كتلة التنمية والتحرير تناقش مع وفد تكتل التغيير والاصلاح مبادرة عون الرئاسية

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استكمل وفد تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" جولته على السياسيين لليوم الثاني على التوالي بزيارة كتلة التنمية والتحرير، من أجل عرض المبادرة التي قدمها رئيس التكتل النائب ميشال عون في ملف الرئاسة.

وبعد اللقاء، صرّح النائب اميل رحمه ممثلاً الوفد، من مجلس النواب، ان "مبادرة عون هي فرصة لإعادة إنتاج الوحدة الوطنية اللبنانية الحقيقية".

وشدد رحمة على "الحرص على الشراكة المتوازنة التي تؤي الى القيام بحكم متوازن قوي"، معتبراً ان " زمن المسايرة قد ولّى والمصارحة الحقيقية وحدها تبني الاوطان".

رحمة: واذ دعا رحمة نواب الكتلة الى التطلع الى مبادرة عون، رأى ان "البعض يصر على منع المسيحيين من ان يكون تمثيلهم حقيقياً عاكساً ارادتهم الحقيقية".

يُذكر ان عون وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده الجمعة، طرح 3 حلول تسووية ممكنة للخروج من الازمات الدستورية الى جانب حل رابع دستوري. أولاً: اعتماد الانتخابات الرئاسية المباشرة من الشعب على مرحلتين؛ الاولى مسيحية، والثانية وطنية، والناجح في هذه الانتخابات تثبّت رئاسته في مجلس النواب.

ثانياً: القيام باستفتاء شعبي، ومن ينل الأكثرية ينتخبه المجلس. ثالثاً: يختار المجلس النيابي بين الأول والثاني من الموارنة الأكثر تمثيلاً فيه. رابعاً: إجراء انتخابات نيابية، قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية، على أساس قانون انتخاب جديد يؤمّن المناصفة بين المسيحيين والمسلمين وفقاً للدستور ووثيقة الوفاق الوطني.

وكان الوفد قد زار امس بكركي حيث شرح المقترحات التي قدمها عون الى البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي في الصرح البطريركي والى حزب الكتائب اللبنانية.

من جهته، اعتبر عضو كتلة "التنمية والتحرير" النائب أيوب حميد من مجلس النواب ان " الشراكة هي منطلق كل حوار".

واعرب عن ايجابية حزبه في النظر الى مبادرة عون مشدداً على ان "الميثاقية يجب ان تسود ممارسةً وليس قولاً وبطريقة لا يستشعر فيها اي من السياسيين بأي شعور بالتقوقع او الهيمنة وذلك حرصاً على بقاء الوطن".

والاربعاء وللمرة الثالثة والعشرين تم ارجاء جلسة انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية بسبب عدم اكتمال النصاب ولقد تم تعيين موعد الجلسة الجديدة في 3 حزيران المقبل. ويتغيب عن جلسات البرلمان المخصصة لانتخاب رئيس، نواب حزب الله وحلفائه باستثناء كتلة التنمية والتحرير. وتشترط هذه القوى "التوافق مسبقا" على رئيس قبل عقد الجلسة.


التعليقات 19
Thumb the_roar 13:11 ,2015 أيار 19

The only true Lebanese party continues to fight for true Lebanese elections.

No one likes it though...2 reasons!

1. they know a Lebanese elected leader would not suit the.

2. They love taking orders from outsiders.

God bless the General of generals who insists on Made in Lebanon only.

Missing humble 17:32 ,2015 أيار 19

Your Emperor of emperors is the best dirty agent to the outside...what...what are you talking about ????????

Thumb the_roar 13:34 ,2015 أيار 19

The General could have been Pres with a snap of his fingers.

But I told whoever cared to listen he has no hope of becoming Pres.

Why? when he met Hariri almost 2 years ago..Hariri told him KSA has no problem with him becoming Pres but under one condition.

He must sign that the "taef" will not be touched.
Aoun replied, I will not amke any deals with outsiders to become Pres.
He was instantly red lined by KSA after that.

Also Iran is not that keen on him as he also said the same thing to them.

The General will not become Pres by outsiders rules.

So now Lebanon must wait for Iran & KSA to agree on a puppet of their choice.

OR!! Lebanon could listen to the General & allow people voting & exclude outsider...how easy is that?

oh wait M14ers hate the idea of made in Lebanon.

