قوى الأمن توقف تاجر أسلحة في مطار بيروت

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اشارت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) أن قوى الأمن الداخلي أوقفت السوري محمد شاكر توفيق في مطار بيروت الدولي بتهمة الاتجار في السلاح.

وكانت قوى الأمن قد أفادت السبت الفائت أنها أوقفت السوري عمار عمر الاديب بتهمة تهريب السلاح بين لبنان وسوريا.

وأعلن مصدر مسؤول في المديرية العامة للامن العام لصحيفة "النهار" أن الاديب "الذي ينشط ضمن مجموعة تتولى جمع الأموال من مغتربين سوريين في إحدى دول الخليج على طريقة جمع التبرعات، ثم يأتون بها الى لبنان حيث يشترون الأسلحة الخفيفة مع ذخائرها بكل أنواعها من السوق السوداء وينقلونها الى منطقة حدودية متداخلة في الأراضي اللبنانية - السورية، في البقاع، ويسلمونها الى مهربين يعملون على نقلها مباشرة الى مناطق تشهد أحداثاً أمنية في الداخل السوري".

وأضاف أن الأديب أخضع للتحقيق واعترف بالتهم المنسوبة اليه، وأشار القضاء العسكري بملاحقة سائر أفراد المجموعة التي تخالف القانون اللبناني وتعبث بأمن الوطن.

واعتبرالمصدر أن المديرية العامة للأمن العام أمسكت في الآونة الاخيرة بالمعابر الحدودية الشرعية، وخصوصاً في منطقة العبودية، حيث نقل مركز الأمن العام الى المبنى الجديد، وبالتالي لم يعد في الامكان التسلل عبر هذا المعبر للاتجار بالبشر أو تهريب الممنوعات".

وشدد أن جهاز الأمن العام لديه تعليمات بتسهيل مرور الجرحى السوريين الى لبنان عبر المعابر الشرعية، حتى ولو كانوا لا يحملون أي أوراق ثبوتية، وذلك يتم بالتنسيق مع الصليب الأحمر لظروف إنسانية، وهو ما حصل مع كثير من الجرحى الذين أدخلوا الى الأراضي اللبنانية، من دون أن يبرزوا أي بطاقة هوية تعرف عنهم، وكان آخرها إدخال 3 جرحى عبر معبر القاع".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 10:53 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

this story is absolute nonesense. If the ring was smuggling weapons from Lebanon to Syria across the border in Bekaa why would he have weapons with him in the airport? Clearly these charges are BS.

Thumb thepatriot 10:56 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

Well well... it seems that we are suddenly very good at catching those smuggling weapons into Syria, but we never caught a single bullet smuggled in Lebanon during 35 years...
What a farce this is!

Default-user-icon GeneralSecurity (ضيف) 11:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

..... The man was arrested by hizb of thugs initially and questioned for 2 days. Upon his release, he was arrested by the Amn AL Aam at the airport. He had no weapons. He is anti assad and an activist. If anybody is smuggling arms into Syria, it is the son of sheikh mohamad yezbik of hizb who is profiteering from this illegal trade. As to the claim he confessed, hehehehhe.... well, we know how that goes!!!

Default-user-icon rita (ضيف) 14:09 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

how can anyone smuggle arms through airport security?

Missing carl_mtl 14:59 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

who the F**K mentioned that he had weapons with him when he was arrested? guys please read the article rather than looking at pictures. same thing applies to politics...understand the issues prior to analyzing them!

Default-user-icon StupidQuestion (ضيف) 14:59 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

..... so why arrest him if he had not broken any lebanese laws? Is there an international arrest warrant against him? I think not...... He was simply arrested coz he is an activist and his name appears on a list provided by the syrians to their friends in the lebanese General Security..... Plain and Simple!

Thumb Bandoul 15:07 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

Black market? What? Really? In Lebanon??? OMG, imagine that!!!! Below par reporting by Naharnet, mixed with smoke screens and mirrors, mixed with comments for the genius Mowaten IRANI, mixed with moderators who deletes posts they disagree with, blatant and total disregard for the terms of service, and what do we have? Only God knows. It's not even good theater anymore!!! What a charade.

Thumb Bandoul 15:47 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

I am unhappy because people like you are feeding on our freedom, encroaching on our way of life and subverting our will with your illegal guns. I suggest instead of me jumping off a bridge, that you pay your electric bill, act like a Lebanese, love your country, instead of IRAN and say no to illegal militia and illegal guns.

