مواكب "الوطني الحر" تنطلق من عدة مناطق والاعتصام في ساحة الشهداء: لن يتمكن أحد من حذفنا
Read this story in Englishانطلق مناصرو التيار "الوطني الحر" بتحركهم الميداني عشية انعقاد جلسة مجلس الوزراء الخميس، إذ تجمعوا عصر الاربعاء في عدة مناطق وتوجهوا بمواكب سيارة الى ساحة الشهداء.
ففي البترون توافد مناصرو التيار الى مركز "بترونيات"استعدادا للانطلاق في مواكب سيارة، وكذلك تجمعوا بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام أمام مكتب التيار في كفرعقا الكورة حاملين صور العماد ميشال عون واعلام "الوطني الحر".
وقطع مناصرو التيار اوتوستراد جبيل بيروت في محلة نهر ابراهيم
كذلك شهد "سنتر" ميرنا الشالوحي تجمعا مركزيا لطلاب وناشطي التيار انضم اليه وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل، واعلنوا من هناك عن مكان توجههم وهو ساحة الشهداء.
بعد ساعة تقريبا وصلت المواكب السيارة الى ساحة الشهداء في بيروت حيث كان وزير التربية الياس بو صعب في انتظارهم.
وقال بو صعب للـ mtv "نطالب بقبول بعضنا لبعض وبشراكة حقيقية و نحن على اقتناع بمطالبنا وهذه الحكومة لا يمكنها ان تعمل من دون هذه الشراكة".
وكانت مصادر بارزة في "الوطني الحر" نفت لصحيفة "الجمهورية" أي علاقة للتحرّك المرتقب بالجوّ الخارجي، بل يتعلق حصراً بالوضع الداخلي.
وقالت "نحن لا نوقِف تظاهرة أو نتحرّك من أجل وزير خارجية إيران أو من أجل أيّ موفَد أجنبي أو عربي"، داعية الى انتظار اليوم "لمعرفة حجم الحَشد".
ولفَتت المصادر الى أنّ التحرك الذي يأتي عشية جلسة الحكومة سيكون هذه المرّة أشملَ وأوسع.
واضافت "يمكن أن يمتد التحرك أياما عدّة وسيشمل كلّ المناطق"، مشيرة الى أن "عنصر المفاجأة يكمن في المكان الذي سيلتقي فيه المتظاهرون".
وبهدف التحرّك وفقا للمصادر عينها هو "للقول بأنّنا موجودون في المعادلة وأنّنا طلّاب شراكة، وسنناضل لانتزاع حقّنا بهذه الشراكة".
وتابعت "لن يتمكّن أحد مِن حذفِنا كأكبر قوّة مسيحية من المعادلة، تمهيداً للتسوية على حساب جميع المسيحيين"، مشددة على أن لا نيَّة للصدام مع الجيش والقوى الأمنية".
وكانت مصادر عسكرية أكدت للصحيفة عينها أن "الجيش لن يقف حجر عثرة في وجه أي تحرك سِلمي وديموقراطي، ولن ينجَر إلى الاستفزاز، بل سيَحمي المتظاهرين".
وأمس الثلاثاء دعا عون الى التظاهر ، وجاء ذلك اعتراضا على سياسة الحكومة وكذلك المجلس النيابي و "الفساد" المستشري، وأيضا التمديد الذي حصل للقادة العسكريين بينهم قائد الجيش جان قهوجي الذي حذره عون من وضع الجيش في مواجهة المتظاهرين.
Humble, these idiots are right here in this forum thumbing our posts down, this is how badly reduced they've become.
This is great, the FPM protesters seems cheerful and optimistic, despite everything. Just seeing those people smile like that, must upset alot of M14ers here on Naharnet right now.
Mystic, sorry to disappoint you, take a look at any TV station, the view is dismal, the numbers are very low, especially if we are to compare with those of the past. The FPM have paraged their cars in 3 rows and some of their notable politicians like Brahim Kannan and Elie Saab and Nabil Nkoula are walking ahead of their processions just to slow down traffic. Please ya Mystic, I know you're hurt, but ZOOM and look at the numbers, it will make you sad and it's 6:45 PM Beirut time.
