واشنطن تدين التوغلات السورية في الأراضي اللبنانية
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دانت واشنطن توغلات الجيش السوري في الأراضي اللبنانية معربة عن "قلقها البالغ" حيال الأنباء الواردة بشأن تعرض معارضين سوريين للقتل أو الاعتقال على الحدود بين البلدين.
وقال المتحدث باسم الخارجية الأميركية للصحافيين أمس الاثنين أنه "خلال الأسابيع الماضية تبين أن القوات السورية دخلت الأراضي اللبنانية"، مشدداً على ادانة واشنطن لهذه التوغلات وداعياً دمشق الى احترام سيادة لبنان.
وأضاف "نحن قلقون للغاية من المؤشرات بشأن تعرض منشقين سوريين للاعتقال وربما للقتل خلال عمليات قرب الحدود" مع لبنان.
وقتل ثلاثة سوريين على الأقل برصاص الجيش السوري خلال الأسابيع الماضية في عمليات توغل لقوات سورية في أراض لبنانية حدودية في الشمال أو البقاع أو في مناطق حدودية متداخلة بين البلدين. وأفادت تقارير أن سبب عمليات التوغل وإطلاق النار ملاحقة مواطنين سوريين أو جنود فارين.
وكشف مدير عام قوى الأمن الداخلي أشرف ريفي أن السفارة السورية تورطت في خطف معارضين سوريين من لبنان لكن السفير السوري نفى هذه الاتهامات.
وكان الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون دعا في تقرير الى مجلس الأمن الدولي نشر الأسبوع الماضي، سوريا الى "وقف فوري لكل عمليات التوغل" التي تقوم بها قواتها في الاراضي اللبنانية، معرباً عن قلقه من ارتفاع منسوب التوتر في لبنان بسبب التطورات في سوريا.
وقال بان في تقريره الرابع عشر حول تنفيذ قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي 1559 "أشجب بقوة عمليات التوغل والمداهمة التي تقوم بها القوات الأمنية السورية في المدن والقرى اللبنانية والتي نتج عنها قتلى وجرحى".
ودعا بان الحكومة السورية الى "وقف فوري لكل عمليات التوغل هذه والى احترام سيادة لبنان وسلامة اراضيه"، معبرا عن "قلق عميق ازاء تاثير التطورات في سوريا على الوضع السياسي والأمني في لبنان"، معتبراَ أن "عمليات التوغل والأزمة المستمرة في سوريا قد تؤدي الى اثارة مزيد من التوتر داخل لبنان وأبعد منه".
وبحسب السلطات اللبنانية، فمنذ منتصف آذار، أي منذ بدء الانتفاضة الشعبية السورية المطالبة بإسقاط نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد، لجأ حوالى خمسة الاف شخص الى لبنان، بينهم معارضون وجنود منشقون.

and still our government does not see these incursions :)

usually i dont agree with what USA do or say, but this time around i agree..
lebanon needs to condemn these incursions

As the Magnificent President Hafez Assad once said the Syrian Army does not need to ask for permission to enter Lebanon , that was true in 1975 and in 1990 and in 2011 .

@Mowaten: agreed... Lebanese territory violations should be equally condemned, be it from Syria or Israel. Problem is that it is not. US never condems violations by Israel and we all know why... But the fact that our government does not condemns Syrian violations is really weird. The real question is: do we live in a sovereign state? And, sadly, the answer is no - but the US are not to be blamed for once; we did that to ourselves...

I can't believe how some M8 people keep using the Israeli scare to justify everything!!! look we are against ALL foreign intervention in Lebanon...Do you UNDERSTAND? I wish you can say the same losers.

While I fully condemn the Syrain incursions, I believe the US should be the least to give us any advice, especially after their incursions in Iraq & Afghanistan that ruined both countries. The one to blame should be our government that is just watching and not even issuing any comment. Until when will the Lebanese officials be "afraid" to criticise Syria for its wrongdoings?? Is this how you re-gain sovereignty?

Le Phenicien Syria might think they dont need to ask for permission but what Syria did to lebanon for 20 years + is coming back at them all 1000 times over and i pray to GOD that it doesnt end and may they live a life of misery.Praise Be To Be God .Amen

mansour , not even God himself could protect you from the glorious mighty magnificent Syrian Army , it destroyed the Christians Zionists in 75 , 78 , 81 , 89 and 90 and he didn't lift a finger .

Oh, and what do you call the illegal wars that the US wages here, there and everywhere? Outcursions?

This just in: U.S. applauds aerial Israeli attacks on south Lebanon and demands that Israel kill more people and destroy more power plants in infrastructure next time.

Mansour how can you praise god in the same sentence you wish destruction for millions of innocent people? Is this what jesus teaches?? Maronite fanatics such as yourself are worse than the alqaida fanatics.

I had a dream last night that Assad was furious and had flaming red eyes because he knew the end is near. It was a sweet dream!
Then he threw a basketball at with anger??? I'm not sure what that's about!

and i m still waiting for answers from M8 supporters concerning the good deeds syria did to lebanon in 30 years of occupation that led them to thank them!
killings murders torture money stealing from the gvt corruption of politicians....
why are they so angry when people attack this magnificent regime? they still didn t explain themselves!
tell us please why you are so proud to support a regime responsible for so many bad things to your own country? proud that they kidnaped tortured so many of your fellow citizens and their mothers are still crying to know their fate in the syrian prisons..proud that they stole millions from your gvt, proud that they erased villages, proud that they humiliated lebanese in the streets, proud that they beat lebanese, proud that they killed, proud that they don t want lebanon to be independent from them ...
i believe there are reasons to this pride?
except if you have money and privileges from them!!!!

With regards to Syria and its coming civil war..
Light it up and let it burn...
Send the Hezbos to get involved and crumble too...

just FYI the incursion of the "syrian embassy" in hamra will be terminated in 72 hours, and the "ambassador" is already sleeping in yarze at the same building of emile lahoud(the general).
the movie is now on the hot burner.

@ mowaten IRANI, for your information: Israel is our enemy, their incursion into our airspace and territory is discussed, condemned, and documented. Your leader of Hzb El Kzb & Erhab tells us Syria is our sister nation but their incursion into our country is neither discussed or documented. WHY???
Please take you hypocrisy and darned bias and pitch your propaganda on tayyar.org where likeminded people suffer from the same disorder as you which is "lack of morals & anti-Libnan’ism". You will continue your lies and destruction till Lebanon “divided in two countries” do us part! This is what you people want but don’t have the courage to say. And of course you want to keep BEIRUT.
Here’s a little trivia, in the entire history of Lebanon, who killed more Lebanese, ISRAELIS or SYRIANS!!!
Hush, we know better, stop insulting us.

The guy posting under le pheniciens nick is not the real one. He is an extremist maronite, just lile the real le phenicien except this one is from the kataeb LF bloc and is trying to give a bad name to the real le phenicien who is from the FPM bloc, but its stupid as le phenicien thw real one does not need help in making himself look bad. And the fact that this fake one writes that about God only confirms what huge heretic he and the rest of his sect of paganism and hate are. Maronits seriously need to reform themselves.

I was really confused, and this anserwed all my questions.