أحمد الاسير في قبضة الامن العام بعد ضبطه في المطار
Read this story in Englishأوقف الامن العام السبت الشيخ أحمد الاسير الفار منذ عامين، في مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي أثناء محاولته السفر الى الخارج.
وأفاد الامن العام ان الاسير عدل بشكله الخارجي وحلق لحيته تحديدا. وقالت قناة الـ LBCI انه أجرى عدة عمليات تجميل محاولا الهرب الى مصر ثم الى قطر.
الا أن الامن العام أوضح في بيان أن عملية التوقيف جاءت أثناء محوالته مغادرة البلاد عبر مطار رفيق الحريري الى نيجيريا عبر القاهرة، مستخدما وثيقة سفر فلسطينية مزورة.
لاحقا أفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان السيارة التي أقلت الأسير الى المطار هي من نوع مرسيدس، بيضاء اللون، رقمها 254635/ط ، وقد تم توقيف سائقها.
وبحسب القاضي سمير حمود فإن التحقيق مع الاسير يجري في مكتب شؤون المعلومات في الامن العام، وملفه جاهز للاحالة الى المحكمة العسكرية.
وإثر نبأ اعتقال الأسير، شهدت صيدا تجمعا لعدد من النساء بالقرب من مسجد بهاء الدين وعند دوار مكسر العصا.
وقالت زوجة الاسير أمل لـ" صوت لبنان " 100.5 سأستمر في اقفال الطريق حتى الافراج عن زوجي.
كذلك، قطع الاوتوستراد الشرقي في صيدا بالاتجاهين في محلة جامع الحريري من قبل مناصرين له ثم اعادت القوى الامنية فتحه. وأقام الجيش حواجز تفتيش عند مدخل عبرا ومجدليون.
والاسير ملاحق منذ عامين لتورطه في معارك دامية ضد الجيش في عبرا - صيدا يومي 23 و24 حزيران 2013 أدت حينها الى سقوط 18 جندبا من الجيش.
وكان القضاء طلب العام الماضي انزال عقوبة الاعدام له و53 آخرين بسبب المواجهات.
وكان الاسير دعا في اذار 2012 الى التظاهر دعما للمعارضة السورية. ومنذ ذلك الحين والجيش يوقف عدة مقربين منه، ويداهم أماكن تواجدهم في عبرا او عين الحلوة.
واشتهر الاسير بخطابه المتطرف ضد حزب الله والجيش أيضا، وبات ظاهرة اعلامية ما أدى الى التحاق كثيرين به من بينهم الفنان فضل شاكر الذي انفصل عنه منذ فترة.
finally, lebanon now has some tangible goods (well i consider him garbage) to trade the soldiers held by the islamic state.
humble, google openCV. Also google: image pattern recognition. Also face recognition. In effect, they have combination of high resolution video and much higher resolution cameras taking snapshots every few second and running face recognition software against a bank of images. There are several methods and algorithms that are available whether commercially or in the public domain to do so and the better products use a combination of algorithm to arrive at a higher hit ratio. Now these are not flawless and are prone to errors but they do simplify the task of security forces.
And it is why the man is an idiot trying to use an airport to escape. I guess his options were running out. Also, it could be the work human intelligence (people on the ground). Why allow him to get all the way to the airport. It is to ensure that he does not have weapons or explosives making it more likely to arrest him rather than kill him.
No more choukran qatar?...
But u are probably right, as for iran it wants a secular democratic progresist lebanon for a change...
Take it easy man, go have some chupachups, it is a good day for lebanon that this fanatic is caught, 3a 2bell all the others...
Well here u are back....
It is sad not to see that this extremist is like the ones that killed samer hanna while on duty on a lebanese army hellicopter (relieved after few months of jail), not to see he is as dangerous as smaha after seeing the tapes on tv, not as dangerous as the one trying to put a bomb in boutros harb elevator...and we can go on...
U are no better than assir suporter on this one, a real shame...
We must thank the ones that helped to catch assir of course, while maybe we must see who got involved in gebran tueini assassination of wissam el hassan hours after coming back from the same airport...
Now really southern stop ur nonesence, whatever u say hezbos will stay an ISLAMIC party founded and dirrected by iranians mollah and great leader senile khomaiini...
Chill go enjoy ur day man...
By the way i wonder where he did plastic surgery this also should be important...
You are all losers since you have nothing better to do other than making stupid comments on every political event...
you are asking the security agencies that are owned and controlled by nassrallah to arrest him.... that is a long shot.
Thank u for my narrow vision u magnificant flame, and i do agre like i said above and long ago that it is a good catch..
But again, ali eid, the hero who was caught putting a bomb in butros harb elevator, the hezbos saints wanted for assassination of kebanese politicians? Shouldn't we catch them to or do they hv a special divine imunity?...
I was thinking the same thing exactly the same. @cityboy we are so similar, we think the same, we are both shia extremists who pretend to be secular, we are both paid to post. I just hope people don't think we are the same person.
