بري: المشنوق نظيف ومطالبته بالاستقالة ليست في محلها
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن مطالبة وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق بالاستقالة "ليست في محلها، قائلا أنه شخص "لا تحوم حوله أي شبهة فساد".
وقال بري في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير" "الوزير المشنوق هو نظيف ولا تحوم حوله أي شبهة فساد، وبالتالي فان مطالبته بالاستقالة ليست في محلها".
ولفت الى ان "قراره بالتنحي عن اللجنة الوزارية المختصة بملف النفايات كان جريئا".
وطالب المعتصمون أمس الثلاثاء وزير البيئة بالاستقالة بعدما اقتحموا وزارة البيئة بعد انتهاء مهلة 72 ساعة التي اعطتها مجموعة "طلعت ريحتكم" للحكومة كي تجد حلا لأزمة النفايات.
أما عن الحوار الذي دعا اليه، فكشفت "السفير" أن "بري اتصل بالرئيس سعد الحريري وتمنى عليه ان يشارك شخصيا في طاولة الحوار، فوعده بدراسة الامر، على ان يكلف من يمثله في حال تعذر حضوره".
وقال بري امام زواره امس الثلاثاء بحسب الصحيفة إن "طاولة الحوار ستتحول الى ورشة عمل دائمة، بحيث يمكن عقد جلستين صباحية ومسائية يوميا، إذا وافق المشاركون على ذلك".
وشدد بري على ضرورة تسريع وتيرة الحوار، في ظل الظروف الصعبة التي تواجه لبنان.
لكنه لفت الانتباه الى ان مبادرته الحوارية اختمرت قبل بدء الحراك الشعبي، مؤكدا أنها "ليست رد فعل عليه كما يوحي البعض".
وأضاف أن "حظوظ نجاح المبادرة او فشلها هي صفر او مئة بالمئة، لكن ما نتفق عليه سيُنفذ حُكما، لان كل قرار يُتخذ سينفذ في مجلس النواب الذي تتمثل كتله الاساسية في الحوار".
وشدد على ان جدول الاعمال الذي طرحه يتضمن البنود المعلنة حصرا، وليست هناك إمكانية لإضافة أي بند عليه، لافتا الى ان الجدول أخذ بعين الاعتبار المطالب او الهواجس الحيوية لجميع الأطراف.
وقد حدد بري التاسع من أيلول موعدا لجلسة الحوار الأولى في المجلس النيابي الذي دعا اليها.
وسيقتصر الحوار هذه المرة بالإضافة الى رئيس الحكومة، على قادة الكتل النيابية.
وحدد بري جدول الحوار بـ7 نقاط، هي: البحث في رئاسة الجمهورية، عمل مجلس النواب، عمل مجلس الوزراء، ماهية قانون الإنتخابات، ماهية قانون استعادة الجنسية، مشروع اللامركزية الإدارية، وموضوع دعم الجيش.
Speaker Nabih Berri has defended Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq against demonstrators calling for his resignation, saying he is not corrupt.
but you are!
mowaten, I'm not a big poster here but I have been using this site for over 30 years and recently I have been liking your posts , your the only one informing these deluded ignorants. :)
25 minutes ago Al-Jadeed: The army arrested a man in Hermel for smuggling arms from Syria and carrying a license plate belonging to an MP.
an example of corruption.
True Mowaten, they should all resign, hence from there hezbollah must lay off its paws on the system thank you.
That's false information. It's related only to Mashnouq.
Why would Berri want to exonerate Mashnouq anyways?
what do you think is going to happen when the march 8th crowd all go to iran to fill their pockets with cash, and their mouth with words from the iranians , not once but 8 times a year?
he is not corrupt, I am not corrupt, no one is corrupt. Lebanon is all good.. do we have an issue in Lebanon, I am not aware..... THEY MUST ALL GO
What the politicians do not understand is that they get paid by the people to serve the people. Unfortunately corruption and greed became the norm for them... It is time to get rude of them - all of them!!! We have plenty of qualified people in Lebanon and abroad who are very capable in making our fantastic country a model in the region if not the globe.
You must be really kidding....he has received millions in 1989-1990 which he took for HIMSELF and put it in an account under his wife's name.
From 2006 till today he has received multimillions from outside. This is why he says nothing to imbassil (>700 000 000 $...just look at his luxury californian villa), then Simon with a huge villa in Ehmej and every single person of the gang...ALL OF THEM are immensely corrupt.
it is your problem if you cannot see facts.
he received private funding to his name, his supporters trust him with it and it's their choice, he is free to use that money any way he want. it's not the same as embezzling public funds and getting the country in debt by tens of billions to fill your own pocket.
of course it was, and it was certainly not public funding he took. check your facts and get back to me if you want.
No Sir! The money was given to liberate Lebanon ...he took with him 15 millions $ to France and put the rest in his wife's account.
Why trying to hide it in his wife's account?
Why spending it on himself?
You can keep trying to defend this traitor as much as you like because he is a dog to your party.
For us Christians he is the greatest traitor ever.
Stupid, just stupid. What can the "parliamentary blocs" accomplish by talking to each other. All of them have sold their right to independent action to foreign actors, either to the Iranians or to the Emirates or to KSA or to the USA. What can any of them do without getting on their phones and first asking permission if they can take action required of their elected offices in the now non-existent Lebanese Government??
This political class is politically bankrupt. They have no power to do anything. It is up to the Lebanese people to recover their state from the mortgagees of the state. Hopefully they can.
More and more Christians are leaving the traitor:
Mr. Berri, Al Diyarr, who is the mafioso who asked that Italian company $300M as a cut before signing papers for it to drill our gas? Then who is that second person who wanted 10% of the income? Then why did this company leave Lebanon and now is preparing to drill Egypt's gas? You have the answers ya Ali Baba, then leave the seat, since you took it, 3 Popes, 3 Lebanese presidents, and the internet came to Lebanon, how many years do that make in all? Leave, enough lies, enough theft. Yalla, errrrr7al !~!!
Impossible to Lebanonize the Presidency when the electing officials work for Iran and Syria.
Lebonize it is not a proper English word ;) to begin with. In order to Make the president made in Lebanon you need to break the cycle and start with fresh Lebanese ingredients with no imported elements. Obviously the Lebanese political chefs have never cooked a Lebanese presidential election in years. Well come to the Lebanese hells kitchen.