حزب الله يخوض "المعركة الاقسى" على الحدود اللبنانية السورية
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على احدى تلال القلمون الحدودية بين لبنان وسوريا، يؤكد مقاتل من حزب الله ان الحزب يخوض في هذه المنطقة الجبلية الوعرة حيث يواجه جهاديين ومقاتلين من المعارضة السورية المسلحة، "المعركة الاقسى" في تاريخه العسكري.
ويقول المقاتل الذي بدا في الاربعينات وقد وضع نظارتي شمس على عينيه رافضا الكشف عن اسمه لوكالة فرانس برس "انها واحدة من اقسى المعارك التي خضناها. الجميع يعرف ان القتال في المناطق الجبلية هو اصعب انواع القتال هناك، حتى أكثر من القتال في المدن".
ويقاتل الحزب الى جانب القوات الحكومية السورية في مناطق عدة من سوريا، وترتدي منطقة القلمون اهمية خاصة بالنسبة اليه كونه دافع باستمرار عن تدخله العسكري في سوريا على انه يهدف الى حماية لبنان من وصول التنظيمات المتطرفة.
وتمتد القلمون التي تشكل المقلب الآخر لسلسلة جبال لبنان الشرقية والممتدة على مساحة نحو الف كيلومتر مربع، وهي مكونة من سلسلة تلال فيها العديد من المغاور وتطل على أودية مفتوحة مكسوة بالنباتات والزهور البرية.
واعلن حزب الله خلال الاسبوعين الأخيرين انه سيطر على نحو ثلث منطقة القلمون حيث تتداخل الحدود بين البلدين، اثر معارك ضارية مع المجموعات المسلحة.
ويقول مقاتل آخر ارتدى بزة عسكرية مرقطة كما رفاقه "انها المعركة الاصعب في الشرق الاوسط في الوقت الراهن".
ويقول قائد عسكري ميداني "هدفنا في القلمون حماية لبنان، ورأينا أدلة على التهديد في عرسال وهجمات اخرى على الحدود".
وكان يشير الى المعركة التي وقعت في آب الماضي بين مسلحين سوريين قدموا من القلمون ومن مخيمات للاجئين السوريين داخل عرسال والجيش اللبناني استغرقت اياما وقتل فيها عشرات المسلحين وعشرون عسكريا لبنانيا و16 مدنيا. وانتهت باقتياد المسلحين معهم نحو ثلاثين عنصرا في الجيش وقوى الامن اعدموا اربعة منهم فيما لا يزال 25 محتجزين لدى تنظيمي الدولة الاسلامية وجبهة النصرة.
ونظم حزب الله في الايام الاخيرة لمجموعات من الصحافيين المحليين والاجانب جولات في منطقة القلمون على الحدود اللبنانية السورية، وهو امر غير مسبوق بالنسبة الى الحزب الذي كانت تغطية المعارك التي يخوضها في سوريا تقتصر على الوسائل الاعلامية التابعة له او المقربة منه.
وبدات الجولة التي شاركت فيها فرانس برس بعرض لقائد عسكري ارفقه بشرح على خريطة رقمية بيّن فيه اهمية "تأمين" المناطق المرتفعة ليصبح في الامكان مراقبة خط النار بالعين المجردة.
ثم تولت مجموعة من المقاتلين قيادة موكب من الصحافيين في سيارات رباعية الدفع في منطقة جبلية تكاد تنعدم فيها مظاهر الحياة باستثناء بعض العصافير والسحليات.
وخلال الجولة، توقف الموكب عند تحصينات لمسلحين تم الاستيلاء عليها خلال الايام الماضية. وعرض مقاتلو الحزب ما تبقى من متفجرات محلية الصنع تركها المسلحون وراءهم.
وفضل بعض المقاتلين مراقبة الزائرين عن بعد فيما كان اخرون يدخنون بهدوء.
وتندرج هذه الجولات في اطار مقاربة اعلامية جديدة لحزب الله تساعده كذلك في تسجيل نقاط على خصومه في الميدان.
ويقول احد عناصر الحزب "انها الحرب النفسية الهادفة الى اخافة العدو، لكنها ايضا طريقة تسمح لنا بايصال رسالتنا والقول اننا الطرف المحق" في المعركة.
وتقول المعارضة السورية ان النظام السوري ما كان ليصمد في وجه الانتفاضة ضده وقتال المعارضين لولا الدعم المقدم له من حزب الله وايران. وفي لبنان، ياخذ خصوم حزب الله عليه انه يتسبب في جر تداعيات النزاع السوري الى البلد الصغير المتعدد الطوائف والاطراف السياسية، بسبب تورطه العسكري الى جانب النظام السوري.
ومن المفارقات ان حزب الله الذي تصنفه الولايات المتحدة "منظمة ارهابية" يقاتل في سوريا مجموعات جهادية اخرى تشكل هدفا لطائرات التحالف الدولي بقيادة واشنطن في سوريا والعراق.
ولا يوجد اثر للجيشين اللبناني والسوري في المنطقة الحدودية. ويتجنب مقاتلو حزب الله التعليق على ذلك ويصرون على ان الجيش السوري هو من يقود القتال داخل سوريا.
ويقول احد مقاتلي الحزب الذي يعرف عن نفسه باسم الحاج نادر "نقاتل من الجانب اللبناني وهم (الجيش السوري) يقاتلون من الجانب السوري".
واعلن الجيش اللبناني بوضوح انه لن يكون جزءا من اي معركة في القلمون الا في حال تعرض الاراضي اللبنانية للخطر.
وتظهر آثار المعارك بوضوح في مواقع عدة في المنطقة: بقايا ذخائر الاسلحة الثقيلة وعبوات القذائف الصاروخية مع الصناديق المعدنية الفارغة من القذائف...
وبين الاسلحة التي يحملها مقاتلو حزب الله مسدسات وبنادق كلاشينكوف. كما شاهد الصحافيون قاذفة قنابل من طراز "ام 4".
ويرتدي بعض المقاتلين زيا عليه صور مرجعيات شيعية بارزة او الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله.
ويقول احد مقاتلي الحزب "ليس ذلك مطلوبا. كل واحد يضع ما يريد. نحن لسنا جيشا، نحن فقط شبان عاديون".

