ريفي يؤكد ان عون لن يستطيع "استدراجنا ضد الوحدة والعيش المشترك"
Read this story in Englishأكد وزير العدل أشرف ريفي على ان رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون "لن يستطيع استدراجنا ضد الوحدة الوطنية" في البلد.
وقال ريفي في حديث الى صحيفة "ألمستقبل" الخميس "لن يستطيع العماد عون استدراجنا ضد الوحدة الوطنية وضد العيش المشترك وضد قناعتنا بالشراكة الإسلامية - المسيحية في الوطن".
وجاء كلام ريفي تعليقا على التحرك الذي بدأه التيار "الوطني الحر" امس الاربعاء ضد الحكومة وسياستها وآلية عملها وكذلك اعتراضا على مجلس النواب الذي يعتبره التيار غير شرعي.
ويعترض عون على التمديد الذي حصل للقادة العسريين من بينهم قائد الجيش جان قهوجي الذي يهاجمه عون باستمرار ويتهمه بانه "الشريك في العملية الانقلابية" للحكومة.
ويتوافد مناصرو التيار الى ساحة الشهداء بعدما كانوا قد انطلقوا من مختلف المناطق بمواكب سيارة، "للمطالبة بحقوقهم المهدورة".
والخميس حذر عون من التصعيد ، مشددا على عدم السماح بأن "تداس حقوقنا".
What silly propaganda for this site to label the demands of the FPM as simple seeking a position for Aouns son in law. That's cheap. This is about rights about the constitution and the sidelining of a good Lebanese group because some outside country wants that.
By the way...the demonstration in the street was the biggest flop and biggest fiasco and shame....they were about 1500 people...ya 3ayb el shuum...at least they should have been 50 000 not to say 100 000.
I have been repeating that there are less and less Christians following a mareedman who is a dog to Ebola.
Of course for the mareedman the "Rights for the Christians" = his arrival to presidency and those of his family...
Yalla...a good thing: he is terminated and soon he will belong tp the past...wa7ad majnun w mareed w akbar khayen ...
I cannot believe any normal Christians support this guy at all, he was the one to issue arrest warrants for the people that condemned ISIS, he is also the one that claimed that there's no ISIS in Lebanon.
worry about your shia fanatical cult and leave the Christians alone. They can take care of themselves.
The Christians are left alone, the Resistance are protecting them is that a crime? The Christians in need do not reject that, only the ignorants under March 14 does, because Geagea needs his pockets full of Saud dollars.
hello mystic
why do you think roro appeared yesterday? do you think he was busy at work and now got some free time?
the resistance are protecting the Christians you say? You mean like this:
Gunmen Intercept Bishop's Convoy, Demand Release of Kidnapping Suspect
mystic it is the same people that your nassrallah called for arming and making them defend villages.
Mystic, stop your delusion, no one is protecting the Christians but ourselves, in fact, it's more like us protecting you people, you go and ascertain this for yourself on the ground. You are just a paid propagandist, that's all and it's in your interest to project fake messages to people.
Tric Trac ,
The biggest block of Christians was LESS than 1500 people in the streets... go and hang yourself.
Once and for all: not resistance....do not use a wrong word for an Ebola which destroyed National Unity and Coexistence. It has destroyed the essence of the living together...
No one will erase the Christians in Lebanon...the only one destroying the Christians is the mareedman
Too bad his name is "Ashraf" since he's miles away from honesty and integrity as he clearly demonstrated in dealing with Tripoli's Takfiri members of IS. It's really ironic that this "Injustice Minister" talks about Muslim-Christian partnership! Better that he keeps silent rather than listening to his Saudi bosses.
What about "your bosses"? Who they are??..tell us more about their objectives for Lebanon.
My boss is my conscience and common sense...and I want you to know that I do not belong to any political party, is this is what you're looking for! So I have the total freedom to express my opinion
Ashta, I was about to ask Mystic the very same question, no wonder the yellow and orange posts are featuring on the right side of this page, sick losers they are, no, no, sick goats they are. Mystic, can you answer Ashta about the thumbing, and please, no lies either, just some honest answers please.