باسيل: أزمة النزوح تتطلب حلولا نوعية من المجتمع الدولي
Read this story in Englishشدد وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل على ان "أزمة النزوح تتطلب حلولا نوعية من قبل المجتمع الدولي"، محذرا من تداعياتها.
وقال باسيل في المؤتمر الوزاري حول مراجعة سياسة الجوار الأوروبية الأربعاء أن "أزمة النزوح تتطلب حلولا نوعية من قبل المجتمع الدولي مثل شطب ديون لبنان وشراء إنتاجنا الزراعي كاملا لصالح المنظمات التي تعنى بالنازحين".
واوضح أن "لبنان يحتضن 200 نازح في كل كلم 2 مضافا على نشوب صراع عسكري على حدوده يحمل أبعادا طائفية تهدد صيغته ووجوده".
وإذ حذر من "تداعيات أزمة النزوح السوري الكثيف على بلدان الجوار مع ما يحمله من تداعيات اقتصادية واجتماعية وأمنية"، داعا باسيل إلى "التعاون في ما بيننا لتجفيف المنابع الفكرية للفكر التكفيري الداعشي والمنابع المالية المتأتية من دول أو منظمات أو أفراد".
وأشار إلى أن "السلام بين العرب واسرائيل أساس الإستقرار"، لافتا الى أهمية "عدم التنكر للتوطين".
وخلص الى القول "نتطلع الى دور اوروبي فاعل وغير منحاز"، مؤكدا أن "لبنان بتكونيه منفتح على أوروبا والعالم".
ومنذ بدء الازمة السورية في آذار 2011 نزح الى لبنان عدد كبير من السوريين، يفوق عددهم المليون ونصف لاجئ وفق المفوضية العليا لشؤون اللاجئين في الامم المتحدة. الأمر الذي جعل كثير من السياسيين يطالبون بالحد من اعدادهم الهائلة بما فيها من تداعيات لا يستطيع لبنان تحملها.
وينتشر السوريون في مخيمات على كل المناطق اللبنانية أغلبها غير شرعية.و يحصل هؤلاء النازحين على مساعدات دولية نفى درباس منذ فترة ليست طويلة ما أشيع عن توقفها في عدد من المناطق بسبب عرقلة من قبل الحكومة.
very smart point. However, most our debt is in eurobonds to private or institutional holders. I dont see how governmnts can grant us relief.
Wishful thinking as usual. You will not rest till you see Lebanon removed from the map.
that debt is mainly owed to lebanese banks (i.e. lebanese depositors) and international institutional investors. Empty political comments from lebanese politicians.
No red, terrorist is not marxist...sadely, but each one has his political and ideological convictions..
But bassillo is acticting like a "chehhad"; we let the UN pay medical expensses of the refugies and those who cannot pay or medg refuse to cover we donnot treat and let die alone
We let the refuges pay their own rental, we (governement) donot offer shelter and we make a big fuss about putting some tents like in turkey or jordany( for sure it is not the best solution but yet is it better to have them sleeping in tbe street?..)
We let the UN give them tickets for food, 30doll a month and bassil and friend make a big fuss bc those are getting help and lebanese not (knowing that those tickets are used in lebanese shops) and the day UN cannot give ticket (like few monthes ago), we (leb gov) let them manage it by themself (ydabro rasson....)
And by the way; we still donnot consider them officially refuges but displaced because; first "ma fi chi bi souria, holl souweh" and so that they donnot get any rights of the refugee status...
Bassil and how the gov is acting is a disgrace, i hope we will never be in those syrian situation, and if we ever do that the country we'll go to doesnot treat us like this....
A disgrace..
You talk about the leb govt as if it were obliged to take care of refugees. Let us be clear. We ARE NOT obliged. And if we welcome one refugee, we should be paid and thanked for it, not sh7adeh. it is our right.
We carried more than our burden of miseries of the region. Time for KSA and Iran the sources of misery to start taking their share instead of creating wargames for iran and stupid madrassah for KSA
We have nothing to blame on ourselves , we just want the world to come and fix our country because we are so great, indeed we have very secular modern and humaniterian boyscouts spreadding our values in irak syria.. under the banner of "ya hussein", really the all world should really thank us for what we are doing...
A Disgrace...
Thus i hope if someday we get forced to exile, and a lot of us did in the past, the ones we go to wouldnot act with us as we are acting with the syrians now...
And again it is bc of the syrian refuges that we donnot have electricity not because of the creed and the corruption of our politicians..
It is because of the syrian refuges that we donnot have adequate sewer system (not because of our politicians like for the sewer station readdy to work for years in tripoli funded by EU but not activated bc of our dear leadders couldn't get their share of it...
It is bc of the syrian refuges that lebanese people donnot have adequate access to medicine..
It is bc of them that the whales are getting extinct also...