الجولاني: الخطر قادم على حزب الله لا على لبنان
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اعلن "أمير" جبهة النصرة ابو محمد الجولاني ان حزب الله يحاول من خلال معركته في منطقة القلمون الواقعة شمال دمشق والحدودية مع لبنان "ان يخيف اللبنانيين من ان الخطر قادم على لبنان، والحقيقة ان الخطر قادم على حزب الله لا على لبنان".
واضاف الجولاني خلال تحدثه في مقابلة مع قناة "الجزيرة" التي تتخذ من الدوحة مقرا، تم بثها مساء الاربعاء، ان ما يجري في القلمون "حرب عصابات"، مضيفا ان المعركة قد تطول "لكننا سنبقى نركز على معركة دمشق. واؤكد ان اسقاط بشار ليس بالوقت الطويل".
وتابع "لا اريد ان ابث شيئا كبيرا من التفاؤل لكن المعركة بوادرها جيدة جدا".
ورأى ان "حزب الله سيكون امره مجرد وقت" في حال سقط النظام، و"زوال بشار الاسد يعني زوال حزب الله".
ورفض كل المحاولات الجارية للتوصل الى تسوية سياسية للنزاع في سوريا الذي اودى باكثر من 220 الف شخص منذ 2011.
وقال الجولاني الذي غطى رأسه بكوفية سوداء اسدلها على خديه، بينما ارتدى قميصا مع سروال واسع لون اخضر عسكري وسترة من اللون نفسه من دون اكمام، "لن نقبل بالحلول السياسية"، مضيفا ان الناس في سوريا "حسموا امرهم"، وهم يعرفون ان "المجاهدين بقوة السلاح هم من سيغيرون الوضع، لا مؤتمرات جنيف ولا جلسات في واشنطن، الامم المتحدة ولا غيرها".
ولم تدع جبهة النصرة ولا اي من التنظيمات الجهادية المقاتلة في سوريا للمشاركة في اجتماعات دعيت اليها فصائل من المعارضة المسلحة في جنيف وغيرها في محاولة للتوصل الى حل سلمي للازمة السورية.
وشدد الجولاني على ان مجموعته لا تتقاضى دعما ماليا من اي دولة، انما تؤمن "اكتفاء ذاتيا" من اعمال تجارية في المناطق حيث هي موجودة ومن "تبرعات المسلمين" الذين يتعاطفون مع تنظيم القاعدة.
من جهة أخرى، أعلن ان توجيهات تنظيم القاعدة تقضي بعدم مهاجمة الغرب انطلاقا من سوريا، مشيرا الى ان التركيز هو على اسقاط نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد الذي توقع الا يطول كثيرا.
وكان الجولاني من "احدى المناطق المحررة في شمال سوريا"، بحسب ما قال مقدم البرنامج. وهي الثانية مع القناة نفسها بعد مقابلة في 2013.
وقال الرجل الذي لم يظهر وجهه على الشاشة، وقدمته القناة على انه الجولاني، "التوجيهات التي تأتينا من الدكتور ايمن (الظواهري، زعيم تنظيم القاعدة) حفظه الله، هي ان جبهة النصرة مهمتها في الشام اسقاط النظام ورموزه وحلفائه كحزب الله والتفاهم مع الفصائل لاقامة حكم اسلامي راشد".
واضاف ان "الارشادات التي اتتنا هي بعدم استخدام الشام (سوريا) كقاعدة انطلاق لهجمات غربية او اوروبية لكي لا نشوش على المعركة الموجودة".
وردا على سؤال لمقدم برنامج "بلا حدود" احمد منصور حول رد فعل الجبهة في حال استمر التحالف الدولي في استهدافها قصفا، قال "الخيارات مفتوحة، ومن حق كل انسان ان يدافع عن نفسه. (...) اذا استمر الحال على وضعه، اعتقد ان هناك افرازات لن تكون في صالح الغرب ولا اميركا".
واستهدف التحالف الدولي بقيادة اميركية منذ بدء الحملة الجوية ضد التنظيمات الجهادية في سوريا والعراق، على راسها تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية، الصيف الماضي مرات عدة مواقع لجبهة النصرة في سوريا، ما تسبب بتدمير مقار ومقتل عشرات من عناصرها.
واعتبر الجولاني ان "اميركا تساند النظام" السوري، مشيرا الى ان من ابرز اشكال هذه المساندة قصف مقار النصرة.
وتدرج وزارة الخارجية الاميركية جبهة النصرة، فرع تنظيم القاعدة في سوريا، على لائحتها للمنظمات الارهابية.
وتمكنت جبهة النصرة وحلفاؤها خلال الاسابيع الاخيرة من احراز سلسلة نجاحات على الارض في مواجهة قوات النظام لا سيما في شمال غرب البلاد وفي الجنوب، وقد استولوا على مدن كبيرة وقاعدة عسكرية ومعابر حدودية.
واوضح الجولاني ان اهمية الانجازات الاخيرة تكمن في انها نقلت المعركة من مناطق ذات غالبية سنية الى محيط مناطق وجود الطائفة العلوية التي ينتمي اليها الرئيس بشار الاسد.
الا ان الجولاني بدا حريصا على تاكيد عدم التعرض لهذه الاقليات.
وقال "في هذه المرحلة لا نقتل الا من يقاتلنا"، مشيرا الى ان هناك قرى درزية ومسيحية يعيش اهلها بامان في ظل سيطرة النصرة.
واشار الى ان كل "جندي علوي رفع السلاح في وجهنا وتبرأ من النظام سيكون اخا لنا". اما بالنسبة الى المسيحيين، ففي حال "وصلنا الى حكم اسلامي ونريد اقامة حكم الشريعة، سيخضع النصارى للحكم الاسلامي ويكون دفع الجزية للمقتدرين".
وكان الجولاني ومنصور يجلسان على كرسيين مزخرفين باللونين الازرق والذهبي امام طاولة صغيرة وضع عليها علم جبهة النصرة الاسود.

