الراعي ينبه من أن "البلاد لم تعد تحتمل التفكك": لاحترام المؤسسات بعيدا عن المصالح
Read this story in Englishجدد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي تنبيهه من أن "البلاد لا تتحمل بعد اليوم التفكك"، داعيا الى احترام المؤسسات الدستورية بعيدا عن الحستبات الفئوية والمصالح.
وقال الراعي في عظة له الخميس "لبنان في حاجة الى رجال سياسة حقيقيين يعملون لانهاض البلاد من معاناتها السياسية والمعيشية والاجتماعية والامنية".
وأكد أن "الدولة اللبنانية في حاجة الى رجال رحومين يتميزون بالتجرد من المصالح الشخصية والحسابات الفئوية، يتميزون بشجاعة تغليب الخير العام على الخاص وعلى الحزب والطائفة".
وأضاف "لبنان الدولة يحتاج الى رجال دولة يشعرون بمعاناة المواطنين وفقرهم الزائد وهموهم الكبيرة على غدهم، يخرجون الشباب الطالع من حال القلق ويساعدونهم على تأمين مستقبلهم".
وشدد الراعي أيضا على وجوب أن يكون في لبنان "رجال دولة رحومين يحترمون المؤسسات الدستورية، وفي مقدمتها رئاسة الجمهورية".
Stop urging and equating those who attended 25 sessions for the elections of the president with those that have destroyed the presidency by boycotting the elections.
Your Eminence, urging will take us nowhere, name a candidate and let's vote him him. Let's create mayhem over this issue, you appoint the new president, then let's see the reaction of those who don't want a new president. Sorry Y.E, but yours is one statement among too many now.
You have the army of mediocrities followed by the multitude of fools. As the mediocrities and the fools always form the immense majority, it is impossible for them to elect an intelligent presiden
You have the army of mediocrities followed by the multitude of fools. As the mediocrities and the fools always form the immense majority, it is impossible for them to elect an intelligent president
Can't we see who is playing the games here? Isn't it obvious how manipulating Hizbolah with Aoun are over this crisis? Mainly. Hizbolah behind Aoun as long as he is not elected, they burn him and and gave him on a dirty plate that no one accept to take. These smart a..es ciuld have played the game by simply showing Aoun as a moderate and showing him temporarly distant from them (hizbolah) and Aoun can show some moderate tone ..but no Hizbollah intended to burn Aoun and Aoun with his Arrogance burns the last bridge.
You are making him cry now!! Happy?
Anyway. With all respect, don't divert the attention from blaming Aoun and his Clowns.
Eagle, this language business is intentional, a yellow troll must always trip on his own thread.
Somebody asked me about the current choice we're being given in the presidential election. I said, Well, it's like two of the scariest movies I can imagine.