السيد: جنبلاط "ديكتاتور طائفي" و"جرائمه مشهودة ضد الانسانية"

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اتهم لواء الركن جميل السيد الخميس رئيس "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب وليد جنبلاط بانه "ديكتاتور طائفي صغير" ويكفي "للبنانيين ان يتذكروا ما فعله ويفعله من ارهاب وفساد في الدولة".

وعلق السيد في بيان صدر عن مكتبه الاعلامي على "تصريحات النائب وليد جنبلاط وآخرها خلال المقابلة التي أجرتها معه محطة تلفزيون "المنار" مساء الجمعة الماضي، والتي تطرق فيها الى حريات الشعوب وحقوق الإنسان ملقيا الدروس والمواعظ عن الدكتاتورية والفساد والإجرام والسرقة والقتل وغيرها".

وقال ان "عموم اللبنانيين يعرفون تماما أن كل تلك الإرتكابات وألأوصاف إنما تنطبق على النائب جنبلاط قبل أي أحد آخر، وحيث يكفيهم أن يتذكروا ما فعله ويفعله، كديكتاتور طائفي صغير في لبنان، في إرهاب خصومه من الدروز وغير الدروز، وفي الفساد في الدولة وغير الدولة، وما أمر به من مجازر وإغتيالات، ليس أقلها تهجير وقتل آلاف المسيحيين في الجبل وصولا الى دوره المباشر والمعروف في مؤامرة شهود الزور وإعتقال الضباط الأربعة وتهديد عائلاتهم وأولادهم بالقتل، مستغلا بأبشع الصور جريمة إغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري".

وأضاف السيد انه "ربما من حسنات القدر ورحمته بلبنان واللبنانيين أن جنبلاط لا يملك الحجم ولا القوة اللذين يسمحان له بالتحكم المطلق بمصير البلاد والعباد، وإلا لكانوا عانوا منه ومن مزاجيته وساديته وإضطراباته النفسية ما لم يشهده الليبيون من معمر القذافي ولا الروس من جوزيف ستالين".

واعتبر ان "اللبنانيون يعرفون أن جنبلاط هو مزيج من هذين الإثنين معا تحت قناع حضاري مزيف تسكنه ذهنية إقطاعية من القرون الوسطى تجعله يظن نفسه وعن خطأ أنه أبدا فوق الحساب والمحاسبة".

واضاف ان جنبلاط "مع الثورات العربية وتحرير الشعوب وتطيير الأنظمة حيث لا مال ولا نفط، وهو ضد الشعوب والثورات ومع الأنظمة حيث المال والنفط. هو مع المحكمة الدولية وتمويلها من أجل العدالة وهو في الوقت نفسه مع حماية وتمويل شهود الزور الذين ضللوا تلك العدالة. هو تارة مع الأميركيين ويريد منهم أن يقضوا على المقاومة في لبنان وأن يجتاحوا دمشق، وهو تارة أخرى مع سوريا والمقاومة متباهيا بأنه قتل جنود المارينز الأميركيين في خلده".

ورأى السيد ان جنبلاط "في كل تلك الحالات مكشوف لدى الجميع ويعتبر أنه يضحك على الجميع لكنه لا يخدع أحدا إلا نفسه".

وأشار الى انه "ربما فات النائب جنبلاط، المتهم زورا هذه المرة بأنه قارئ جيد للتطورات، أن يدرك أن الزمن الحالي هو زمن الجد وليس زمن الألاعيب والبهلوانيات، وانه زمن الكبار وليس زمن الصغار الذين يكبرون في الفتنة كما تعود، و أنه ربما من الأجدى به أن يكتفي بإلقاء الدروس والمواعظ على نفسه وأن يكف عن التمادي وإستغباء الناس".

وقال ان جنبلاط "يدرك تماما أنه لو كان مقيما في بلد غير لبنان لكان قابعا في سجون إحدى المحاكم الدولية لجرائمه المشهودة ضد الإنسانية خلال الحرب اللبنانية، و ليس ذلك ببعيد".

التعليقات 31
Thumb thepatriot 13:17 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Thi one also needs to be medicated. Maybe Aoun can lend him a few of his pills...

Default-user-icon zeinab (ضيف) 13:20 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

اللهم إضرب الظالمين بالظالمين وأخرجنا منهم سالمين.يا ربلعلمين.