where is clint eastwood and his movie a fistful of dollars....LOL.

MTV: The adviser of the Foreign Minister said Lebanese prisoners were set free by the IS in Palmyra and could head to Turkey.

IS = bad
HA = bad
Nusra = bad
basho = bad
[IS + HA + Nus + Basho] = Batikh y kasser ba3do
Simple equation

The Resistance men of God, did what even nobody else couldn't. We can sleep safely at night knowing Gods men holds the line.
(1). My dear Mystic, ya habibi ya akhi, if only I could agree with you, I would then sleep well and safely at night, knowing God's men hold the line. God's men my dear brother are innocent people like you and me, going to their daily chores laden daily with their concerns for their loved ones. men of God are those brave men and women of the Lebanese Army whose only noble aim is defend their land and their people, all the people irrespective of sect, color, gender, social class or anything, just the land and its people. When they die in action, we hear Church bells ring, or the Muazin of our Mosques. Yes Mystic, I am one who still attaches the greatest respect for our martyrs, ours, yours, all the sons and daughters of Lebanon. But ya Mystic, if we can shed away that old story of Hezbollah gone to fight in foreign lands to prevent Takfiris form invading us, isn't the precious blood of these brave men spilled in vain?
Mystic, the LF is always honorable, now if you wish to keep digging into the past, I'll have to be absolutely frank with you. Your people were amongst those that hid under the skirts of Hafez Al Assad and Yasser Arafat, especially when Arafat claimed that he will throw us to the sea within 6 days, because we were mostly Foufous and Zouzous. ma3leych ya akh, I know of many Metwelehs who called their sons at the time Yasser, many and Hafez like they did with Jamal during Nasser's era. You write as if you had no sins my friend, in that case if you're so sure, here I am offering you the first stone to cast.
(2). Mystic. Today as we write, some more areas of Syria have fallen to the Takfiris, Palmyra one of them, and before Palmyra, its people have fled with the regime army that once defended it. With or without Hezbollah, Syria's fate is being decided by forces beyond us. Hezbollah ventured too far, never wanting to listen to reason or wisdom. Fact is, Qalamoun, means that now you're coming back home, your only way in fact. But those killed in Syria, who can replace them? Show me, an ex-LF fighter, a military map that can convince me of the benefits of HA's actions in Syria, if I can read it and be convinced, purely as an ex-fighter myself then yes, I will sleep at night feeling safe, but this map to me falls very short of reassurance. The Takfiris are in fact attacking Lebanon to convince you people to leave Syria.

