شبان من "طلعت ريحتكم" "يحتلون" وزارة البيئة: باقون حتى تحقيق مطالبنا

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اقتحم شبان من مجموعة "طلعت ريحتكم" ظهر الثلاثاء مبنى وزارة البيئة في وسط بيروت بشكل مفاجىء واعتصموا فيه لساعات طويلة، مطالبين باستقالة وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق على خلفية التقاعس في حل أزمة النفايات.

وأكد الشبان عبر الاعلام أنهم سيبقون في المبنى حتى تحقيق كل مطالبهم.

وقال الناشط عماد بزي وهو أحد المنظمين للحملة "نحن هنا لنقول أن الوزير ساقط ساقط ساقط".

وطالب آخرون من الذين احتلوا الوزارة بحل أزمة النفايات وتسليم الملف للبلديات.

ولب ناشطون وشبان يؤيدون الحملة دعوة "طلعت ريحتكم" الى المواطنين كافة للتوجه الى وزارة البيئة.

كذلك توجه الشباب بالدعوة الى الموظفين داخل الوزارة بالانضمام اليهم ودعمهم.

عليه، طلب محمد المشنوق الذي اكد أنه باق في مكتبه، دخول ممثل عن الناشطين في حملة "طلعت ريحتكم " للتفاوض معه، لكن طلبه رفض من قبل الناشطين.

وأفادت قناة الـ LBCI ان قوى الامنية تعرضت للصحافيين وكذلك للشبان في المبنى.

كما أقفلت القوى الامنية الابواب على المعتصمين الذي ناشدوا بنقل المياه والطعام اليهم، وبعد ساعات عملت قوى الامن على توزيع المياه على جميع الشبان والصحافيين.

ويشهد مدخل ومحيط وزارة البيئة في وسط بيروت اجراءات امنية مشددة وتعزيزات لقوى الامن، فيما وصلت قوة من مكافحة الشغب الى مبنى وزارة البيئة لاخلاء المتظاهرين.

لاحقا، أمر قائد الشرطة في بيروت العميد محمد الايوبي وسائل الاعلام بالخروج من المبنى فيما دخل عناصر مكافحة الشغب الى المبنى استعدادا لاخلائه من المتعتصمين.

وتم قطع التيار الكهربائي عن مكان تواجد المعتصمين داخل مبنى الوزارة.

وكانت أوساط وزارة الداخلية أفادت أن الوزير نهاد المشنوق اعطى الاوامر لحل المسألة بالتفاوض مع المتظاهرين والا فلكل حادث حديث"، واصفا ما يحصل "باحتلال لمرفق عام".

لاحقا، أعطى وزير الداخلية المعتصمين نصف ساعة للخروج من مبنى وزارة البيئة والانضمام لرفاقهم في الخارج.

الا أن لجنة المتابعة لـ "تحرّك 29 آب" حذرت السلطة من التعرض للمعتصمين في الوزارة ومحيطها، داعية الى اعتصام فوري في ساحة رياض الصلح.

في هذا الاطار أكدت مصادر مطلعة على اتصالات رئيس الحكومة أن تمام سلام لن يقدم هدية باستقالة وزير البيئة، معتبرة أن من الظلم رمي المسؤولية عليه بأزمة عمرها سنين تملٰصت كل القوى السياسية بمعالجتها.

وسألت اوساط السراي للـLBCI : "هل باستقالة محمد المشنوق تحل أزمة النفايات؟هل كل المشكلة تختصر باستقالة المشنوق؟".

وأظهر شريط فيديو سربته القناة لقطات لشبان يصفقون ويهتفون للمطالبة باستقالة المشنوق.

وامس الثلاثاء أعلن وزير البيئة انسحابه من اللجنة المكلفة متابعة الملف وتم تكليف وزير الزراعة أكرم شهيب بترؤس لجنة جديدة لايجاد حلول لازمة مستمرة منذ إقفال مطمر الناعمة في 16 تموز.

وفجرت أزمة النفايات الشارع اللبناني تجسدت بتحرك احتجاجي عارم توج في تظاهرة 29 آب في ساحة الشهداء.

ومن المقرر ان تحدد الحملة بعد ظهر الثلاثاء ومع نهاية مهلة الـ 72 ساعة التي حددتها خلال تظاهرة السبت الماضي ، خطواتها التصعيدية اللاحقة.


التعليقات 41
Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 13:50 ,2015 أيلول 01

BRAVO ...Keep going guys !

Default-user-icon jean (ضيف) 14:01 ,2015 أيلول 01

as mr ibrahim al amine wrote in his excellent editorial this movement is mostly lead by shi3at al safarat in a plot to elect a president other that general michel aoun, but we're on to you.

