حزب الله "يسيطر" على مواقع استراتيجية في جرود عرسال ومقبل ينفي"وقوع اشتباكات"

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بدأ حزب الله معركته ضد الارهابيين في جرود عرسال الأربعاء، و "أحرز تقدما" بعد سيطرته على عدة مواقع استراتيجية هناك، الا أن وزير الدفاع سمير مقبل نفى الأمر صباحا.

مجاهدو المقاومة سيطروا على مرتفعات الشروق الاستراتيجية المشرفة على منطقة الرهوة ووادي الخيل ووادي اطنين حيث يتواجد قياديون في "النصرة" بينهم ابو مالك التالي "امير النصرة" في القلمون.

وأفادت قناة "المنار" مساء الأربعاء ان "مجاهدي المقاومة سيطروا بالنار على كامل سهل الرهوة وسط فرار كبير لمسلحي جبهة النصرة".

وقد قام مسلحو "النصرة" بحسب القناة "بحرق خيمهم وفروا بشكل جماعي بعد تقدم مجاهدي المقاومة باتجاه منطقة الرهوة".

وكانت "المنار" كشفت قبل ظهر الأربعاء أن "مقاتلي حزب الله يسيطرون على مرتفعات مراد غازي وحرف وادي الهوا في جرود عرسال".

واشارت الى انهم " يتقدمون باتجاه جبل الزاروب الاستراتيجي جنوب وادي الخيل".

وفي الوقت عينه، أشارت معلومات صحافية اخرى الى وقوع "اشتباكات عنيفة" بين حزب الله وجبهة النصرة في الجرود.

وأكدت أن "الحزب سيطر على مجر الحمرا وشميس الحمرا" لافتةً الى انه "اوقع قتلى وجرحى في صفوف النصرة".

الا أن وزير الدفاع مقبل نفى من السعودية الامر. وأوضح أنّه أُبلغ من قبل استخبارات الجيش بأن لا صحة للأنباء عن اشتباكات بجرود عرسال، مشيرًا إلى أنّ "الدخول إلى عرسال مكلف وقد يسقط مئات القتلى وهناك دوريات للجيش تدخل إلى المدينة التي عزلها الجيش عن جردها".

كما نفى مقبل تمكن حزب الله من السيطرة على بعض المناطق والمواقع في جرود عرسال، اثر اشتباكات مع "النصرة".

ومنذ أيام انتشر الجيش داخل عرسال ونصب الحواجز الى جانب مخيمات النازحين في هذه البلدة البقاعية، وسط ترحيب حار من الأهالي.

و في ذكرى "التحرير" أبدى الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله عزمه على محاربة "الارهابيين الموجودين في جرود عرسال"، تاركا للحكومة تولي امر البلدة وداعيا اياها للتحرك.

وقال نصر الله حينها "أهلنا في بعلبك والهرمل لن يقبلوا بوجود إرهابي واحد في جرود عرسال". وعليه، استنفرت بعد أيام العشائر في بعلبك وتشكلت مجموعة تحت اسم "لواء القلعة".

ومنذ مطلع ايار، وتحت عنوان "معركة القلمون"، تشهد الحدود الشرقية معارك بين حزب الله و مجموعات مسلحة قرر الحزب "التخلص منها".


التعليقات 30
Thumb Mystic 11:57 ,2015 حزيران 03

Ofcourse the Resistance advances, the armys hands are tied together. Those outskirts are the takfiris last foothold between Lebanon and Syria, they will do all they can to keep it, even using Rifi & Hariri to protect them. That has failed, the Resistance does not care about those corrupted takfiri lovers in March 14.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:33 ,2015 حزيران 03

(1). Mystic, you said and I quote, "Of course the Resistance advances, the armys hands are tied together", end of quote. My brother, the knack about you and those of your side is that you uncannily tend to distort facts. Look bro, I hate, despise and abhor every single Takfiri, every single one of them, and I bless anyone who causes them reverses. But I also oppose strenuously Hezbollah's role in Syria too, thus without any mistake or fake veils cast on facts as you often do, Hezbollah causes the problems, the Lebanese state has to clean up your mess. Now about them hands being tied, truth is that it's Hezbollah's hands that are tied up, seriously tied up.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:34 ,2015 حزيران 03

(2). Mystic. I can only be joyed to know that HA has pushed the evils further, but the army is not tied up as you stated, the army is able to enjoy more and more options with every passing day, and with it up goes the confidence of the people of its army. The same can't be said of Hezbollah these days, sadly. Please ya akhi, get to grips with facts and try best as you can to move away from the mechanism of party propaganda, it's become too humorist to believe anymore and gone long in the tooth now, and way too stale.

