روكز يغادر "المغاوير" اليوم ورحلة استجمام قريبة في فرنسا والولايات المتحدة
Read this story in Englishيغادر قائد فود المغاوير العميد شامل روكز مقرّه في رومية اليوم بسبب مصادفة يوم غد يوم عطلة رسمية على أن يتولى العقيد مارون القبياتي، المعيّن قبل أيام، قيادة الفوج اعتبارا من الخميس 15 تشرين الاول تاريخ إحالة روكز على التقاعد.
وذكرت معلومات القريبين من روكز أنه سيمضي اليوم الاخير بين الضباط والعسكر في الفوج. وفي حين تغيب مراسم التسليم والتسلّم كما تجري العادة في الافواج والوحدات والفروع، يزور روكز وزارة الدفاع، ببزّة المغاوير للمرة الاخيرة، حيث سيلتقي قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وعددا من الضباط.
وكان روكز ودع ضباط فوج المغاوير في لقاء شكرهم فيه "على كل شيء"، أوصاهم بالالتزام بالمناقبية العسكرية والتحلّي بالروح الوطنية والعنفوان وروح المسؤولية، والحفاظ على هالة فوج المغاوير الذي شكّل طوال السنوات الماضية جسر تواصل بين الناس والجيش.
وقد تداعى محبو روكز عند السادسة من مساء الخميس المقبل في 15 تشرين الاول الى "وقفة شكر للعميد الركن شامل روكز في ساحة الشهداء، وفاء لمسيرته العسكرية وتضحياته الوطنية"، مع ملاحظة تفرض التقيّد بحمل العلم اللبناني فقط، وهاشتاغ "شكرا شامل روكز".
وبعد نحو عشرة ايام يغادر روكز لبنان لمدة أسبوعين مع مجــموعة من اصدقــائه في رحلة استجمام الى الولايــات المتحــدة وفرنسا.
I deny but confirm any and all rumors and baseless accusations by hired media or otherwise that my promotion to commander of the Lebanese armed forces is tied with the waste management crisis and in no way overrides the promotion of 250 other more senior officers. My qualifications and credentials speak for themselves and my military history is glowing with testimonies from beach goers at the Bain Militaire. I am loyal to Syria, Iran, Hezbollah but above all to General Michel Aoun whom I had the privilege and military honor to consummate our long history through marriage.
Aoun's insistence to have his son-in-law appointed as army commander ...
Roukoz is a moghwar and the commanders of al maghawir. he fought bravely the syrians in the 80s and the extremists in the recent years. He got wounded not less than 5 times during his career, and he was still leading the troops on the ground till his retirement.
stop reffering to him as aoun's son in law as if he doesnt have a presence of his own.
Lebanon lost a gread army commander due to parties bikering and nkeyet... as we r loosing everything else for the same non sense bikering like the gaz and oil.
Great comment... Thank you Brigadier General Roukoz for your service to Lebanon. God Bless you!
Shame on everyone that discredit this Army officer by calling him Aoun's Son In Law. I don't like Aoun but Roukoz was only harmed by his Father in law and tarnished his image... God bless you Roukoz as an army Officer- you have served well.. we thank you.
Respect to you commander in chief and thank you. Sorry your in law tarnished your image.
Supporters of Roukoz have called for a gathering in downtown Beirut's Martyr Square on Thursday in support of Roukoz..
I guess the other 400 or so also retiring Lebanese officers, many of them more senior and more highly decorated that General Roukoz, are worthless and undeserving of the FPM "up with Lebanese army, except" demonstration of support. They cynically show again how their claimed support for the Lebanese army is only relative just like their passion for elections or voting in general.
Twenty five years ago today his father in law fled his command early without handing over or informing anyone, deserted and ran away, coincidence?
the gathering downtown "in support of roukoz" was called for by his wife claudine on twitter, amazing the shameless self promotion of these people
Oh God, may everything I touch turn from gold to dust. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Aoun touch, the Aoun effect, there is nothing he touched that he didn't destroy or screwed up beyond recognition. Roukoz is the latest example of this deadly effect, a fine officer who got grilled because of his F.I.L's deranged brain. Then I attach to Roukoz a good part of the blame, if only he made one statement to say that he has nothing to do with all this power-grab fight, today he could been something else, his silence just grilled him even more. Aoun is evil, that's all.
The bottom line: Lebanon lost a large number of qualified officers as a result of people not doing their job (i.e. the permanent temporary government)
Hopefully things will somehow change now that "revenge" on all officers who defended the country against all odds is sealed. Shame!
They cannot even agree on "zbeleh", and after over a year of bickering still think they will be able to elect a President? Ha!