تدابير أمنية أنقذت بيروت والضاحية الجنوبية من مخطط أرهابي
Read this story in Englishكشفت تحقيقات مع سورية أوقفت في حزيران الفائت في مخيم الرحمة للنازحين السوريين قرب ببنين- عكار أنها كانت تنوي تنفيذ عملية انتحارية في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت خلال شهر رمضان.
التحقيقات هذه جاءت بعد احباط مخطط ارهابي في بيروت منذ أسابيع حيث سلم حينها الامن العام شخصين ارادا تفجير سيارة في احدى المناطق في العاصمة بأمر من تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" في القلمون.
وأفادت صحيفة "النهار" الأربعاء أن "التحقيقات أظهرت مع الموقوفة السورية هند ج. مطلع الشهر الحالي في مخيم الرحمة للنازحين السوريين قرب ببنين - عكار أنها كانت تنوي تنفيذ عملية انتحارية في الضاحية الجنوبية خلال شهر رمضان".
وجاء توقيفها بحسب الصحيفة عبر تعاون مثمر بين جهازين أمنيين.
لكن مصدر أمني رفيع لـ"النهار" لفت الى الى أن التفجير كان سيحدث في بيروت وليس في الضاحية الجنوبية نظراً الى غياب الاجراءات الأمنية المشددة في العاصمة، لكن ذلك لا ينفي يقظة الأجهزة الأمنية ونجاحها في منع تنفيذ ذلك المخطط.
وبحسب معلومات أمنية، فالتفجير كان مخططاً له أن يحصد أكبر عدد من المدنيين في منطقة مكتظة من بيروت وتحمل خصوصية لافتة في العاصمة.
وشهدت بيروت عدة تفجيرات ارهابية واحدة منها كان داخل العاصمة حيث استهدف فندق "دو روي" واخرى في الضاحية الجنوبية وكذلك في البقاع و جبل مجسن في طرابلس.
Which is why now is the time for the Syrians to start going back home. The lines of divisions in Syria are getting delineated bolder by the day, one side is the regime's, the other, the plethora of Islamists, hence, Syrians in Lebanon now have a choice of not One Syria, but two, three and more, they are lucky, now they can choose the Syria of their taste, but for God's sake, their time to leave has long come, Syrians are no longer welcome and their very presence is cause for great burden on our shoulders. The Palestinians too should start packing up, all these camps they're occupying is prime property and should be razed and rebuild in housing schemes for our young which they can repay over a period of 30 years plus, one incentive that could help spur the tide of our youth's migration.
expect a huge influx of syrians in the near future. I read reports that Damascenes have basically bought up all available apartments in Shtoura and neighboring areas.
You might wish to dream of a sanitized Lebanon that it cleansed of our neighbour's trash, but its a dream. Palestinians are in Lebanon to stay and the sooner we accept that and give them Lebanese citizenship and have them feel some sort of allegiance to Lebanon, the better. The longer they stay living in filth like animals in the camps the longer we will suffer with them and suffer because of them.
So i take it that the Syrian presence is why Tunis and Kuwait have been targeted by da3eshits?
This from you ya Mowaten is why I say not to scracth your ear with your toes. I quote, "So i take it that the Syrian presence is why Tunis and Kuwait have been targeted by da3eshits?", unquote. What I post is very far from rants, whereas what you post looks a lot more like rants. You will know when you become a normal being again, your ears itch? Use your hands.
Not too sure why you though the ear scratching and toe metaphor(?) was relevant here, but whatever. Here's a little dumbing-down for you to understand my comment:
The article is about terrorist attacks and mentions a scheme by a syrian woman.
Your friend "sako" (who likes you believes all lebanese are angels and that all evil action is therefore necessarily due to syrians and/or palestinians) says "If they all get out, then Lebanon gets out of this problem."
His comment implies that without syrians in lebanon there would be no terrorist attacks and schemes, which is why i asked him if that was also the case with tunis and kuwait, where the latest da3esh attacks took place.
capisce? or still scratching your ear?
does anybody remember the poor innocent pilgrim called abbas sh7eib who was kidnapped while performing his holy pilgrimage in Syria?
عباس شعيب، ارتبط إسمه في قضية مخطوفي أعزار وهو كان في عداد مجموعة من الزوار اللبنانيين تم إختطاف حافلتهم في منطقة أعزاز في محافظة حلب في سوريا.
وبعد نفي شعيب مرات عدة إنتمائه لـ”حزب الله” رافضاً إتهامه بأنه مسؤول بالحزب مكتفياً بالقول: “أنا قريب من جمهور المقاومة”، ها هو يُكذب نفسه بنفسه ويظهر في القلمون عبر صور نشرت له على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي وهو يقاتل في صفوف “حزب الله”.
General Ali Mamlouk, Ms Bouthaina Shaaban and President Bashar al Assad keep on trucking you guys I'm with you in spirit!
but i thought assad had no supporters!? weren't you saying they are all forced to vote for him by soldiers who are forced to fight for him? how does he even manage to force millions of people to support him when he has no supporters? truly a mystery.
mowaten "i thought" hahaha mowaten said "i thought", seriously mowaten you cannot understand how unintentionally funny that is
kadhaffi also had millions of supporters who all vanished when he fled... lol
easy to have supporters with a gun on your head... pityful mooowaten in denial