Default-user-icon yawn (ضيف) 14:25 ,2015 أيلول 01

Romantic silliness of youth will lead nowhere just like the occupy protests in the west, lots of noise that amounted to nothing in the end.

Default-user-icon yawn (ضيف) 15:19 ,2015 أيلول 01

No thanks I just had a burger, but by all means finish eating your lunch.

Missing coolmec 16:19 ,2015 أيلول 01

Go and yawn somewhere else dude

Thumb thepatriot 14:39 ,2015 أيلول 01

Machnouq is the scapegoat.
As if he was the man responsible for all that crap...
His resignation wouldn't change a thing.
We need a new republic, a new constitution, and the renewal of all the politicians in this country... his resignation wouldn't even be a start...
This being said, if I was him, for pride & honor, i would have resigned.

Missing humble 15:02 ,2015 أيلول 01

Very true.

Missing helicopter 15:42 ,2015 أيلول 01

We need to change Berri and Jumblat who have been in power long before Harriri arrived.

Thumb freedomarch 15:47 ,2015 أيلول 01

Why since 93? Since own started his wars, since the republic war loards used weapons
Since 93? We know what you are referring to. You forgot Aown, Syrians, Hizbolah. Amal And only pointing to the time when Taef and Hariri became Prime minister, cheap why to throw responsibility on the person who did the good thing and paid the price. Sectarian thinking. ..what a shame.

Thumb freedomarch 15:51 ,2015 أيلول 01

Keep your bla bla good for you looser.

Thumb kataebi1965 16:00 ,2015 أيلول 01

Victim ? what victim ? if you were a minister that sees that this will happen in your country , why did you agree to take this position ? and then sit and moan about it ... he is not a victim , he is a degenerate of a minister

Thumb EagleDawn 16:19 ,2015 أيلول 01

blablabla don't worry yourself with petty things. You are a business tycoon as you said and you need worry about your companies and the stock market. I hope the depreciation of the Chinese Yuan is not affecting you too much.

Missing coolmec 16:20 ,2015 أيلول 01

Solidere must be nationalized and the money must go back to their rightful original owners. Hariri bought Beirut by paying one cent to the $10,000

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:46 ,2015 أيلول 01

You sound like you have a perfect plan, which is to do nothing and whine at those who do. You'll go far in life.

Default-user-icon mowaten.fantoura (ضيف) 14:59 ,2015 أيلول 01

is that all you have to say mowaten?

Missing greatpierro 15:00 ,2015 أيلول 01

maybe but machnouq has showed in daylight how incompetent he is; it would be honourable for him just to quit

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 15:18 ,2015 أيلول 01

OTV you should be ashamed of yourselves for your BIASED coverage on what's happening in downtown Beirut right now...Just because you don't agree with the one Protester ( who by the way has every right to post anything about ANY religion anywhere on his social media accounts ) so all the movement has become corrupt and are 1 sided as declared by your station and your website.

Your first job and duty should be to show the viewer the real goings on at the scene and NOT to criticize the youth that are doing an amazing job at resurrecting a country that has been on life support due to all the political that your ministers has been part of all the while...

Shame on you !

Default-user-icon nunya (ضيف) 15:33 ,2015 أيلول 01

Make imbecil the environment minister

Default-user-icon Darwr101 (ضيف) 15:43 ,2015 أيلول 01

Sometimes, in order to be heard civilian movements must take action or they will not be taken seriously. I don't believe this movement is going to make progress unles it puts pressure by doing things like that without going over the edge and risk retaliation from security forces which will then justify their actions.

Thumb kataebi1965 15:53 ,2015 أيلول 01

lebjack : the problem is the paralysis i agree , but this lousy minister has not taken a proactive approach several months ago when this problem was showing up ! he deserves to be kicked out and i agree with the protestors

Thumb EagleDawn 16:21 ,2015 أيلول 01

the plants were approved in 2010 but the aoun-hezbollah government shelved them out of spite.

Thumb kataebi1965 15:54 ,2015 أيلول 01

All this is because of Hezbollah' +Aoun paralysis of the government since 2005

Missing coolmec 16:34 ,2015 أيلول 01

Pajama boy
Je ne suis pas communiste bien au contraire. En fait je suis un banquier comment donc puis je etre un communiste?
N'empeche que Hariri a avale Beirut et a "vole" Beyrouth et a cause beaucoup de victims don't ma famille. #20,000 de stock pour un immobilier valant a ce temps la $5 millions. Alors bon

Missing coolmec 23:13 ,2015 أيلول 01

Pajama boy
oui je suis un bankster ce qui m'echappe c le fait que ta famille a aussi beaucoup perdu et tu me donnes l'impression que t'acceotes le fait que des familles entieres ont beaucoup perdu la mienne et la tiennes inclues et tu ne penses pas que Solidere est le grand beneficiaire?