The FPM have today shown that honorable christians can stand up for their freedom, whilst the corrupted Lebanese/Zionist Forces and Kataeb continues to eat from dusty saudi hands and swear on Aouns life and wish him death.
What does the foreigners say? Haters gonna hate ya phoenix.
Mustic bi charafak watch OTV for a while they have superbe propaganda videos with aoun explaining how he got the USA to help us get surians out....
Playing since yesterday, every 30 min..
Please enjoy the show, then come lecture us about imperialistic USA, zionists.. And ur regular blablabla...
Mystic, please open any TV station, for people that have come from all parts of Lebanon, it's truly dismal, and trust me, I am not the one behind the camera.
A great poster indront of us a little waving ClOwn imposters that need to be put in Composter so we can get something useful from this trash.
Mystic, Aoun started this demo with a firm protest over the appointment of Qahwaji, period. Now that the protest is so disappointing for them all, and you can all read the long faces of them all, they've turned the slogan to the rights of the Christians. They have people in the demos to orientate the demos in such cases, like have done ministers Saab, Gebran, Nicholas, Sehnaoui and other notable FPM personalities. If Christian rights are so important to Aoun, why did he now name another candidate than him? Same goes for the army command. But when he bumps his head on a hard wall, he uses slogans that please us Christians, he sure knows our weaknesses and will use them to the max. Was it not because of Aoun that we lost some key posts in the armed forces, walaw ya Mystic, singing any tune when out of touch?
Yes ya Tric he does, the fruits of past elections, but let him now try in the same elections and see how much less he will get. Maybe then your English will improve drastically.
@Imagine, about Tric, I simply can't take this bloke seriously, his English is just too complicated to be read.
Tric, que penses-tu de quelques coups de trique. C'est indiqué pour mettre de l'ordre dans les cerveaux étriqués!
I wonder what these orange peelers wish to achieve. When their Claoun calls, they rally, certainly in much reduced numbers. Why didn't they protest the extension of parliament some months back, surely Aoun still has an important parliamentary block. Why didn't they protest the abject delays on the presidential election, or those dear soldiers of ours still held by Al Nusra, or the growing trash problem, or our worsening electricity problems? Is this how abject their orientation has become, to protest for nothing more than their lame attempt to put Roukoz in the place of Qahwaji? Does the FPM or Aoun realize that the Lebanese Army is today loved and respected by all Lebanese and that by taking to the streets will lose the FPM and Aoun a lot more than they ever bargained for? Haven't they yet heard that the army is in itself Lebanon and its survival? This is just one more reckless move by a politician who now is well beyond mad and greedy.
Terrorist, you mean they must sweep themselves and throw themselves into the dustpans? They are trash, the best thing for them is to go, take along their sick Claoun and throw themselves into the waste landfills nearest to them.
You mean Christians or Cristhians??? Caporal is a failure...and look at the quality of his followers, like Tric.Trac, Mastica, and all other inept minds...
Professional insulters, that all Claoun has got, I mean what else, if he Aoun is a professional liar and insulter, does he expect to get followers any better than him? Duh.
Tric, please habibi, it's Christians, Christians, try, try, it's not that difficult, repeat, Christians, C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N-S.
MC, our people on the ground don't see anything much substantial, so far it looks quite quiet. Will continue to relay the info as the day ends.
Abdul Rahman relays the info from a dress shop in London & the old fart from his Assyrian mothers basement in AZ USA.
phoenix, even if 20 or 30 thousand show up so what? This is not about numbers it is about destruction, obstruction, and personal gains.
God Bless the General of Generals, whos relentless fight to wipe out corrupt officials & to fight for the rights of Christians is endless.
They have called you renegade from all over the globe.
You were called the "Renegade" general by the yanks.
why? because you stood strong for your country & its people.
Their is only one General of lebanon...the general of generals
general Michel Aoun
I sure can answer your question.