The up and coming terrorist organization wants to defeat the established terrorist organization

As long as they defeat them in Syria. They are not welcome in Lebanon in any form or under any circumstance. Having them defeat HA in Lebanon is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

as long as all the terrorists are killing each other, then Lebanon is becoming safer.

Desperate takfiris says the same as our March 14 alliance, "fall of Assad is near" yet they have been saying this sentence for years now.
The Resistance already knew the takfiris plan from day one, if Assad falled Lebanon would be next. Yet people wonder why the Resistance intervened in Syria.

Ya Miss Teeq, the fall of Assad is indeed getting closer day by day. Presently, Syria is divided in two, 50% is controlled by Al Nusra & co, and the other 50% are also split in two where 25% are under the rebels and the remainder is controlled by Assad forces. Syria will be partitioned similarly to what happened in Yugoslavia. Don't ask ask me for proves on that, just do your proper research instead of trolling like a brainded idiot on this site. Assad is gone, could be tomorrow or in a year, just swallow it. As to our dear Resistance, big question mark.

Syrian Government are still in control of the 65% population in the country. Kerry and the others planned for Assad fall since 2011, did it happen? This war will probaly drag on for years to come.

Your hope is for Assad for and that is not an option. There can't be negotiations with takfiris, neither will they. Remember Lebanons war lasted for 15 years, this might be less or longer, time will tell.

Your hope is for Assads fall, and you think we will all just let your takfiris win without a fight, no chance.

good thing hezbi lovers are dreamers... they cannot see the obvious....

sure miss tic... in a dictatorship if you disagree with the dictator you can voice it loud and clear... pityful naive idiot you are....

Mystic what do you call losing two third of you country ..a dive victory?
Assad is going sooner rather then later..so is your Hizb with him

Maroon, it should be called a "Dive" victory, they won, hell. Deep bellow.

Not true Mystic ,if the Hizb did not inter fight with syrian regime,and the syrian regime falls worst case senario was to spot colaborating with the new regime as officialy the dame way that they don't deal with Israel.

Didn't you read what the Nusra takfiris said? After Assad they would finish the Resistance, you expect us all to sit idly by while being invaded? That's why they started this war to begin with, not just to remove Assad but finish all the Resistance.