Thumb Mystic 12:37 ,2015 حزيران 03

Is Arsal now Syria phoenix? If you really hated the takfiris and wished them gone, then you would praise the Resistance. But ofcourse not, Geagea kissed the Saudis hands and so will you too. You are well known to sell the country in favor of dollars, just like in the civil war.

Thumb freedomarch 12:53 ,2015 حزيران 03

Excellent points Phoenix, one another related note: what do you say to the prpaganda that the army " is not able " and the army weapons deal has stopped or cancelled etc., all by the same orchestra!

Thumb -phoenix1 12:55 ,2015 حزيران 03

Mystic, please move away from party propaganda. Never let your tongue overtake your eyes, never. Read well, I said I am against HA's involvement in Syria, do you read well? I also said that I bless anyone who causes reverses to the Takfiris. Take this wisdom from a well-meaning Lebanese sibling. When driving at night and the oncoming driver hits you with high lights, just give him your dipped lights, so that at least one sees rather than two go blinded. I will give you my dipped lights and pray for you that you calm down. The day will come when Syria's war will end, your Hezbollah will return back home, now whether in peace or in pieces I don't know, but your militia will return and you will find that real people are still around running this country. Then about Geagea's Saudi Dollars, I am not his PR manager, just go and ask him, but expect of him to ask you the same regarding Sayed Hassan's finances and by default, HA's.

Thumb Mystic 13:05 ,2015 حزيران 03

No phoenix, if you wanted me to watch my language, then you shouldn't have been the two faced person that you are today. You do not deserve the same respect you once had from me, now I will communicate with you, the same way as I do to all the others in M14.
I know you would very much want the power to stop the Resistance, but you can't Phoenix, I do not care about your false nationalism that are happy to sell the country to it's enemies.
Secondly, it's no secret that the Resistance enjoys support from Iran, I'm not ashamed about kissing the hands of Ayatollah sayed Khamanei, because he is the moallem in my religion.

What ties does Geagea have to the Saudis and Israelis? Does he have religious ties or he just likes their money too much?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:08 ,2015 حزيران 03

@khirfan.finique, min weyn jit? Minou li khala2ak?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:13 ,2015 حزيران 03

@freedomarch, that is why I keep telling Mystic about him moving away from this rusting propaganda machine, the army will prevail, Inshallah. @makhaleh, you're perfectly right, but I am sure if the leadership diifuses the tension like did Geagea and Aoun yesterday, then people will calm down. Mystic, don't worry about how you feel of me, I will keep following my principles that to gain respect, we should do it for ourselves. Now if you disagree with my points I can understand you, but unlike me, I do not lose my pedals, you my dear brother, you've long lost your footing, let alone your pedals. If every time you want to be judge, lawyer, jury and public, then your courtrooms will be attended only by Kangaroos. Then read Animal Farm for some inspiration, it could help.

Thumb al.finique 13:15 ,2015 حزيران 03

Phoenix bro: this troll is the_roar/flamethrower. Evil and Satanic

Thumb -phoenix1 13:16 ,2015 حزيران 03

Mystic ya akhi, this is a link for you to download a copy of the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. Please read it, take your time before drawing any conclusion. http://msxnet.org/orwell/print/animal_farm.pdf

Thumb -phoenix1 13:27 ,2015 حزيران 03

@al.finique, you're right, even his old set IP's haven't changed either, Lol, so childish and amateurish.

Thumb Mystic 14:37 ,2015 حزيران 03

Phoenix, the Lebanese Forces fell along time ago. You always wish the Resistance falled but everytime, facts contradicts your hopes.

The Resistance is now doing what the Lebanese army aren't allowed to do. No political faction can keep the resistance back. They tried to let the state take care of it with no results.

Thumb makhaleh 13:06 ,2015 حزيران 03

Well said phoenix....theres too much hatred going on and this is the reason whyvwe lebanese can never agree on anything...like highschool children we follow gossips never really stop and think but what if...mystic to control yourself just breathe before you reply...we all love lebanon and we all have a duty to protect it from the takfiris

Thumb Mystic 12:00 ,2015 حزيران 03

Hezbollahs mouthpiece Al manar said? Okay Annahar, how does it feel to see your beloved "Syrian opposition" turn into ISIS and Nusra terrorists? You are their mouth piece.