But before I do...can you tell us, why a top military commander of the highest order is treated like dirt by you & all of M14?
your reason that he is related to the General is unacceptable & abhorrent.
but when you face the facts as to why, you will understand who m14 & their supporters are.
Ur are perfectly right and i said it few post ago , roukoz is a victim in political game, ur beloved general only made things harder for him.. Saddely...
Now can u tell us how aoun fled and left lebanese army soldiers and officers get executed one after the others?... Ur great hero general...
But more important because u e fighting corruption "teghyiir wou eslah"..
What jobs is doing bassilo to get that rich?...;0
Why are you not fighting for the injustice of a top military commander with an unblemished record then?
You say you admit its political...if you are to be taken seriously
why are you not fighting the corrupt & unjust system then?
yet you want people to answer your questions? first be seen to support the truth before you go asking others to justify themselves to you
One of our eyes on the ground and posted at the entrance of Antelias bridge from Bikfaya reports reports only 8 cars, not even a bus but 8 cars. In Mirna Shalou7i/Jdeide even 50 cars haven't yet gathered and this is happening now at 5:30 pm Beirut time, in fact traffic is normal as usual, no jams anywhere. Let's see how it goes.
This is how the Guardian reported on Geagea helping the Syrians take full control of Lebanon.
"Next came Samir Geagea, whose Lebanese forces helped Syrian artillery demolish the last outpost of the renegade Lebanese general, Michel Aoun, in October 1990."
notice how they hated the General of Lebanon & called him "renegade"
Yes people any true Lebanese who fought for Lebanon against outsiders & refused to accept bribes is considered a "renegade".
And how did they repported aoun runing to the french embassi leaving his officier and soldiers die alone?...
Oh they couldn;t report that, you see the truth would make the General a hero...but they leave it for people like you to spin it like a good lfer.
surrender or allow 1000's to die? the General did the honorable thing to save his men...not that the LF didn;t shoot many in the back afterwards.
calling people retard etc doesn't make your case stronger.
in fact it highlights your frustration & false claims further.
Aoun fought LF because they stood in his way, he fought the Syrians because they did not want him president back then. Now he is with the Syrians because they promised him the presidency. It was never about Lebanon for GMA, it wass always about GMA. Ma 2hada akbar min balado, Illa GMA.
40 minutes ago
FPM official from rally outside Mirna Chalouhi Center: No roads will be blocked.
3 minutes ago
National News Agency: FPM supporters have blocked the Jbeil-Beirut highway in the Nahr Ibrahim area.
He is so wrong that you & all M14ers cringed at the thought of allowing the people to elect the President.
I wonder why?
delusion & predictions is all m14ers are good for.
Those who post that the general is not the most supported Christian by a country mile should not protest people vote.
But reality is not something m14ers understand
then practice what you preach & support people vote.
of but that would mean a landslide victory to the General.
I guess you will not be supporting the democratic people vote any time soon
you people refute yourself & keep coming back for more.,
@Imagine, regarding Tric, even though he is kinda weird and I certainly disagree with most of his views, but truth be told, at least I have not seen him so far insult anyone, this is One M8 poster who has stayed clean from any form of derogation, unlike some here who are truly filthy with their language. because of this, I can't but give Tric respect, even if we are poles apart on the opinion side of things.
Marcus, what do you expect from the supporters of Aoun the liar, I am watching TVs and they promised they won't close roads, but they also said that they are waiting form the old Clown to give his orders, seemingly he did, so they made their U-turn. This is what happens when sheep are laid by liars. Anyway, so far their numbers remain very low, this is truly tragic with the numbers the FPM once had, too bad for them, very good for Lebanon.
March 14 won 2005 election, then came then can hezbos delivering beirut and mont lebanon, after this aoun agreed to 1960 law in doha and march 14 won again but u just want any formula that just put this insane man in power, after all his beautifull speaches about hezbos and assad in front of US congress he just allied to them for the presidency chair...