He said they would find is off hizbollaat because it entered the fight against them they never said they would finish off Lebanon. As for your claim that they entered the war to end the resistance? You're a complete idiot, hizbollat ended the war to end the revolution and support ASSad and now they will pay the price.

" you expect us all to sit idly by while being invaded?" LOL in the article it not question of invasion like your propaganda makes you say : it is said:
"Al-Qaida-affiliate al-Nusra Front chief vowed in a wide-randing televised interview late Wednesday to defeat Hizbullah in al-Qalamoun."
if they "invade" us as you are scared shit about it , then we have the army to repel them... we do not need you iranians....

Yes the Lebanese should be scared about it. That is my point. The army would be overrun in a matter of days. That is the reason we need the resistance to hold them back.
Not everyone in Lebanon welcomes death as the Resistance does. Most people would flee, not all of us see that as an option me included, stand our ground or die trying.

There is no lebanon thanks to your Hizbollah your Hizbollah has destroyed all that was good about lebanon you support one of humanities worst regimes in Iran and Syria and stop giving this crap about resistance go to hell you and your resistance you have brought these takfiris to lebanon may you and them perish forever

AMEN, premier Dios. Insgallah, By God's will, help me with more here guyes, ..

Wishful thinking gabby, we all know Nusra and Israel wishes this, so thank you for confirming that.

Ebola, ISIS, nusra, da3esh, boko haram, Butcher, Iran, and alike impersonate evil. Can you convince evil to become good?

Ebola, ISIS, nusra, da3esh, boko haram, Butcher, Iran, and alike impersonate evil. Can you convince evil to become good?
Now, I am totally against the meddling of Hezbollah in Syria, I am also against it carrying weapons in Lebanon, but in all honesty I am also totally and without any reserves against anything called Islamic radicalism of any kind, be it IS, ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Taliban, these are all the worst evil on earth. In the holy books it's written, evil shall become strong, yet will be defeated. I wish all these Takfiris and I mean all of them, the most bitter end, an end without precedent right up to the last one of them. I also wish for Hezbollah to end its tunnel vision, its double standards, its fabrications and deceits and to save us all any further crazy adventures. Our strength as Lebanese is our UNITY. Hezbollah is working against this unity, the earlier it wakes up, the better.

Pheonix: Hizb are fully awake, they have a long-term plan while others only plan short term (money for their pockets). Bit by bit they are taking over the country, just enough for the citizens not to cry foul at each step but then in the future when its too late, thats when lebanese will slap their own foreheads in regret. I do hope I am wrong but this is what i feel with the events following the year 2000. At the current stage isnt hizb almost mirroring Irans way of rule? There is a gov. that discusses things but the final say is to...?

The reason for lebnan's post was not to tally how many behadings are carried out in Iran and in KSA. His post was to demonstrate that Iran is just as intolerant of religious minorities just as KSA is. THis is only one example of thousands more.

fans? in your depressed head it seems.... it is just what you want to see not the reality... once again being against hezbollah does not equate with being a "fan" of other terrorists...
anyway, be happy :)

why criticize only saudi arabia for its executions? iran does the very same, they are both in the top 5 countries in the world!
so jimbeam, at least criticize iran too... LOL see where your double standards are? praise iran but demonize saudi when both countries are the same ! LOL

Cult of the devil? Muslims pay zakah in Islam and non-Muslims pay jizyah, whats unfair about that? Muslims in the west pay taxes. Welfare? Care to provide staistics that Muslms in the west live of welfare while christians don't?
Your constant attacks on Muslims proove that you have hatred in you. I advice you to visit www.answering-christianity.com By the way, almasi7 3alayi alsalam was a Muslim (mushlam) and i invite you to monotheism, to worship none but Allah, to ascribe no partner to him, to believe in all his books and messengers from Adam to Muhammad, alayom alsalam and to follow the Quran,the last testament and to follow Prophet Muhammad, sallalahu alayi wasallam and to never kill innocent people or bring harm to mankind and to not hurt the unharmful animals.

Interesting that we don't see shiites defend Islam when hateful people insult this religion. You jump to defend "nasrallah", bashar and aoun but not the religion you claim to be part of? 7asbuna Allah wa ni3mal wakeel.