الحكومة "ترفض" صفقة منجزة في ملف "عسكريي عرسال" "بضغط من حزب الله"

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لم توافق الحكومة على صفقة أنجزتها دول عربية واقليمية لتبادل العسكريين المخطوفين لدى جهات متطرفة منذ العام الفائت تاريخ اندلاع معركة عرسال الدامية، وذلك بضغوط من قبل حزب الله.

وكشف مصدر لبناني متابع لملف العسكريين المخطوفين عبر صحيفة "الشرق الأوسط" الخميس أن "دولا عربية وإقليمية أنجزت صفقة مع "جبهة النصرة" تنص على إطلاق عدد من النساء المحتجزات في السجون اللبنانية ودفع فدية مالية تصل إلى حدود 30 مليون دولار أميركي، مقابل إفراجها عن 16 عسكريا لبنانيا محتجزين لديها، وإنهاء هذا الملف بالكامل على ثلاث مراحل خلال أسبوع".

وأشار المصدر الى ان هذه الدول ستبقي السعي لإنهاء ملف العسكريين المحتجزين لدى تنظيم "داعش" الارهابي.

الا ان مصدراً قريباً من حزب الله نفى هذه المعلومات، مؤكدا في تصريح الى الصحيفة عينها أن "موضوع المفاوضات هو من اختصاص مجلس الوزراء".

وقال المصدر ان "دور وزراء الحزب فيه هو الدعم الكامل لعملية إطلاق الأسرى"، مشددا في هذا الاطار على ان "للحزب مصلحة في انتهاء العملية وخروج الأسرى".

وأضاف "كل خطوات التفاوض التي يقوم بها المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس إبراهيم تحظى بالقبول والرضا".

ونقلت "الشرق الأوسط" عن المصدر عينه أن المعلومات المتوفرة "تشير إلى أن عملية التفاوض انتهت، وأن النتائج الإيجابية في هذا الملف قد تظهر خلال أيام".

و منذ أيام تحرك اهالي العسكريين مجددا وقطعوا طريق القلمون شمالا مطالبين بالاسراع في المفاوضات والمساعي للافراج عن أبنائهم.

وكانت تقارير تكلمت في وقت سابق أن ملف العسكريين اكتمل من الجانب اللبناني في انتظار الخطوة القطرية لجهة "دفع مبالغ مالية للارهابيين في اطار صفقة" للافراج عنهم.


التعليقات 35
Thumb ex-fpm 07:57 ,2015 حزيران 25

The release of the servicemen is not in the terror party's interests. It needs the case hanging out there as it benefits its war objectives.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:32 ,2015 حزيران 25

"The official, who was not identified"

Lol, how come it's always that "unnamed official" who has all the groundbreaking revelations that are otherwise never substantiated or verified? And what would m14 do without this mysterious hero?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:34 ,2015 حزيران 25

And how come the m14 government does everything hezbollah secretly tells them to do, but always staunchly go against everything hezbollah requests or stands for publicly?

Missing imagine_1979 11:36 ,2015 حزيران 25

They must be double agents mowaten, acting under the orders of suprem leadder ayatolah but under cover...
U make things so clear man, thx as always...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:37 ,2015 حزيران 25

Oh wait, just noticed that: "The official also told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat..."

So we can forget about any of it being logical, it doesnt need to be, it's king bin salomon word, and as we all know, his word is as good as black gold.

Asharq al-Awsat: "the paper was founded with the approval of the Saudi royal family and government ministers, and is noted for its support of the Saudi government.[2] The newspaper is owned by Faisal bin Salman, a member of the Saudi royal family.[3]"

Missing imagine_1979 11:41 ,2015 حزيران 25

Indeed mouwaten, i usually prefer sana/al manar stuff..their sources are solid like a rock and they only spread the truth....

Missing imagine_1979 11:49 ,2015 حزيران 25

Saoudi arabia freed shaker el absi and sent him to lebanon to creat tensions, ksa blew hariri and all the others to create tension, ksa lured smaha mamlouk and assad to send explosive and blow north lebanon iftars to create tensions, they even created baablak liwa2 el sonna akount to create tensions...
Indeed sana/manar are far more reliable source, keep the good job man...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:51 ,2015 حزيران 25

plus m14 and nusra have a common interest in not releasing the hostages:
For nusra it is obvious that the hostages are the only hope they have left to stay alive. The second they are released, the army and/or hezbollah will fall on them in and around arsal like a hammer on a pack of cockroaches.
For M14 it is an excuse to keep blaming hezbollah everyday for everything that nusra does, whine about their lost nusra pets, and promote the geagea/jumby/rifi doctrine of "bend over and hope they will behead you moderately"

Missing imagine_1979 11:55 ,2015 حزيران 25

What a great analysis man... Indeed march14 will benefit from nosra having hostages like syrian people have benefited from da3ech, like we have benefited from chaker el abssi too bad we couldnot have benefited from smaha/mamlouk...
But i'm sure hezbos will make us benefit even more....
Now really go enjoy ur day man...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:58 ,2015 حزيران 25

and yes saudi did send shaker al absi, the fatah el islam gang was their creation through mustahbal. it's the syrians who actually carried out his deratization.
Regarding hariri's killing, nobody knows who did it and in the absence of any credible evidence nothing can be sure, but i would bet bandar bin sultan had a hand in it. They couldnt stand the fact that hariri impersonated shia-sunni fraternalism by supporting hezbollah and having very close relations with nasrallah. his death also allowed them to take lebanon out of syria's sphere of influence, under which they could have never turned it into the islamist breeding ground they did since.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:59 ,2015 حزيران 25

your comment makes no sense dude, but it's okay i guess you're too used to reading saudi papers, and have grown beyond the need for any kind of logic

Missing imagine_1979 12:01 ,2015 حزيران 25

Shaker el absi was freed from assad jails before his term ended (a litle like lokman who is now da3ech commander in damascus area) probably fir goid conduct before being sent to badawi and that was no secret, even for sana...
Mowaten really go have some rest man...

