"مساع حثيثة" يجريها عون لتولي باسيل رئاسة "الوطني الحر" خلفا له

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يقوم رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون مساع حثيثة لتسليم صهره وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل رئاسة التيار.

ونقلت صحيفة "المستقبل" الخميس عن مصادر مواكبة لتحضيرات "الوطني الحر" لانتخاباته الداخلية" أنّ عون "عمّم أمس الأربعاء مواعيد الدورة الانتخابية للتيار".

وأفادت المصادر أن عون "أجرى تعديلات جوهرية على النظام الداخلي لتصبح بداية الدورة من قمة الهرم أي انتخاب الرئيس ونائبيه".

ولفتت الى أن ذلك "خلافاً لما كان يلحظه النظام المتفق عليه من قبل الهيئة التأسيسية لناحية انتخاب رئيس التيار ونائبيه وقيادات المناطق والمجلس الوطني ونصف أعضاء المكتب السياسي في دورة انتخابية واحدة".

وأكدت المصادر أنّ 20 أيلول سيكون موعداً لإعلان انتخاب باسيل رئيساً لـ"التيار الوطني" خلفاً لعون.

وفي هذا السياق، أشارت المصادر عينها إلى "وجود مساعٍ حثيثة جارية حالياً على خط الرابية مع القيادات والكوادر المعارضة لتولي باسيل رئاسة التيار بهدف تعطيل مفاعيل أي معركة داخلية محتملة في وجهه".

وفي إطار هذه المساعي يطرح عون بحسب "المستقبل" على المعارضين تسمية من يشاؤون لمنصب نائب الرئيس لكي يصار إلى انتخابه بالتزكية.

ومن بين الأسماء المطروحة لهذا المنصب أحد النواب ابراهيم كنعان وألان عون وزياد أسود أو نعيم عون. وفقا لمصادر الصحيفة.

ولاحظت المصادر المواكبة أنّ مسألة تعديل النظام الداخلي المتفق عليه في الهيئة التأسيسية بهدف ضمان انتخاب باسيل رئيساً للتيار أثارت "مناخات من التشنّج في صفوف عدد من القيادات والكوادر العونية".

و صرحت ان "عون يحاول احتواء هذه المناخات من خلال حملة التصعيد التي يخوضها على المستوى الوطني لإقناع المعارضين داخل التيار بوجود معركة مصيرية ووجودية تفرض التركيز على خوضها بصفوف موحدة والتعالي بالتالي على أي اعتراضات داخلية حول التعيينات والانتخابات المزمع إجراؤها في قيادة التيار".


التعليقات 29
Missing humble 08:36 ,2015 حزيران 25

Imbassil and corrupt.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:47 ,2015 حزيران 25

Aoun considers Lebanon his own family business. Rukuz, Alan Aoun, Bassil, Naeim Aoun, etc.

Missing imagine_1979 11:39 ,2015 حزيران 25

Not really but everyone will remember how aoun ruined roukoz chances to get the army comand chief post....
Too bad for roukoz, but he'll get some orange shirt in exchange...

Missing imagine_1979 11:45 ,2015 حزيران 25

Man u seems really pissed, really go take se rest, have some chupachups, maybe after we can have some decent argumentation...

Missing imagine_1979 11:51 ,2015 حزيران 25


Missing weather_report. 13:27 ,2015 حزيران 25

Yes everybody remembers how rukuz failed all his military tests and had to use Aoun's wasta to become maghaweer chief...

Missing humble 08:52 ,2015 حزيران 25

This is the true face of the caporal who declared hundred times his opposition to feodalism and nepotism. A liar. Full stoo.
Followers, shut your mouth and follow.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:49 ,2015 حزيران 25

Humble, Caporal is a chronic liar, he has been caught many times live on cam, saying one thing only to deny after a few seconds. There's only one place for him to go, Deyr El Salib, but here is a big worry, the patients already interned may well leave the place when Aoun the claoun gets admitted, where will we put them then?

Missing imagine_1979 10:12 ,2015 حزيران 25

The difference is that aoun was putting himself as different, secular, antifeodal...
U know modern leadder and it turns out that he is not really better than those i talked about...
By the way weatherguy bassil look so much wealthier than few years ago when he was planning to go work in affrica, buisness seems to be very good, but here again u'll go ahead with hariri stole solidaire nerry south lebanon aid money, jumblat mouhajarinn money....
Have a nice day man, weather seems nice today...

Missing imagine_1979 11:26 ,2015 حزيران 25

Nothing proved just suggestion based on observation... But why did it made u feel so mad?... May it be some truth in what i said?...
Have a nice day haskeh, take it easy, truth hurts sometimes...

