الجيش كمن لمجموعة مسلحة حاولت التسلل الى عرسال وقتل اثنين منها

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كمن الجيش فجر الجمعة لمجموعة مسلحة تسللت الى موقعه في محاولة للدخول الى بلدة عرسال البقاعية حيث تمكن من قتل واعتقال عناصر منها.

وقالت اذاعة صوت لبنان 93.3 أن"الجيش كمن فجرا لمجموعة مسلحة تسلّلت الى موقعه في عقبة الجرد في محاولة للدخول الى عرسال".

وأوقع الجيش في صفوفها قتلى وجرحى قبل ان تنكفئ باتجاه الجرد". وفقا للاذاعة.

أما اذاعة صوت لبنان 100.5 فأفادت أن "الجيش كمن لمسلحين في جرد عرسال وقتل 3 واعتقل 2".

وذكرت أن "أحد المسلحين اللذين قتلا في مكمن الجيش في جرود عرسال هو ابن العقيد السوري المنشق عبد الله الرفاعي".

في المقابل، اشتبك حزب الله بحسب الاذاعة عينها مع مسلحين حاولوا التسلل شرق جرد معربون.

كما صد الحزب محاولة تسلل لمجموعة مسلحة بين جبلي العلالي والابيض على السلسلة الشرقية في جرود معربون، وأوقع بحسب معلومات قتلى وجرحى في صفوفها.

ويقاتل حزب الله المجموعات المسلحة في جرود عرسال في معركة اعلن عنها الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله في خطاب له، قائلا حينها أن "المعركة ستتكلم عن نفسها" كما قال عند انطلاق معركة القلمون في سوريا.

اما الجيش فيقصف ويصد باستمرار المسلحين المتمركزين في جرود عرسال. وسبق أن قاتلهم في معركة عرسال الدامية التي اندلعت في آب الفائت.


التعليقات 25
Missing humble 09:32 ,2015 حزيران 26

They will go to Hell, like all warmongers.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:05 ,2015 حزيران 26

The names of the two takfiris just came in, they were called Pif and Paf.

Thumb EagleDawn 15:09 ,2015 حزيران 26

is trolling your only job?

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:24 ,2015 حزيران 26

Look up "trolling", you'll find it corresponds much more to what you do

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:43 ,2015 حزيران 26

lol, only takfiri supporters pretend they are comparable to hezbollah, because in their wettest dreams they would like to believe they as are honorable and dignified as hezbollah.

Missing humble 10:54 ,2015 حزيران 26

Of course you avoid answering the FACT that Ebola has killed National Unity, divided the country and assassinated the living together. A big crime against Lebanon and its people

Missing humble 10:58 ,2015 حزيران 26

Unless it is part of the plan of Ebola of destroying the country to facilitate the take over and creating an Islamic Republic.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:03 ,2015 حزيران 26

of course i ignore your rant, it must be the 10939858th time you post it, and i did answer it a dozen times, but i'm not willing to play into your psychosis for ever.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:03 ,2015 حزيران 26

the only islamic republic project underway is the one of saudia, with the help of takfiris, musthablis and ouwwettes-in-chef dajaja

Thumb Mystic 11:10 ,2015 حزيران 26

True mowaten, they are very jealous of the Resistance, both ouwwets and takfiris wish they had this honor, but both are only good at raping and murder women and children.

Missing humble 11:27 ,2015 حزيران 26

False. You never answered. You see Ebola as a "resistance" and honorable fighters. But, You have no idea how we see Ebola. More than half of the population see you as a destroyer of Lebanon. Similar to the takfiris and other warmongers. We see Iran and Syria as enemies. We see Iran (according to their multiple declarations) wanting to make of Lebanon an Iranian "protectorate". And, We see you as loyal to Iran and NOT to LEBANON.
We see anyone whose receives his orders from the outside as a traitor.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:31 ,2015 حزيران 26

Indeed Mystic, we saw how they behaved when they had 1/100th of hezbollah's current power, some people are just not able to handle themselves...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:32 ,2015 حزيران 26

lol humble, really? you actually managed to repress the memory of it? must have been too hard to digest, cognitive dissonance and all :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:34 ,2015 حزيران 26

And please don't make me laugh with your "we's", you're not the spokesperson of anyone and the figures are against you.

Thumb Mystic 11:12 ,2015 حزيران 26

God Bless the LAF and our Resistance helping them against March 14 sponsored takfiris.

Missing peace 11:44 ,2015 حزيران 26

you would be the first ones to fire at it if it goes against you...

so cut your army praising it sounds really idiot coming from hezbi lovers....

Thumb Mystic 11:56 ,2015 حزيران 26

You should know how many in the army that are sympathetic to the Resistance including the ones that are stationed in Arsal.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:04 ,2015 حزيران 26

Why would the LAF go againt Hezbollah? They are both allies, united by a common cause of defending Lebanon against foreign aggressors and upholding the same values of dignity, integrity and honor.

Thumb EagleDawn 15:09 ,2015 حزيران 26

oussa mou2asira jiddan ya man.... nezlit dama3teh

Missing peace 15:14 ,2015 حزيران 26

the army does not go against hezbollah to preserve civil peace... otherwise hezbollah would ignite the whole country and the army would split....

Missing helicopter 17:18 ,2015 حزيران 26

Equating the LAF to the HA (Iranian Resistance) is treason. I know you are attempting to give HA some credibility and a Lebanese flavor, but all facts disprove such image of HA.

Missing peace 11:42 ,2015 حزيران 26

pityful hezbi lovers.... YES hezbollah is like isis or daesh... both extremists!
hezbollah calls itself "islamic resistance", it has a koran as a symbol, it pledged ALLEGIANCE to the islamic revolution of iran! ...

it does not call itself lebanese resistance, neither do they hold the constitution instead of the koran it never pledged allegiance to the flag of Lebanon so hezbi lovers cut your hypocrisy and assume like men what you really are! a bunch of iranian paid islamic mercenaries....

if that is not showing its sectarian extremism then only idiots are blind and brainwashed to not see it....

Thumb -phoenix1 13:09 ,2015 حزيران 26

Whenever the Lebanese Army kills terrorists, it's always a good day for people like me, the more, the merrier.

Missing helicopter 17:26 ,2015 حزيران 26

Nice article. This is where the focus should be instead of Sectarianism and corrupt za3amat

Missing sako 11:51 ,2015 حزيران 27

This is the Lebanese army! Nobody can do the best they can.