Now magnificant roar go lecture the kangourou man... Relax have some chupachups and watch OTV there is aswad doing a superbe interview...
m14 won by a whisker after buying & rigging the votes.
Its an old argument that we have been over many times.
but if you still want to dispute who is the most popular Presidential elect....lets save time & agree to have a democratic people vote.
FPM supporters arn't scared to allow people to vote
why are you?
lets say only 25 & not 250 showed up....the point is...Your glued to it.
Like it or not...the democratic protest by the FPM is having the desired effect.
Gabby, the FPM and Aoun can no longer bring the numbers they used to in the past and there are many reasons, because the old man lies, fabricates, denies what he said 1 minute ago, this time he has bumped his head against the very Lebanese Army he deserted decades ago. Now on the ground what are his partisans saying?, "we want the rights of the Christians', huh. Sorry, I forgot we have Tric here, Tric, your old friend said something about the rights of the Cristhians, you sabi?
"No road will be blocked":
Glad your keeping up to date on the FPM protest/
keep the reports coming & stay glued to it.
Am I supposed to be impressed? 200 idiots in a few cars, and that includes super-idiots Bassil and Kanaan, their family members and their guards? LOL. Admit it, you've lost, LOL.
Listen to super-idiot 3:
كنعان وموكب المتن: جسر جل الديب شاهد على التهميش الانمائي والوعود التي لا تصدق
I thought they wanted Roukoz? LOL.
lost? lost what? a democratic protest is not about winning or losing
Its called civil disobedience..
people who fight injustice usually lose...but we respect them.
this is not a football game where you win or lose
This is about showing these corrupt unjust crooked leaders that justice for the people must be fought for.
Lost you say? well i hope you won today.
You lost the support. From filling Martyr's Square in 2005 with hundreds of thousands of people when Aoun came back to 200 or 300 idiots.
Hariri & m14 hold their rallies in a shed now.
They don;t fill any square any more,,,..does that mean they lost?
just keep an eye on todays events & report like a concerned m14er.
Your leader is the one calling on people to fill the streets in order to claim the "Christians' right". Well, it seems that the Christians don't care, and neither do Muslims for that matter.
Rouho Ndabo!
who has the biggest block? which Christian leader has the biggest block?
If you still don;t understand it...just save time & allow people to vote for their Pres...its democratic & it will save you posting how unpopular the general is day after day.
the constitution has been changed many times, yet you & m14 never complained..Michael Suleiman came as pres against the constitution that you hold so dearly.
never heard you whine then...now its the constitution that bothers you when you know who will win in a landslide if you allow people vote.
lol@ m14ers & their BS constitution argument.
Beirut 6:53PM, the highways are running normally, but the presence of FPM cars is now almost over, on Mirna Shalou7i Bridge counting till now and this rewinding the tape over 3 times, less than 250 cars. Elias Saab is being interviewed, no smiles from him, crisped faces from them all, it's no jubilation, another big disappointment for Claoun.
7:12 PM Beirut time. The only congestions now are the main highway from the port area to the entrance of Martyrs Square, and even there it's a mixture of cars not involved with this FPM demo. For Claoun's partisans seemingly coming from all parts of Lebanon, North, West, East and South, this is a sad story, now his partisans have been interviewed, they are now calling for Hezbollah, Marada and other M8 allies to join. let me remind, the FPM just cannot fill in the numbers anymore like it did, and this is a sign that things have changed, even their ministers are crisped, when asked, what after, they all don't know, it's all, wait and see.
today, the man Aoun was accusing of being a militia man (Samir Geagea) is acting as a statesman respected all over the world while the general of generals is acting like a thug. That is the bottom line here.
Some are civil & some are murderers of woman & children.