Default-user-icon Joshua (ضيف) 13:29 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Absolutely True, He Should Be Tried For The "Mountain War Massacre" On Innocent Civilians. Please Do Charge Him For That. Long Has This Fella Been Tearing Apart The Lebanese People, It's Time They Tore Him Apart!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:01 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

so it is serious now,jumblat left the circus and is angrying bahar and hassoun, but it was bashar who gave the "mot de passe" for letting the dogs out.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 14:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Every one talk the truth is my hero, we have been asking long time ago and no one listens, Jumblat, Geagea, Aoun, Berri and Hassona Hezboshaitan and more others need to be brought to justice like any criminals who is not a politician and finish this corrupted politics and war criminal culture. The President is the worst president Lebanese ever had.

Missing allouchi 14:35 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

We all know that Jumblat flip flops but you Sayyed are the idol of crookedness and dirt. You are just a loud mouth for Syria and M8 thugs. You are dirty and filthy…your rhetoric is loud and incoherent, you are in the same league with Aoun, Wiaam and the rest of the loud moths idiots.

Default-user-icon Hilarious (ضيف) 14:39 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

This is so funny. I'm not sure if i should take what this clown is saying to be a joke he's making or that he's fallen on his head.
Look who's talking about crimes and murders. I do agree Jumblat should be tried, but only when 90% of the Lebanese politicians, they ALL have blood on their hands; the only one that had the guts to face the music is Geagea, not that i'm a fan of his but i believe in speaking the truth. I you love to see Sayyed come out one day and say something constructive......

Default-user-icon Noreply (ضيف) 14:56 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Incredible! look who's speaking!!! How many Lebanese disappeared during is time as Chief of General Security, being the hand of Syria in Lebanon... Look at his face! That guy is crazy, you can almost see him foaming!
I am definitely not a fan of "Jumblat the Vane", but seriously!
God save us all from these dangerous idiots...

Default-user-icon Noreply (ضيف) 14:59 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Incredible! look who's speaking!!! How many Lebanese disappeared during is time as Chief of General Security, being the hand of Syria in Lebanon... Look at his face! That guy is crazy, you can almost see him foaming!
I am definitely not a fan of "Jumblat the Vane", but seriously!
God save us all from these dangerous idiots...

Default-user-icon amir (ضيف) 15:23 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Another of our honorable politician
Lebanon is SOOOOOOO proud of this collection
Thanks God we have freedom of Press so that we are able to know all of them in detail....

Thumb Marc 15:29 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

This guy made more $$$$ during his service in the security than most successful businessmen in the country? And he is talking about corruption?

Thumb geha 17:00 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Guys, hold on!
this is a game being played now.
they realize Miqati cannot but resign over the STL funding, thus they need to form a new government =, but they need to threaten Jumblat to make sure he will do exactly what hizbushaitan wants.
to be continued....

Default-user-icon Independence (ضيف) 17:13 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

you and Hassan Nasrallah should be hung for what you did and continue to do to this country. In any other country, you would be publicly executed by the people and your body left for the wolves to tear it apart. You all are a bunch of criminals. Who were you before you were appointed by the Syrians and how much money did you have before your appointment.

Missing future_vision 17:16 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

well said geha

Missing peace 17:44 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Jumblat “is a small sectarian dictator in Lebanon” who has terrorized his Druze and non-Druze foes, has been involved in corruption and has ordered massacres and assassinations, "

just replace the word joumblat by berri aoun nasrallah geagea frangie etc ... and you ll get the perfect picture of those who are leading the politics today...

one who wants justice also attacks the others otherwise it means he is just biased and seeks for his own interests and surely not justice...

but M8 only want to make believe that they are clean and only those who oppose them are killers corruptors or traitors...

talking about double standards sayyed the crook?

Default-user-icon rashaya (ضيف) 18:14 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

having this guy label you as bad is surely to be seen by any reasonable person as a complement. the heat must really be turned on now for bashar for this puppet to come out and threaten junblatt. what they dont realise is junblatt has broad support from multiple confessions and political divides and has extensive backing all over the world. also, there is a reason why he;s called a weathervane... he doesn't follow, he leads in lebanon.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:24 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

HA just had a first meeting with Hizb Al Tahrir, the Salafist organization (who loves Osama Bin Laden) that have been very active in Syria (and growing in Lebanon). A large HA delegation just went to Russia to see top Russian leaders. There seems to be a Realignment (again) in the works. But, M14 are still on the bottom because little Hariri has shown to be an ineffective leader despite his and Saudi billion$ (and even the Maronite Patrak is no longer with M14).