Here are some honorable Christians, that are real fighters for their religion, unlike you phalangists Phoenix, whom sold yourselves to the West, Gulf and Israel.
(3). Mystic. Are the Takfiris that dumb to try their luck inside Lebanon? Sure, they tried, not only did they burn their fingers but they got them grilled right to the bone marrow. The Takfiris know know perfectly well what awaits them here in Lebanon, believe me ya akhi, the smell of grilled meat with spread all over the border with Syria, the world will see how we shall dispense horror on the Takfiris and trust me, this is not a joke. But HA did its sums wrong, had you people listened to us rejoined the national fold, we Lebanese would have not only been today united, prosperous, strong but Formidable. As the Syrian regime regresses, and as does Hezbollah, we Lebanese remain strong and the army will do the job, and we the people will stand behind our army, but Hezbollah will be changed forever.

If you were a Lebanese sibling Phoenix, then you wouldn't stab them in the back whilst they are holding takfiris at bay, those takfiris whom are willing to remove your head from your body, because that is what you are doing.

So the Mostaqbali supporters that chopped people up in Halba massacre 2008, were unarmed civilian people? Sounds like the same magic you used in Syria - "Liberty loving FSA" whom turned ISIS and Nusra.
Still accusing without proof aswell, so where are we? Right your opinion doesn't matter, because the Resistance will never pull out before the takfiris are finished, that might be until Judgement day for all I know.
Point is, it is the war for all our lives. All the people that the takfiris will slaughter if they invade Lebanon. Lebanese Army would be overrun, most of the Christians (Phoenix included) would flee immediately when they realized Hariri couldn't protect him.
That leaves the rest of us, with no other option than to fight to the end, and also those honorable people from all sects that are ready to defend themselves and their families.

"So the Mostaqbali supporters that chopped people up in Halba massacre 2008"
stop crying... when you provoke people and take up arms you really believe no one will react? ... unfortunately there are idiots everywhere, and those who did that should be put in jail just like your hezbi militiamen and their allies who killed people also in 2008...
you use the very same technique as the syrian regime: set up a fire then come and cry your are attacked to justify your crimes LOL
just like in syria: bashar killed people and push them to their limits and still he expected no one would react... look what he has done now to his country LOL
you are even more naive than i thought....

So now I'm crying? Didn't you just write that they were innocent unarmed civilians in a moaning manner?
No wonder the Resistance smacked March 14 gunmen so hard in 2008, that they had to act as civilians after.
Civilians don't chop people up.

So now I'm crying? Didn't you just write that they were innocent unarmed civilians in a moaning manner?
No wonder the Resistance smacked March 14 gunmen so hard in 2008, that they had to act as civilians after.
Civilians don't chop people up.
Mystic, I NEVER stabbed anyone in the back, don't twist your tongue to the point you start saying things you mustn't.

I don't believe you Phoenix, I'm not talking by the way, I'm writing you. So don't mention tongues on this matter, since we are not face to face.
The very fact, that you are against the Resistance fighting in Syria and supporting the Western/Gulfs stances means you are a backstabber.

"The very fact, that you are against the Resistance fighting in Syria and supporting the Western/Gulfs stances means you are a backstabber"
we may "backstab" your iranain militia but your iranian militia backstabs Lebanon.....

Just like you are backstabbing the Lebanese Army in the back peace? Holding them in a tight leash, preventing them from purging Arsal.
Phoenix, other reason I mention backstabbing is - I actually respect the people that insults me, more than the false people that change colors and acts friendly while insulting me indirectly.
You know this quote? "Don't fear the enemy that attacks you but the fake friend that hugs you."

you should apply to be an expert in the LAF because it seems you know better than them what to do...
a big mouth that is all you are....nothing to fear from you, coz barking dogs never bite....