Shatila & sabra ring a bell? very civilized indeed that lot of Christians
(1). Barry those who killed Palestinians in Sabra and Chatilla are not from the LF, but from the SLA who is made up mostly of Shiites, and by men loyal to Elie Hobeika. bachir was brutally assassinated then by the Syrians, and to defeat the Israeli gains further, they ordered Hobeika to go into the 2 camps and perpetrate these heinous crimes. This came about after the Syrians intercepted a communication between the Israelis and the LF, over a big quantity of radio communications gear that the Israelis did not want or else they'' destroy them, so the LF agreed to pick them up
(2). Barry. Then having intercepted this communication, the Syrians ordered their lackeys to act, so Elie Hobeika ordered his brother Charles Hobeika to take his men from Zahle and the South with the SLA, dress up as LF and commit the unthinkable. This would be pinned on the LF and would force the Israelis to pull out of Lebanon. Why why HK killed by those same Syrians years after, wasn't it because he was beginning to divulge some truths? Sadly, we have some sick goats who can't but post rubbish here for the sake of their even sicker Caporal. Those who killed these Palestinians are SLA Shiites and Charles Hobeika, anything else is pure fabrication which the FPM enjoys using.
A great poster infront of us from a little waving ClOwn imposter that need to be put with the rest in Composter, so we can get something useful from this trash.
naharnet carefully selected the pictures that show the least people, but look at the last one, it's closer to reality
plus yea, before 4pm most FPM supporters are at work, not like the zo3ran and street bums of m14 who dont work and rely on saudi money
even the daily star, which is m14-aligned, called it a flood
"FPM supporters flood Downtown Beirut"
Mowaten, you must be delirious, Martyrs Square was not even 25% full, but I can't blame you after focusing always on Yellow and Orange, you do lose your focus. Your Aoun is over and you need to check your other options if you've any left.
Yes Mowaten, if I can still call you such when you're not trolling, rare, yes, Mowaten I was counting them goats using the square meter dot system and it will rock you from the bottom up that your ally the Claoun has not even managed 2000 in Martyrs Square. Walaw ya Mowaten, you the bright educated Metweleh, you did not see how stiff were the faces of the Orange goats and their leaders yesterday? You try to keep a brave face, that's the best you can do now and even worse, Zarif did not bring good news to your Sayed either.
here is a prime example why the FPM cannot be taken seriously:
3 minutes ago Raffoul: We are here to demand our usurped rights. Only partnership can protect Lebanon and immunize the institutions.
fine partnership sure! You are allied with and praise hezbollah who monopolize the decision of war and decides on its own to declare wars. So, how am I supposed to buy your buttered words?
بالصور: سوريون يشاركون “التيار” تحركهم
had to laugh at this one;))
what is it with michel na3eem aoun..... his magic transcends continents, gender, and cultures. We have an 'australian' who does not speak arabic and swears he has never been to lebanon and a 'portugese' who does not speak either arabic, english or any other language for that matter as some of the general's biggest fans. What's common among them, i wonder.
we got a madman who wants to be our president by force
wont let parliament convent to elect a president unless it it him
claims that he is protecting the rights of Christians
yet he is protected by a militia that operates like a state within a state
This guy thinks that people are that crazy to believe him
I say ship him to IRAN ASAP
i agree phoenix, these trolls are despicable creatures paid to disrupt. The scene today at martyr's square was not what aoun had hoped for. I would say by the most optimistic count the crowds were estimated at less than a 1,000.
I apologize to mowaten and the_roar. I thought he'd get 200 to 300 people, but it looks like he got about 500 (http://www.aljoumhouria.com/news/index/252694), which is more than I expected. I stand corrected, Aoun for president.
and today they will sit at the same table in the cabinet session and share it with the same people they are accusing of being Daesh and ISIS and the same Prime Minister whom they described as " You don't have to be bearded to be ISIS, you can also be bald".
I am so glad you are Aoun supporter. I would have been embarrased to have you support same camp I do ....... shukran ya rab.
It's funny how many fake accounts M8 has here just for likes to prove their weak points. lol silly people
Min ba3del sakra, ejet il fikra, but do these people led by their Claoun capable of thinking? Yesterday the 12 August, they proved to all that they don't think, the best part was the orange hard hat they wore and repeating what the Claoun told them, "We are taking to the streets because we want to return the rights of the Christians, it's kind of like Judas saying his mea culpa.