Default-user-icon #ouin! (ضيف) 16:40 ,2015 أيلول 01

meet all our demands or we'll throw a temper tantrum

Default-user-icon Issam Elnar (ضيف) 17:19 ,2015 أيلول 01

We will get nowhere in Lebanon until the generation of you M8 and M14 idiots gets old and we the younger secular generation (with brains) replace your stupid politicians who have have not improved anything the last 40 years.

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 18:01 ,2015 أيلول 01

" in longer term Activist group called for parliamentary general election and election of a president"
This exactly what FPM wants.
I am against such plan, not because it is the idea of Aoun but because in this situation it will be impossible to have fair election. Beside if it occurs these elections will be done under the gunpoint in the favour of the illegal armed group HA.
The people started manifestation with good intention of finding solution for the waste solution
But now "youStink" group is going towards complete vacuum.
That's why I am concerned that "youStink" is effectively STINKING OF POLITICAL MANIPULATION.
I wish my brain is tiny (like many will tell me) and that I am wrong, but the progress of the situation is proving me right

Thumb ex-fpm 18:58 ,2015 أيلول 01

exactly! imagine what would happen if the demonstrators occupied Berri's office;)

Missing imagine_1979 21:15 ,2015 أيلول 01

Aoun asked for this few years ago...
I wounder if bassilo did declare ?...

Default-user-icon lebo (ضيف) 19:08 ,2015 أيلول 01

And John you saw all this while LIVING IN AUSTRALIA I mean Koura.

Missing imagine_1979 20:15 ,2015 أيلول 01

Well if an awoumiyeh think that way chapeau...
U kno shiak most of the lebanese are from this or other party because they are born in this or that family, like the way u inhirrite ur religion..
So anyone who thinks this way is more than welcome; happy to have u back bigjohn; all means all!!!
Btw shiak ur nickname is unappropriate man... Really... Again hachem al salman was a shiite and killed in daylight by hezbos and his family was not able to do proper funeral bc of threats by hezbos...

Default-user-icon M11er (ضيف) 20:18 ,2015 أيلول 01

the protesters are 100% right about their frustration on these corrupted politicans.

but they also are 100% wrong about their demands and how to fix the problem.

occupying buildings, attacking security forces, behaving as they are now makes them thugs like those they are revolting against.

asking for resignation of government, makes them stupid, because they don't know where that will lead them.

the solution is clear: revolt in front of every leader, and force them to go to parliament to elect a president. this will automatically consider the government as resigned.

then form a neutral government that will work on electoral law, then run a new parliamentary election.

this is the only way the people's voice can be heard in smart peaceful way.

Thumb marcus 21:41 ,2015 أيلول 01

I am now convinced this is not an innocent movement. As it gets dark, the thugs are taking over and attacking the ISF. I also saw a video where a lead demonstrator inside the ministry was asking the ISF negotiator to handcuff him and take him out of the building. The ISF negotiator was telling him no need for that just go out peacefully. He kept insisting on being handcuffed. He obviously wanted to be seen handcuffed in order to demonize the ISF.

Missing imagine_1979 21:54 ,2015 أيلول 01

Is mhd mashnou2 doing his job???
If no then let him leave...
What the hell is he still doing there??? If he even got out of the waste comite???
Someone must at least feel that he might be held accountable

Missing helicopter 22:33 ,2015 أيلول 01

Is anyone doing their job? Answer is NO. Then all of them must leave and save the treasury of paying salaries for over 120 thieves.

Missing helicopter 22:27 ,2015 أيلول 01

Agree, then Jumblat is second rank lieutenant.

Missing helicopter 22:29 ,2015 أيلول 01

The problem is not Right wing or Left wing. It is corrupt Politicians who divided the cheese and were able to do it by dividing the people into secular alleys.

Missing coolmec 23:16 ,2015 أيلول 01

@ Helicopter
Right on my friend I fully agree with you

Missing coolmec 23:15 ,2015 أيلول 01

Big john
Rather than name each party in a rather divisive way just say that ALL our politicians are corrupt. There is no need to start with M14 then add the rest
Kinda lame

Missing coolmec 23:16 ,2015 أيلول 01

Retrieve the stolen money then hang them

Missing coolmec 23:21 ,2015 أيلول 01

we should also prevent former ministers and former MP's to receive salary for life even though they finished serving in their jobs