Funny peace, because that is exactly what we say about March 14 people in my circles of people.
Never fear a dog that lost it's teeth, like the resistance smacked yours out in 2008 and you never collected those teeth ever again.
You have nothing to fear from me, because you are not a threat yourself my friend, so don't write rubbish and act macho on Naharnet now.
Now you just wait for the takfiris to do your work, which they will also fail.

we know hezbis take their pride into smacking lebanese that are against them... we know you love to do the job of the army on which you daily spit on and mock...the pride of cowards...
we know you are liars... many promises on handing your weapons to the only true lebanese armed forces but none of them you ever kept...
you may shout you love Lebanon but your actions prove the contrary... so keep shouting, it is all you are good at.
and keep up your propaganda, it makes you more ridiculous each day...

and here comes another hezbi lover with the intellectual level of a clam...

History will remember how the cowards of March 14 supported the enemy against the Resistance of Lebanon.
How their empty words and threats meant nothing, how the Resistance carried on till the end.

do not mix in your twisted mind that being against your iranian militia means one is with the islamists...
pityful binary M8 thinking.
A noble resistance now turned real villain. A noble liberator of the South now turned the worst threat the country has ever known. A cocky and truly arrogant militia that has long ceased to be Lebanese but foreign. Hezbollah is today paying the high price for all these, especially for remaining hard-headed in listening to reason and wisdom from its Lebanese siblings. Qalamoun is known to be the artery of the Syrian regime of Bashar Al Assad, and by default that of Hezbollah and the very interests of Iran in this region. They said recently that they retook all of Qalamoun, now they say a 3rd of it. Hezbollah must now stop its stories, if together with Regime forces and Iranian forces it can barely hold on to territory so crucial to it, how on earth could it fight Israel or even more sordid, how can it aim to liberate Shebaa, or the Golan or Jerusalem? Facts are hard to accept, but nowadays anyone who is in the know should see the real situation of a fake story kept just for too long.

So true an assessment of the course of events should give HA pause one would hope to no avail. HA and those in its orbit have yet to realize the illogical argument put forward by Nasrallah vis a vis preemptive attacks on takfiris. Nothing about that argument fits Lebanese interests and it only makes sense in the context of the Iranians, Alawites and HA's goal to have a corridor linking Hizballastan to Alawistan pure and simple.
The likes of @mystic & @sab3a-ayar et al are clear proof of a raging Islamic conflict between Sunnis & Shiites in the region. Voices like ours calling for upholding mixed communal life in our beloved Lebanon are falling on deaf ears.
Those who are cheering HA's actions would do well to heed the Chinese proverb: "When one goes seeking revenge one must dig two graves, one for his enemy and one for himself".

the "resistance" has nothing to do with enjoying freedom! but hezbi lovers of course love to believe that, part of their brainwashing program....LOL

"Our goal in Qalamoun is to protect Lebanon, and we've seen the evidence of the threat in Arsal and the other attacks on the border," a Hizbullah military commander said."
"'You see, we're not an army, we're just regular guys,' one fighter said."
The first is a BS statement. The second is an MBS statement.
Hezbollah is in Qalamoun fighting in order to keep Highway 5 which connects Damascus to Homs to Tartous open so that it can keep itself resupplied. It is not in Qalamoun for Lebanon but for Hezbollah.
As to Hezbollah not being a regular army, well, the snow is off of that BS for all to see.

the only one responsible for the chaos in syria is the assad regime... they can only blame themselves for having let the situation rot so that assad leaves only one choice : it s me or islamism... he encouraged those groups to develop in syria for that purpose but it got out of control so he had to call hezbollah and iran to the rescue!
if he had stepped down in time it wouldn't have gone like this!

could you avoid associating a religious sect with the word "pig"? refer to their political party instead...
many shias do not follow hezbollah nor iran....

good for admittting you see nothing wrong in cleaning Lebanon from those who disapprove of hezbollah... you summed up all the hezbi thinking in your desperate post...
there is no difference with sunni islamists!

Racism is suicidal and it starts with destroying your own senses.