Missing coolmec 12:43 ,2015 حزيران 03

@muta saddy
No need for this foul and insulting language dude.
It would be nicer to debate in a civilized and respectful manner

Thumb freedomarch 12:55 ,2015 حزيران 03

My stic, you are mixing deliberately between takfiris, Isis etc, and KSA, that is fighting them.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:44 ,2015 حزيران 03

Mystic, inta habibi, inta khaye, bass inta ma baddak tefham. The LF did not fall as you claim, the LF got betrayed, but the LF twice promised to return its weapons to the state because it believes in the state. Hezbollah on the contrary doesn't believe in the state, doesn't even acknowledge that it exists, HA goes to war wherever it wants and whenever it wants without even consulting the state. HA wants to be the state but will never be the state. The army does have some political constraints, true and I am not denying it either, but the truth is that HA screws up and the state has to mop up its messes. Finally, the RESISTANCE, that my good brother is long gone and dead, we've now got a mercenary militia, end of story.

Thumb Mystic 16:53 ,2015 حزيران 03

Phoenix, I don't understand honestly about Lebanese forces, how they can support somebody like the Wahabis of Saudi Arabia, whilst being Christians themselves, knowing what is happening to Christians in the region.
This does puzzle me alot, Geagea is manipulating you with Saudi dollars.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:11 ,2015 حزيران 03

Wou ba3den ya Mystic, the LF may not be on the streets as you may expect, but the LF is still around. In 2008 when Hezbollah invaded West Beirut and Sayed Hassan tried to intimidate Geagea that Hezbollah will enter Ein El Remaneh, did you forget what geagea told him then? And then, you tell my, why did Hezbollah not invade, I mean, just Ein El Remaneh ya habibi? ma3leysh khayi, you're free to say what you wish, but reality from fiction cannot be more different. But for you to know our capabilities, haven't you seen how we can mobilize when called upon? You do hate us the LF, but messing with us is a very different matter, Sayed Hassan knows that well.

Thumb Mystic 16:51 ,2015 حزيران 03

Yeah sure phoenix, the Lebanese Forces are so strong, that is why they have to complain about us running the country all the time. All I remember is Geagea being the coward that he is, he left Mostaqbal to fight for themselves. While all people in Ashrafieh kept indoors. So why pick up a broken sword Phoenix? You are finished, I understand you people feel your last hope is the LAF. Then for God sake stop holding them down, by supporting those Saudis and takfiris.

Missing Ned_Stark_7ay_Fina 12:12 ,2015 حزيران 03

Because he likes to debate the obvious with a username that he created himself

Missing humble 13:01 ,2015 حزيران 03

Resistance? Which resistance? The one which destroyed National Unity and the living together?

Missing humble 13:14 ,2015 حزيران 03

Miss Tic
You are Toc-Toc when you attack everybody but forget to list Iran...

Thumb theresistance4.0 13:32 ,2015 حزيران 03

Which Resistance Bumble? The RESISTANCE that's wiping the floor with your democratic loving head chopping organ eating Saudi-sponsored holy Wahhabi warriors... Have a nice day :)

Thumb -phoenix1 16:13 ,2015 حزيران 03

I am mighty glad to notice that the Mod Team of Naharnet is being prompt today. This is what moderating a forum is all about because if not, then the forum has no value, especially when jesters with dirty tongues and even dirtier attitudes invade the space.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 16:30 ,2015 حزيران 03

Naharnet: Please include maps, instead of stock landscape photos, in your articles when discussing battlefields. It would help the readers who do not have detailed knowledge of the geographies. Thank you.

Missing CFTC 17:02 ,2015 حزيران 03

@Southern E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since your last comment. Thank you

Missing peace 21:15 ,2015 حزيران 03

the army is preventing hezbollah from entering arsal and taking control of it... if hezbis ever do so it will be civil war in Lebanon and chaos would benefit both hezbis and bashar...
what better to demonize a lebanese village opposed to the hegemony of hezbollah to better manipulate their poor sheep?

Thumb theresistance4.0 23:31 ,2015 حزيران 03

Lmaooo off your meds today I see huh peace :)