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 18:38 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Filthy syrian puppet, full of garbage.

Missing realist 19:11 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

What about the "dictator" of Damascus lol.. what a clown this guy is hahaha

Thumb jabalamel 19:47 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

sayyed...we know that.

you just gave a reason to halucinatory zionist information war department to spill their slime on an nahar comments section.

Default-user-icon I Dug My Own Hole (ضيف) 21:05 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Reminder to Mowaten and others who conveniently choose to ignore the past of this man:

Sayyed was put and kept in jail for 4 years in accordance with a law that he drafted and implemented when he was in power. He dug his own hole.

The number of people who were put in jail because of this law and the time these people served far surpass the 4 years that this man had to spend in jail. Shouldn't there be justice for those who were mistakenly jailed?

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 21:05 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Another finger pointing killer criticizing someone. Jumblatt is pulling out of their coalition and they are threatening him. ASSad is finished ya killer general and your evil world is collapsing around you.

Default-user-icon crusader (ضيف) 21:29 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Thats not new to us. weve known it for a long time. How come now you are attacking him and not when collapsed the ex gov and joined you .hmeone was ok then. I think you know that he is going to drop another bomb and resign him and his people to topple miquatis gov. because he knows there is no more danger from Assad . you are as corrupt as he is. Will someon yermilo admi

Missing remon 23:57 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

Muhamad next time you talk about the president you won't be very happy!

Missing peace 00:05 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

what a super comic performance today from our clown ahbal !!! you are improving day by day!
keep us laughing , you are the only one not to see how stupid you are which makes it even more hilarious!!

thank u for your daily show

Thumb faridz 00:30 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

this person "sayed" is saying what he's saying about walid jumblat because they are all so scared from jumblat pulling out of their coalition... jumblat is a big politician in lebanon who really holds the country in his hands... if he was so small we want see all the thugs barking at him like we just read... what happened in the lebanese war between druze and christians from massacres was so wrong druze and christians both were killed and massacred just because the druze won the " war " that was so ugly and wrong.. they were accused of the massacres but no one mentions that the druze were massacred as well and they were defending their lands.. the druze had and have no super power country to support them they have this country lebanon for hundreds of years and their lands thats why they defend it ferociously every time they were attacked.. no government to protects you basically you protects your self..

Default-user-icon shiite (ضيف) 01:17 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

John from Koura actually Hizballah's alliance with hardline Sunni Salafis groups is an old one.
- Nastallah's pro Syrian's March 8 demo had more Sunni hardliner speakers than Shiites including Bin Laden groupie Yakan.

- Nasrallah called red lines around the Nahr el Bared Syrian exported terrorists and refused to support the ammunition strapped Lebanese army. A few of his rockets would have made a good deal of damage to the Fateh el Islam fortifications. As if that was not enough his MP Fadlala criticized the US airlift of ammo to the army.

-Bin Laden supporter, hate monger and accused terrorist supporter Omar Bakri was sprung out of jail on Nasrallah's orders.

- Hizballah and Hizb Al Tahrir have been having coordinating meetings for month.

Hizballah, Al Qaeda, Hizb Al Tahrir etc, are in fact kindred spirits with similar ideologies the only difference being probably which butt cheek hits the floor first when praying.

Thumb joesikemrex 01:56 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

Aoun's twin

Default-user-icon Khaldoumi (ضيف) 07:08 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

It takes a rat to know a rat.

Thumb jabalamel 14:04 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

t6he filthy zionist information war department is totaly lost and it keeps repeating same old cliches and other retarded stuff.

Default-user-icon New (ضيف) 14:28 ,2011 تشرين الأول 21

Hi jabalamel, sorry I don't always post here. But when you refer to the filthy war department, are you referring to Hezbollah? For me hezbollah and Israel are exactly the same (which jews actually admit), they are both taking Lebanon back 100s of years backwards. If a group is considered a filthy war department, I would like to get your views of what you consider Al-Manar which represents a group that killed Lebanese and Israelis. I'm struggling with your argument as it seems you're a bit contradicting yourself. Thanks