Bravo wou alf bravo to our LAF, finally a most wanted terrorist has been netted. Now let justice be done, let NOT this sob be given any preferential treatment, NO VIP status, nothing, just give him the fullest extent of the law, and no, no trading off with anyone, when all legal courses have been exhausted, let him be hung by the thick end of the rope, wou khalassnah ba2a.
Bass min ba3d el sakra, btiji il fekra, ma heyk? What are the lessons learned here? The only solutions to the growing problems of Lebanon can only come through the moderates of Lebanon and certainly not the radicals. The question to be asked, what created such radicals as Al Assir, and why, exactly, why? Because when you stifle the Sunni moderates, when you try to drown their voices, when you try to stumble repeatedly their crucial role, then will come the radicals and extremists who will all too happily shove aside the moderates, then come the disasters whose bills are beyond our affording. In this context, Hezbollah has done everything to suffocate the role of Lebanon's moderate Sunni, known and recognized as the crux of our coexistence, and by doing so, exited the moderates and in came the extremists, I hope that we will start to learn from such mistakes.
Southern, in one year plus, Beirut airport's security has been revamped, you need to notice changes when they happen.
you can't be serious?! how is tarek yatim free?! How can people take you seriously when you post outrageous claims such as the above!
flamethrower, your restless search for justice is well founded.
Ossa mo2assira jiddan jiddan, nizlit dam3ti man.
I think so to, so let them die of rage...
But if u were talking about march 14 or any patriotic lebanese against any fanatic millicia (including hezbollah) in ur twisted mind by saying qaaida supporter then:
It is sad not to see that this extremist is like the ones that killed samer hanna while on duty on a lebanese army hellicopter (relieved after few months of jail), not to see he is as dangerous as smaha after seeing the tapes on tv, not as dangerous as the one trying to put a bomb in boutros harb elevator...and we can go on...
U are no better than assir suporter on this one, a real shame...
Is it me only or is the most obvious question .." How did they manage to board a plane in the first place ?" .. They went right through security and actually got on the plane .. With forged passports!
I agree with you flamethrower the lebanese "are not expecting justice to be handed.". That is why you see Roumieh is flooded with inmates who have never been tried some of which go back to more than 20 years ago. Also, thousands of your hizbollah go to kill freely in Syria and are in fact VIPs as far as General Security is concerned and the thugs of the Resistance Brigades are free to roam, kill, kidnap, and embezzle.
Leb08, you're kinda your leader sayed hassan, for every good move, you screw up with 10 wrong moves.
If flame's intent is to muddy the water as they say, one needs read no further through the comments below as it really won't make any difference.
As Justin pointed out, Tareq Yateem is not free.
That aside, our justice system is indeed in need of rectifying if not total restructuring on the human level. The laws are on the books but the implementation is skewed by feudal, political and sectarian considerations of which most of us are aware. Underlying all of that is a basic discord amongst us Lebanese; for there appears to be two schools of thought as to what basic philosophies shall underpin our state foundations.
The first, espoused by the vast majority of Christians (FPMr's included one hopes), Druzes and, post the Qournet Shahwan era, Sunnis. Perhaps now most Shiite followers of Amal as well. The second is espoused by Hizbullah and the vast majority of it's Shiite followers and others.
The second is anchored in religious or other forms of collectivism. That a single chosen individual shall dictate what is acceptable politically and morally according to their own interpretation of religious or other dictums. Any and all differences in approaches to governance and acceptable social norms and morals are subject to the dictates of the One.
Though the second school of thought has historically proved capable at devising and employing workable systems that were efficient militarily, it ultimately failed at the social level. Humans are flexible creatures driven by incentive more so than dogma. Hitler's philosophy was defeated militarily while that of the Soviet Union imploded under its own weight.
Once the majority of Lebanese that espouse the first school of thought assert themselves without violence then we will be ready to tackle the deeper issues, such as that raised by flame above, successfully. I choose to believe that the vast majority of us share the first school of thought while differing about the means to achieve it.
True, we have an imperfect system and it's also true that we DO have a system. Rather than attempting to scrap it all, we should agree on working to change it from within because what's on the books is not the problem.
If we can agree on that, then lets adhere to the existing rules, no matter one's perception of how just they are, and elect a president then work from within to restructure the system. Only then will we be able to address the other grievances that plague our nation. The "my way or the highway" attitude and approach is perceived by the vast majority of us Lebanese as the rule of One. As such, it is rejected.
*apologies since this paragraph should have immediately followed the first comment*
The first is anchored in individualism. That each individual is endowed with inalienable rights and that any system of governance must respect and uphold that tenet regardless of religion, political affiliations, gender, creed or wealth. That the system of government be based on rotation of power whereby the majority should predominate and transparent elections by the people, or their representatives, shall be the mechanism employed to adjudicate differences in approaches to governance and acceptable social norms and morals.
He was wearing women's clothing and having surgeries because he is undergoing a transformation like the former Bruce Jenner from man to woman, Hopefully he can finish the transformation in a Lebanese prison. His followers will love him there like the young boys that they favor.