Missing imagine_1979 12:23 ,2015 حزيران 25

Thx man...

Missing imagine_1979 12:32 ,2015 حزيران 25

Don't worry man, u r doing fine, keep the good work...

Missing humble 08:37 ,2015 حزيران 25

Ebola is a disease.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:58 ,2015 حزيران 25

Ebola is now being eradicated from Africa, but in Lebanon it persists ya Humble. But like all diseases, it will be eradicated, the antidote is now with the Lebanese and they know how to use it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:12 ,2015 حزيران 25

I think musthablism and faratinism are diseases too, should we eradicate those as well?

Missing imagine_1979 15:45 ,2015 حزيران 25

That was a hell of a coment, very well argumented and so constructive...
Thx for ur input mowaten...
Now what about some chupachups?...

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:56 ,2015 حزيران 25

Just following your friends' logic, so bravo for noticing out the obvious (it doesnt make sense) even though you didnt seem to mind when it was huble and phoenix saying it.
So thanks for the chupachups, but you can sit on it.

Thumb Mystic 08:55 ,2015 حزيران 25

Everything is the Resistance fault accotding to March 14. But if people knew the real stort, then they should blame the people that once said Al Nusra were freedom fighters, also March 14 alliance allowed Isis and Nusra to use Arsal as a staging point to attack Lebanon with car bombs.

Missing imagine_1979 10:15 ,2015 حزيران 25

U are perfectly right mystic, as always...
May i add; march 14 fabricated abou addas and blew up all their leadders, the have freed cheker el abssi from assad jails and sent him to badawi, they have freed lokmann from assad jails and gave him the lead in da3ech in damsacus area, they bought oil from isis, the even found a way to let smaha mamlouk and bachar send some pretty bombs to blow up north lebanon relative stability....
Mystic, chill have a chupachups, get ur head out of sana/al manar, weather seems noce, go enjoy ur day....

Missing humble 15:54 ,2015 حزيران 25

Is it possible to imagine one Christian desiring an Islamic Republic in Lebanon???

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:21 ,2015 حزيران 25

yes: geagea. he said he was ready do to everything saudia asks hims to do.

Missing imagine_1979 12:35 ,2015 حزيران 25

Not really man, isis and co are not verry different from hezbos; between guys branding "ya hussein" banner and killing people in syria, irak, yemen and god knows where under the comand of suprem leadder ayatollah and other screeming ya omar and following the khalifa.. Well i find them both retarded but i know u u will discover this by urself...

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:41 ,2015 حزيران 25

Yes nothing new, and nothing true either. Just the old m14/saudi propaganda.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:47 ,2015 حزيران 25

Stop harassing posters you delusional troll. This forum does not belong to your tribe nor does it belong to your hizb. On every article you tail posters and offer nothing but personal attacks and insults under your name and your 60 other aliases. Shameless propagandist!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:13 ,2015 حزيران 25


Thumb -phoenix1 13:25 ,2015 حزيران 25

When a militia wants to behave like a state within the state, when it goes to wars without even bothering about the state, when it infiltrates state institutions, smuggles weapons by the mega tons, this is what you'll get, no less, no more. Before, we had the PLO and its head Yasser Arafat was even calling himself as the president of Lebanon, his militia meddled in everything we did, till we got ourselves a civil war. Today Arafat is gone, the PLO but a shadow of its former self, but now we've gotten ourselves a lot worse, it is Lebanese, it is arrogant, does not listen, feels that it is Godly and will sabotage and destroy everything that makes up a real country, the name of course is Hezbollah.

Missing weather_report. 13:34 ,2015 حزيران 25

Oh man how well said and well put. Cant wait for Nosra and IS to liberate us from this oppression and help us elect an emir uh I mean a president.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:55 ,2015 حزيران 25

WR, are you that thick to keep ranting the same laments? Who has ever favored IS or Al Nusra? Who brought them but you guys at Hezbollah? If a Lebanese citizen calls to have a real state, a real president, a real system of laws based on the constitution, according to that brain of yours sitting under that thick skull has to be either a pro-Israeli or a pro IS or Al Nusra? Hezbollah is now truly a pest to most of the Lebanese, even you Shiites and Metwelehs are divided over the issue, not a week passes by without an armed clash between your rival families, so get off our backs, use your real alias and talk sense, for once if you can. A Yellow troll is yellow from miles away, can't you see?!

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:14 ,2015 حزيران 25

lol weather_report

Thumb EagleDawn 14:16 ,2015 حزيران 25

it seems the paid mouthpiece enjoyed weather-troll's report.;)

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:11 ,2015 حزيران 25

Stop harassing posters you delusional troll. This forum does not belong to your tribe nor does it belong to your takfiri fanclub. On every article you tail posters and offer nothing but personal attacks and insults under your name and your 60 other aliases. Shameless propagandist!!

Missing imagine_1979 15:48 ,2015 حزيران 25

Mowaten my friends, chupachups man, seriously....

Thumb liberty 03:50 ,2015 حزيران 26

and to mowaten