Thumb Bandoul 16:42 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

@ mowaten IRANI, if you don't have a gun it is because you hide behind the Iranian guns of your illegitimate militia and you don't need one, they are doing your dirty work for you. The thumbs down on everything your say should be a clear indication of how far off track you are as a citizen of Lebanon. You are derelict in your patriotism and duties and loyal to a foreign country that is directly responsible for the 2006 war which cost 1200 lives and the destruction of our infrastructure, yet with have the nerve to claim divine victory. Shame on you, shame on your attitude and shame on you lack of respect for what is right. As long as you stick around, I will lecture because someone has to.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:12 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

This is another Syrian/Hezz BS story. The Hezz runs the airport. No one can sneak guns through an airport. Soon they will have him on TV saying Harriri gave him money to take guns through the airport. No one believes the Syrian/Hezz lies. There are also broders in Syria with Turkey, Iraq and Jordan, but guns only come through Lebanon somehow.

Thumb Bandoul 17:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

@ mowaten IRANI, you forgot to also accuse me of being an Israeli spy. Are you slacking off on the job? This is the problem with people like you, you cannot debate yourselves out of a discussion putting you in a negative light, so you resort to fabrications and accusations that make no sense.

I do not expect different from an atheist but I do expect much more from someone who claims to be Lebanese. The only thing you are a “mowaten” of is IRAN. Grow up or take you ball and go play outside with people of your own age. The reality is simple, if your illegal militia was not black mailing us with their guns and threats of violence Lebanon would be "bi alf kheir" by now.

Default-user-icon assaad123 (ضيف) 18:28 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

"Loving Lebanon doesnt mean I have to hate everyone"
I like your declaration Mowaten, unfortunately we are all prisoners of our reality, it's very true for you too, I hope you don't think you are more objective than others.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 19:14 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

I hope they are as Zealous seizing arms smuggled to Hizbollah through the airport, from Iran and Syria, in violation to all UN resolutions, in particular the surveillance equipement, capable of countering the counter measures RH owned, and smuggled through the airport, to execute him.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 02:34 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 01

@Mouwaten: 2006 and Israel is in Israel was there a communique from Iran to the Militia to kidnap Zionists and destroy the entire Infrastructure so that we create a problem and $50 billion debt whether the donator were Saudis or Iranian. YOU must admit that YOUR masters created the problem to begin with.
Do not destroy my house and send me money to rebuild it because nothing replaces anything. Just wondered how much money did Iran pay for the 3000 Martyrs? From where I come from human being are worth too much and money will not pay losing a life of a human.

Default-user-icon What-is-it (ضيف) 02:58 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 01

Now, Charbel (The Minister of Interior) is saying the Syrian was arrested for "financial" reasons and not political. So, what is the scoop here???

Default-user-icon 123ba2ousi (ضيف) 03:47 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 01

Same old same old. Instead of working on something else, you all keep arguing on stupid things, how about you worry about the environment , how about you worry about the forests, how about you worry about not throwing your garbage when you walk on Rawche, how about you worry to respect driving rules for once. how about you worry to have a medical public coverage?how about you worry that one day Jabal saida will explode and all the city population will die from cancer, how about you worry to preserve nature... If you think once like normals, and stop backing all politicians, and all unite against them, you will have the best country in the world. A politician is weak without popularity, don't vote for these all with no exceptions. Really same old stupid topic since 40 years, la2a you la2a houe , la2a inta... Wake up ya 3amme, Let these dictators vanish once and for all !

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 08:36 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 01

Mowaten the Irani:
Question, why from the beginning Lebanon required help to recover the destruction of 2006 war? was it really necessary for Lebanon to suffer all this destruction and loses of lives?
This is the result of keeping an Irani supported terror gang.
Lebanon is kept as a prisoner in its own state and nobody has the power to disarm the terror gang.
What benefit it brings to Lebanon we can all see, how the majority of the People of Lebanon hate this gang and prefer keeping the border along with its neighbor Israel quiet (if not in peace).
Don't tell us your Iranian propaganda how this terror group is defending Lebanon from the "ZIONI" aggression as if Lebanon was not opening its legs and allowing terror groups to enter and turning it into a warm nest for actions against Israel it have been remain intact, same as was from many years since 1948,
Iran is not the protector of Lebanon it will bring her into destruction more times in case border will not be kept quiet.