Missing imagine_1979 11:40 ,2015 حزيران 25

Well u are too drastic but making them do community work, planting trees..should do the job...

Missing imagine_1979 11:43 ,2015 حزيران 25

I love ur sence of sarcasm man, u must be really pissed and out of argument..
Anyway relax, take it easy, have some chupachups u will feel better...

Missing imagine_1979 11:52 ,2015 حزيران 25

Thanks man, it goes straight to my heart...
Now really chill out, go chant some lobayaka ya nosrollah, wear some orange shirt and enjoy ur day...

Missing weather_report. 13:28 ,2015 حزيران 25

Well said and well put. Favoring bassil is feudal and non secular. Non modern also. You also proved that bassil stole people's money by simply impliyng it. Very clever :)

Thumb thepatriot 10:17 ,2015 حزيران 25

The son in outlaw failed at all elections... how can he lead a party?
His only achievement is having married the daughter of Aoun.
He has no other legitimacy.

Thumb thepatriot 11:45 ,2015 حزيران 25

Get a life chief!

Thumb -phoenix1 13:15 ,2015 حزيران 25

Where are the yellows that only a few days ago were talking about democracy over the Kataeb's election of Sami Gemayel. But to be honest, I am hugely reassured, Bassil is indeed a fitting replacement of his father in law the Claoun, he is indeed as stupid and myopic. Walaw, ma we're talking of the FPM after all, could they go any higher than this?

Thumb EagleDawn 13:58 ,2015 حزيران 25

how is the weather in the dahyeh of australia?

Missing humble 16:31 ,2015 حزيران 25

To all the followers of the caporal:
Feodalism exists in many families. These families never denied it. The only person who denied it and declared time after time that Lebanon mudt be liberated from feodalism is the Caporal. Yet, He is the one who is applying it.
You cannot deny it. You cannot deny that your "general of generals" is the generals of liars.
Leave him or shut your mouth and keep following a liar (who at the same time is corrupt, agent, khadim, traitor and mentally ill).

Thumb -phoenix1 13:44 ,2015 حزيران 25

WR, your language is ample testimony of M8 behavior. You are just another yellow Troll, but hey, that language, ahhh, that language, doesn't and cannot seem to change irrespective, ma heyk? Ma3leysh, khoud na bi weddak, Nabih Berri masalan, he's been there for donkey years, walaw, that's normal to you? Hassan Nasrallah, goes to one war after the other, takes us back 50 years, heye kamen it's normal to you? Aoun blocks the presidential elections, now over a year making our country more and more vulnerable, heye kamen normal la ilak? Rest assured, your IP has been reported to Naharnet, silly troll, as yellow as ever.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:59 ,2015 حزيران 25

this is an article about the FPM and as such flamethrower and his twin the_roar will make sure the votes reflect the popularity of their coward leader.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:47 ,2015 حزيران 25

Shia, may I translate that into English? It's Change and Deform.

Thumb eli-g 14:17 ,2015 حزيران 25

So let me get this right he will be appointed not elected. huh islah al...so many people take their pill and drink their water.

Missing iranian.patriot 16:11 ,2015 حزيران 25

how is dahieh flamethrower?

Default-user-icon zak (ضيف) 15:21 ,2015 حزيران 25

same jomblat joumayel and frangieh.....mazraa

Missing humble 15:23 ,2015 حزيران 25

To all the followers of the caporal:
Feodalism exists in many families. These families never denied it. The only person who denied it and declared time after time that Lebanon mudt be liberated from feodalism is the Caporal. Yet, He is the one who is applying it.
You cannot deny it. You cannot deny that your "general of generals" is the generals of liars.
Leave him or shut your mouth and follow a liar (who at the same time is corrupt, agent, khadim, traitor and mentally ill).

Thumb beiruti 16:55 ,2015 حزيران 25

FPM is a farm trying to make Lebanon into a plantation. They are delusional, all of them. As Aoun is accused from all corners of nepotism in the promotion of his family to government posts, the wise politician would let the party leadership pass to a non family me,very to give himself credibility in the larger arena. But Aoun is not wise. He wants not just some but all things,and in the process of reaching for all, he will lose everything, and is well on his way to that end.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:29 ,2015 حزيران 25

This is a good thing for Lebanon. Nothing will make this party fall apart faster than having Bassil in charge. I hope he is "elected".

Thumb freedomarch 02:15 ,2015 حزيران 26

Good choice, happy to see you the LEADR Jebran full of honesty and dignity.