Thumb marcus 13:54 ,2015 أيار 19


Thumb freedomarch 15:50 ,2015 أيار 19

You said it, could have been. Means never will, be a President.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:59 ,2015 أيار 19

What matters most is the dialog between the LF and the FPM which now has included the other Christian parties. Now, ideally speaking, we have a constitution and a parliament that should vote for a new president, so why change now? But all said and done, I am one who will definitely take the challenge and accept the proposal of the FPM, let Christians vote first, then the people vote, one man, one vote, and let the winer be nominated president of the republic. However, let there be international observers at every single polling station, and yes, let's go for it, let us vote for our next president. But I am saying it now, if Aoun loses or for that matter Geagea, let there be no recalcitrance of any kind, let's just move thence and turn that page.

Thumb ex-fpm 14:15 ,2015 أيار 19

careful here phoenix.... careful. Aoun's proposal is a momentary selfish one. Let's say the Christians vote candidate A and B as their most popular with A acquiring Christian majority votes. In the second round, all Lebanese of all sects would vote and choose either of these two candidates. What precludes some agreement between world powers and regional players agreeing that candidate B ( the one who got less Christian votes) be the President. The Moslems are the majority in Lebanon and if an agreement takes place between them, they could easily elect candidate B instead of A. Aoun feels his alliance with HA will grant him the popular vote which is not necessarily true. He is playing with fire.

Thumb ex-fpm 14:20 ,2015 أيار 19

alliances shift and we saw that in earlier elections. Mortgaging the presidential elections and the only Christian president in the M.E to momentary alliances such as the one between HA and Aoun is very dangerous. Who says in 10 years there would be a HA and if there is would it be the same HA of today. They maybe a different party all together. We cannot change the constitution to suit one person because that person believes it would be to his benefit at this stage.

Thumb ex-fpm 14:24 ,2015 أيار 19

i give you an an example: If Saudi Arabia reaches a settlement with Iran over Yemen or Bahrain or whatever it maybe, and part of the deal is for HA to support a presidential candidate other than Aoun. Do you think HA would hesitate for one moment and all that electing the president by the people goes thru the window. Electing a President by the people entails changing the whole political system in Lebanon from Parliamentary to one where the President has all the powers much like in the United States. This dear phoenix is contrary to the Taef and would cause another civil war.

Thumb EagleDawn 14:39 ,2015 أيار 19

pre 2005 would aoun the lunatic have been in favor of electing the president directly by the people, LOL.

Thumb EagleDawn 14:50 ,2015 أيار 19

the_toar and his slimy double the flamethrower disagreed with you 6 times so far:)

Thumb barrymore 14:51 ,2015 أيار 19

excellent points @exfpm.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:42 ,2015 أيار 19

@ex-fpm, trust me, I know very very well what Aoun is after, he is throwing us a bait and for many reasons, but I am one who is perfectly willing to take this plunge. I know on what Aoun is hedging his bets, but this is where the catch lays, the majority he hopes to get won't make it, that is why I say, finally let every single Lebanese in Lebanon vote, if he doesn't lose outright, take what you want from me. The man is known for his selfishness, and I know, wallahi I know what he is alluding to, this time the Lebanese street will confirm to everyone that his bets rarely work, if ever. That is why I say, if he loses, then let him keep his peace forever, and I know, he will lose.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:00 ,2015 أيار 19

And may I also suggest that the same be done with the other 2 presidencies, by popular vote.

Missing peace 16:30 ,2015 أيار 19

LOL! how can one trust a man who changes his opinion from one day to the other to be president of Lebanon! LOL
he is only seeking for power even if it means constantly being contradictory...
once hezbollah was a terrorist group now they are patriots,
once the assad family had to be ousted now he is defending it
once syria was a terrorist country now he sides with it.... all these changes of position within a year LOL

only brainwashed fools will not see it and still defend a liar and a schizophrenic. but that is because they are liars and schizophrenic themselves....

Missing peace 16:57 ,2015 أيار 19

keep up insulting people it is all you are good at,
frustrated gay boy....

Missing peace 17:02 ,2015 أيار 19


keep up the insults it is the only thing you are good at....

Missing peace 17:28 ,2015 أيار 19

i am insulting politicians not freely people like you just to get your kicks...

so move on and keep up the insults: you just prove it is the only thing you are good at...

Thumb ex-fpm 17:18 ,2015 أيار 19

flamethrower and his 50 aliases will never allow any article regarding HA or the FPM to reflect the true sentiment of people yet he supports vote by the people:)