إرجاء الجلسة الـ 29 لانتخاب رئيس حتى 21 تشرين الاول.. والسياسيون يبدون امتعاضهم من التعطيل
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أرجأ رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري جلسة إنتخاب رئيس للجمهورية الى 21 تشرين الاول، الامر الذي لم يعد بالجديد على الاطلاق.
ويتطلب انتخاب رئيس حضور ثلثي اعضاء مجلس النواب (86 من اصل 128) في حين لم يحضر الا 34 نائبا الى المجلس الاربعاء.
وأسف النواب والوزراء من تكرار السيناريو عينه في كل مرة. اذ قال وزير الاتصالات بطرس حرب "من المعيب الاستمرار بهذا الجو وبتعطيل النصاب".
ولفت الى انه "من غير المسموح التفكير باستغلال جلسات الحوار لتأخير الانتخابات الرئاسية التي يجب أن تكون أولية".
بدوره، شدد رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" فؤاد السنيورة على وجوب أن "يتمكن الرئيس من جمع اللبنانيين أي أن يكون توافقياً"، مضيفا "في العمل السياسي يكون هناك تسويات ولكن يجب أن تتم في ظل احترام الدستور".
هذا وقال النائب أحمد فتفت "الفريق الذي يقاطع جلسات انتخاب الرئيس يدعي أنّه حريص على الرئاسة ويعطل انتخاباتها في الوقت عينه".
وأضاف "يحق لعون رفض التسويات والاتفاقات ولكن عليه أن يعلم أن هذا البلد يقوم على التوافق والعيش المشترك والديمقراطية التوافقية". في اشارة الى ملف الترقيات العسكرية حيث رفض رئيس "التغيير والاصلاح" اي تسوية في الملف، قائلا "لا مدير لقوى الامن قبل تعيين قائد الجيش".
ولم يتمكن مجلس النواب منذ انتهاء ولاية الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان في 25 ايار 2014 من توفير النصاب القانوني لانتخاب رئيس.
ويطال الشلل في الدولة مجلس النواب المعلقة جلساته، وكذلك الحكومة التي تواجه احتجاجا شعبيا عارما على خلفية عجزها على حل ازمة النفايات.

it is KSA's fault no president is elected because they are forcing their allies to go down to parliament.

That's just great... more delays mean more delays in the garbage crisis. Which means more delays in the power and water shortage. Which means that more inside deals are trying to be made which means that the same 128 members will continue extending their residence in the parliament which means no solution to lebanon... which means more regression and more migration... which mean either revolt or die while waiting.

Michel Aoun is slowly killing this country... and the Christians above all...

yes Eagle... since his "return"... he has been working against the interest of his people, against the interest of the Christians in particular... he widens the divisions, blocks the institutions, defends the Syrian regime, allies with Ebola, imposes his feudal clan, blocks the parliament, blocks the Presidential elections, fails at every cabinet his people at entrusted with, etc... it's been 10 years... 10 years of crap from this man, and it is worsening by the day... tired about his own personal little ambitions for power!

Why call an electoral session with no intent to elect? There must be some reason to engage in this farcical act.
Blame Berri for not requiring members to attend.
Blame Jumblatt for his asinine nomination of Helou which creates a three man race where no one can win.
Blame Aoun for not agreeing to submit to multiple ballots.
Most of all, Blame Hezbollah who makes sure that all of the sticks stay firmly in the wheel and the government stays paralyzed.
And the rest of the sorry Lebanese political class who are all waiting for a telephone call from their financial backers that the time has come to restart the Lebanese Government. They can't do this for themselves.

"And the rest of the sorry Lebanese political class who are all waiting for a telephone call from their financial backers that the time has come to restart the Lebanese Government. They can't do this for themselves." I think that covers the Future Movement, Tex.
You just don't get it, do you, its not one party or the other to blame. No one is without fault. The whole sorry political class is at fault and is to blame for this. To say otherwise is to exonerate some of those or all of those who should be held to account to the people for what they are doing to the country.

Love FPM and hate Future, love Future and hate Marada. All of this type of BS thinking is what has the country in a knot. All Lebanese should all join together and recognize that the fault they find in the "other" is present in whatever party they have adhered to and probably X10.
So yes, Future too, they are waiting on KSA to tell them what to do, just like Aoun is waiting for Nasrallah who waits for Khomanie and Berri who waits on his patron and Frangieh his, and Gemayel his and so on. The whole bunch of them needs to be turned on by the people and turned out of their positions of supposed power.

Next meeting of the misleaders holds all the promise of a single raindrop putting out a forest fire. I would imagine that they could hold 100 elections and never reach a consensus on whose pockets are next to be lined.

Not a farce, it is pure suicide.
Every politician (Aoun excluded) must boycott any dialogue that does not tackle presidential issue FIRST. Elect one with or without majority and let Aoun does (f---) what he can.

Any Christian who still supports the Caporal is a traitor.