبرة العسكرية اللازمة ومعرفة الارض التي تمكث فيها ولكنها ايضا تتسلح بعقيدة تدفعها للقتال حتى الموت".

بناءً عليه، وصفت المصادر عينها " معركة القلمون بأنها اصعب واشد شراسة (مقارنةً بالمعارك مع الجيش الاسرائيلي) لانها عسكرية وعقائدية".

وكانت قد أفادت المعلومات الصحافية عن ان حزب الله سيطر وقوات النظام السوري على بعض التلال في منطقة القلمون السورية، شمال دمشق، حيث يقاتل مجموعة من الكتائب المعارضة بينها جبهة النصرة ذراع تنظيم القاعدة في سوريا، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وتوعد الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله في خطاب سابق بـ"معالجة" الوضع في منطقة القلمون حيث تنتشر مجموعات مقاتلة من المعارضة واخرى متطرفة.


التعليقات 29
Thumb geha 08:20 ,2015 أيار 14

may all terrorists from both sides be exterminated.

Thumb Mystic 09:45 ,2015 أيار 14

May geha the corrupted mostaqbali, bury his brother takfiri in the sand with him.

Thumb Mystic 10:11 ,2015 أيار 14

The fall of the takfiris of the Qalamoun.


Missing thatisit 12:37 ,2015 أيار 14

Would you know if God has enough virgins for these religious idiot zealots?
Please find out and let us know

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:29 ,2015 أيار 14

eat your heart out geha, your takfiri buddies are meeting their long-awaited fate :)

Missing trend 11:05 ,2015 أيار 14

Battikh Y kasser ba3do!

Missing coolmec 08:24 ,2015 أيار 14

I second that

Missing peace 09:20 ,2015 أيار 14

sure bombing children with barrel bombs is better ma hek? LOLLLLL

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:29 ,2015 أيار 14

yea, i too can't help but think of all these innocent babies being barrel-bombed in the qalamoun hills... it's really super duper sad!

Missing peace 20:42 ,2015 أيار 14

mooowaten.... are you idiot or what?
i am just pointing out his double standards... saying that nusra kill children but forgetting that your buddy assad does it too...
just balancing his post,no more no less...
coz you M8ers tend to have a very short memory and easily apply double standards to avoid acknowledging that your allies are no better than those you criticize...bad for your propaganda
but what to expect from an empty brain?...

Thumb Mystic 09:43 ,2015 أيار 14

May the Resistance get a swift victory against the March 14 backed takfiris God willing.

Show no mercy, just as no mercy was shown in the Southern suburbs exploded by takfiris.

Thumb Mystic 10:00 ,2015 أيار 14

Incase you didn't know Mr. Saudipatriot, the Resistance stood against the might of the Zionist airpower, resisted every attacks upon them. Whilst you Saudi cowards can only fund takfiris and bomb the poorest people in the arab world - Yemen.

By the way, if you like to talk about our imams, I can tell you these battles are clearly a sign that vengeance is on our side for what you god forsaken takfiris did to them.

Thumb Mystic 10:18 ,2015 أيار 14

So your reasons aren't? When you cowards started attacking sovereign nations and pour into Syria from all corners of the world, then ofcourse you will be met with extreme prejudice.
You follow the schools of Ibn Taymiyah lanatuallah etc, then ofcourse we protect ourselves against your kind.

I do know you would very much like that we just sat down and let ourselves be slaughthered by your kind, no dear friend.
You will be fought to the last man I assure you.

Attacking our families in their houses, southern suburbs.
Just because you are cowards that can't fight a fair battle man to man.
We will see who wins, God will decide which party to glorify.

Missing peace 10:25 ,2015 أيار 14

leave God out of this... God is not involved in your stupid war, just terrorists with nothing to do with God... only fanatics like you believe that God is involved here LOL

when all involved is human stupidity....

Thumb ex-fpm 12:37 ,2015 أيار 14

your sectarian militia went to Syria and killed the Syrian people in their homes, villages, and cities. They warned you to withdraw and you laughed it off because you think you are given a god's divine mandate to do whatever you want. Cut out the dramatics since nobody feels any sympathy for you or your families.

Thumb Mystic 14:33 ,2015 أيار 14

The syrian people should be freed from your takfiris torment. What? You believe the Syrian people wants Al Nusra and ISIS control?

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:40 ,2015 أيار 14

lol anonyme.. what a freaking goof you are

Thumb Mystic 16:02 ,2015 أيار 14

texas my offer still stands, go to da7iyeh and ask the people what they want.

Until you accept my offer, you're just empty words.

Missing humble 10:37 ,2015 أيار 14

Ebola has lost its credibility...and a "divine victory" in Qalamoun will not bring it back.
Ebola has destroyed the most important thing : the hope of living together.

Missing humble 10:54 ,2015 أيار 14

Miss Tic believes that going to war is a great thing...indeed it leads to Hell.

Thumb theresistance4.0 13:32 ,2015 أيار 14

Hahahaha now it's "no big deal" according to you Teaxy and the rest of the M14 goons. Fine no worries ur right no big deal whatever makes u sleep better at night princess...have a good day! And remember ITS NO BIG DEAL :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:45 ,2015 أيار 14

oh my god anonyme_the1_goof, turns out you were right! ISIS is helping the syrian army in qalamoun, as you predicated!

(except they're attacking the syrian army and killing its soldiers, but dont let such a minor detail stand in the way of your truth)

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:13 ,2015 أيار 14

Wait a second, did he send the invite in a rose-scented envelope? I'm really curious to know, please tell me more.

Thumb galaxy 18:22 ,2015 أيار 14

you really deserve more than 8 votes mowaten you and and your 100 aliases.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:19 ,2015 أيار 14

Fascinating anonyme_the1_troute! Your storytelling is so detailed and believable, for a second i felt like I was there, sitting between Bashar and Baghdaddy and listening to their secret deals.
You were there too, sitting on Baghdaddy's lap.

Thumb kanaanljdid 15:01 ,2015 أيار 14

Maybe just stay there folks

Thumb Mystic 16:13 ,2015 أيار 14

Nobody is fighting behind any screen, too bad you were so happy and occupied with Jisr al shagur, now you lost Qalamoun instead ya bani7arouf.

You feeling threatened behind your screen, since you think I am fighting you?

Thumb Mystic 17:11 ,2015 أيار 14

Keep up the barking little man. Meanwhile enjoy your brothers being slain in Syria ya zalame.

Missing humble 16:23 ,2015 أيار 14

Ebola has lost its credibility...and a "divine victory" in Qalamoun will not bring it back.
Ebola has destroyed the most important thing : the hope of living together.